137 research outputs found

    Promoting research-user collaboration: an assessment of funding schemes: Fifth NCCR North-South Report on Effectiveness

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    Donors increasingly require that the research they fund be of benefit for society and the environment. To this end, researchers addressing complex and uncertain problems should work together with research users. This is not always easy: researchers are expected to collaborate with non-academic partners, but are not funded for the additional work. Collaborative research projects often cannot tap the full potential of user engagement. Therefore, specific institutional and organisational conditions are necessary that foresee or even foster research–user engagement; funding schemes are one possible solution. Right from the start, the NCCR North-South programme introduced Partnership Actions for Mitigating Syndromes of Global Change (PAMS). This evaluation assesses the types of collaboration supported by PAMS, as well as the value of PAMS as a funding scheme for collaboration. It compares PAMS with similar funding schemes of other universities, research programmes, or projects, and contains recommendations

    Reduced Inflammatory Threshold Indicates Skin Barrier Defect in Transglutaminase 3 Knockout Mice

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    Recently a transglutaminase 3 knockout (TGM3/KO) mouse was generated that showed impaired hair development, but no gross defects in the epidermal barrier, although increased fragility of isolated corneocytes was demonstrated. Here we investigated the functionality of skin barrier in vivo by percutaneous sensitization to fluorescein-isothiocyanate (FITC) in TGM3/KO (n=64) and C57BL/6 WT mice (n=36). Cutaneous inflammation was evaluated by mouse ear swelling test (MEST), histology, serum IgE levels, and by flow-cytometry from draining lymph nodes. Inflammation induced significant MEST difference (P<0.0001) was detected between KO and WT mice and was supported also by histopathology. A significant increase of CD4+ CD25+ activated T-cells (P<0.01) and elevated serum IgE levels (P<0.05) in KO mice indicated more the development of FITC sensibilization than an irritative reaction. P. acnes induced intracutaneous inflammation showed no difference (P=0.2254) between the reactivity of WT and KO immune system. As in vivo tracer, FITC penetration from skin surface followed by two-photon microscopy demonstrated a more invasive percutaneous penetration in KO mice. The clinically uninvolved skin in TGM3/KO mice showed impaired barrier function and higher susceptibility to FITC sensitization indicating that TGM3 has a significant contribution to the functionally intact cutaneous barrier.Journal of Investigative Dermatology accepted article preview online, 24 July 2013. doi:10.1038/jid.2013.307

    Common genetic determinants of lung function, subclinical atherosclerosis and risk of coronary artery disease

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) independently associates with an increased risk of coronary artery disease (CAD), but it has not been fully investigated whether this co-morbidity involves shared pathophysiological mechanisms. To identify potential common pathways across the two diseases, we tested all recently published single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with human lung function (spirometry) for association with carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT) in 3,378 subjects with multiple CAD risk factors, and for association with CAD in a case-control study of 5,775 CAD cases and 7,265 controls. SNPs rs2865531, located in the CFDP1 gene, and rs9978142, located in the KCNE2 gene, were significantly associated with CAD. In addition, SNP rs9978142 and SNP rs3995090 located in the HTR4 gene, were associated with average and maximal cIMT measures. Genetic risk scores combining the most robustly spirometry-associated SNPs from the literature were modestly associated with CAD, (odds ratio (OR) (95% confidence interval (CI95) = 1.06 (1.03, 1.09); P-value = 1.5×10-4, per allele). In conclusion, our study suggests that some genetic loci implicated in determining human lung function also influence cIMT and susceptibility to CAD. The present results should help elucidate the molecular underpinnings of the co-morbidity observed across COPD and CAD

    Solving the chemical master equation using sliding windows

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The chemical master equation (CME) is a system of ordinary differential equations that describes the evolution of a network of chemical reactions as a stochastic process. Its solution yields the probability density vector of the system at each point in time. Solving the CME numerically is in many cases computationally expensive or even infeasible as the number of reachable states can be very large or infinite. We introduce the sliding window method, which computes an approximate solution of the CME by performing a sequence of local analysis steps. In each step, only a manageable subset of states is considered, representing a "window" into the state space. In subsequent steps, the window follows the direction in which the probability mass moves, until the time period of interest has elapsed. We construct the window based on a deterministic approximation of the future behavior of the system by estimating upper and lower bounds on the populations of the chemical species.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In order to show the effectiveness of our approach, we apply it to several examples previously described in the literature. The experimental results show that the proposed method speeds up the analysis considerably, compared to a global analysis, while still providing high accuracy.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The sliding window method is a novel approach to address the performance problems of numerical algorithms for the solution of the chemical master equation. The method efficiently approximates the probability distributions at the time points of interest for a variety of chemically reacting systems, including systems for which no upper bound on the population sizes of the chemical species is known a priori.</p

