33 research outputs found

    150 Jahre österreichischer Geschichte in 15.000 Biographien. 11 Bände Österreichischisches Biographisches Lexikon 1815-1950

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    Das Österreichische Biographische Lexikon 1815-1950, ein Unternehmen der Östecreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, behandelt Persönlichkeiten, die während des Berichtszeitraums verstorben sind und in Östecreich in seinen jeweiligen Grenzen auf irgendeinem Gebiet durch besondere Leistungen hervorgetreten sind

    Comparison of the composition of bile acids in bile of patients with adenocarcinoma of the pancreas and benign disease

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    Bile acids have been implicated in the development of gastrointestinal malignancies. Both the specific nature of individual bile acids and their concentration appear key factors in the carcinogenic potency of bile. Using liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) we performed quantitative profiling of bile extracted directly from the common bile duct in 30 patients (15 patients with pancreatic cancer and 15 patients with benign disease). Separation and detection of bile acids was performed using a 1.7μm particle size reversed-phase C18 LC column at a flow rate of 200μL/min with negative electrospray ionization MS. A significant difference (p=0.018) was seen in the concentration of unconjugated cholic acid in the malignant group (0.643mmol/L) compared to the benign group (0.022mmol/L), with an overall significant difference (p=0.04) seen in the level of total unconjugated bile acids in the malignant group (1.816mmol/L) compared to the benign group (0.069mmol/L). This finding may offer the possibility of both understanding the biology of cancer development in the pancreas, as well as offering a potential diagnostic avenue to explore. However, a larger study is necessary to confirm the alterations in bile acid profiles reported here and explore factors such as diet and microbial populations on the bile acid profiles of these patient groups

    Epidemiology of Gallbladder Disease: Cholelithiasis and Cancer

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    Diseases of the gallbladder are common and costly. The best epidemiological screening method to accurately determine point prevalence of gallstone disease is ultrasonography. Many risk factors for cholesterol gallstone formation are not modifiable such as ethnic background, increasing age, female gender and family history or genetics. Conversely, the modifiable risks for cholesterol gallstones are obesity, rapid weight loss and a sedentary lifestyle. The rising epidemic of obesity and the metabolic syndrome predicts an escalation of cholesterol gallstone frequency. Risk factors for biliary sludge include pregnancy, drugs like ceftiaxone, octreotide and thiazide diuretics, and total parenteral nutrition or fasting. Diseases like cirrhosis, chronic hemolysis and ileal Crohn's disease are risk factors for black pigment stones. Gallstone disease in childhood, once considered rare, has become increasingly recognized with similar risk factors as those in adults, particularly obesity. Gallbladder cancer is uncommon in developed countries. In the U.S., it accounts for only ~ 5,000 cases per year. Elsewhere, high incidence rates occur in North and South American Indians. Other than ethnicity and female gender, additional risk factors for gallbladder cancer include cholelithiasis, advancing age, chronic inflammatory conditions affecting the gallbladder, congenital biliary abnormalities, and diagnostic confusion over gallbladder polyps

    Wien - Geschichte einer Stadt

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    This volume is the second part of a trilogy on a detailed history of Vienna. It covers the period from the First Turkish Siege (1529) to the death of the Emperor Joseph II (1790). During these centuries the Habsburg dynasty and the court had been shaping predominantly the development of the city and the cultural townscape. In a detailed description fifteen authors give an overall view of the history of the constitution and administration, of the environmental, social, economic, and cultural development. Attention has been mainly focused on an analysis of the structural changes of the city's economy in the early modern period and the structure of the society, especially stressing its consequences in daily life. This historical description is based in many respects on the latest results of recent research. This volume provides the first concise history of Vienna between the 16th and 18th centuries in the last fifty years. It imparts the latest state of research to a wide public, supported by many illustrations and a large bibliography.Der zweite Band einer auf drei Bände konzipierten Stadtgeschichte beschäftigt sich mit dem Zeitraum von der Ersten Türkenbelagerung (1529) bis zum Tod Josephs II. (1790). Es ist dies eine Periode, in welcher die Dynastie und der Hof die Entwicklung der Stadt und ihr kulturelles Erscheinungsbild wesentlich bestimmten. In einer breit angelegten, quellenorientierten Darstellung vermitteln 15 Autorinnen und Autoren neben einem Überblick über die historischen Ereignisse sowie die Verfassungs-, Verwaltungs- und Kirchengeschichte ein plastisches Bild der demographischen, gesellschaftlichen, wirtschaftlichen und kulturellen Entwicklung; dabei wird auch umweltrelevanten Aspekten die erforderliche Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet. Besondere Schwerpunkte, zu denen vielfach neue Forschungsergebnisse vorgelegt werden können, bilden die Analyse des strukturellen Wandels der frühneuzeitlichen Stadtökonomie und der Sozialstruktur, wobei insbesondere das Alltagsleben aller Schichten von Stadtbewohnern Berücksichtigung findet. Die Geschichte Wiens vom 16. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert erfährt in diesem Band erstmals seit über fünf Jahrzehnten wieder eine kompendiöse Aufarbeitung, die den letzten Stand historischer Forschung in einer auch breiteren Kreisen zugänglichen Darstellung bietet. Dies wird durch eine reiche Bebilderung und eine umfangreiche Bibliographie unterstützt

    Wien - Geschichte einer Stadt

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    This volume is the second part of a trilogy on a detailed history of Vienna. It covers the period from the First Turkish Siege (1529) to the death of the Emperor Joseph II (1790). During these centuries the Habsburg dynasty and the court had been shaping predominantly the development of the city and the cultural townscape. In a detailed description fifteen authors give an overall view of the history of the constitution and administration, of the environmental, social, economic, and cultural development. Attention has been mainly focused on an analysis of the structural changes of the city's economy in the early modern period and the structure of the society, especially stressing its consequences in daily life. This historical description is based in many respects on the latest results of recent research. This volume provides the first concise history of Vienna between the 16th and 18th centuries in the last fifty years. It imparts the latest state of research to a wide public, supported by many illustrations and a large bibliography

    150 Jahre österreichischer Geschichte in 15.000 Biographien. 11 Bände Österreichischisches Biographisches Lexikon 1815-1950

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    Das Österreichische Biographische Lexikon 1815-1950, ein Unternehmen der Östecreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, behandelt Persönlichkeiten, die während des Berichtszeitraums verstorben sind und in Östecreich in seinen jeweiligen Grenzen auf irgendeinem Gebiet durch besondere Leistungen hervorgetreten sind