55 research outputs found

    Mothers as victims of intimate partner violence: the decision to leave or stay and resilience-oriented intervention

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    This paper presents a qualitative study to understand the reasons for leaving or staying in an abusive relationship and how this informs planning for psychosocial interventions with victims. We present a study of 15 Portuguese women with children who were victims of intimate partner violence (IPV). The sample consisted of women, helped by a Victim Support Office, who volunteered to participate in a semi-structured interview and whose narrative responses were recorded and transcribed for analysis. The results, organized into two broad categories, reveal that the reasons for staying in the abusive relationship are essentially related to extrinsic factors (e.g., children, the aggressor, society), which reinforces myths (e.g., marriage is for life) and makes it difficult to break the cycle of violence. However, the decision to leave the abusive relationship is also based on the same factors which, when reconceptualized and empowered, contribute to the intrinsic recognition of the problem and the decision-making process. We find that the resilience portfolio model, which focuses on three major factors (self-regulation, interpersonal forces, and construction of meaning), favors the identification of protective factors that can guide interventions for individuals facing situations of adversity such as IPV.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Famílias de Crianças com Necessidades Educativas Especiais e a Equipa de Intervenção Precoce: que relação?

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    Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação: Educação Especial, área de especialização em Domínio da Intervenção Precoce na InfânciaEste trabalho visa investigar a relação existente entre as famílias das crianças com NEE e a equipa de Intervenção Precoce e como esta se processa, no sentido de compreender a satisfação das famílias relativamente a esta relação, salientando a sua importância para o desenvolvimento das crianças. O estudo, incidiu sobre as famílias de crianças com NEE, dos zero aos seis anos, acompanhadas pela Equipa de Intervenção Local de dois concelhos do Distrito de Leiria, e foi realizado com recurso à versão portuguesa da Escala ESFIP (Cruz et al., 2003) a 19 famílias das crianças em Intervenção Precoce acompanhadas pela equipa. Os resultados obtidos apontam de uma forma geral para uma elevada satisfação das famílias relativamente à equipa de intervenção precoce. Foi possível através deste estudo compreender que existe uma relação satisfatória entre pais e profissionais, que se reflete na relação e trabalho que é desenvolvido com a criança com Necessidades Educativas Especiais, e que parece não estar significativamente associada à duração, frequência ou local em que são prestados os serviços do apoio. A relação entre pais e profissionais parece ser a variável que mais fortemente se associa à satisfação das famílias. This project aims to investigate the relationship between the families of children with SEN and Early Intervention team and how this is done, in order to understand the families’ satisfaction with this relationship, emphasizing its importance for the children development. The study focused on the families of children with SEN, from 0 to 6 years old, followed by the Early Intervention Team of geographique area. The study was conducted with the ESFIP (Portuguese version) administered to 19 families on Early Intervention. The results show in a general way a high satisfaction of families on the team early intervention. It was possible to understand through this study that there is a positive relation between parents and professionals, which is reflected in the relationship developed on working with children with Special Educational Needs

    Famílias de crianças com necessidades educativas especiais e a equipa de intervenção precoce: que relação?

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    Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação: Educação Especial, área de especialização em Domínio da Intervenção Precoce na InfânciaEste trabalho visa investigar a relação existente entre as famílias das crianças com NEE e a equipa de Intervenção Precoce e como esta se processa, no sentido de compreender a satisfação das famílias relativamente a esta relação, salientando a sua importância para o desenvolvimento das crianças. O estudo, incidiu sobre as famílias de crianças com NEE, dos zero aos seis anos, acompanhadas pela Equipa de Intervenção Local de dois concelhos do Distrito de Leiria, e foi realizado com recurso à versão portuguesa da Escala ESFIP (Cruz et al., 2003) a 19 famílias das crianças em Intervenção Precoce acompanhadas pela equipa. Os resultados obtidos apontam de uma forma geral para uma elevada satisfação das famílias relativamente à equipa de intervenção precoce. Foi possível através deste estudo compreender que existe uma relação satisfatória entre pais e profissionais, que se reflete na relação e trabalho que é desenvolvido com a criança com Necessidades Educativas Especiais, e que parece não estar significativamente associada à duração, frequência ou local em que são prestados os serviços do apoio. A relação entre pais e profissionais parece ser a variável que mais fortemente se associa à satisfação das famílias. This project aims to investigate the relationship between the families of children with SEN and Early Intervention team and how this is done, in order to understand the families’ satisfaction with this relationship, emphasizing its importance for the children development. The study focused on the families of children with SEN, from 0 to 6 years old, followed by the Early Intervention Team of geographique area. The study was conducted with the ESFIP (Portuguese version) administered to 19 families on Early Intervention. The results show in a general way a high satisfaction of families on the team early intervention. It was possible to understand through this study that there is a positive relation between parents and professionals, which is reflected in the relationship developed on working with children with Special Educational Needs