    Fine-Scale Mapping at 9p22.2 Identifies Candidate Causal Variants That Modify Ovarian Cancer Risk in BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutation Carriers

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    AnsiktsigenkĂ€nning pĂ„verkas av könskategorisering, dĂ€rkönskategorier antingen pĂ„skyndar eller fördröjer tiden det taratt kĂ€nna igen ett ansikte. Kategoriseringseffekten av kön vidansiktsigenkĂ€nning, har i tidigare forskning visats aktiveras nĂ€rett androgynt ansikte presenteras med ett könstypiskt förnamn.Könskategorier bedöms snabbare Ă€n ansiktens individuellakönsdrag. DĂ€rför kommer ansikten med en könskategori sominte motsvarar förnamnets könskategori att avfĂ€rdas snabbare.FrĂ„gan denna studie behandlar Ă€r huruvida pronomen ocksĂ„ kanutlösa kategoriseringseffekten av kön, genom att jĂ€mföra tidendet tar att avfĂ€rda ett ansikte som inte motsvarar ett som söksvid olika pronomen. Deltagarna (n=40) genomförde ettansiktsigenkĂ€nningstest dĂ€r de studerade ett androgynt ansiktesom beskrevs som antingen ’hen’, ’hon’ eller ’han’.AnsiktsigenkĂ€nningen mĂ€ttes i form av avfĂ€rdningstiden för ettantal kvinnliga- och manliga ansikten. Resultatet visade att detfinns en signifikant skillnad i avfĂ€rdningstiden för ansiktenberoende pĂ„ vilket pronomen de presenterats med, dĂ€rpronomen med könsinformation som inte motsvarar ansiktetskönsdrag avfĂ€rdas snabbare. Det könsneutrala pronomenet ‘hen’visade sig varken pĂ„skynda eller fördröja avfĂ€rdnignstiden vidansiktsigenkĂ€nning. Slutsatserna som dras Ă€r att binĂ€rapronomen aktiverar- och könsneutrala pronomen inaktiverarkategoriseringseffekten av kön vid ansiktsigenkĂ€nning.Gender Fair Languag

    “Leo from the Lea Street”. Leon PƂoszewski – the editor of WyspiaƄski and Mickiewicz

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    The article is a reminiscence on Professor Leon PƂoszewski (1890–1970) – the editor of the National Edition of Works of Adam Mickiewicz and the editor of Collected Works of StanisƂaw WyspiaƄski – written by his daughter, Maria PƂoszewska-Paulsson. The author portrays her father as a man of a Benedictine diligence (in “Spartan” conditions of a one-room editorial office!) and she brings up the less-known side of Professor PƂoszewski’s outstanding professional work and the so far untold events in the PƂoszewski family’s life, depicting him as:the husband of the ever busy “working woman” who tried in vain to slow down his professional overzealousness; ‱ a parodist who privately mocked the realities of the then Polish People’s Republic; ‱ a collector of the stylistic incongruities and blatant lies printed in the Polish press of the time; ‱ an author of occasional witty poetry, hilarious commentaries, pastiches and dedications; ‱ a gregarious man, a brilliant conversationalist, etc. The Tatra Mountains played a very important role in Leon Ploszewski’s life. Despite closing the Polish-Czechoslovak border after WWII, the Tatras were his refuge for freedom and a regenerating retreat. Leon PƂoszewski was a person enamoured of the Western culture (particularly the French one). He felt acutely the isolation of Poland behind the Iron Curtain. It was as late as 1960 when, for the first time after WWII, he was allowed to travel to Paris. In a way it was thanks to StanisƂaw WyspiaƄski whose tracks he followed. This journey was for him an enormous emotional experience

