326 research outputs found

    Complications associated to subcutaneous ureteral bypass (SUB) placement in cats : a retrospective study

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina VeterináriaThe ureteral obstruction is becoming more frequent pathology, especially in cats, with the most common cause being an intraluminal obstruction secondary to ureterolithiasis. The diagnosis and medical management of ureteral obstruction should be made early as it may induce a rapid decline in renal function and irreversible lesions on the renal parenchyma. The placement of a Subcutaneous Ureteral Bypass (SUB) has been an increasing therapeutic option, considered as promising palliative treatment. This study aimed to identify potential complications and outcome of cats with a diagnosis of ureteral obstruction and submitted to the placement of a SUB device in one referral center in the Paris area, as to detect factors that may had an influence in these parameters. A retrospective study was performed with a detailed analysis of the medical records of 129 cats submitted to the placement of a SUB device in one referral center in the Paris area. The major complications identified consisted in occlusion (n=41, 32%), mineralization of the device (n=10, 8%) and urine leakage from the device or urinary tract (n=6, 5%). The minor complications described were: dysuria (n=38, 29%), bacteriuria (n=32, 25%) and anemia (n=25, 19%). Major complications were seen a mean of 541 days after the surgery and were associated with the presence of lethargy and oligo-anuria at hospital admission. In the other hand, minor complications were observed 148 days after the surgery and were associated with anorexia or dysorexia at the hospital admission and a history of chronic kidney disease. The need for a second or more surgeries was significantly associated with both minor and major complications. The overall mortality rate of the present study was 19% but this was not associated with complications or other parameters tested, suggesting that, the prognosis after the intervention remains uncertain. In summary, results of the present study suggest that the placement of a SUB is a viable treatment of ureteral obstruction in cats, with fewer short and long-term complications when compared with ureteral stents and traditional ureteral surgery. Despite the difficulty to identify prognostic factors, the results of this study demonstrate that, cats with ureteral obstruction could have a good prognosis after a SUB device placement.RESUMO - COMPLICAÇÕES ASSOCIADAS À COLOCAÇÃO DE BYPASS URETERAL SUBCUTÂNEO (SUB) EM GATOS: ESTUDO RETROSPETIVO - A obstrução ureteral é uma patologia cada vez mais frequente, especialmente em gatos, sendo a causa mais comum uma obstrução intraluminal secundária a ureterolitíase. O diagnóstico e maneio médio da obstrução ureteral deve ser feito de forma célere uma vez que pode induzir um rápido declínio da função renal assim como lesões irreversíveis do parênquima renal. A colocação de um Bypass Ureteral Subcutâneo (SUB) tem sido uma operação terapêutica crescente, constituindo um novo tratamento paliativo promissor. Este estudo pretende descrever as potenciais complicações e prognóstico de gatos com diagnóstico de obstrução ureteral e submetidos à colocação de um dispositivo SUB num centro de referência da região parisiense, assim como detetar fatores que possam ter influenciado estes parâmetros. Foi efetuado um estudo retrospetivo com uma análise detalhada dos dados clínicos de 129 gatos nos quais foi colocado um SUB num centro de referência na área Parisiense. As complicações graves identificadas consistiram em oclusão (n=41, 32%), mineralização do dispositivo (n=10, 8%) e extravasamento de urina do dispositivo ou do trato urinário (n=6, 5%). As complicações ligeiras descritas foram: sinais de disúria (n=38, 29%), bacteriúria (n=32, 25%) e anemia (n=25, 19%). A nível temporal, as complicações graves foram identificadas em média 541 dias após a cirurgia e foram associadas à presença de letargia e oligúrio-anúria aquando da admissão hospitalar. Já as complicações ligeiras, estas foram observadas 148 dias após a cirurgia, com uma associação a anorexia ou disorexia prévias à hospitalização assim como a um historial de doença renal crónica. A realização de uma segunda ou mais cirurgias foi associado tanto com complicações graves como ligeiras. A taxa de mortalidade do presente estudo foi de 19% mas esta não se correlacionou com complicações ou com qualquer outro parâmetro testado, sugerindo assim que, o prognóstico de após intervenção continua incerto. Em suma, os resultados do presente estudo sugerem que a colocação de um dispositivo SUB é um tratamento viável de obstrução ureteral em gatos, com reduzidas complicações a curto e longo prazo, quando comparado com os stents ureterais e cirurgias ureterais tradicionais. Apesar da dificuldade em identificar fatores de prognóstico, os resultados deste estudo demonstram que, gatos com obstruções ureterais podem ter um bom prognóstico após a colocação de um dispositivo SUB.N/