    “Parentalidade Minimamente Adequada”: Contributos paraaoperacionalização do conceito

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    Apontado na literatura como um conceito de referência nas avaliações da parentalidade, a “parentalidade minimamente adequada” está, contudo, insuficientemente refletida e operacionalizada. Este artigo procura abrir essa discussão, a partir da apresentação e discussão dos resultados de três focus group (FG) de profissionais, das áreas social, judicial e académica, aos quais foi directamente colocada a seguinte questão: o que é e quais são os indicadores de “parentalidade minimamente adequada”? O conteúdo das discussões foi analisado utilizando o software QSRnVivo 8. As categorias de conteúdo apontam para indicadores qualitativos de parentalidade mínima, distribuídos por diferentes níveis ecológicos (indivíduo, microssistema e contexto social). É também referida a impossibilidade de se alcançar uma formulação universal do que constitui uma “parentalidade minimamente adequada” e de se utilizar apenas um tipo de indicadores para a caracterizar. Com base nos contributos deste estudo é proposta uma matriz tridimensional de operacionalização do conceito

    Family health nursing approach to leg ulcers

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    Family Health Nursing focuses its action on the user and family and, due to its centrality and proximity, it is the main responsible for monitoring chronic diseases, where leg ulcers stand out. Given the complications that they represent in the user and family, it is essential that the Family Nurse masters their characteristics, to distinguish their etiology, as well as the different treatments available, adapting them to the particularities and background of the user. Compressive therapy is a good alternative to apply to venous ulcers, if the essential criteria for its application are met. It is up to the Nurse to evaluate them and, when properly instructed, their application, to enhance health gains and cost adequacyinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evolution of self-care dependent individuals admitted to the National Network for Integrated Continuous Care

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    Enquadramento: A Rede Nacional de Cuidados Continuados Integrados surgiu como resposta ao crescente envelhecimento da população portuguesa e ao consequente aumento do número de pessoas dependentes no autocuidado. Objetivos: Avaliar o potencial de reconstrução de autonomia, e a evolução do compromisso nos processos corporais e da dependência no autocuidado das pessoas dependentes admitidas na Rede. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo e exploratório, com uma amostra de conveniência constituída por 891 pessoas dependentes, realizado em 10 prestadores de cuidados da Rede da área de abrangência de uma Equipa Coordenadora Local da região Minho de Portugal. Resultados: O potencial de reconstrução de autonomia situa-se entre reduzido a moderado. Verificou-se uma evolução positiva no compromisso nos processos corporais e no nível de dependência no autocuidado. Maior potencial de reconstrução de autonomia está associado a menor compromisso nos processos corporais e a maior independência. Conclusão: O estudo revela ganhos em saúde efetivos na condição de saúde das pessoas dependentes acompanhadas nas diferentes tipologias de cuidados da Rede, o que demonstra a sua utilidade.Background: The National Network for Integrated Continuous Care (NNICC) emerged as a response to the increasing aging of the Portuguese population and the consequent increase in the number of self-care dependent individuals. Objectives: To assess the potential for the recovery of autonomy, the evolution of bodily processes impairment, and the level of self-care dependence among dependent individuals admitted to the NNICC. Methodology: A descriptive and exploratory study was conducted using a convenience sample of 891 dependent individuals from 10 NNICC care units within the area of influence of a Local Coordination Team in the region of Minho, Portugal. Results: The results showed a low to moderate potential for the recovery of autonomy. There was a positive evolution in bodily processes impairment and in the level of self-care dependence. The greater potential for the recovery of autonomy is associated with a lower level of bodily processes impairment and a higher self-care independence. Conclusion: The study reveals effective health gains in the health condition of dependent individuals admitted to the NNICC, within its different types of care, which demonstrates its usefulness.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evolución de las personas dependientes en el autocuidado acompañadas en la Red Nacional de Cuidados Continuos Integrados

