39 research outputs found

    Mielen teorian kuvaaminen Varhaiskasvatuksen perusteet 2018 -asiakirjassa

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    Tiivistelmä. Mielen teoria on käsite, jolla kuvataan tietoisuutta omista ja toisen ihmisen havainnoista, ajatuksista ja tunteista. Käsite on käytössä psykologiassa ja logopediassa. Tässä työssä mielen teoriaa tarkastellaan itseen ja toiseen kohdistuvana sekä tunteiden ja ajattelun tiedostamisena. Työn teoriataustassa tarkastellaan mielen teorian käsitettä ja sen kehittymistä lapsuudessa, ja todetaan myös mielen teoriaan liittyvän kielen merkitys. Mielen teoriaa verrataan kasvatustieteen käsitteisiin tunnetaidot ja sosiaaliset taidot. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tarkastella mielen teorian ilmenemistä varhaiskasvatuksessa, jota edustamaan on valittu varhaiskasvatuksen toteuttamista ohjaava asiakirja, Varhaiskasvatuksen perusteet 2018. Se on suomalaisen varhaiskasvatuksen arvoja, toimintakulttuuria ja tavoitteita määrittelevä asiakirja. Tässä tutkimuksessa on tehty siihen teorialähtöinen sisällönanalyysi. Analyysiä varten on tiivistäen poimittu tunteisiin ja ajatteluun viittaavia ilmauksia ja verrattu niitä mielen teoriaan. Tutkimuksen tuloksena on havainto, että mielen teoriaan suoraan tai epäsuorasti liitettäviä ilmauksia esiintyy varhaiskasvatuksen perusteissa runsaasti. Lisäksi kognitioita ja tunteita kuvataan ilman yhteyttä niiden tiedostamiseen. Analyysiluokkien ulkopuolisista havainnoista muodostui sosiaalisuuteen tai vuorovaikutukseen viittaavat ilmaukset ja yleiset ilmaukset, jotka liittyivät toiminnan tai tavoitteiden kuvaukseen. Tutkimusaineistosta nousi esille myös havainto, että tunteista puhutaan yleisellä tasolla tai mainiten ainoastaan positiivisia tunteita. Luotettavuuden tarkastelussa on huomioitu ilmausten tulkinnanvaraisuus. Johtopäätöksenä työssä todetaan, että Varhaiskasvatuksen perusteet-asiakirja ohjaa mielen teorian tukemiseen, mutta että varhaiskasvatuksen henkilöstön osaaminen ratkaisee, hyödynnetäänkö tilaisuudet. Pohdinnassa tuodaan esille tunteiden ja ajattelun monipuolisen käsittelyn tärkeyttä, jotta tunnetaidot ja vuorovaikutus kehittyvät

    Effects of structural and textural properties of brittle cereal foams on mechanisms of oral breakdown and in vitro starch digestibility

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    This study was jointly funded by the Academy of Finland (Academy Professorship, Kaisa Poutanen - grant number 131460) and by the Raisio Plc's Research Foundation (personal grant to Syed Ariful Alam, grant decisions of 2016).Structural and textural properties as well as the dietary fibre content of solid cereal foams influence the oral breakdown of structure, bolus formation and digestibility. The aimof this studywas to investigate howstructural differences of solid cereal foams (puffs vs. flakes) affect in vivo chewing and in vitro starch digestion. Four extruded puffs and flakes were produced from endosperm rye flour by extrusion processing without or with 10% rye bran (RB) addition. Extruded puffs and flakes were masticated by fifteen healthy females and the process was monitored using electromyography. Extruded puffs were more porous than flakes (97% vs 35%). The two productswere also significantly different (p b 0.05) in their structural and textural properties such as expansion, hardness, density and crispiness. A negative correlation was observed between hardness and crispiness index (p b 0.05, r=−0.950) and density and porosity (p b 0.05, r=−0.964). Addition of 10% RB had a significant effect on structural, textural and mastication properties both for puffs and flakes. Mastication of puffs required less total work than flakes (204 vs. 456%) and theywere degraded to smaller particles than flakes during mastication. Irrespectively of the considerable differences in structure, texture and oral disintegration process, no significant (p b 0.05) differenceswere observed between puffs and flakes (86.4 vs. 85.1) in terms of starch hydrolysis index. RB addition increased the hydrolysis index of puffs and flakes to 89.7 and 94.5, respectively, which was probably attributable to the increased number of particles in the bolus.Peer reviewe

    Do rye product structure, product perceptions and oral processing modulate satiety?