    Kuriska nÀset - en studie av potentiella hot mot hÄllbar utveckling

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    Kuriska nĂ€set Ă€r en krumudde som delas av Litauen och Ryssland, omrĂ„det Ă€r en nationalpark och sedan Ă„r 2000 upptaget pĂ„ UNESCOs vĂ€rldsarvslista över skyddsvĂ€rda natur- och kulturomrĂ„den. Syftet med det hĂ€r arbetet Ă€r att kartlĂ€gga potentiella hot mot Kuriska nĂ€sets fortsatta existens. Undersökningen har baserats pĂ„ teorier utifrĂ„n ett hĂ„llbart perspektiv för ett bevarande för framtiden, det har ocksĂ„ studerats huruvida dessa teorier efterstrĂ€vas i Litauen respektive Ryssland. Med hĂ„llbar utveckling efterstrĂ€vas att inte tĂ€ra pĂ„ naturens resurser utan att se till att de finns kvar för framtiden. För att kunna kartlĂ€gga hoten har en jĂ€mförelse mellan Kuriska nĂ€set och Gotska sandön genomförts. Naturen pĂ„ Kuriska nĂ€set Ă€r varierande, stora skogsomrĂ„den, öppna vidstrĂ€ckta sandomrĂ„den, sanddyner med eller utan vegetation Ă€r de mest förekommande landskapstyperna. HĂ€r Ă„terfinns ocksĂ„ nĂ„gra av Europas högsta sanddyner. Fram till för fyrahundra Ă„r sedan var nĂ€set jĂ€mförelsevis oexploaterat av mĂ€nniskan, sedan dess har pĂ„verkan skett i olika stor utstrĂ€ckning. Under början av 1900-talet var de negativa effekterna sĂ„ tydliga och pĂ„verkan sĂ„ betydande att Ă„tgĂ€rder mĂ„ste vidtas för att bevara nĂ€sets befintliga utseende. För att förhindra slitage, sandflykt och onödig nötning av naturen bedrivs bevarande Ă„tgĂ€rder i olika modeller. Det har planterats sandbindande vegetation sĂ„ som strandrör mm, spĂ„ngar att gĂ„ pĂ„ har lagts ut, det har byggts staket för att förhindra sandflykt och slitage, nĂ€tmönster och liknande för att förhindra sandflykt mm. PĂ„ nĂ€set finns regleringar som förhindrar till viss del onödigt slitage av parken som i form av tĂ€ltning eller andra aktiviteter och evenemang. BĂ„tförbindelsen Ă€r en reglering som bidrar till att nationalparken kan begrĂ€nsa antalet besökare, till vad de anser Ă€r rimligt. Potentiella hot som föreligger Kuriska nĂ€set kan vara oljeutvinning i Östersjön, utslĂ€pp av miljögifter, nĂ€ringsĂ€mnen och liknande, bristande avfallshantering, kunskapsbrist eller bristande intresse, luftföroreningar, slitage frĂ„n exploatering och en oreglerad turism samt regionens politiska och ekonomiska situation. En parkadministration Ă„terfinns pĂ„ bĂ„da sidor av nĂ€set, dessa har till uppgift att förvalta nationalparken. De arbetar bland annat med att bevara det kulturella och naturliga arvet av nĂ€set, kontrollera den ekonomiska och urbana utvecklingen, bedriva vetenskaplig forskning, arrangerar undervisning om hur man bĂ€st bibehĂ„ller nĂ€set, utveckla hĂ„llbar rekreation mm. Den litauiska administrationen anser att det Ă€r viktigt att utveckla registrering av besöksantalet, för att vid behov kunna reglera antalet turister. De tycker ocksĂ„ att det Ă€r av vikt att utveckla samarbetet med utbildningsinstitutioner för vidare utveckling av nationalparken. I dag finns det endast planer angĂ„ende hur turismen ska utvecklas. Ryssland och Litauen stiftade under 2005 en överenskommelse gĂ€llande nĂ€sets skötsel för en hĂ„llbar utveckling. Förhoppningsvis Ă€r detta en början till ett lĂ„ngsiktigt samarbete mellan lĂ€nderna, ett bra komplement till samverkan med bland annat Baltic 21 och HELCOM
