200 research outputs found

    Contributions of behaviour genetics to the identification of effects of ecological contexts on the development of children and adolescents. A state-of-the-art report

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    Ein zentrales Problem der Erforschung von Kontexteffekten auf die menschliche Entwicklung besteht darin, dass Effekte der Umwelt methodisch nur schlecht von Effekten der Erbanlagen zu trennen sind. Verhaltensgenetische Studien bieten hierfür Lösungsansätze. Der vorliegende Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über verhaltensgenetische Konzepte, die das Verständnis von Kontextwirkungen auf die psychische Entwicklung erweitert haben (geteilte und nicht geteilte Umwelt, Genom-Umwelt-Korrelation und Genom-Umwelt-Interaktion). Anschließend werden verhaltensgenetische Untersuchungsdesigns vorgestellt und sechs wichtige Befunde der Verhaltensgenetik über Kontexteffekte zusammengefasst. So zeigen Studien, dass die von den Kindern nicht geteilte Umwelt im Mittel wichtiger für die Entwicklung ist als die geteilte Umwelt, dass Umweltmerkmale - wie Elternverhalten - genetisch beeinflusst sind, und dass Zusammenhänge zwischen Umwelt- und Verhaltensmerkmalen häufig von genetischen Dispositionen beeinflusst werden. Abschließend werden Schlussfolgerungen für die künftige Forschung zu Kontexteffekten auf die Entwicklung abgeleitet. (DIPF/Orig.)Research on the role of ecological contexts in human development is challenged by the fact that environmental effects cannot easily be separated from genetic effects. However, behaviour genetics provides some solutions to that problem. The present article starts with an overview about theoretical concepts from behaviour genetics that have enlarged the understanding of context effects on psychological development (shared and nonshared environment, genome-environment-correlations, and genome-environment-interactions). Then, we discuss behaviour genetic research designs and six important results regarding context effects. For example, studies show that effects of the nonshared environment on psychological development are, on average, larger than effects of the shared environment. Further, characteristics of the children\u27s environment, such as parental behaviour, are influenced by genes. The covariance between environmental characteristics and behavioural measures is, in part, based on genetic dispositions. Finally, conclusions are drawn regarding future search for context effects on psychological development. (DIPF/Orig

    Filiale Erwartungen und die Suche nach Unterstützung durch die erwachsenen Kinder

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    "Bei 53-79jährigen Erwachsenen werden Prädiktoren hoher filialer Erwartungen über die Verantwortung der Kinder für ihre alten Eltern und der Suche nach Unterstützung durch die Kinder analysiert. Höhere allgemeine filiale Erwartungen und konkrete Erwartungen über Hilfe durch die eigenen erwachsenen Kinder wurden von Unverheirateten, Befragten aus den neuen Bundesländern und von Personen genannt, die häufiger Kontakt zu ihren erwachsenen Kindern aufwiesen und die Kontaktqualität als besser beurteilten. Höhere filiale Erwartungen wurden zudem von älteren Befragten und von Personen mit niedrigem sozioökonomischen Status genannt. Zudem planten Frauen eher, sich an ihre Kinder um Hilfe zu wenden. Schlussfolgerungen für die künftige Forschung werden diskutiert." (Autorenreferat)"In the present study we analyzed predictors of filial expectations and support preferences in 53 to 79 year-old adults. Higher filial expectations and preferences for help from offspring were reported by nonmarried older adults, respondents from East Germany as compared to West Germany, and by respondents with higher quantity and quality of family contact. In addition, higher filial expectations were reported by older respondents and by respondents with low socioeconomic status. Furthermore, women were more likely to plan to use support from their adult children. Conclusions for future research are discussed." (author's abstract

    Social Relationships, Prosocial Behaviour, and Perceived Social Support in Students From Boarding Schools

