185 research outputs found

    Attività Fisica Adattata: Taiji-Quan. Una proposta di metodo di lavoro per le persone con Malattia di Parkinson

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    Riassunto La Malattia di Parkinson è la seconda malattia neurodegenerativa più diffusa al mondo dopo l’Alzheimer. Le persone affette sono ad alto rischio di caduta, con conseguenti disabilità fisiche e psicologiche, con aumento della paura di cadere e di uscire di casa, e riduzione dell’autonomia individuale. I disturbi dell’equilibrio rispondono in maniera incompleta al trattamento farmacologico, mentre si fanno sempre più numerose le evidenze scientifiche che dimostrano come la pratica del Taiji-Quan quale “attività fisica adattata” sia efficace nel migliorare l’equilibrio e dunque la qualità di vita delle persone con Malattia di Parkinson. Il presente lavoro vuole proporre un Programma di Allenamento Adattato di Taiji-Quan, ben definito, ripetibile, completo di significato rieducativo specifico per ogni singolo esercizio, da associare al Programma Farmacologico nel Progetto Riabilitativo Individuale delle persone con Malattia di Parkinson. Tale protocollo è attuabile anche in modalità telematica come tele-riabilitazione

    The use of ultrasound in the clinical re-staging of the axilla after neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT).

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    Introduction Ultrasound (US) is the imaging modality of choice for staging the axilla prior to surgery in patients with breast cancer (BC). High pathological complete response rates in the axilla after NACT mean a more conservative approach to surgery can be considered. Radiological re-staging is important in this decision making. After the presentation of results from ACOSOG Z1071 in December 2012, formal ultrasound re-assessment of the axilla after primary therapy was specifically requested in our institution. We report on the accuracy of axillary US (aUS) for identifying residual axillary disease post-NACT.Methods Data were collected on patients who had proven axillary disease prior to NACT and underwent axillary lymph node dissection after NACT between January 2013 and December 2015. Post-chemotherapy aUS reports and axillary pathology reports were classified as positive or negative for abnormal lymph nodes and for residual disease (cCR and pCR respectively).Results The sensitivity and specificity of aUS was 71% and 88% respectively. The negative predictive value (NPV) was 83%. The false negative rate was 29%.Conclusions Axillary ultrasound provides clinically useful information post-NACT, which will guide surgical decision-making. Patients with aUS-negative axillae are likely to have a lower false negative rate of SLNB after NACT (Boughey et al.). However, aUS does not replace the need to identify and biopsy the nodes which were proven to be positive prior to NACT

    Exploring the affordances of smart toys and connected play in practice

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    What does children’s play look like in the smart toy era? What conceptual frameworks help make sense of the changing practices of children’s connected play worlds? Responding to these questions, this article re-frames discussions about children’s smart toy play within wider theoretical debates about the affordances of new digital materialities. To understand recent transformations of children’s play practices, we propose it is necessary to think of toys as increasingly media-like in their affordances and as connected to wider digital material ecosystems. To demonstrate the potential of this conceptual approach, we explore illustrative examples of two popular smart ‘care toys’. Our analysis identifies three examples of affordances that smart care toys share with other forms of mobile and robotic media: liveliness, affective stickiness and portability. We argue that locating discussions of smart toys within wider conceptual debates about digital materialities can provide new insights into the changing landscape of children’s play

    Terrestrial laser scanning survey in support of unstable slopes analysis. The case of Vulcano Island (Italy)

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    The capability to measure at distance dense cloud of 3D point has improved the relevance of geomatic techniques to support risk assessment analysis related to slope instability. This work focuses on quantitative analyses carried out to evaluate the effects of potential failures in the Vulcano Island (Italy). Terrestrial laser scanning was adopted to reconstruct the geometry of investigated slopes that is required for the implementation of numerical modeling adopted to simulate runout areas. Structural and morphological elements, which influenced past instabilities or may be linked to new events, were identified on surface models based on ground surveying. Terrestrial laser scanning was adopted to generate detailed 3D models of subvertical slopes allowing to characterize the distribution and orientation of the rock discontinuities that affect instability mechanism caused by critical geometry. Methods for obtaining and analyzing 3D topographic data and to implement simulation analyses contributing to hazard and risk assessment are discussed for two case studies (Forgia Vecchia slope and Lentia rock walls)

    Intraoperative Local Field Potential Beta Power and Three-Dimensional Neuroimaging Mapping Predict Long-Term Clinical Response to Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson Disease: A Retrospective Study

