910 research outputs found

    Género y políticas educativas

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    En el presente artículo la autora hace una revisión sobre las políticas educativas desarrolladas desde el siglo XIX hasta la actualidad en nuestro país y cómo estas políticas han contemplado las diferencias de género contribuyendo a una mayor o menor discriminación de las mujeres.____________________________________ In this article the author makes a revision about educative policies which have been developed from XIX century until nowadays in Spain. She pays special attention to how these policies have studied the differences of gender: It also focus on the impact which these policies have had towards women discrimination

    Viral Evolution and Immune Responses

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    Antiviral responses are activated rapidly after viral infection in order to control and prevent dissemination of the virus. Different pathways are activated in the immune system, including innate and adaptive responses. On the other hand, viruses have evolved specifi c strategies to evade these responses. Due to the high viral evolutionary rates, escape variants can emerge and spread fast in the population. The co-evolution between viruses and their host is a constant arms race, and is of special interest to understand the viral escape mechanisms that may guide the future development of antiviral treatments and vaccines

    Pedro de Medina en la Ciencia y en la Historia

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    Domingo de Soto, Polígrafo de la Escuela de Salamanca

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    Virus-Host Coevolution as a Tool for Controlling Bacterial Resistance to Phage Therapy

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    Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is a global public health concern. New treatments are needed to combat resistant strains, among which phage therapy is a promising option. Probably the main advantages of phage therapy are its high specificity as well as rapid viral adaptability, which in principle allows using phage evolution to overcome resistance. Here, we have performed serial coevolution passages between Escherichia coli and its phage T7 to investigate the ability of coevolved phages to reduce the emergence of resistances. We find that the initial bacterial population is less likely to undergo resistance when challenged with experimentally coevolved phages than when challenged with the wild-type phage. Hence, our findings suggest that coevolved phage preparations could be used to increase the efficacy of phage therapy

    Environmental flow estimation in two Andalusia basin: combined superficial and groundwater use

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    Las líneas de actuación que en políticas de aguas emanan de la Directiva Marco de Aguas (Directiva 2000/60/CE) obligan a considerar nuevos enfoques en las metodologías hasta ahora empleadas en la gestión del agua, incluyendo elementos innovadores y de mayor eficacia como la utilización conjunta de aguas superficiales, subterráneas y los caudales ambientales. Varias instituciones y administraciones estatales y andaluzas están llevando a cabo una serie de trabajos de investigación en dos sistemas de explotación de recursos hídricos que se localizan en la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía. Localizados en la provincia de Jaén y Granada ambos presentan peculiaridades interesantes en cuanto a la circulación del agua subterránea. El objetivo de estos trabajos es desarrollar y aplicar tecnologías que integren criterios medioambientales (caudales ecológicos), económicos (coste del agua suministrada) y de gestión. Los resultados muestran como, aplicando criterios de eficacia y uso conjunto, es posible mantener unos caudales ambientales en el primer sistema, y como los caudales ambientales que se proponen en el segundo sistema serían fundamentales para mantener la estructura y composición del ecosistema ripario de la cuenca estudiada.Water policies derived from the Water Framework Directive (Directive 2000/60/CE) emphasize the need to incorporate new approaches in water management, including innovative and more efficient approaches such as combined use of surface and ground water, and environmental flow. A number of Spanish and Andalusian institutions and administrations are currently developing research programs on 2 water resource systems in Jaén and Granada (Andalusia). Both of them show interesting peculiarities in terms of ground water flows. The objective of this work is to develop and apply technologies that integrate ecological (environmental flow), economic (cost of water) and management criteria. Results from the Jaén area show that the maintenance of environmental flows is possible when the principles of efficiency and combined use are applied; in Granada, the recommended environmental flow is crucial to maintain the structure and composition of riparian ecosystems

    The Myth of Girls’ “Success” in School

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    [Resumo] A aparente igualdade entre rapazas e rapaces nas aulas oculta camiños históricos diferentes, marcados por relacións de xénero desiguais, que persisten nelas de forma sutil. Baixo a sospeita de que tras o discurso do “éxito escolar das rapazas” se alimente a preocupación dos que conciben –moitos máis dos que o nomean– que o mellor servizo das mulleres á sociedade (maternidade, crianza, coidados familiares e traballo doméstico en xeral) se pode ver minado polo seu éxito profesional –cuestión que recobra novo valor cando a crise económica require fortes soportes familiares para xestionar a miseria social–, apelaremos ás contribucións feministas para comprender mellor a que se está a denominar “éxito”, tarefa que entendemos prioritaria para desestabilizar algúns dos supostos que, coma este, están a imposibilitar a educación para a igualdade[Abstract] The apparent equality between girls and boys in the classroom conceals the different historic trajectories marked by unequal gender relationships whose presence – albeit subtle- can still be felt. There is some suspicion that behind the argument in support of “the academic success of girls” lies the concern of those who profess the idea –many more than those who talk about it- that the best way women can serve society (maternity, raising children, taking care of the family and household chores in general) could be undermined by their professional success. And this is a topic that takes on a new dimension when situations of economic crises demand strong family support to deal with social poverty. This article discusses the contributions made by feminists to understand what is meant by “success”, a task we consider to be of high priority to refute some of the assumptions which, like this one, are trying to prevent equal educatio

    Género y políticas educativas

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    En el presente artículo la autora hace una revisión sobre las políticas educativas desarrolladas desde el siglo XIX hasta la actualidad en nuestro país y cómo estas políticas han contemplado las diferencias de género contrihuvetrdo a una mayor o menor discriminación de las mujeres.In this article the author makes a revision about educative policies which have been developed from XIX century touil nowadays in Spain. She pays special attention to /ro• these policies have studied the differences of gender: It also focus on the impact which these policies have had towards women discrimination