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    Social development may vary depending on contextual factors, such as attending a day school or a boarding school. The present study compares students from these school types with regard to the achievement of specific social goals, perceived social support, and reported prosocial behaviour. A sample of 701 students was examined. Students from boarding schools reported higher success in gaining autonomy from parents and forming romantic relationships than students from day schools. However, adolescents from day schools reported higher levels of peer-group integration than students from boarding schools. Compared with students from day schools, students from boarding schools perceived more support from their teachers, but less support from their parents. No difference in prosocial behaviour was found between the two groups. We conclude that some students from boarding schools need support in gaining access to a peer group. In addition, measures are suggested for promoting parental support of students from boarding schools

    Verhaltensgenetische Beiträge zur Identifikation von Kontexteffekten auf die Entwicklung von Kindern und Jugendlichen: ein State-of-the-Art-Bericht

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    'Ein zentrales Problem der Erforschung von Kontexteffekten auf die menschliche Entwicklung besteht darin, dass Effekte der Umwelt methodisch nur schlecht von Effekten der Erbanlagen zu trennen sind. Verhaltensgenetische Studien bieten hierfür Lösungsansätze. Der vorliegende Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über verhaltensgenetische Konzepte, die das Verständnis von Kontextwirkungen auf die psychische Entwicklung erweitert haben (geteilte und nicht geteilte Umwelt, Genom-Umwelt-Korrelation und Genom-Umwelt-Interaktion). Anschließend werden verhaltensgenetische Untersuchungsdesigns vorgestellt und sechs wichtige Befunde der Verhaltensgenetik über Kontexteffekte zusammengefasst. So zeigen Studien, dass die von den Kindern nicht geteilte Umwelt im Mittel wichtiger für die Entwicklung ist als die geteilte Umwelt, dass Umweltmerkmale - wie Elternverhalten - genetisch beeinflusst sind, und dass Zusammenhänge zwischen Umwelt- und Verhaltensmerkmalen häufig von genetischen Dispositionen beeinflusst werden. Abschließend werden Schlussfolgerungen für die künftige Forschung zu Kontexteffekten auf die Entwicklung abgeleitet.' (Autorenreferat)'Research on the role of ecological contexts in human development is challenged by the fact that environmental effects cannot easily be separated from genetic effects. However, behaviour genetics provides some solutions to that problem. The present article starts with an overview about theoretical concepts from behaviour genetics that have enlarged the understanding of context effects on psychological development (shared and nonshared environment, genome-environment-correlations, and genome-environment-interactions). Then, we discuss behaviour genetic research designs and six important results regarding context effects. For example, studies show that effects of the nonshared environment on psychological development are, on average, larger than effects of the shared environment. Further, characteristics of the children's environment, such as parental behaviour, are influenced by genes. The covariance between environmental characteristics and behavioural measures is, in part, based on genetic dispositions. Finally, conclusions are drawn regarding future search for context effects on psychological development.' (author's abstract)

    Entwicklung von Instrumenten zur Erfassung von Ambivalenz gegenüber dem Eingehen einer Partnerschaft

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    "Vorgestellt wird die Entwicklung von zwei Instrumente zur direkten bzw. indirekten Erfassung von Ambivalenz in Entscheidungen über das Eingehen einer Partnerschaft. Ambivalenz wurde hierbei definiert als Nebeneinanderbestehen von sich widersprechenden Gedanken, Gefühlen und Verhaltensimpulsen bezüglich des Eingehens einer Partnerschaft. Insgesamt weisen die Instrumente gute bis zufrieden stellende psychometrische Eigenschaften auf. Ambivalenz geht unter anderem mit Neurotizismus, Schüchternheit, einer ängstlichen Bindungsrepräsentation an die Mutter und einer schlechteren eigenen Partnerschaftsqualität einher. Das Instrument zur direkten Erfassung der Ambivalenz zeigt stärkere Zusammenhänge mit Außenkriterien als das Instrument zur indirekten Erfassung. Berichtet werden Befunde zur differentiellen Validität der drei Subskalen des Fragebogens zur direkten Erfassung der Ambivalenz." (Autorenreferat)"The present paper describes the development of two instruments for the direct versus indirect assessment of ambivalence concerning the beginning of an intimate relationship. Ambivalence was defined as coexistence of contradictory thoughts, feelings, or intentions regarding the start of an intimate relationship. The new scales show good to satisfactory psychometric properties. Ambivalence was related to neuroticism, shyness, anxious attachment representations, and low relationship quality. However, the direct assessment of ambivalence was more strongly correlated with other variables than the indirect measure. In addition, results are reported on the discriminant validity of the three subscales of the direct assessment of ambivalence." (author's abstract

