1,656 research outputs found

    Arabinogalactan Proteins as Interactors along the Crosstalk between the Pollen Tube and the Female Tissues

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    Arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) have long been considered to be implicated in several steps of the reproductive process of flowering plants. Pollen tube growth along the pistil tissues requires a multiplicity of signaling pathways to be activated and turned off precisely, at crucial timepoints, to guarantee successful fertilization and seed production. In the recent years, an outstanding effort has been made by the plant reproduction scientific community in order to better understand this process. This resulted in the discovery of a fairly substantial number of new players essential for reproduction, as well as their modes of action and interactions. Besides all the indications of AGPs involvement in reproduction, there were no convincing evidences about it. Recently, several studies came out to prove what had long been suggested about this complex family of glycoproteins. AGPs consist of a large family of hydroxyproline-rich proteins, predicted to be anchored to the plasma membrane and extremely rich in sugars. These two last characteristics always made them perfect candidates to be involved in signaling mechanisms, in several plant developmental processes. New findings finally relate AGPs to concrete functions in plant reproduction. In this review, it is intended not only to describe how different molecules and signaling pathways are functioning to achieve fertilization, but also to integrate the recent discoveries about AGPs along this process

    A importância de um abraço !

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    En este estudio exploratorio, de tipo descriptivo estudiamos el abrazo como algo terapéutico. Esta práctica de dar abrazos se analiza como una manera de tratar y curar enfermedades, o como un medio para el mantenimiento de la salud a través de los múltiples significados de la comunicación presentes en el abrazo. Es extremadamente necesario estructurar nuestro bienestar, tanto físico como emocional. También la psicología debe tener siempre presente esta herramienta fundamental para su práctica clínica, en busca de mejores resultados y de una evolución más rápida y duradera. Los participantes de este estudio son futuros psicólogos, del Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, que están en el 3º año de licenciatura. En cuanto a la caracterización de la muestra aún no se ha establecido un intervalo métrico respecto a la variable edad, dependiendo de los sujetos participantes. Cabe señalar que la muestra es heterogénea. Con este estudio se espera que los psicólogos, a través del abrazo, tengan una buena estructura de soporte emocional, evaluada por la Lista de Síntomas de Hopinks (SCL-90-R), que se sientan bien consigo mismos y con el entorno que les rodea, que el efecto positivo del abrazo desarrolle una empatía en las relaciones de unos con otros, y finalmente que provoque cambios fisiológico mensurables en ese sentido. Dicho esto, nuestra idea principal es que el abrazo contribuye a "curar" a la gente.In this study exploratory, descriptive study sought to embrace as therapeutic touch. This practice of giving hugs as a treatment and cure of diseases or health maintenance through multiple meanings and communications for the hug, it is extremely necessary for the structure of our well - being, both physical and emotional. Psychology should also bear in mind as fundamental tool in clinical practice in search of better results and more rapid evolution and lasting for those who visit. Participants in this study are future psychologists, Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, attending the 3rd year of degree. For the characterization of the sample has not been established the metric range of the age variable, depending on this research subjects. While this point may be noted that the sample is heterogeneous. This study is expected to psychologists through the hug, have a good structure of emotional support, measured by the Symptom Checklist of Hopinks (SCL-90-R) that feel comfortable with themselves and with their environment that the positive effect of a hug develop empathy for the other, and finally cause measurable physiological changes in that regard and that it is played. That said, our main idea is that hug helps to “cure” people.Neste estudo exploratório, do tipo descritivo procuramos estudar o abraço enquanto toque terapêutico. Esta prática de dar abraços como forma de tratamento e cura de doenças, ou para a manutenção da saúde através de múltiplos significados e da comunicação pelo abraço, é extremamente necessária para a estrutura do nosso bem – estar, tanto físico e emocional. Também a psicologia deve ter sempre presente tão fundamental ferramenta na sua prática clínica, na busca de melhores resultados e de uma evolução mais rápida e duradoira de quem a procura. Os participantes deste estudo são futuros psicólogos, do Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, que frequentam o 3º ano de licenciatura. Relativamente à caracterização da amostra ainda não foi estabelecido o intervalo métrico da variável idade, dependendo este dos sujeitos participantes. Ainda neste ponto pode referir-se que a amostra será heterógenea. Com este estudo espera-se que os psicólogos, através do abraço, tenham uma boa estrutura de suporte emocional, avaliado pela Lista de Sintomas de Hopinks (SCL- 90-R) que se sintam bem com eles próprios e com o ambiente que os rodeia, que o efeito positivo do abraço desenvolva uma empatia em relação ao outro, e por último provoque mudanças fisiológicas mensuráveis naquele que toca e naquele que é tocado. Posto isto, a nossa principal ideia é de que o abraço contribui para a “cura” das pessoas.peerReviewe