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    background: directional deep brain stimulation (DBS) leads allow a fine-tuning control of the stimulation field, however, this new technology could increase the DBS programming time because of the higher number of the possible combinations used in directional DBS than in standard nondirectional electrodes. neuroimaging leads localization techniques and local field potentials (LFPs) recorded from DBS electrodes implanted in basal ganglia are among the most studied biomarkers for DBS programing. objective: this study aimed to evaluate whether intraoperative LFPs beta power and neuroimaging reconstructions correlate with contact selection in clinical programming of DBS in patients with Parkinson disease (PD). materials and methods: In this retrospective study, routine intraoperative LFPs recorded from all contacts in the subthalamic nucleus (STN) of 14 patients with PD were analyzed to calculate the beta band power for each contact. neuroimaging reconstruction obtained through brainlab elements planning software detected contacts localized within the STN. clinical DBS programming contact scheme data were collected after one year from the implant. statistical analysis evaluated the diagnostic performance of LFPs beta band power and neuroimaging data for identification of the contacts selected with clinical programming. we evaluated whether the most effective contacts identified based on the clinical response after one year from implant were also those with the highest level of beta activity and localized within the STN in neuroimaging reconstruction. results: LFPs beta power showed a sensitivity of 67%, a negative predictive value (NPV) of 84%, a diagnostic odds ratio (DOR) of 2.7 in predicting the most effective contacts as evaluated through the clinical response. neuroimaging reconstructions showed a sensitivity of 62%, a NPV of 77%, a DOR of 1.20 for contact effectivity prediction. the combined use of the two methods showed a sensitivity of 87%, a NPV of 87%, a DOR of 2.7 for predicting the clinically more effective contacts. conclusions: the combined use of LFPs beta power and neuroimaging localization and segmentations predict which are the most effective contacts as selected on the basis of clinical programming after one year from implant of DBS. the use of predictors in contact selection could guide clinical programming and reduce time needed for it

    On impact and volcanism across the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary

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    The cause of the end-Cretaceous mass extinction is vigorously debated, owing to the occurrence of a very large bolide impact and flood basalt volcanism near the boundary. Disentangling their relative importance is complicated by uncertainty regarding kill mechanisms and the relative timing of volcanogenic outgassing, impact, and extinction. We used carbon cycle modeling and paleotemperature records to constrain the timing of volcanogenic outgassing. We found support for major outgassing beginning and ending distinctly before the impact, with only the impact coinciding with mass extinction and biologically amplified carbon cycle change. Our models show that these extinction-related carbon cycle changes would have allowed the ocean to absorb massive amounts of carbon dioxide, thus limiting the global warming otherwise expected from postextinction volcanism

    Mechanisms and therapeutic applications of electromagnetic therapy in Parkinson's disease

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    © 2015 Vadalà et al. Electromagnetic therapy is a non-invasive and safe approach for the management of several pathological conditions including neurodegenerative diseases. Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative pathology caused by abnormal degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area and substantia nigra pars compacta in the midbrain resulting in damage to the basal ganglia. Electromagnetic therapy has been extensively used in the clinical setting in the form of transcranial magnetic stimulation, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, high-frequency transcranial magnetic stimulation and pulsed electromagnetic field therapy which can also be used in the domestic setting. In this review, we discuss the mechanisms and therapeutic applications of electromagnetic therapy to alleviate motor and non-motor deficits that characterize Parkinson's disease

    Leaf Trait-Environment Relationships in a Subtropical Broadleaved Forest in South-East China

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    Although trait analyses have become more important in community ecology, trait-environment correlations have rarely been studied along successional gradients. We asked which environmental variables had the strongest impact on intraspecific and interspecific trait variation in the community and which traits were most responsive to the environment. We established a series of plots in a secondary forest in the Chinese subtropics, stratified by successional stages that were defined by the time elapsed since the last logging activities. On a total of 27 plots all woody plants were recorded and a set of individuals of every species was analysed for leaf traits, resulting in a trait matrix of 26 leaf traits for 122 species. A Fourth Corner Analysis revealed that the mean values of many leaf traits were tightly related to the successional gradient. Most shifts in traits followed the leaf economics spectrum with decreasing specific leaf area and leaf nutrient contents with successional time. Beside succession, few additional environmental variables resulted in significant trait relationships, such as soil moisture and soil C and N content as well as topographical variables. Not all traits were related to the leaf economics spectrum, and thus, to the successional gradient, such as stomata size and density. By comparing different permutation models in the Fourth Corner Analysis, we found that the trait-environment link was based more on the association of species with the environment than of the communities with species traits. The strong species-environment association was brought about by a clear gradient in species composition along the succession series, while communities were not well differentiated in mean trait composition. In contrast, intraspecific trait variation did not show close environmental relationships. The study confirmed the role of environmental trait filtering in subtropical forests, with traits associated with the leaf economics spectrum being the most responsive ones

    Keeping it simple: Flowering plants tend to retain, and revert to, simple leaves

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    • A wide range of factors (developmental, physiological, ecological) with unpredictable interactions control variation in leaf form. Here, we examined the distribution of leaf morphologies (simple and complex forms) across angiosperms in a phylogenetic context to detect patterns in the directions of changes in leaf shape. • Seven datasets (diverse angiosperms and six nested clades, Sapindales, Apiales, Papaveraceae, Fabaceae, Lepidium, Solanum) were analysed using maximum likelihood and parsimony methods to estimate asymmetries in rates of change among character states. • Simple leaves are most frequent among angiosperm lineages today, were inferred to be ancestral in angiosperms and tended to be retained in evolution (stasis). Complex leaves slowly originated (‘gains’) and quickly reverted to simple leaves (‘losses’) multiple times, with a significantly greater rate of losses than gains. Lobed leaves may be a labile intermediate step between different forms. The nested clades showed mixed trends; Solanum, like the angiosperms in general, had higher rates of losses than gains, but the other clades had higher rates of gains than losses. • The angiosperm-wide pattern could be taken as a null model to test leaf evolution patterns in particular clades, in which patterns of variation suggest clade-specific processes that have yet to be investigated fully