    Better than expected? Predictors of coping with expectation violations in the communication about death and dying

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    BackgroundEnd-of-life (EOL) communication is often avoided, especially among young adults. Negative expectations concerning EOL conversations with relatives or significant others are one major reason.ObjectiveTo investigate how best to violate negative expectations concerning EOL conversations by identifying predictors of coping with expectation violations in this context.MethodsVignettes describing expectation violations in the context of EOL communication were presented to a sample of 261 university students. In a first experiment, the credibility of the expectation-disconfirming information was manipulated. In a second experiment, the valence of the disconfirming evidence was manipulated. As outcome measures, the subjective likelihood of two different responses to the expectation violation was assessed: (1) ignoring the disconfirming evidence (immunization) and (2) changing expectations (accommodation).ResultsOverall, participants experiencing a worse-than-expected event showed more immunization [F(1, 257) = 12.15, p < 0.001, ηp = 0.05], while participants experiencing a better-than-expected event showed more accommodation [F(1, 257) = 30.98, p < 0.001, ηp = 0.11]. Participants with higher fear of death [F(1, 257) = 12.24, p < 0.001, ηp = 0.05] as well as higher death avoidance tendencies [F(1, 257) = 17.16, p < 0.001, ηp = 0.06] showed less accommodation in response to a better-than-expected event.ConclusionIn general, young adults appear to update their expectations quickly in response to unexpectedly positive experiences in the context of EOL communication. However, individuals with higher fear of death and higher death avoidance tendencies appear to be at higher risk of maintaining negative expectations despite disconfirming evidence

    A Revised Framework for the Investigation of Expectation Update Versus Maintenance in the Context of Expectation Violations: The ViolEx 2.0 Model

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    Expectations are probabilistic beliefs about the future that shape and influence our perception, affect, cognition, and behavior in many contexts. This makes expectations a highly relevant concept across basic and applied psychological disciplines. When expectations are confirmed or violated, individuals can respond by either updating or maintaining their prior expectations in light of the new evidence. Moreover, proactive and reactive behavior can change the probability with which individuals encounter expectation confirmations or violations. The investigation of predictors and mechanisms underlying expectation update and maintenance has been approached from many research perspectives. However, in many instances there has been little exchange between different research fields. To further advance research on expectations and expectation violations, collaborative efforts across different disciplines in psychology, cognitive (neuro)science, and other life sciences are warranted. For fostering and facilitating such efforts, we introduce the ViolEx 2.0 model, a revised framework for interdisciplinary research on cognitive and behavioral mechanisms of expectation update and maintenance in the context of expectation violations. To support different goals and stages in interdisciplinary exchange, the ViolEx 2.0 model features three model levels with varying degrees of specificity in order to address questions about the research synopsis, central concepts, or functional processes and relationships, respectively. The framework can be applied to different research fields and has high potential for guiding collaborative research efforts in expectation research

    Prevalence of depression and anxiety in patients with cystic fibrosis and parent caregivers: results of The International Depression Epidemiological Study across nine countries

