12 research outputs found

    Are Indiana’s Newly Expunged Convictions Still Available for Impeachment?

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    During trial, a litigant can, of course, impeach a witness with certain criminal convictions. However, Indiana Evidence Rule 609(c), like its federal counterpart, prohibits parties from introducing such evidence when “the conviction has been the subject of a pardon, annulment, certificate of rehabilitation, or other equivalent procedure based on a finding that the person has been rehabilitated . . . .” Indiana, however, has no procedure for annulment or certificates of rehabilitation—and, until recently, had nothing resembling one. To some fanfare, the General Assembly has recently enacted an expungement provision. As courts begin to grant these expungements, it is only a matter of time before their recipients will begin to testify. Despite its intent, the expungement legislation fails to completely erase the past: litigants seeking to attack the witness’s credibility may legitimately unearth an expunged conviction. For example, they could personally know of the conviction, as would frequently occur in a domestic relations case. Or they could easily obtain the information online from services as innocuous as a local newspaper’s police blotter.5 Litigants with this knowledge will undoubtedly attempt to use it

    Penerapan Metode Design for Change dalam Kontribusi Sosial pada Kelas Modul Nusantara Kelompok 4 PMM Unsoed di MTS Pakis, Desa Gununglurah, Cilongok, Banyumas

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    Modul Nusantara merupakan salah satu mata kuliah wajib bagi peserta Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka (PMM). Salah satu kegiatan di kelas Modul Nusantara yaitu kontribusi sosial. Dalam kelas Modul Nusantara, selain belajar mengenai keberagaman budaya, adat,tokoh dan toleransi antarumat beragama. Dalam berkegiatan, para mahasiswa ini menemukan masalah-masalah sosial yang memerlukan kepekaan sosial untuk mengurangi sifat egosentrisme dan mengembangkan rasa empati terhadap orang lain. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, mahasiswa memiliki pengetahuan, kreativitas dan keterampilan yang sangat memadai untuk mereka berkontribusi lebih bagi lingkungannya. Namun, mahasiswa membutuhkan trigger untuk berkontribusi dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan sosial yang ada. Kontribusi sosial kemudian menjadi salah satu kegiatan dalam Modul Nusantara yang diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kepekaan sosial di masyarakat. Sasaran kegiatan kontribusi sosial yang dilaksanakan oleh kelompok 4 yaitu sekolah komunitas MTS Pakis di Desa Gunung Lurah, Kecamatan Cilongok, Kabupaten Banyumas. Sistem pendidikan di MTS Pakis berbasis agroforestry yaitu dengan penerapan kurikulum berbasis alam. Sistem pendidikan ini akan mempengaruhi tingkat kecakapan hidup para siswanya. Kegiatan kontribusi sosial yang dilaksanakan selama 3 hari dengan tajuk Menginspirasi – Mengedukasi – Menjelajah ini berfokus pada kegiatan literasi dan peningkatan motivasi siswa untuk menggapai cita-cita. Dalam kegiatan kontribusi sosial ini menggunakan penerapan metode design for change. Metode ini menekankan pada pemahaman mendalam dan berpikir kritis. Kegiatan Kontribusi Sosial ini mengajarkan para mahasiswa untuk peduli secara sosial dan proaktif menjadi agen perubahan di permasalahan sosial

    Are Indiana’s Newly Expunged Convictions Still Available for Impeachment?

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    During trial, a litigant can, of course, impeach a witness with certain criminal convictions. However, Indiana Evidence Rule 609(c), like its federal counterpart, prohibits parties from introducing such evidence when “the conviction has been the subject of a pardon, annulment, certificate of rehabilitation, or other equivalent procedure based on a finding that the person has been rehabilitated . . . .” Indiana, however, has no procedure for annulment or certificates of rehabilitation—and, until recently, had nothing resembling one. To some fanfare, the General Assembly has recently enacted an expungement provision. As courts begin to grant these expungements, it is only a matter of time before their recipients will begin to testify. Despite its intent, the expungement legislation fails to completely erase the past: litigants seeking to attack the witness’s credibility may legitimately unearth an expunged conviction. For example, they could personally know of the conviction, as would frequently occur in a domestic relations case. Or they could easily obtain the information online from services as innocuous as a local newspaper’s police blotter.5 Litigants with this knowledge will undoubtedly attempt to use it

    Ojeada crĂ­tica sobre la poesĂ­a en Chile

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