449 research outputs found

    AGILE detection of delayed gamma-ray emission from GRB 080514B

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    GRB 080514B is the first gamma ray burst (GRB), since the time of EGRET, for which individual photons of energy above several tens of MeV have been detected with a pair-conversion tracker telescope. This burst was discovered with the Italian AGILE gamma-ray satellite. The GRB was localized with a cooperation by AGILE and the interplanetary network (IPN). The gamma-ray imager (GRID) estimate of the position, obtained before the SuperAGILE-IPN localization, is found to be consistent with the burst position. The hard X-ray emission observed by SuperAGILE lasted about 7 s, while there is evidence that the emission above 30 MeV extends for a longer duration (at least ~13 s). Similar behavior was seen in the past from a few other GRBs observed with EGRET. However, the latter measurements were affected, during the brightest phases, by instrumental dead time effects, resulting in only lower limits to the burst intensity. Thanks to the small dead time of the AGILE/GRID we could assess that in the case of GRB 080514B the gamma-ray to X-ray flux ratio changes significantly between the prompt and extended emission phase.Comment: A&A letters, in pres

    Zeros of regular functions of quaternionic and octonionic variable: a division lemma and the camshaft effect

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    We study in detail the zero set of a regular function of a quaternionic or octonionic variable. By means of a division lemma for convergent power series, we find the exact relation existing between the zeros of two octonionic regular functions and those of their product. In the case of octonionic polynomials, we get a strong form of the fundamental theorem of algebra. We prove that the sum of the multiplicities of zeros equals the degree of the polynomial and obtain a factorization in linear polynomials.Comment: Proof of Lemma 7 rewritten (thanks to an anonymous reviewer

    Discovery of extreme particle acceleration in the microquasar Cygnus X-3

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    The study of relativistic particle acceleration is a major topic of high-energy astrophysics. It is well known that massive black holes in active galaxies can release a substantial fraction of their accretion power into energetic particles, producing gamma-rays and relativistic jets. Galactic microquasars (hosting a compact star of 1-10 solar masses which accretes matter from a binary companion) also produce relativistic jets. However, no direct evidence of particle acceleration above GeV energies has ever been obtained in microquasar ejections, leaving open the issue of the occurrence and timing of extreme matter energization during jet formation. Here we report the detection of transient gamma-ray emission above 100 MeV from the microquasar Cygnus X-3, an exceptional X-ray binary which sporadically produces powerful radio jets. Four gamma-ray flares (each lasting 1-2 days) were detected by the AGILE satellite simultaneously with special spectral states of Cygnus X-3 during the period mid-2007/mid-2009. Our observations show that very efficient particle acceleration and gamma-ray propagation out of the inner disk of a microquasar usually occur a few days before major relativistic jet ejections. Flaring particle energies can be thousands of times larger than previously detected maximum values (with Lorentz factors of 105 and 102 for electrons and protons, respectively). We show that the transitional nature of gamma-ray flares and particle acceleration above GeV energies in Cygnus X-3 is clearly linked to special radio/X-ray states preceding strong radio flares. Thus gamma-rays provide unique insight into the nature of physical processes in microquasars.Comment: 29 pages (including Supplementary Information), 8 figures, 2 tables version submitted to Nature on August 7, 2009 (accepted version available at http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/pdf/nature08578.pdf

    Detection of Gamma-Ray Emission from the Vela Pulsar Wind Nebula with AGILE

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    Pulsars are known to power winds of relativistic particles that can produce bright nebulae by interacting with the surrounding medium. These pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe) are observed in the radio, optical, x-rays and, in some cases, also at TeV energies, but the lack of information in the gamma-ray band prevents from drawing a comprehensive multiwavelength picture of their phenomenology and emission mechanisms. Using data from the AGILE satellite, we detected the Vela pulsar wind nebula in the energy range from 100 MeV to 3 GeV. This result constrains the particle population responsible for the GeV emission, probing multivavelength PWN models, and establishes a class of gamma-ray emitters that could account for a fraction of the unidentified Galactic gamma-ray sources.Comment: Accepted by Science; first published online on December 31, 2009 in Science Express. Science article and Supporting Online Material are available at http://www.sciencemag.or

    AGILE detection of extreme gamma-ray activity from the blazar PKS 1510-089 during March 2009. Multifrequency analysis

