432 research outputs found


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    While the literature detailing the intricacies of the colonial tobacco trade is extensive, and often quite persuasive, its conclusion that Virginia\u27s economy began and ended in the production of tobacco is misleading. Virginia\u27s expansion into previously unsettled lands, and the tremendous increase in the size of its labor force during the first three quarters of the eighteenth century did produce a gigantic growth in the tobacco trade, but it had other effects as well. Grain and meat products along with naval stores and iron contributed little to the colony\u27s economic output in 1701, yet by 1774 they accounted for better than a third of the value of her exports. In tandem with the growth and diversification of her export products, Virginia\u27s marketing structure underwent a series of changes during the eighteenth century which helped ease her ultimate transition from a colony dependent upon a distant mother country for her economic services into an independent state ready to compete in the international marketplace. These changes included both the substitution of direct sales marketing for complicated consignment systems, and the replacement of part-time merchants who appeared in the colony only seasonally with a permanently resident merchant community. In time these merchants came to represent a Virginian, rather than a British, point of view when making economic decisions. The sources of this study are many and varied. The primary evidence for export expansion and diversification is the collection of Virginia Naval Office Lists located in the Colonial Office Papers of the British Public Records Office which is now available in the United States on microfilm. These records, when computer processed to remove multiple recordings of the same cargoes, can serve as an accurate measure of Virginia\u27s exports. The evidence concerning merchants and marketing practices is drawn from the extensive collections of mercantile papers to be found in the Library of Congress, the Virginia State Library, the Virginia Historical Society and the Alderman Library of the University of Virginia. The collections of the Research Department of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation were also indispensible. The conclusions of this study are threefold. First, the extent and variety of non-tobacco exports grew at an increasing rate as the eighteenth century progressed. Second, the nature of the mercantile community changed from non-resident to resident and its role in Virginia\u27s economic and political society changed from passive to active. Third, and perhaps most important in the ongoing development of American economic history, the evidence of actual per capita growth in export earnings between 1700 and 1775 is incontrovertable

    Morphotropic Phase Boundaries in Ferromagnets: Tb_{1-x}Dy_xFe_2 Alloys

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    The structure and properties of the ferromagnet Tb_{1-x}Dy_xFe_2 (Terfenol-D) are explored through the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) separating ferroic phases of differing symmetry. Our synchrotron data support a first order structural transition, with a broadening MPB width at higher temperatures. The optimal point for magnetomechanical applications is not centered on the MPB but lies on the rhombohedral side, where the high striction of the rhombohedral majority phase combines with the softened anisotropy of the MPB. We compare our findings with single ion crystal field theory and with ferroelectric MPBs, where the controlling energies are different.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Evaluation of a Novel Approach for Reducing Emissions of Pharmaceuticals to the Environment

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    Increased interest over the levels of pharmaceuticals detected in the environment has led to the need for new approaches to manage their emissions. Inappropriate disposal of unused and waste medicines and release from manufacturing plants are believed to be important pathways for pharmaceuticals entering the environment. In situ treatment technologies, which can be used on-site in pharmacies, hospitals, clinics, and at manufacturing plants, might provide a solution. In this study we explored the use of Pyropure, a microscale combined pyrolysis and gasification in situ treatment system for destroying pharmaceutical wastes. This involved selecting 17 pharmaceuticals, including 14 of the most thermally stable compounds currently in use and three of high environmental concern to determine the technology’s success in waste destruction. Treatment simulation studies were done on three different waste types and liquid, solid, and gaseous emissions from the process were analyzed for parent pharmaceutical and known active transformation products. Gaseous emissions were also analyzed for NOx, particulates, dioxins, furans, and metals. Results suggest that Pyropure is an effective treatment process for pharmaceutical wastes: over 99 % of each study pharmaceutical was destroyed by the system without known active transformation products being formed during the treatment process. Emissions of the other gaseous air pollutants were within acceptable levels. Future uptake of the system, or similar in situ treatment approaches, by clinics, pharmacists, and manufacturers could help to reduce the levels of pharmaceuticals in the environment and reduce the economic and environmental costs of current waste management practices

    Increasing impacts by Antarctica's most widespread invasive plant species as result of direct competition with native vascular plants