    Critérios para definição da composição de betões leves autocompactáveis com agregados de argila expandida

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    [PT] Este artigo resume um estudo experimental que teve como objetivo definir parâmetros para a composição de betões leves autocompactáveis (BAL), incorporando agregados grossos de argila expandida e agregados finos de areia natural. Partindo da metodologia proposta por Nepomuceno et al. para os betões autocompactáveis de densidade normal (BAC), investigaram-se as alterações necessárias para produzir os BAL. Avaliou-se a curva granulométrica de referência dos agregados grossos leves e as propriedades do escoamento das argamassas adequadas à produção dos BAL. Avaliou-se a segregação estática e investigou-se a relação entre os parâmetros da mistura, a trabalhabilidade, a resistência à compressão e a massa volúmica seca. Concluiu-se que a absorção dos agregados leves constitui um aspeto relevante e que a curva de referência dos agregados grossos, bem como as propriedades reológicas das argamassas propostas por Nepomuceno et al. para os BAC, são adequadas à obtenção de BAL. Concluiu-se que a composição terá de resultar do equilíbrio entre a resistência à compressão e a massa volúmica seca pretendidas, uma vez que a resistência à compressão depende da razão água/cimento e do volume de agregados leves e este último afeta a massa volúmica seca.Nepomuceno, M.; Pereira-De-Oliveira, L.; Pereira, S. (2018). Critérios para definição da composição de betões leves autocompactáveis com agregados de argila expandida. En HAC 2018. V Congreso Iberoamericano de hormigón autocompactable y hormigones especiales. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 127-136. https://doi.org/10.4995/HAC2018.2018.5352OCS12713

    Dietary compounds that modify bilirubin levels

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    Bilirubin (BL) is a bile pigment that arises from the catabolism of hemeproteins and it is an important biochemical marker for diagnosis and monitoring of hepatic and hematologic diseases. The high concentration of this metabolite in plasma may be associated with disturbances in production, metabolism and/or excretion. Several in vivo in vitro studies have established the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumoral bilirubin capacity. The main objective was to verify that the effects of certain drugs and nutritional compounds on the metabolism of bilirubin, as well as studying the effects of radical substances in the UGT1A1 gene in addition have also studied the effect of various enzymes on serum bilirubin. The methodology was a detailed search online database, such as Pubmed, NCBI, ScienceDirect and books, a five-month period. Several studies refer four botanical groups as associated to changes in bilirubin concentrations Cruciferae (e.g., broccoli), Rutaceae (citrus), Liliaceae (e.g., onions), and Leguminosae (legumes). In a hyperbilirubinemic condition, the best approach would include the increasing UGT1A1 expression and this can be achieved with foods from the botanical families Cruciferae, Rutaceae, Liliaceae, and Leguminosae. Regulation of UGTs by phytochemicals has been investigated with a focus on cancer prevention numerous inhibitors from plant origin. The strategy to rise SBL, inhibiting UGT1A1 activity appears unreasonable. Several studies show that low serum bilirubin concentrations are associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases, whereas slightly elevated serum bilirubin levels seems to provide protection. The enzymes HO-1 and BLV will also have an important role in the development of therapeutic strategies based on dietary compounds however for these two enzymes there was considerable less information about their inducers and inhibitors. It is proven that the ingestion of certain foods affects the metabolism of bilirubin and the expression of UGT1A1 gene. Thus, it is justified the need for further studies to demonstrate the potential of food to control the maintenance of bilirubin in order to identify possible functional foods.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Uma análise do feminino em “A ceia”, de Lygia Fagundes Telles