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    Food structure and cephalic phase factors are hypothesized to contribute to postprandial satiety in addition to established food properties such as energy content, energy density, and macronutrient and fibre composition of a preload. This study aimed to evaluate if the structure of rye products has an impact on subjective feelings of satiety, and whether cephalic phase factors including oral processing, satiety expectations and perceived pleasantness modulate the interaction. Four wholegrain rye based samples (extruded flakes and puffs, bread and smoothie) were studied in terms of texture characteristics, in vivo oral processing, and expected satiety (n=26) and satiety as well as perceived pleasantness (n=16) (ClinicalTrials.gov number: NCT02554162). The vast textural differences between products were reflected in mastication process, perceived pleasantness and satiety expectations. Extruded products required the most intensive mastication. Rye puffs and rye bread which were characterized by a solid and porous structure, and showed better satiety effect in the early postprandial phase compared to other products. Mastication effort interacted with satiety response. However, the products requiring the highest mastication effort were not the most satiating ones. It seems that there are some food structure related mechanisms that influence both mastication process and postprandial satiety, the mastication process itself not being the mediating factor. Higher palatability seems to weaken postprandial satiety response.Peer reviewe

    A review of the characteristics of dietary fibers relevant to appetite and energy intake outcomes in human intervention trials

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    Background: Many intervention studies have tested the effect of dietary fibers (DFs) on appetite-related outcomes, with inconsistent results. However, DFs comprise a wide range of compounds with diverse properties, and the specific contribution of these to appetite control is not well characterized. Objective: The influence of specific DF characteristics [i.e., viscosity, gel-forming capacity, fermentability, or molecular weight (MW)] on appetite-related outcomes was assessed in healthy humans. Design: Controlled human intervention trials that tested the effects of well-characterized DFs on appetite ratings or energy intake were identified from a systematic search of literature. Studies were included only if they reported 1) DF name and origin and 2) data on viscosity, gelling properties, fermentability, or MW of the DF materials or DF-containing matrixes. Results: A high proportion of the potentially relevant literature was excluded because of lack of adequate DF characterization. In total, 49 articles that met these criteria were identified, which reported 90 comparisons of various DFs in foods, beverages, or supplements in acute or sustained-exposure trials. In 51 of the 90 comparisons, the DF-containing material of interest was efficacious for ≥1 appetiterelated outcome. Reported differences in material viscosity, MW, or fermentability did not clearly correspond to differences in efficacy, whereas gel-forming DF sources were consistently efficacious (but with very few comparisons). Conclusions: The overall inconsistent relations of DF properties with respect to efficacy may reflect variation in measurement methodology, nature of the DF preparation and matrix, and study designs. Methods of DF characterization, incorporation, and study design are too inconsistent to allow generalized conclusions about the effects of DF properties on appetite and preclude the development of reliable, predictive, structure-function relations. Improved standards for characterization and reporting of DF sources and DF-containing materials are strongly recommended for future studies on the effects of DF on human physiology

    Katsaus tekoälyyn : tekoäly ja sen sovellutukset

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    Postgraduate seminar series with a title artificial intelligence and logic held at the Department of Military Technology of the National Defence University in 2020 and 2021. This book is a collection of some of talks that were presented in the seminar. The papers address ethics in autonomous military technology, algorithmic thinking, application of fuzzy logic in the Armed Forces, logic and skill, use of artificial intelligence technologies in information and psychological warfare, cyber security risks of artificial intelligence applications and algorithms, information acquisition strategies and artificial intelligence to support learning. This set of papers tries to give some insight to current issues of the artificial intelligence and logic. Seminars at the Department of Military Technology have a tradition to make publication based on the presentations, but only as an internal publication of the Finnish Defence Forces and in such a way has not hindered publication of the papers e.g. in international conferences. Publication of these papers in peer reviewed conferences has indeed been always the goal of the seminar, since it teaches writing conference level papers. We still hope that an internal publication in the department series is useful to the Finnish Defence Forces by offering an easy access to these papers

