170 research outputs found

    Packaging of Wine in Aluminum Cans – A Review

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    Background and goals - Aluminum cans represent an alternative wine packaging, offering a wide range of styles. Despite the fast-growing nature of the product category and the great market forecast, there is valid concern about the quality of wines in a can. Unfortunately, this leads to the consumer perception that these wines are low-quality products, which must be addressed by the wine industry. Methods and key findings - Canned wines have a limited shelf life, as they often display unpleasant reductive characteristics (e.g., rotten egg and cooked vegetable off-flavors). Aluminum corrodes in the acidic pH of wine and reacts with sulfur dioxide to yield hydrogen sulfide. Conclusions and significance - Preparing wine for canned packaging requires extra effort to understand the implications of wine redox chemistry. The wine’s chemical parameters at bottling (in particular, the levels of sulfur and metals) must be managed, and the degradation of the can lining must be limited

    Evaluation of Plant-Based Byproducts as Green Fining Agents for Precision Winemaking

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    Consumers are increasingly looking for foods, including wine, that are free of animal-derived proteins. This study seeks to evaluate patatin, a new, plant-based and allergen-free fining agent, by comparing it with the fining agents polyvinipolypyrrolidone, bovine serum albumin, and methylcellulose. Specifically, its effects on the phenolic profile of enological tannins were analyzed with four spectrophotometric assays: OD 280 nm, Folin–Ciocâlteu, Adams–Harbertson, and methylcellulose. In addition, changes in the polyphenol composition of Sangiovese red wine were determined by UV-Vis spectrophotometry and HPLC with adsorption trials, and the solid–liquid interaction in a wine solution was modeled by both Langmuir and Freundlich equations. Our findings highlight the occurrence of systematic proportional error between the selected spectrophotometric assays. As a result, direct comparisons of protein precipitation assays can be made only among results obtained with the same spectrophotometric method. However, it is clear that patatin has an impact on the phenolic profile of Sangiovese red wine: it removes simple phenolics (gallic acid, (+)-catechin, (–)-epicatechin, epicatechin gallate, syringic acid, fertaric acid, coutaric acid, and rutin) as well as both oligomeric and polymeric tannins to different extents. In concentrations of less than 1 g/L, the patatin isotherm showed a linear relation between the equilibrium concentration and the quantity absorbed, obeying the Freundlich model reasonably well (KF 1.46; 1/n 1.07; R2 0.996 with 1/n > 1). Thus, the adsorption process is strongly dependent on the fining dosage

    Determinación de los índices de salud nutricional de la leche fresca de bovino mediante espectroscopía de infrarrojo cercano

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    Bovine milk is one of the most complete foods that exist. During the last decades, milk FA have shown to improve human health due to the reduction in risk of cardiovascular disease and related pathologies. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) reflectance analysis to predict the nutritional value, fatty acid (FA) composition, and health index of fresh milk from dairy cows of pastoral systems. The prediction of Atherogenicity and Thrombogenicity indexes, along with other FA ratios in fresh milk samples by NIRS were precise and accurate. In addition, the calibration model obtained by NIRS provides an opportunity for the routine quantification of milk’s healthy FA such as omega-3 and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), with applications in the dairy industry for food labeling, and at the farm level for management of the dairy cow’s diet.La leche bovina es uno de los alimentos más completos que existe. Durante la última década, se ha demostrado que los ácidos grasos de la leche pueden mejorar la salud humana, a través de la reducción del riesgo de enfermedades cardiovasculares y patologías asociadas. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la factibilidad del análisis de reflectancia NIRS para predecir valor nutricional, composición de ácidos grasos e índices de salud de leche fresca de vacas de sistemas lecheros pastoriles. La predicción por NIRS del índice aterogénico y trombogénico, de ácidos grasos en muestras de leche fresca, fueron precisos. Por tanto, el modelo de calibración obtenido por NIRS representa una oportunidad para la cuantificación rutinaria de los ácidos grasos saludables de la leche como omega-3 y CLA, con aplicaciones en la industria lechera para el etiquetado nutricional y a nivel de lechería para el manejo de la alimentación de las vacas

    Astringency sub-qualities of red wines and the influence of wine–saliva aggregates