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    Biological invasions represent significant economic and conservation challenges, though it is widely acknowledged that their impacts are often poorly documented and difficult to predict. In the Antarctic, one non-native vascular plant species is widespread and studies have shown negative impacts on native flora. Using field “common garden” experiments, we evaluate the competitive impact of the increasingly widespread invasive grass Poa annua on the only two native vascular species of Antarctica, the forb Colobanthus quitensis and the grass Deschampsia antarctica. We focus on interactions between these three plant species under current and a future, wetter, climate scenario, in terms of density of individuals. Our analysis demonstrates Poa annua has the potential to have negative impacts on the survival and growth of the native Antarctic vascular species. Under predicted future wetter conditions, C. quitensis communities will become more resistant to invasion, while those dominated by D. antarctica will become less resistant. Under a recently developed unified scheme for non-native species impacts, P. annua can be considered a species that can cause potentially moderate to major impacts in Antarctica. If current patterns of increased human pressure and regional climate change persist and mitigation action is not taken (i.e. reduction of propagule pressure and eradication or control measures), P. annua is likely to spread in Antarctica, especially in the Antarctic Peninsula region, with significant negative consequences for some of the most remote and pristine ecosystems worldwide. Tighter biosecurity across all operators in the region, improved surveillance for the species, and prompt, effective control actions will reduce these risks

    Systematic conservation planning for Antarctic research stations

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    The small ice-free areas of Antarctica are essential locations for both biodiversity and scientific research but are subject to considerable and expanding human impacts, resulting primarily from station-based research and support activities, and local tourism. Awareness by operators of the need to conserve natural values in and around station and visitor site footprints exists, but the cumulative nature of impacts often results in reactive rather than proactive management. With human activity spread across many isolated pockets of ice-free ground, the pathway to the greatest reduction of human impacts within this natural reserve is through better management of these areas, which are impacted the most. Using a case study of Australia's Casey Station, we found significant natural values persist within the immediate proximity (<10 m) of long-term station infrastructure, but encroachment by physical disturbance results in ongoing pressures. Active planning to better conserve such values would provide a direct opportunity to enhance protection of Antarctica's environment. Here we introduce an approach to systematic conservation planning, tailored to Antarctic research stations, to help managers improve the conservation of values surrounding their activity locations. Use of this approach provides a potential mechanism to balance the need for scientific access to the continent with international obligations to protect its environment. It may also facilitate the development of subordinate conservation tools, including management plans and natural capital accounting. By proactively minimising and containing their station footprints, national programs can also independently demonstrate their commitment to protecting Antarctica's environment

    High Viral Diversity and Mixed Infections in Cerebral Spinal Fluid From Cases of Varicella Zoster Virus Encephalitis.

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    BACKGROUND: Varicella zoster virus (VZV) may cause encephalitis, both with and without rash. Here we investigate whether viruses recovered from the central nervous system (CNS; encephalitis or meningitis) differ genetically from those recovered from non-CNS samples. METHODS: Enrichment-based deep sequencing of 45 VZV genomes from cerebral spinal fluid (CSF), plasma, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), and vesicles was carried out with samples collected from 34 patients with and without VZV infection of the CNS. RESULTS: Viral sequences from multiple sites in the same patient were identical at the consensus level. Virus from vesicle fluid and CSF in cases of meningitis showed low-level diversity. By contrast, plasma, BAL, and encephalitis had higher numbers of variant alleles. Two CSF-encephalitis samples had high genetic diversity, with variant frequency patterns typical of mixed infections with different clades. CONCLUSIONS: Low viral genetic diversity in vesicle fluid is compatible with previous observations that VZV skin lesions arise from single or low numbers of virions. A similar result was observed in VZV from cases of VZV meningitis, a generally self-limiting infection. CSF from cases of encephalitis had higher diversity with evidence for mixed clade infections in 2 cases. We hypothesize that reactivation from multiple neurons may contribute to the pathogenesis of VZV encephalitis.Action Medical research GN2424 This work was supported by a UK MRC New Investigator Award to D. P. D; UCL/UCLH BRC (J. B.); Action Medical Research (grant number GN2424 to C. J. H); Swedish Research Council (P. N. and T. B.). The work was also support by an NIHR Fellowship (grant number DRF-2013-06-168 to F. M.), the Meningitis Research Foundation (grant number 0904.0), an NIHR Programme Grant in Applied Research (grant number RP-PG-0108-10048 to T. S.), and the NIHR Health Protection Research Unit in Emerging and Zoonotic Infections, University of Liverpool