17 research outputs found

    Strengthening Cultural Identity from research as a pedagogical strategy

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    El presente artículo muestra resultados derivados del estudio: Fortalecimiento de la Identidad Cultural, desarrollado en la Institución Educativa Distrital Loma del Bálsamo, sede estación Lleras, ubicada en el municipio de Algarrobo del departamento del Magdalena. Evidencia cómo a través de la implementación de la Investigación como Estrategia Pedagógica, apoyada en tecnología de la información y comunicación (TIC); se puede fortalecer la existencia de una diversidad cultural e ideológica que muestran la identidad de una sociedad y de quienes la conforman; especificando la manera cómo los estudiantes de la Institución, se empoderan de los elementos que caracterizan e identifican su idiosincrasia cultural. Señala además como la implementación de la investigación como estrategia pedagógica para el fortalecimiento de la identidad cultural se logra convertir e intervenir un eje transversal del currículo, para que sea abordado desde diversas áreas o contenidos de enseñanza.This article shows results derived from the study Strengthening Cultural Identity developed at the Loma del Bálsamo District Educational Institution, Lleras station headquarters, located in the municipality of Algarrobo, Department of Magdalena, as evidence through the implementation of Research as a Pedagogical Strategy supported by information and communication technology, ICT; the existence of cultural and ideological diversity that show the identity of a society and its members can be strengthened; specifying the way how from the implementation of research supported by information and communication technology, the students of the Institution, are empowered by the elements that characterize and identify their cultural idiosyncrasy. It also points out how the implementation of research as a Pedagogical Strategy for the Strengthening of Cultural Identity can be converted into a transversal axis of the curriculum so that it can be approached from different teaching areas

    CCNE1 and survival of patients with tubo-ovarian high-grade serous carcinoma: An Ovarian Tumor Tissue Analysis consortium study

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    BACKGROUND: Cyclin E1 (CCNE1) is a potential predictive marker and therapeutic target in tubo-ovarian high-grade serous carcinoma (HGSC). Smaller studies have revealed unfavorable associations for CCNE1 amplification and CCNE1 overexpression with survival, but to date no large-scale, histotype-specific validation has been performed. The hypothesis was that high-level amplification of CCNE1 and CCNE1 overexpression, as well as a combination of the two, are linked to shorter overall survival in HGSC. METHODS: Within the Ovarian Tumor Tissue Analysis consortium, amplification status and protein level in 3029 HGSC cases and mRNA expression in 2419 samples were investigated. RESULTS: High-level amplification (>8 copies by chromogenic in situ hybridization) was found in 8.6% of HGSC and overexpression (>60% with at least 5% demonstrating strong intensity by immunohistochemistry) was found in 22.4%. CCNE1 high-level amplification and overexpression both were linked to shorter overall survival in multivariate survival analysis adjusted for age and stage, with hazard stratification by study (hazard ratio [HR], 1.26; 95% CI, 1.08-1.47, p = .034, and HR, 1.18; 95% CI, 1.05-1.32, p = .015, respectively). This was also true for cases with combined high-level amplification/overexpression (HR, 1.26; 95% CI, 1.09-1.47, p = .033). CCNE1 mRNA expression was not associated with overall survival (HR, 1.00 per 1-SD increase; 95% CI, 0.94-1.06; p = .58). CCNE1 high-level amplification is mutually exclusive with the presence of germline BRCA1/2 pathogenic variants and shows an inverse association to RB1 loss. CONCLUSION: This study provides large-scale validation that CCNE1 high-level amplification is associated with shorter survival, supporting its utility as a prognostic biomarker in HGSC

    Colombian consensus recommendations for diagnosis, management and treatment of the infection by SARS-COV-2/ COVID-19 in health care facilities - Recommendations from expert´s group based and informed on evidence

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    La Asociación Colombiana de Infectología (ACIN) y el Instituto de Evaluación de Nuevas Tecnologías de la Salud (IETS) conformó un grupo de trabajo para desarrollar recomendaciones informadas y basadas en evidencia, por consenso de expertos para la atención, diagnóstico y manejo de casos de Covid 19. Estas guías son dirigidas al personal de salud y buscar dar recomendaciones en los ámbitos de la atención en salud de los casos de Covid-19, en el contexto nacional de Colombia

    Preservation and dissemination of culture in the south-central area of Magdalena

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    La cultura es uno de los elementos característicos de Colombia, no obstante, en el departamento del Magdalena se identifica un déficit, debido a que la subregión centro-sur no cuenta con espacios para el desarrollo de las manifestaciones culturales. Por tanto, planteamos el objetivo de diseñar un proyecto de infraestructura que permitiera solventar la actual falencia; de esta forma logrando beneficiar a los 350,000 habitantes de la mencionada zona. En consonancia, se plantearon y evaluaron tres alternativas, de entre las cuales se escogió como propicia el "Centro Cultural Multipropósito en Ariguaní". El complejo cultural fue diseñado dentro de un lote de 7.16 Ha, destinado a atender a 6,000 personas simultáneamente, por medio de la oferta de una edificación principal, canchas para actividades deportivas y distintas zonas de libre esparcimiento. Para el acceso al proyecto se realizó el diseño geométrico de un vía con una progresiva total de 541 m, para la cual se desarrollaron dos alternativas de pavimentación (rígida y flexible). La citada edificación posee 4 niveles, cuenta con un área de 5,439 m2, está destinada a atender a 1,800 personas al tiempo, por el intermedio de oficinas, salas para talleres, cafetería, zona de carga-descarga, parqueaderos y baños. El edificio corresponde a una estructura en concreto dividida estructuralmente en tres secciones mediante juntas de dilatación. Las cimentaciones son superficiales, zapatas cuadradas aisladas; adicionalmente, se diseñaron muros de contención. El sistema hidrosanitario fue concebido en 3 subredes. Anticipando posibles fallas en el suministro de agua potable municipal, se consideró un tanque de almacenamiento de 90 m3. Debido a limitantes económicas, no se realizaron ensayos de campo y/o laboratorio, es decir, la información recopilada y utilizada es de origen secundario. Estimamos que el proyecto tendrá un costo aproximado de 51,000,000,000 COP.Culture is one of the characteristic elements of Colombia, however, in the department of Magdalena, a deficit is identified, due to the south-central subregion not having spaces for the development of cultural manifestations. Therefore, we set out the objective of designing an infrastructure project that allows us to resolve the current failure; thus, achieving beneficiaries to the 350,000 inhabitants of the mentioned area. Accordingly, three alternatives were proposed and evaluated, among which the "Multipurpose Cultural Center in Ariguaní" was chosen as the appropriate one. The cultural complex was designed within a 7.16 Ha lot, destined to serve 6,000 people simultaneously, through the offer of the main building, sports fields, and different areas of free recreation. For access to the project, the geometric design of a road with a total progression of 541 m was made, for which two paving alternatives (rigid and flexible) were developed. The building has 4 levels, has an area of 5,439 m2, is intended to serve 1,800 people at a time, through offices, workshop rooms, cafeteria, loading-unloading area, parking lots and bathrooms. The building corresponds to a concrete structure structurally divided into three sections employing expansion joints. The foundations are shallow, shallow square footings; Additionally, retaining walls were designed. The hydrosanitary system was conceived in 3 subnets. Anticipating possible failures in the municipal drinking water supply, a 90 m3 storage tank is considered. Due to economic limitations, there are no clinical field and / or laboratory trials, that is, the information collected and detected is of secondary origin. We estimate that the project will have a maximum cost of 51,000,000,000 COP