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    Astringency is a sensory attribute, related to the quality and mouthfeel of red wines. However, the origin of astringency sub-qualities, such as the typical drying astringency found in immature grapes, is still unknown. Astringency of red wines with similar tannin content but different astringency sub-qualities, from different harvest dates, is studied. Astringency was characterised in terms of friction coefficient, polyphenol content, sensory analysis and tannin/salivary–proteins aggregates characterisation. A different evolution during ripening was found for both Cabernet Sauvignon and Carménère, and tannin–protein aggregates showed differences in size, shape and surface. The velvety sub-quality appears to be related to aggregates with low precipitation, and with specific surface characteristics as roundness and Feret diameter. Results from this work propose an effect of aggregates on sensory perception and opens the possibility to explore their effect on oral lubrication

    The Male Warrior Hypothesis: Testosterone-related Cooperation and Aggression in the Context of Intergroup Conflict

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    Indexación ScopusThe Male Warrior Hypothesis (MWH) establishes that men’s psychology has been shaped by inter-group competition to acquire and protect reproductive resources. In this context, sex-specific selective pressures would have favored cooperation with the members of one’s group in combination with hostility towards outsiders. We investigate the role of developmental testosterone, as measured indirectly through static markers of prenatal testosterone (2D:4D digit ratio) and pubertal testosterone (body musculature and facial masculinity), on both cooperation and aggressive behavior in the context of intergroup conflict among men. Supporting the MWH, our results show that the intergroup conflict scenario promotes cooperation within group members and aggression toward outgroup members. Regarding the hormonal underpinnings of this phenomenon, we find that body musculature is positively associated with aggression and cooperation, but only for cooperation when context (inter-group competition) is taken into account. Finally, we did not find evidence that the formidability of the group affected individual rates of aggression or cooperation, controlling for individual characteristics. © 2020, The Author(s).https://www-nature-com.recursosbiblioteca.unab.cl/articles/s41598-019-57259-

    Skin multi-omics-based interactome analysis: integrating the tissue and mucus exuded layer for a comprehensive understanding of the teleost mucosa functionality as model of study

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    From a general structural perspective, a mucosal tissue is constituted by two main matrices: the tissue and the secreted mucus. Jointly, they fulfill a wide range of functions including the protection of the epithelial layer. In this study, we simultaneously analyzed the epithelial tissue and the secreted mucus response using a holistic interactome-based multi-omics approach. The effect of the gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) skin mucosa to a dietary inclusion of spray-dried porcine plasma (SDPP) was evaluated. The epithelial skin microarrays-based transcriptome data showed 194 differentially expressed genes, meanwhile the exuded mucus proteome analysis 35 differentially synthesized proteins. Separately, the skin transcripteractome revealed an expression profile that favored biological mechanisms associated to gene expression, biogenesis, vesicle function, protein transport and localization to the membrane. Mucus proteome showed an enhanced protective role with putatively higher antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. The integrated skin mucosa multi-interactome analysis evidenced the interrelationship and synergy between the metabolism and the exuded mucus functions improving specifically the tissue development, innate defenses, and environment recognition. Histologically, the skin increased in thickness and in number of mucous cells. A positive impact on animal performance, growth and feed efficiency was also registered. Collectively, the results suggest an intimate crosstalk between skin tissue and its exuded mucus in response to the nutritional stimulus (SDPP supplementation) that favors the stimulation of cell protein turnover and the activation of the exudation machinery in the skin mucosa. Thus, the multi-omics-based interactome analysis provides a comprehensive understanding of the biological context of response that takes place in a mucosal tissue. In perspective, this strategy is applicable for evaluating the effect of any experimental variable on any mucosal tissue functionality, including the benefits this assessment may provide on the study of the mammalian mucosa

    Cloning and Functional Studies of a Splice Variant of CYP26B1 Expressed in Vascular Cells