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    Lygia Fagundes Telles posiciona-se como uma escritora-testemunha de seu tempo, assim como uma mulher do século 20 a vivenciar e defender as lutas em prol da liberdade feminina. Atenta aos paradigmas sociopolíticos vigentes, sem ignorar a natureza ficcional e estética da arte, a autora constrói uma literatura disposta a desvelar (e também subverter) o status quo em suas múltiplas nuances por meio de personagens femininas vibrantes e de temáticas como amor, casamento e traição. Considerando essas questões, propomos neste ensaio uma análise da representação do feminino no conto “A ceia”, presente na antologia Antes do baile verde, publicada pela primeira vez em 1970 pela Editora Bloch. Para tanto, discutimos como, no conto, figuram representações do feminino nas personagens Alice e Olívia, em que se revela uma tensão dialética entre as imposições sociais do patriarcado e sua subversão. 

    Effects of diet on brain plasticity in animal and human studies: Mind the gap

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    Dietary interventions have emerged as effective environmental inducers of brain plasticity. Among these dietary interventions, we here highlight the impact of caloric restriction (CR: a consistent reduction of total daily food intake), intermittent fasting (IF, every-other-day feeding), and diet supplementation with polyphenols and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) on markers of brain plasticity in animal studies. Moreover, we also discuss epidemiological and intervention studies reporting the effects of CR, IF and dietary polyphenols and PUFAs on learning, memory, and mood. In particular, we evaluate the gap in mechanistic understanding between recent findings from animal studies and those human studies reporting that these dietary factors can benefit cognition, mood, and anxiety, aging, and Alzheimer’s disease—with focus on the enhancement of structural and functional plasticity markers in the hippocampus, such as increased expression of neurotrophic factors, synaptic function and adult neurogenesis. Lastly, we discuss some of the obstacles to harnessing the promising effects of diet on brain plasticity in animal studies into effective recommendations and interventions to promote healthy brain function in humans. Together, these data reinforce the important translational concept that diet, a modifiable lifestyle factor, holds the ability to modulate brain health and function

    A Second Actin-Like MamK Protein in Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1 Encoded Outside the Genomic Magnetosome Island

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    Magnetotactic bacteria are able to swim navigating along geomagnetic field lines. They synthesize ferromagnetic nanocrystals that are embedded in cytoplasmic membrane invaginations forming magnetosomes. Regularly aligned in the cytoplasm along cytoskeleton filaments, the magnetosome chain effectively forms a compass needle bestowing on bacteria their magnetotactic behaviour. A large genomic island, conserved among magnetotactic bacteria, contains the genes potentially involved in magnetosome formation. One of the genes, mamK has been described as encoding a prokaryotic actin-like protein which when it polymerizes forms in the cytoplasm filamentous structures that provide the scaffold for magnetosome alignment. Here, we have identified a series of genes highly similar to the mam genes in the genome of Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1. The newly annotated genes are clustered in a genomic islet distinct and distant from the known magnetosome genomic island and most probably acquired by lateral gene transfer rather than duplication. We focused on a mamK-like gene whose product shares 54.5% identity with the actin-like MamK. Filament bundles of polymerized MamK-like protein were observed in vitro with electron microscopy and in vivo in E. coli cells expressing MamK-like-Venus fusions by fluorescence microscopy. In addition, we demonstrate that mamK-like is transcribed in AMB-1 wild-type and ΔmamK mutant cells and that the actin-like filamentous structures observed in the ΔmamK strain are probably MamK-like polymers. Thus MamK-like is a new member of the prokaryotic actin-like family. This is the first evidence of a functional mam gene encoded outside the magnetosome genomic island

    Decomposition rate, pH, and enamel color alteration of at-home and in-office bleaching agents

