153 research outputs found

    H. pylori Seropositivity before Age 40 and Subsequent Risk of Stomach Cancer: A Glimpse of the True Relationship?

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    Stomach carcinogenesis involves mucosal and luminal changes that favor spontaneous disappearance of Helicobacter pylori. Therefore, the association between the infection and cancer risk might typically be underestimated. As acquisition of the infection almost invariably occurs before adulthood, the serostatus at age 16–40 should best reflect the lifetime occurrence of the infection. We therefore conducted a case-control study nested within a historic cohort of about 400,000 individuals who donated sera before age 40 to either of two large Swedish Biobanks between 1968 and 2006, and whose records were linked to complete nationwide registers. For each stomach adenocarcinoma case occurring at least 5 years after serum donation 2 controls were selected matched on age, sex and year of donation and biobank. Serum immunoglobulin G antibodies against H. pylori cell-surface antigens (Hp-CSAs) were measured with an enzyme–linked immunosorbent assay and antibodies against CagA with an immunoblot assay. Conditional logistic regression models were used to estimate odds ratios (ORs) for stomach adenocarcinoma among H. pylori infected relative to uninfected. We confirmed 59 incident cases of stomach adenocarcinoma (41 non-cardia tumors) during follow-up. ORs for non-cardia stomach adenocarcinoma among subjects with Hp-CSA antibodies (regardless of CagA serostatus), antibodies against CagA (regardless of Hp-CSA serostatus), and antibodies to both, relative to those who were seronegative to both, were 17.1 (95% confidence interval [CI] 4.0–72.9), 10.9 (95% CI 3.2–36.9), and 48.5 (95% CI 5.8–407.4), respectively. H. pylori infection is a much stronger risk factor for non-cardia stomach adenocarcinoma than initially realized. However, further studies are needed to answer whether it is a necessary cause, as the possibility of misclassification of H. pylori status could not be ruled out in our study

    Injection-site reactions upon Kineret (anakinra) administration: experiences and explanations

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    Anakinra (Kineret), a recombinant form of human interleukin-1 (IL-1) receptor antagonist, is approved for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in combination with methotrexate. Kineret is self-administered by daily subcutaneous injections in patients with active RA. The mechanism of action of anakinra is to competitively inhibit the local inflammatory effects of IL-1. Kineret is generally safe and well tolerated and the only major treatment-related side effects that appear are skin reactions at the injection site. Due to the relatively short half-life of anakinra, daily injection of the drug is required. This, in combination with the comparably high rates of injection-site reactions (ISRs) associated with the drug, can become a problem for the patient. The present review summarises published data concerning ISRs associated with Kineret and provides some explanations as to their cause. The objective is also to present some clinical experiences of how the ISRs can be managed


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    RESUMO: As atividades do Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) e os seus efeitos são diversos, sendo possível dizer que o PISA cria e forma uma fundamentação específica (HACKING, 1992) para discutir, falar e pensar sobre a educação. Neste estudo sobre as atividades do PISA, são analisadas as ideias sobre os professores, as atividades que realizam, e como estas são conceitualizadas no interior de uma narrativa própria ao PISA. Os resultados mostram que os professores são apresentados como sendo importantes e cruciais para a transformação e para o desenvolvimento da educação. Os professores também são representados como sendo essenciais para reduzir as "disparidades no desempenho" dos alunos medidas pelo teste PISA. Ademais, os "bons" professores e o ensino "eficaz" são descritos como os professores e as estratégias que conduzem a tal redução. Consequentemente, os principais relatórios do PISA enfatizam uma imagem dos professores como os atores que desenvolvem a educação e o ensino, e não como executantes de políticas determinadas pelo Estado. Deste modo, os professores são considerados como indicadores da eficácia dos sistemas de educação e importantes para elevar os padrões de desempenho, sendo assim considerados como a esperança e a realização da educação

    The Third Workshop on Population of the RDBES Data Model (WKRDB-POP3)

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    The aims of this workshop were to explain the data model developed for the commercial fisheries Regional Database and Estimation System (RDBES), assist in populating it with real data for the second test data call for the RDBES, and encourage participants to take part in ongoing testing of the RDBES data submission system. This report documents the progress that participants have done to prepare their institutes for future use of the RDBES system. Some issues with data conversion have been identified and are documented in this report. None of the identified issues are thought to be serious impediments to moving forward with the RDBES development according to the roadmap decided by the Steering Committee of the Regional Fisheries Database in 2020. The RDBES Core Group (the group of people developing the RDBES data model) and ICES Data Centre will look at the results of this workshop and either respond to individual questions or adapt the data model and documentation as required. The workshop concluded and reported before the deadline of the test data call. For a complete test of the data model, all participants were encouraged to complete the data call. A report on the degree of completion of the data call may be expected from WGRDBESGOV which convenes after the data call deadline