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    Background: The National Network for Integrated Continuous Care (NNICC) emerged as a response to the increasing aging of the Portuguese population and the consequent increase in the number of self-care dependent individuals. Objectives: To assess the potential for the recovery of autonomy, the evolution of bodily processes impairment, and the level of self-care dependence among dependent individuals admitted to the NNICC. Methodology: A descriptive and exploratory study was conducted using a convenience sample of 891 dependent individuals from 10 NNICC care units within the area of influence of a Local Coordination Team in the region of Minho, Portugal. Results: The results showed a low to moderate potential for the recovery of autonomy. There was a positive evolution in bodily processes impairment and in the level of self-care dependence. The greater potential for the recovery of autonomy is associated with a lower level of bodily processes impairment and a higher self-care independence. Conclusion: The study reveals effective health gains in the health condition of dependent individuals admitted to the NNICC, within its different types of care, which demonstrates its usefulness.Enquadramento: A Rede Nacional de Cuidados Continuados Integrados surgiu como resposta ao crescente envelhecimento da população portuguesa e ao consequente aumento do número de pessoas dependentes no autocuidado. Objetivos: Avaliar o potencial de reconstrução de autonomia, e a evolução do compromisso nos processos corporais e da dependência no autocuidado das pessoas dependentes admitidas na Rede. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo e exploratório, com uma amostra de conveniência constituída por 891 pessoas dependentes, realizado em 10 prestadores de cuidados da Rede da área de abrangência de uma Equipa Coordenadora Local da região Minho de Portugal. Resultados: O potencial de reconstrução de autonomia situa-se entre reduzido a moderado. Verificou-se uma evolução positiva no compromisso nos processos corporais e no nível de dependência no autocuidado. Maior potencial de reconstrução de autonomia está associado a menor compromisso nos processos corporais e a maior independência. Conclusão: O estudo revela ganhos em saúde efetivos na condição de saúde das pessoas dependentes acompanhadas nas diferentes tipologias de cuidados da Rede, o que demonstra a sua utilidade.Marco contextual: La Red Nacional de Cuidados Continuados Integrados surgió como respuesta al creciente envejecimiento de la población portuguesa y al consiguiente aumento del número de personas dependientes en el autocuidado. Objetivos: Evaluar el potencial de reconstrucción de la autonomía, y la evolución del compromiso en los procesos corporales y de dependencia en el autocuidado de las personas dependientes admitidas en la Red. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo y exploratorio, con una muestra de conveniencia constituida por 891 personas dependientes, realizado en 10 prestadores de cuidados de la Red del área de cobertura de un equipo coordinador local de la región del Miño de Portugal. Resultados: El potencial de reconstrucción de la autonomía se sitúa entre reducido y moderado. Se verificó una evolución positiva en el compromiso en los procesos corporales y en el nivel de dependencia en el autocuidado. Un mayor potencial de reconstrucción de la autonomía se asocia con un menor compromiso en los procesos corporales y una mayor independencia. Conclusión: El estudio revela beneficios efectivos en la salud de las personas dependientes acompañadas en las diferentes tipologías de cuidados de la Red, lo que demuestra su utilidad.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A comprehensive assessment of the transcriptome of cork oak (Quercus suber) through EST sequencing

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    Background: Cork oak (Quercus suber) is one of the rare trees with the ability to produce cork, a material widely used to make wine bottle stoppers, flooring and insulation materials, among many other uses. The molecular mechanisms of cork formation are still poorly understood, in great part due to the difficulty in studying a species with a long life-cycle and for which there is scarce molecular/genomic information. Cork oak forests are of great ecological importance and represent a major economic and social resource in Southern Europe and Northern Africa. However, global warming is threatening the cork oak forests by imposing thermal, hydric and many types of novel biotic stresses. Despite the economic and social value of the Q. suber species, few genomic resources have been developed, useful for biotechnological applications and improved forest management. Results: We generated in excess of 7 million sequence reads, by pyrosequencing 21 normalized cDNA libraries derived from multiple Q. suber tissues and organs, developmental stages and physiological conditions. We deployed a stringent sequence processing and assembly pipeline that resulted in the identification of ~159,000 unigenes. These were annotated according to their similarity to known plant genes, to known Interpro domains, GO classes and E.C. numbers. The phylogenetic extent of this ESTs set was investigated, and we found that cork oak revealed a significant new gene space that is not covered by other model species or EST sequencing projects. The raw data, as well as the full annotated assembly, are now available to the community in a dedicated web portal at http://www.corkoakdb.org. Conclusions: This genomic resource represents the first trancriptome study in a cork producing species. It can be explored to develop new tools and approaches to understand stress responses and developmental processes in forest trees, as well as the molecular cascades underlying cork differentiation and disease response.Peer Reviewe