    Giardia sp. and Cryptosporidium sp. in Iberian Wolf

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    ΔΕΝ ΔΙΑΤΙΘΕΤΑΙ ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗA subsample consisting of fifty fecal samples from wild Iberian Wolf (Canis lupus signatus), from the northwest of Spain were collected in the field. The samples were analyzed for cysts of Giardia sp. and oocysts of Cryptosporidium sp. using a direct immunofluorescence antibody test (IFA). Giardia sp. and Cryptosporidium sp. were found in 20.0 % of the samples examined. Simple infections were more frequent (90.0 %) with seven (14.0 %) positive for Giardia sp. and two (4.0 %) positive for Cryptosporidium sp. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first report of occurrence of Cryptosporidium sp. in Iberian Wolf

    Fontes não convencionais de fósforo para gado zebu no Brasil

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    To evaluate non-conventional phosphorus sources, a group of 400 Nellore cows mantained under pasture received a mineral mixture with different P sources (group I: superphosphate - 500 ppm P; group II: superphosphate - 340 ppm P plus rock phosphate Patos 160 ppm P; group III: superphosphate 340 ppm P plus dicalcium phosphate 160 ppm P; group IV - dicalcium phosphate 500 ppm P). There were no differences in pregnancy rate, calving rate and calving interval. A fluorine deposition in bone was observed for the treatments with superphosphate and rock phosphate (66.92 ± 15.53; 69.97 ± 6.5 and 64.05 ± 3.35% respectively for group I, II and III). Superphosphate was almost as good dicalcium phosphate to provide phosphorus for grazing cows and there was a potentially significant economic advantage over dicalcium phosphate.Quatrocentas vacas Nelore, mantidas em pastagem, receberam mistura mineral contendo fontes não convencionais de fósforo (grupo I - 500 ppm P-superfosfato triplo; grupo II - 340 ppm P como superfosfato e 160 ppm P como rocha Patos; grupo III - 340 ppm P como superfosfato e 160 ppm P como fosfato bicálcico; grupo IV -500 ppm P como fosfato bicálcico). Não se verificou diferenças na taxa de prenhez, porcentagem de nascimento e intervalo entre partos. Observou-se que houve maior concentração de flúor nos ossos para o tratamento com fosfato de rocha. O superfosfato triplo apresentou-se como fonte adequada de P e mostrou vantagem econômica em relação ao bicálcico

    Reactivation of wild-type and mutant p53 by tryptophanolderived oxazoloisoindolinone SLMP53-1:a novel anticancer small-molecule

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    Restoration of the p53 pathway, namely by reactivation of mutant (mut) p53, represents a valuable anticancer strategy. Herein, we report the identification of the enantiopure tryptophanol-derived oxazoloisoindolinone SLMP53-1 as a novel reactivator of wild-type (wt) and mut p53, using a yeast-based screening strategy. SLMP53-1 has a p53-dependent anti-proliferative activity in human wt and mut p53R280K-expressing tumor cells. Additionally, SLMP53-1 enhances p53 transcriptional activity and restores wt-like DNA binding ability to mut p53R280K. In wt/mut p53-expressing tumor cells, SLMP53-1 triggers p53 transcription-dependent and mitochondrial apoptotic pathways involving BAX, and wt/mut p53 mitochondrial translocation. SLMP53-1 inhibits the migration of wt/mut p53-expressing tumor cells, and it shows promising p53-dependent synergistic effects with conventional chemotherapeutics. In xenograft mice models, SLMP53-1 inhibits the growth of wt/mut p53-expressing tumors, but not of p53-null tumors, without apparent toxicity. Collectively, besides the potential use of SLMP53-1 as anticancer drug, the tryptophanol-derived oxazoloisoindolinone scaffold represents a promissing starting point for the development of effective p53-reactivating drugs