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    Background Individuals with chronic diseases and parent caregivers are at increased risk for symptoms of depression and anxiety. Prevalence of psychological symptoms was evaluated in adolescents and adults with cystic fibrosis (CF) and parent caregivers across nine countries. Methods Patients with CF, ages 12 years and older, and caregivers of children with CF, birth to18 years of age, completed measures of depression and anxiety across 154 CF centres in Europe and the USA. Psychological symptoms were compared across countries using χ2. Logistic regression examined extent of comorbid symptoms, predictors of depression and anxiety, and concordance between parent and adolescent symptomatology. Results Psychological symptoms were reported by 6088 patients with CF and 4102 parents. Elevated symptoms of depression were found in 10% of adolescents, 19% of adults, 37% of mothers and 31% of fathers. Elevations in anxiety were found in 22% of adolescents, 32% of adults, 48% of mothers and 36% of fathers. Overall, elevations were 2–3 times those of community samples. Participants reporting elevated anxiety were more likely to report depression (ORs: adolescents=14.97, adults=13.64, mothers=15.52, fathers=9.20). Significant differences in reports of depression and anxiety were found by patient age and parent respondent. Concordance between 1122 parent–teen dyads indicated that adolescents whose parents reported depression were more likely to be elevated on depression (OR=2.32). Similarly, adolescents whose parents reported anxiety were more likely to score in the elevated range on the anxiety measure (OR=2.22). Conclusions Symptoms of depression and anxiety were elevated in both patients with CF and parents across several European countries and the USA. Annual screening of psychological symptoms is recommended for both patients and parents

    Predictors of the psychosocial impact of being a carer of people living with Parkinson’s disease: A systematic review

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    INTRODUCTION:Caring for a person with Parkinson's disease (PwP) can have a variety of negative consequences that may challenge their ability to continue their caring role. It is still unknown why some individuals adapt better than others in response to such burdens. This review is the first to synthesize and evaluate the evidence on the predictive factors of psychosocial outcomes in PwP carers.METHODS:Studies which identified predictors of psychosocial outcomes for unpaid carers were included. PsychINFO, EMBASE, AMED, BNI and CINAHL databases were searched, supplemented by scanning of references lists of included studies and relevant journals from 2008 onwards. Quality was assessed using the NICE methodology checklist for prognostic studies.RESULTS:Twenty-nine studies were included in the review, providing a low-level of evidence. Carer burden was investigated in 18 studies and mental health and quality of life (QoL) in seven studies each. PwP non-motor symptoms and QoL and carer depression were consistently identified as predictors for at least one psychosocial outcome. Demographics and disease factors were consistently found not to be predictors. Carer involvement and protective factors (e.g. social support, personality) demonstrated promising findings but studies were too few or factors measured inconsistently.CONCLUSION:Confident conclusions could not be drawn regarding the most important predictors that should be targeted in psychosocial interventions due to methodological weaknesses and lack of theoretical testing across the current literature. Future research should build upon psychological theory to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms that explain how carers adapt to caregiving

    Is it adaptive to disengage from demands of social change? Adjustment to developmental barriers in opportunity-deprived regions

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    This paper investigates how individuals deal with demands of social and economic change in the domains of work and family when opportunities for their mastery are unfavorable. Theoretical considerations and empirical research suggest that with unattainable goals and unmanageable demands motivational disengagement and self-protective cognitions bring about superior outcomes than continued goal striving. Building on research on developmental deadlines, this paper introduces the concept of developmental barriers to address socioeconomic conditions of severely constrained opportunities in certain geographical regions. Mixed-effects methods were used to model cross-level interactions between individual-level compensatory secondary control and regional-level opportunity structures in terms of social indicators for the economic prosperity and family friendliness. Results showed that disengagement was positively associated with general life satisfaction in regions that were economically devastated and has less than average services for families. In regions that were economically well off and family-friendly, the association was negative. Similar results were found for self-protection concerning domain-specific satisfaction with life. These findings suggest that compensatory secondary control can be an adaptive way of mastering a demand when primary control is not possible