    Comparative Microsatellite Typing of New World Leishmania infantum Reveals Low Heterogeneity among Populations and Its Recent Old World Origin

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    Leishmania infantum (syn. L. chagasi) is the causative agent of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in the New World (NW) with endemic regions extending from southern USA to northern Argentina. The two hypotheses about the origin of VL in the NW suggest (1) recent importation of L. infantum from the Old World (OW), or (2) an indigenous origin and a distinct taxonomic rank for the NW parasite. Multilocus microsatellite typing was applied in a survey of 98 L. infantum isolates from different NW foci. The microsatellite profiles obtained were compared to those of 308 L. infantum and 20 L. donovani strains from OW countries previously assigned to well-defined populations. Two main populations were identified for both NW and OW L. infantum. Most of the NW strains belonged to population 1, which corresponded to the OW MON-1 population. However, the NW population was much more homogeneous. A second, more heterogeneous, population comprised most Caribbean strains and corresponded to the OW non-MON-1 population. All Brazilian L. infantum strains belonged to population 1, although they represented 61% of the sample and originated from 9 states. Population analysis including the OW L. infantum populations indicated that the NW strains were more similar to MON-1 and non-MON-1 sub-populations of L. infantum from southwest Europe, than to any other OW sub-population. Moreover, similarity between NW and Southwest European L. infantum was higher than between OW L. infantum from distinct parts of the Mediterranean region, Middle East and Central Asia. No correlation was found between NW L. infantum genotypes and clinical picture or host background. This study represents the first continent-wide analysis of NW L. infantum population structure. It confirmed that the agent of VL in the NW is L. infantum and that the parasite has been recently imported multiple times to the NW from southwest Europe

    Canagliflozin and renal outcomes in type 2 diabetes and nephropathy

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    BACKGROUND Type 2 diabetes mellitus is the leading cause of kidney failure worldwide, but few effective long-term treatments are available. In cardiovascular trials of inhibitors of sodium–glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2), exploratory results have suggested that such drugs may improve renal outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes. METHODS In this double-blind, randomized trial, we assigned patients with type 2 diabetes and albuminuric chronic kidney disease to receive canagliflozin, an oral SGLT2 inhibitor, at a dose of 100 mg daily or placebo. All the patients had an estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of 30 to <90 ml per minute per 1.73 m2 of body-surface area and albuminuria (ratio of albumin [mg] to creatinine [g], >300 to 5000) and were treated with renin–angiotensin system blockade. The primary outcome was a composite of end-stage kidney disease (dialysis, transplantation, or a sustained estimated GFR of <15 ml per minute per 1.73 m2), a doubling of the serum creatinine level, or death from renal or cardiovascular causes. Prespecified secondary outcomes were tested hierarchically. RESULTS The trial was stopped early after a planned interim analysis on the recommendation of the data and safety monitoring committee. At that time, 4401 patients had undergone randomization, with a median follow-up of 2.62 years. The relative risk of the primary outcome was 30% lower in the canagliflozin group than in the placebo group, with event rates of 43.2 and 61.2 per 1000 patient-years, respectively (hazard ratio, 0.70; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.59 to 0.82; P=0.00001). The relative risk of the renal-specific composite of end-stage kidney disease, a doubling of the creatinine level, or death from renal causes was lower by 34% (hazard ratio, 0.66; 95% CI, 0.53 to 0.81; P<0.001), and the relative risk of end-stage kidney disease was lower by 32% (hazard ratio, 0.68; 95% CI, 0.54 to 0.86; P=0.002). The canagliflozin group also had a lower risk of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, or stroke (hazard ratio, 0.80; 95% CI, 0.67 to 0.95; P=0.01) and hospitalization for heart failure (hazard ratio, 0.61; 95% CI, 0.47 to 0.80; P<0.001). There were no significant differences in rates of amputation or fracture. CONCLUSIONS In patients with type 2 diabetes and kidney disease, the risk of kidney failure and cardiovascular events was lower in the canagliflozin group than in the placebo group at a median follow-up of 2.62 years