    Primeiro Registro Da Cochonilha Lecanodiaspis Dendrobii Douglas, 1892 (hemiptera: Coccoidea: Lecanodiaspididae) E Do Parasitoide Associado Cephaleta Sp. (hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) No Brasil

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    Lecanodiaspis dendrobii Douglas, 1892 (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Lecanodiaspididae) and the associated parasitoid Cephaleta sp. (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) are reported for the first time in Brazil. Specimens of this scale insect were collected on branches and stems of Acacia mangium Willd., Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit (Fabaceae), Morus nigra L. (Moraceae), Citrus reticulata Blanco (Rutaceae), Tectona grandis L. f. (Verbenaceae), Anacardium occidentale (Anacardiaceae), Annona squamosa L. andXylopia aromatica (Lam.) Mart. (Annonaceae), in three municipalities of the Roraima state. All plants here mentioned are recorded for the first time as a host for L. dendrobii. Morphological characters of L. dendrobii and symptoms presented by the host plants infested by this pest are included in this work. © 2016, Instituto Internacional de Ecologia. All rights reserved.76125025

    Trends in Mesenchymal Stem Cells\u27 Applications for Skeletal Muscle Repair and Regeneration

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    Skeletal muscle injuries are quite frequent in traumatic scenarios, such as war injuries or road- or work-related accidents. The skeletal muscle has good regenerative ability, but the extent or recurrence of muscle injury might impair complete structural and functional recovery. Severe tissue loss overwhelms skeletal muscle´s intrinsic regenerative capabilities and culminates in the development of noncontractile fibrous tissue scar. Conservative RICE -based and surgical treatments show limited efficacy in terms of improving these severe cases outcomes, pressing the need for new approaches on skeletal muscle’s therapy. Since the first suggestions of the potential of mesenchymal stem cells for regenerative medicine and tissue engineering, many applications have been explored for a variety of tissues and diseases, including the skeletal muscle, which is the focus of this literature review

    The use of visible and near infrared reflectance spectroscopy to predict beef M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum quality attributes

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    Visible and near infrared reflectance spectroscopy was used to predict pH at 24 h (pH24) post-mortem, sarcomere length (SL), cooking loss (CL), Warner–Bratzler Shear Force (WBSF) and colour parameters (L*, a*, b*) in beef cattle samples. Samples from M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum from 30 bulls were aged at 4 C for 1, 3, 7 and 14 days and analysed for pH, SL, CL, WBSF and colour. NIRS calibrations for pH24, luminosity at 0 (L*t0) and 60 min (L*t60) showed good predictability (R2 = 0.97, 0.85 and 0.82; SECV = 0.10, 1.16, 1.36, respectively), whereas those related to the rest of the parameters were poore

    A hospital-based study

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    Newborn mortality and adverse birth outcomes (ABOs) in Sao Tome & Prı´ncipe (STP) are overwhelmingly high, and access to quality-antenatal care (ANC) is one of the strategies to tackle it. This study aimed to fill the gaps in ANC screenings with a focus on how to improve neonatal outcomes. We conducted a retrospective hospital-based study in which ANC pregnancy cards were reviewed. Screenings were described and compared according to the total number of ANC contacts: 1–3 (inadequate), 4–7 (adequate), and �8 (complete). The collected data were entered into QuickTapSurvey and exported to SPSS version 25 for analysis. Statistical significance was considered at a p-value �0.05. A total of 511 ANC pregnancy cards were reviewed. Mothers’ mean age was 26.6 (SD = 7.1), 51.7% had a first trimester early booking, 14.9% (76) had 1–3 ANC contacts, 46.4% (237) had 4–7 and 38.7% (198) �8. Screening absence was found in 24%-41%, lack of money was registered in 36%. Pregnant women had no screening performed for HIV in 4.5%, syphilis in 8.8%, HBV 39.3%, malaria 25.8%, hemoglobin 24.5%, blood glucose 45.4%, urine 29.7%, stool exams 27.8% and 41.1% had no ultrasound. Screening completion for blood group, HIV, malaria, urine, hemoglobin, and coproparasitological exam were found to have a statistically significant difference (ppublishersversionpublishe