    Chance and necessity in the genome evolution of endosymbiotic bacteria of insects

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    [EN] An open question in evolutionary biology is how does the selection¿drift balance determine the fates of biological interactions. We searched for signatures of selection and drift in genomes of five endosymbiotic bacterial groups known to evolve under strong genetic drift. Although most genes in endosymbiotic bacteria showed evidence of relaxed purifying selection, many genes in these bacteria exhibited stronger selective constraints than their orthologs in free-living bacterial relatives. Remarkably, most of these highly constrained genes had no role in the host¿symbiont interactions but were involved in either buffering the deleterious consequences of drift or other host-unrelated functions, suggesting that they have either acquired new roles or their role became more central in endosymbiotic bacteria. Experimental evolution of Escherichia coli under strong genetic drift revealed remarkable similarities in the mutational spectrum, genome reduction patterns and gene losses to endosymbiotic bacteria of insects. Interestingly, the transcriptome of the experimentally evolved lines showed a generalized deregulation of the genome that affected genes encoding proteins involved in mutational buffering, regulation and amino acid biosynthesis, patterns identical to those found in endosymbiotic bacteria. Our results indicate that drift has shaped endosymbiotic associations through a change in the functional landscape of bacterial genes and that the host had only a small role in such a shiftThis work was supported by Science Foundation Ireland (12/IP/1637) and grants from the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO-FEDER; BFU2012-36346 and BFU2015-66073-P) to MAF. DAP and CT were supported by Juan de la Cierva fellowships from MINECO (references: JCI-2011-11089 and JCA-2012-14056, respectively). DAP is supported by funds from the University of Nevada, Reno, NV, USA.Sabater-Muñoz, B.; Toft, C.; Alvarez-Ponce, D.; Fares Riaño, MA. (2017). Chance and necessity in the genome evolution of endosymbiotic bacteria of insects. The ISME Journal. 11(6):1291-1304. https://doi.org/10.1038/ismej.2017.18S12911304116Aguilar-Rodriguez J, Sabater-Munoz B, Montagud-Martinez R, Berlanga V, Alvarez-Ponce D, Wagner A et al. (2016). The molecular chaperone DnaK is a source of mutational robustness. Genome Biol Evol 8: 2979–2991.Alvarez-Ponce D, Sabater-Munoz B, Toft C, Ruiz-Gonzalez MX, Fares MA . (2016). Essentiality is a strong determinant of protein rates of evolution during mutation accumulation experiments in Escherichia coli. Genome Biol Evol 8: 2914–2927.Anders S, Huber W . (2010). Differential expression analysis for sequence count data. Genome Biol 11: R106.Archibald J . (2014) One Plus One Equals One: Symbiosis and the Evolution of Complex Life. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.Aussel L, Loiseau L, Hajj Chehade M, Pocachard B, Fontecave M, Pierrel F et al. (2014). ubiJ, a new gene required for aerobic growth and proliferation in macrophage, is involved in coenzyme Q biosynthesis in Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. J Bacteriol 196: 70–79.Baumann P, Baumann L, Clark MA . (1996). Levels of Buchnera aphidicola chaperonin groEL during growth of the aphid Schizaphis graminum. Curr Microbiol 32: 7.Benjamini Y, Yekutieli Y . (2005). False discovery rate controlling confidence intervals for selected parameters. J Am Stat Assoc 100: 10.Bennett GM, Moran NA . (2015). Heritable symbiosis: the advantages and perils of an evolutionary rabbit hole. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 112: 10169–10176.Bermingham J, Rabatel A, Calevro F, Vinuelas J, Febvay G, Charles H et al. (2009). Impact of host developmental age on the transcriptome of the symbiotic bacterium Buchnera aphidicola in the pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum. Appl Environ Microbiol 75: 7294–7297.Bogumil D, Dagan T . (2010). Chaperonin-dependent accelerated substitution rates in prokaryotes. Genome Biol Evol 2: 602–608.Carbon S, Ireland A, Mungall CJ, Shu S, Marshall B, Lewis S et al. (2009). AmiGO: online access to ontology and annotation data. Bioinformatics 25: 288–289.Chen Z, Wang Y, Li Y, Li Y, Fu N, Ye J et al. (2012). Esre: a novel essential non-coding RNA in Escherichia coli. FEBS Lett 586: 