18 research outputs found

    Automated Micro-PIV measurement in Lab-on-a-Chip systems

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Flow rate and wall shear stress are important parameters for perfused cell culture systems and should be monitored. An easy and non-invasive method is the particle image velocimetry (PIV). In this work PIV was used to characterize a cell culture system with included peristaltic pump. The time-dependent flow profile was measured on several points of the chip for different pumping speeds to figure out which forces are applied to dissolved and adherent cells. The results can be used to improve the developed pump in respect to its layout, the excitation and the position within the chip

    Automated substance testing for lab-on-chip devices : From 23rd European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT) Meeting: Better Cells for Better Health Lille, France. 23-26 June 2013

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    First published by BioMed Central: Kloke, Lutz ; Schimek, Katharina ; Brincker, Sven ; Lorenz, Alexandra ; Jänicke, Annika ; Drewell, Christopher ; Hoffmann, Silke ; Busek, Mathias ; Sonntag, Frank ; Danz, Norbert ; Polk, Christoph ; Schmieder, Florian ; Borchanikov, Alexey ; Artyushenko, Viacheslav ; Baudisch, Frank ; Bürger, Mario ; Horland, Reyk ; Lauster, Roland ; Marx, Uwe : Automated substance testing for lab-on-chip devices : From 23rd European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT) Meeting: Better Cells for Better Health Lille, France. 23-26 June 2013. - In: BMC Proceedings. - ISSN 1753-6561 (online). - 7 (2013), suppl. 6, P28. - doi:10.1186/1753-6561-7-S6-P28

    Behavioral Corporate Finance: An Updated Survey

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    Rhinitis allergica in storagemite allergy: Position paper of the Medical Association of German Allergists (AeDA) and the German Society for Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery (DGHNO-KHC)

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    Background: Storage mites are frequently found in our daily environment. Nevertheless, storage mite allergy is often neglected in allergological diagnostics and possible allergies requiring therapy are thus overlooked. Methods: Recommendations for action are made based on a literature review from March 2021 to August 2021 in PubMed, Medline, and GoogleScholar. Results: This review article provides an overview of the species of storage mites, sensitization rates in different countries and occupations, and co-sensitization rates to house dust mite. Recommendations for diagnosis as well as therapy are given. The importance of provocation testing as well as causal therapy by allergen immunotherapy (AIT) is presented. Conclusion: The position paper gives recommendations for the diagnosis and therapy of allergic rhinitis in case of storage mite allergy. AIT is recommended in symptomatic allergy and proven storage mite allergy. Reliable detection by provocation testing is advised in this persistent allergy. The therapy should be carried out independently of the treatment of a possible house dust mite allergy

    An experimental analysis of information acquisition in prediction markets

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    We study which factors in terms of trading environment and trader characteristics determine individual information acquisition in experimental asset markets. Traders with larger endowments, existing inconclusive information, lower risk aversion, and less experience in financial markets tend to acquire more information. Overall, we find that traders overacquire information, so that informed traders on average obtain negative profits net of information costs. Information acquisition and the associated losses do not diminish over time. This overacquisition phenomenon is inconsistent with predictions of rational expectations equilibrium, and we argue it resembles the overdissipation results from the contest literature. We find that more acquired information in the market leads to smaller differences between fundamental asset values and prices. Thus, the overacquisition phenomenon is a novel explanation for the high forecasting accuracy of prediction markets