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    We report on the extreme gamma-ray activity from the FSRQ PKS 1510-089 observed by AGILE in March 2009. In the same period a radio-to-optical monitoring of the source was provided by the GASP-WEBT and REM. Moreover, several Swift ToO observations were triggered, adding important information on the source behaviour from optical/UV to hard X-rays. We paid particular attention to the calibration of the Swift/UVOT data to make it suitable to the blazars spectra. Simultaneous observations from radio to gamma rays allowed us to study in detail the correlation among the emission variability at different frequencies and to investigate the mechanisms at work. In the period 9-30 March 2009, AGILE detected an average gamma-ray flux of (311+/-21)x10^-8 ph cm^-2 s^-1 for E>100 MeV, and a peak level of (702+/-131)x10^-8 ph cm^-2 s^-1 on daily integration. The gamma-ray activity occurred during a period of increasing activity from near-IR to UV, with a flaring episode detected on 26-27 March 2009, suggesting that a single mechanism is responsible for the flux enhancement observed from near-IR to UV. By contrast, Swift/XRT observations seem to show no clear correlation of the X-ray fluxes with the optical and gamma-ray ones. However, the X-ray observations show a harder photon index (1.3-1.6) with respect to most FSRQs and a hint of harder-when-brighter behaviour, indicating the possible presence of a second emission component at soft X-ray energies. Moreover, the broad band spectrum from radio-to-UV confirmed the evidence of thermal features in the optical/UV spectrum of PKS 1510-089 also during high gamma-ray state. On the other hand, during 25-26 March 2009 a flat spectrum in the optical/UV energy band was observed, suggesting an important contribution of the synchrotron emission in this part of the spectrum during the brightest gamma-ray flare, therefore a significant shift of the synchrotron peak.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    AGILE detection of GeV gamma-ray emission from the SNR W28

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    Supernova remnants (SNRs) are believed to be the main sources of Galactic cosmic rays. Molecular clouds associated with SNRs can produce gamma-ray emission through the interaction of accelerated particles with the concentrated gas. The middle aged SNR W28, for its associated system of dense molecular clouds, provides an excellent opportunity to test this hypothesis. We present the AGILE/GRID observations of SNR W28, and compare them with observations at other wavelengths (TeV and 12CO J=1-->0 molecular line emission). The gamma-ray flux detected by AGILE from the dominant source associated with W28 is (14 +- 5) 10^-8 ph cm^-2 s^-1 for E > 400 MeV. This source is positionally well correlated with the TeV emission observed by the HESS telescope. The local variations of the GeV to TeV flux ratio suggest a difference between the CR spectra of the north-west and south molecular cloud complexes. A model based on a hadronic-induced interaction and diffusion with two molecular clouds at different distances from the W28 shell can explain both the morphological and spectral features observed by AGILE in the MeV-GeV energy range and by the HESS telescope in the TeV energy range. The combined set of AGILE and H.E.S.S. data strongly support a hadronic model for the gamma-ray production in W28.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics Letter

    Multiwavelength observations of 3C 454.3 II. The AGILE 2007 December campaign

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    We report on the second AGILE multiwavelength campaign of the blazar 3C 454.3 during the first half of December 2007. This campaign involved AGILE, Spitzer, Swift,Suzaku,the WEBT consortium,the REM and MITSuME telescopes,offering a broad band coverage that allowed for a simultaneous sampling of the synchrotron and inverse Compton (IC) emissions.The 2-week AGILE monitoring was accompanied by radio to optical monitoring by WEBT and REM and by sparse observations in mid-Infrared and soft/hard X-ray energy bands performed by means of Target of Opportunity observations by Spitzer, Swift and Suzaku, respectively.The source was detected with an average flux of~250x10^{-8}ph cm^-2s^-1 above 100 MeV,typical of its flaring states.The simultaneous optical and gamma-ray monitoring allowed us to study the time-lag associated with the variability in the two energy bands, resulting in a possible ~1-day delay of the gamma-ray emission with respect to the optical one. From the simultaneous optical and gamma-ray fast flare detected on December 12, we can constrain the delay between the gamma-ray and optical emissions within 12 hours. Moreover, we obtain three Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs) with simultaneous data for 2007 December 5, 13, 15, characterized by the widest multifrequency coverage. We found that a model with an external Compton on seed photons by a standard disk and reprocessed by the Broad Line Regions does not describe in a satisfactory way the SEDs of 2007 December 5, 13 and 15. An additional contribution, possibly from the hot corona with T=10^6 K surrounding the jet, is required to account simultaneously for the softness of the synchrotron and the hardness of the inverse Compton emissions during those epochs.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, Accepted for publication in Ap
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