1195–1200.Clark JW, Hossain S, Burnside CA, Kambhampati S . (2001). Coevolution between a cockroach and its bacterial endosymbiont: a biogeographical perspective. Proc Biol Sci 268: 393–398.Dale C, Wang B, Moran N, Ochman H . (2003). Loss of DNA recombinational repair enzymes in the initial stages of genome degeneration. Mol Biol Evol 20: 1188–1194.Deatherage DE, Barrick JE . (2014). Identification of mutations in laboratory-evolved microbes from next-generation sequencing data using breseq. Methods Mol Biol 1151: 165–188.Douglas AE . (2003). The nutritional physiology of aphids. Adv Insect Physiol 31: 68.Fares MA, Barrio E, Sabater-Munoz B, Moya A . (2002a). The evolution of the heat-shock protein GroEL from Buchnera, the primary endosymbiont of aphids, is governed by positive selection. Mol Biol Evol 19: 1162–1170.Fares MA, Ruiz-Gonzalez MX, Moya A, Elena SF, Barrio E . (2002b). Endosymbiotic bacteria: groEL buffers against deleterious mutations. Nature 417: 398.Gancedo C, Flores CL, Gancedo JM . (2016). The expanding landscape of moonlighting proteins in yeasts. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev 80: 765–777.Gerardo NM, Altincicek B, Anselme C, Atamian H, Barribeau SM, de Vos M et al. (2010). Immunity and other defenses in pea aphids, Acyrthosiphon pisum. Genome Biol 11: R21.Gomez-Valero L, Latorre A, Silva FJ . (2004). The evolutionary fate of nonfunctional DNA in the bacterial endosymbiont Buchnera aphidicola. Mol Biol Evol 21: 2172–2181.Gomez-Valero L, Silva FJ, Christophe Simon J, Latorre A . (2007). Genome reduction of the aphid endosymbiont Buchnera aphidicola in a recent evolutionary time scale. Gene 389: 87–95.Gonzalez-Domenech CM, Belda E, Patino-Navarrete R, Moya A, Pereto J, Latorre A . (2012). Metabolic stasis in an ancient symbiosis: genome-scale metabolic networks from two Blattabacterium cuenoti strains, primary endosymbionts of cockroaches. BMC Microbiol 12 (Suppl 1): S5.Hansen AK, Moran NA . (2011). Aphid genome expression reveals host-symbiont cooperation in the production of amino acids. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 108: 2849–2854.Hansen AK, Moran NA . (2014). The impact of microbial symbionts on host plant utilization by herbivorous insects. Mol Ecol 23: 1473–1496.Henderson B, Fares MA, Lund PA . (2013). Chaperonin 60: a paradoxical, evolutionarily conserved protein family with multiple moonlighting functions. Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc 88: 955–987.Humphreys NJ, Douglas AE . (1997). Partitioning of symbiotic bacteria between generations of an insect: a quantitative study of a Buchnera sp. in the pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum reared at different temperatures. Appl Environ Microbiol 63: 3294–3296.International Aphid Genomics Consortium. (2010). Genome sequence of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum. PLoS Biol 8: e1000313.Kadibalban AS, Bogumil D, Landan G, Dagan T . (2016). DnaK-dependent accelerated evolutionary rate in prokaryotes. Genome Biol Evol 8: 1590–1599.Katoh K, Standley DM . (2013). MAFFT multiple sequence alignment software version 7: improvements in performance and usability. Mol Biol Evol 30: 772–780.Kelkar YD, Ochman H . (2013). Genome reduction promotes increase in protein functional complexity in bacteria. Genetics 193: 303–307.Koga R, Meng XY, Tsuchida T, Fukatsu T . (2012). Cellular mechanism for selective vertical transmission of an obligate insect symbiont at the bacteriocyte-embryo interface. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 109: E1230–E1237.Kuo CH, Moran NA, Ochman H . (2009). The consequences of genetic drift for bacterial genome complexity. Genome Res 19: 1450–1454.Kuo CH, Ochman H . (2009). Deletional bias across the three domains of life. Genome Biol Evol 1: 145–152.Law R, Lewis DH . (1983). Biotic environments and the maintenance of sex-some evidence from mutualistic symbioses. Biol J Linnean Soc 20: 28.Liu XD, Xie L, Wei Y, Zhou X, Jia B, Liu J et al. (2014). Abiotic stress resistance, a novel moonlighting function of ribosomal protein RPL44 in the halophilic fungus Aspergillus glaucus. Appl Environ Microbiol 80: 4294–4300.Lohse M, Bolger AM, Nagel A, Fernie AR, Lunn JE, Stitt M et al. (2012). RobiNA: a user-friendly, integrated software solution for RNA-Seq-based transcriptomics. 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    Natural products in modern life science