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    This study evaluated the decomposition rate (DR), pH, enamel color alteration (DE) and whiteness index (DWI) promoted by at-home and in-office bleaching. Enamel surface was submitted to (n=10): at-home (10%, 15%, 20% carbamide peroxide - CP, 6% hydrogen peroxide -HP) and three 35% HP agents with light irradiation (LED, laser, and halogen) or no treatment (control). The DR and pH of agents were measured after 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 h (at-home) or after 5, 15, 20, 30 and 40 min (in-office). Color parameters (L*, a*, b*, DE, DWI) were determined at baseline and after bleaching. DR, pH, L*, a*, b* data were analyzed by one-way (at-home) or two-way (in-office) repeated measures ANOVA and Tukey test. DE and DWI, by one-way (at-home) or two-way (in-office) ANOVA and Tukey test. DR of at-home agents was similar after 6 and 8 h (p>0.05), with pH close to neutral (6.5 to 6.9, CP) or acid 5.9 (6% HP). From 4 to 8 h, DE was higher for 15% and 20% CP compared with 10% CP (p0.05). One 35% HP showed alkaline pH, and the others, pH 0.05), com pH próximo ao neutro (6,5 a 6,9 - CP) ou ácido (5,9- HP 6%). De 4 a 8 h, a ∆E foi maior para CP 15% e 20% comparado ao CP 10% (p0.05). Um agente HP 35% exibiu pH alcalino, e os outros, pH<5.5. Os agentes clareadores caseiros poderiam ser aplicados por 2 h (15%, 20% CP e 6% HP) e 4 h (CP 10%), e os agentes clareadores de consultório, até 40 min em uma aplicação, sem lu

    Protein kinase CK2 contributes to the organization of sodium channels in axonal membranes by regulating their interactions with ankyrin G

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    In neurons, generation and propagation of action potentials requires the precise accumulation of sodium channels at the axonal initial segment (AIS) and in the nodes of Ranvier through ankyrin G scaffolding. We found that the ankyrin-binding motif of Nav1.2 that determines channel concentration at the AIS depends on a glutamate residue (E1111), but also on several serine residues (S1112, S1124, and S1126). We showed that phosphorylation of these residues by protein kinase CK2 (CK2) regulates Nav channel interaction with ankyrins. Furthermore, we observed that CK2 is highly enriched at the AIS and the nodes of Ranvier in vivo. An ion channel chimera containing the Nav1.2 ankyrin-binding motif perturbed endogenous sodium channel accumulation at the AIS, whereas phosphorylation-deficient chimeras did not. Finally, inhibition of CK2 activity reduced sodium channel accumulation at the AIS of neurons. In conclusion, CK2 contributes to sodium channel organization by regulating their interaction with ankyrin G

    Color stability of enamel treated with different antioxidant agents following at-home bleaching with 10% hydrogen peroxide

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    This study evaluated the color stability of enamel submitted to 10% hydrogen peroxide (HP) followed by antioxidants agents, and the pH and antioxidant activity (AA%) of these agents. Methodology: Bovine enamel-dentin blocks were randomly distributed into groups (n=10/group): GNC (negative control: no treatment); GPC (positive control: bleaching only); TOC_10% (HP+10% α-tocopherol); GT_10% (HP+10% green tea extract); GS_5% (HP+5% grape seed extract); SA_10% (HP+10% sodium ascorbate); QUI_10% (HP+10% quinoa extract); and QC_1% (HP+1% quercetin). Color (ΔE00) and whiteness index (ΔWID) changes were analyzed using a digital spectrophotometer. The pH and AA% were determined using a pH meter and the DPPH method, respectively. Data were analyzed by ANOVA/Tukey’s and Dunnett’s tests (α=0.05). Results: At 14 days post-bleaching, GNC promoted the lowest ΔWID&nbsp;and ΔE00 (p&lt;0.05), and no differences were found between GPC and the remaining groups submitted to the antioxidant agents (p&gt;0.05). QC_1% and QUI_10% exhibited acidic pH levels (3.64 and 4.75, respectively), whereas TOC_10% and GS_5% exhibited alkaline pH (7.07 and 7.64, respectively). No differences in AA% were found between the agents (p&gt;0.05), ranging from 92.6 to 97.6%. Conclusion: The antioxidant agents did not interfere in bleached enamel color stability, showing satisfactory antioxidant activity. However, QUI and QC gels displayed acidic pH. Clinical significance: The antioxidants evaluated showed high AA% and no impact on post-bleaching color stability, suggesting that their capacity to recover bond strength demonstrated elsewhere would not compromise the esthetic efficacy of tooth bleaching. However, those with acidic pH should be used with caution due to potential enamel damage. &nbsp