    Choice Architecture Cueing to Healthier Dietary Choices and Physical Activity at the Workplace:Implementation and Feasibility Evaluation

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    Redesigning choice environments appears a promising approach to encourage healthier eating and physical activity, but little evidence exists of the feasibility of this approach in real-world settings. The aim of this paper is to portray the implementation and feasibility assessment of a 12-month mixed-methods intervention study, StopDia at Work, targeting the environment of 53 diverse worksites. The intervention was conducted within a type 2 diabetes prevention study, StopDia. We assessed feasibility through the fidelity, facilitators and barriers, and maintenance of implementation, building on implementer interviews (n = 61 informants) and observations of the worksites at six (t1) and twelve months (t2). We analysed quantitative data with Kruskall–Wallis and Mann–Whitney U tests and qualitative data with content analysis. Intervention sites altogether implemented 23 various choice architectural strategies (median 3, range 0–14 strategies/site), employing 21 behaviour change mechanisms. Quantitative analysis found implementation was successful in 66%, imperfect in 25%, and failed in 9% of evaluated cases. These ratings were independent of the ease of implementation of applied strategies and reminders that implementers received. Researchers’ assistance in intervention launch (p = 0.02) and direct contact to intervention sites (p < 0.001) predicted higher fidelity at t1, but not at t2. Qualitative content analysis identified facilitators and barriers related to the organisation, intervention, worksite environment, implementer, and user. Contributors of successful implementation included apt implementers, sufficient implementer training, careful planning, integration into worksite values and activities, and management support. After the study, 49% of the worksites intended to maintain the implementation in some form. Overall, the choice architecture approach seems suitable for workplace health promotion, but a range of practicalities warrant consideration while designing real-world implementation

    Nuorten vuorovaikutusmaailman keinoin arvostusta kouluruokailuun

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    Nuorten vuorovaikutusmaailman keinoin arvostusta kouluruokailuun on Mikkelin ammattikorkeakoulun ja teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT:n yhteishanke. Hanke alkoi vuonna 2012 ja päättyy vuoden 2013 lopussa. Hankkeessa pyrittiin löytämään keinoja nostaa kouluruokailun arvostusta yläkouluikäisten oppilaiden ja koko kouluruokayhteisön keskuudessa ja parantamaan oppilaiden tietämystä kouluruoan ruokaketjusta. Hankkeeseen osallistui kaksi espoolaista ja kaksi eteläsavolaista yläkoulua. Lisäksi hankkeen vaikuttavuuden arvioimiseksi mukana oli yksi espoolainen vertailukoulu sekä kaksi eteläsavolaista vertailukoulua. Hankkeen pääkohderyhmänä olevat oppilaat olivat hankkeen alkaessa 7. –luokkalaisia, joista hankkeen lopussa oli tullut 8. -luokkalaisia. Hankkeessa suunniteltiin ja toteutettiin kullakin koululla tehtäviä, jotka käsittelivät kouluruokailua ja kouluruoan alkuperää erilaisista näkökulmista. Tehtävät suunniteltiin toteutettavaksi kunkin tehtävän sisältöön sopivan oppiaineen yhteydessä. Hankkeessa esimerkiksi mitattiin kouluravintolan melutasoja fysiikan tunnilla, laskettiin kouluruokaa korvaaviin eväisiin kuluvia rahasummia matematiikan tunnilla ja kirjoitettiin tarinoita kouluruokailusta äidinkielen tunnilla. Tehtävien tulosten kokoamiseen ja kommentoitiin käytettiin yhteiskehittämisalusta Owelaa (owela.fi ). Jokaiselle koululle luotiin oma sivusto ja sivuston rakenne räätälöitiin valittujen tehtävien mukaisesti. Hankkeen onnistumista arvioitiin toteuttamalla pilottikoulujen ja vertailukoulujen oppilaille hankkeen alussa ja lopussa kysely. Kyselyllä kartoitettiin muun muassa oppilaiden asenteita kouluruokailua kohtaan sekä tietämystä ruokaketjusta. Kouluruoan arvostusta pystyttiin parantamaan suhteessa vertailukouluihin. Tietämys kouluruoan ruokaketjusta pysyi pilottikouluilla ennallaan kun taas vertailukouluilla tietämys hieman laski