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    With a realistic threat against biodiversity in rain forests and in the sea, a sustainable use of natural products is becoming more and more important. Basic research directed against different organisms in Nature could reveal unexpected insights into fundamental biological mechanisms but also new pharmaceutical or biotechnological possibilities of more immediate use. Many different strategies have been used prospecting the biodiversity of Earth in the search for novel structure–activity relationships, which has resulted in important discoveries in drug development. However, we believe that the development of multidisciplinary incentives will be necessary for a future successful exploration of Nature. With this aim, one way would be a modernization and renewal of a venerable proven interdisciplinary science, Pharmacognosy, which represents an integrated way of studying biological systems. This has been demonstrated based on an explanatory model where the different parts of the model are explained by our ongoing research. Anti-inflammatory natural products have been discovered based on ethnopharmacological observations, marine sponges in cold water have resulted in substances with ecological impact, combinatory strategy of ecology and chemistry has revealed new insights into the biodiversity of fungi, in depth studies of cyclic peptides (cyclotides) has created new possibilities for engineering of bioactive peptides, development of new strategies using phylogeny and chemography has resulted in new possibilities for navigating chemical and biological space, and using bioinformatic tools for understanding of lateral gene transfer could provide potential drug targets. A multidisciplinary subject like Pharmacognosy, one of several scientific disciplines bridging biology and chemistry with medicine, has a strategic position for studies of complex scientific questions based on observations in Nature. Furthermore, natural product research based on intriguing scientific questions in Nature can be of value to increase the attraction for young students in modern life science

    Mathematical Modelling as a Proof of Concept for MPNs as a Human Inflammation Model for Cancer Development

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    <p><b>Left:</b> Typical development in stem cells (top panel A) and mature cells (bottom panel B). Healthy hematopoietic cells (full blue curves) dominate in the early phase where the number of malignant cells (stipulated red curves) are few. The total number of cells is also shown (dotted green curves). When a stem cell mutates without repairing mechanisms, a slowly increasing exponential growth starts. At a certain stage, the malignant cells become dominant, and the healthy hematopoietic cells begin to show a visible decline. Finally, the composition between the cell types results in a takeover by the malignant cells, leading to an exponential decline in hematopoietic cells and ultimately their extinction. The development is driven by an approximately exponential increase in the MPN stem cells, and the development is closely followed by the mature MPN cells. <b>Right:</b> B)The corresponding allele burden (7%, 33% and 67% corresponding to ET, PV, and PMF, respectively) defined as the ratio of MPN mature cells to the total number of mature cells.</p

    Identification of common genetic risk variants for autism spectrum disorder

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a highly heritable and heterogeneous group of neurodevelopmental phenotypes diagnosed in more than 1% of children. Common genetic variants contribute substantially to ASD susceptibility, but to date no individual variants have been robustly associated with ASD. With a marked sample-size increase from a unique Danish population resource, we report a genome-wide association meta-analysis of 18,381 individuals with ASD and 27,969 controls that identified five genome-wide-significant loci. Leveraging GWAS results from three phenotypes with significantly overlapping genetic architectures (schizophrenia, major depression, and educational attainment), we identified seven additional loci shared with other traits at equally strict significance levels. Dissecting the polygenic architecture, we found both quantitative and qualitative polygenic heterogeneity across ASD subtypes. These results highlight biological insights, particularly relating to neuronal function and corticogenesis, and establish that GWAS performed at scale will be much more productive in the near term in ASD

    A Genome-Wide Association Study of Diabetic Kidney Disease in Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes

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    dentification of sequence variants robustly associated with predisposition to diabetic kidney disease (DKD) has the potential to provide insights into the pathophysiological mechanisms responsible. We conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of DKD in type 2 diabetes (T2D) using eight complementary dichotomous and quantitative DKD phenotypes: the principal dichotomous analysis involved 5,717 T2D subjects, 3,345 with DKD. Promising association signals were evaluated in up to 26,827 subjects with T2D (12,710 with DKD). A combined T1D+T2D GWAS was performed using complementary data available for subjects with T1D, which, with replication samples, involved up to 40,340 subjects with diabetes (18,582 with DKD). Analysis of specific DKD phenotypes identified a novel signal near GABRR1 (rs9942471, P = 4.5 x 10(-8)) associated with microalbuminuria in European T2D case subjects. However, no replication of this signal was observed in Asian subjects with T2D or in the equivalent T1D analysis. There was only limited support, in this substantially enlarged analysis, for association at previously reported DKD signals, except for those at UMOD and PRKAG2, both associated with estimated glomerular filtration rate. We conclude that, despite challenges in addressing phenotypic heterogeneity, access to increased sample sizes will continue to provide more robust inference regarding risk variant discovery for DKD.Peer reviewe