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    Background: All-trans retinoic acid (atRA) plays an essential role in the regulation of gene expression, cell growth and differentiation and is also important for normal cardiovascular development but may in turn be involved in cardiovascular diseases, i.e. atherosclerosis and restenosis. The cellular atRA levels are under strict control involving several cytochromes P450 isoforms (CYPs). CYP26 may be the most important regulator of atRA catabolism in vascular cells. The present study describes the molecular cloning, characterization and function of atRA-induced expression of a spliced variant of the CYP26B1 gene. Methodology/Principal Findings: The coding region of the spliced CYP26B1 lacking exon 2 was amplified from cDNA synthesized from atRA-treated human aortic smooth muscle cells and sequenced. Both the spliced variant and full length CYP26B1 was found to be expressed in cultured human endothelial and smooth muscle cells, and in normal and atherosclerotic vessel. atRA induced both variants of CYP26B1 in cultured vascular cells. Furthermore, the levels of spliced mRNA transcript were 4.5 times higher in the atherosclerotic lesion compared to normal arteries and the expression in the lesions was increased 20-fold upon atRA treatment. The spliced CYP26B1 still has the capability to degrade atRA, but at an initial rate one-third that of the corresponding full length enzyme. Transfection of COS-1 and THP-1 cells with the CYP26B1 spliced variant indicated either an increase or a decrease in the catabolism of atRA, probably depending on the expression of other atRA catabolizing enzymes in the cells. Conclusions/Significance: Vascular cells express the spliced variant of CYP26B1 lacking exon 2 and it is also increased in atherosclerotic lesions. The spliced variant displays a slower and reduced degradation of atRA as compared to the full-length enzyme. Further studies are needed, however, to clarify the substrate specificity and role of the CYP26B1 splice variant in health and disease

    Trade-offs between sociality and gastrointestinal parasite infection in the context of a natural disaster

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    This work was supported by ANID-Chilean scholarship [number 72190290], the National Institutes of Health Grants [R01AG060931] to N.S-M., L.J.N.B. and J.P.H., [R00AG051764] to N.S-M, [R01MH118203] to M.L.P., M.J.M, L.J.N.B. and N.S-M., [R01MH096875] to M.L.P., L.J.N.B. and M.J.M., [U01MH121260] to N.S-M., M.L.P. and M.J.M., a European Research Council Consolidator Grant to L.J.N.B. [Friend Origins - 864461].Parasites and infectious diseases constitute important challenges particularly for group-living animals. Social contact and shared space can both increase parasite transmission risk, while individual differences in social capital can help prevent infections. For example, high social status individuals and those with more or stronger affiliative partnerships may have better immunity and, thus, lower parasitic burden. To test for health trade-offs in the costs and benefits of sociality, we quantified how parasitic load varied with an individual's social status, as well as with their affiliative relationships with weakly and strongly bonded partners, in a free-ranging population of rhesus macaques, Macaca mulatta. We found that high status was associated with a lower risk of protozoa infection at older ages compared to younger and low-status animals. Social resources can also be protective against infection under environmentally challenging situations, such as natural disasters. Using cross-sectional data, we additionally examined the impact of a major hurricane on the sociality - parasite relationship in this system and found that the hurricane influenced the prevalence of specific parasites independent of sociality. Overall, our study adds to the growing evidence for social status as a strong predictor of infection risk and highlights how extreme environmental events could shape vulnerability and resistance to infection.Peer reviewe

    Sociality predicts individual variation in the immunity of free-ranging rhesus macaques

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    This work was supported by CONICYT-Chilean scholarship [number 72190290], NIH grant [number R01AG060931] to N.S-M., L.J.N.B. and J.P.H., NIH grant [number R00AG051764] to N.S-M., NIH grant [number MH118203] to L.J.N.B.. and M.L.P, and NSF grant [number 1800558] to J.P.H. and Susan Anton. The CPRC is supported by the National Institutes of Health. An Animal and Biological Material Resource Center Grant [P40OD012217] was awarded to UPR from the Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (ORIP), and a Research Facilities Construction Grant [C06OD026690] was awarded for the renovation of CPRC facilities after Hurricane Maria.Social integration and social status can substantially affect an individual's health and survival. One route through which this occurs is by altering immune function, which can be highly sensitive to changes in the social environment. However, we currently have limited understanding of how sociality influences markers of immunity in naturalistic populations where social dynamics can be fully realized. To address this gap, we asked if social integration and social status in free-ranging rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) predict anatomical and physiological markers of immunity. We used data on agonistic interactions to determine social status, and social network analysis of grooming interactions to generate measures of individual variation in social integration. As measures of immunity, we included the size of two of the major organs involved in the immune response, the spleen and liver, and counts of three types of blood cells (red blood cells, platelets, and white blood cells). Controlling for body mass and age, we found that neither social status nor social integration predicted the size of anatomical markers of immunity. However, individuals that were more socially connected, i.e., with more grooming partners, had lower numbers of white blood cells than their socially isolated counterparts, indicating lower levels of inflammation with increasing levels of integration. These results build upon and extend our knowledge of the relationship between sociality and the immune system in humans and captive animals to free-ranging primates, demonstrating generalizability of the beneficial role of social integration on health.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
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