84 research outputs found

    La gamificación en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en línea del nivel Básica Media

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    Este artículo busca presentar la Gamificación como parte del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje en línea del nivel básica media, los conceptos y enfoques teóricos, la estructura y experiencias, con el fin de ofrecer una aproximación que permita incorporar esta estrategia didáctica, en los diseños pedagógicos. Para dar cumplimiento al objetivo se analiza las diferentes herramientas que se utilizarán el uso de las herramientas didácticas y la implementación de estas. La Gamificación es una estrategia basada en el aprendizaje significativo, constructivista y colaborativo, que contiene componentes innovadores y motivadores. La complejidad de su estructura se basa en el desarrollo de la dinámica (narrativa/historia), la mecánica (reglas del juego) y componentes (herramientas de apoyo) que debe ser motivadora. Depende de la creatividad para su diseño, pero no es necesariamente mediada por alta tecnología, por lo cual la estética es fundamental para que sea llamativa. La metodología utilizada en la estructuración de este trabajo fue empírica-analítica de corte descriptivo lo cual corresponde a un enfoque cuali-cuantitativo.PALABRAS CLAVE: Gamificación; recursos educativos; proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje; innovación.Gamification in the online teaching-learning process of the Middle Basic levelABSTRACTThis article seeks to present gamification as part of the process of teaching online learning of the middle basic level, theoretical concepts and approaches, structure and experiences, in order to offer an approach that allows incorporating this didactic strategy, in the pedagogical designs. To achieve the objective, the different tools that will be used in the use of teaching tools and the implementation of these tools are analyzed. Gamification is a strategy based on meaningful, constructivist and collaborative learning, containing innovative and motivating components. The complexity of its structure is based on the development of dynamics (narrative/history), mechanics (rules of the game) and components (support tools) that must be motivating. It depends on the creativity for its design, but it is not necessarily mediated by high technology, so the aesthetics is fundamental to make it strike. The methodology used in the structuring of this work was empirical-analytical and descriptive, which corresponds to a qualitative-quantitative approach.KEYWORDS: Gamification; educational resources; teaching and learning process; innovation.

    Evaluating capacitive deionization for water desalination by direct determination of chloride ions

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    Ionic conductivity and capacitance measurements are widely used methods for evaluating the desalination efficiency in capacity deionization processes. In this study, these methods are revised and several problems associated to them are identified and evaluated. Furthermore, a new method based on the determination of the chloride ion concentration by means of a chloride selective electrode is proposed as a more reliable alternative for evaluating the desalination performance in these systems. This method has been shown not only to be precise in a wide range of salt concentrations but also to be independent of pH, one of the main limitations of the determinations based on ionic conductivity measurements.The authors thank MICINN and the European Union (project MAT2010-20601-C02-01) for the financial support provided. Patricia Díaz thanks MICINN for a FPI predoctoral research grant (FPI: BES-2011-045394).Peer reviewe

    Catalytic activity of iridium NHC complexes covalently bonded to carbon nanotubes and graphene oxide

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    Trabajo presentado a la Annual World Conference on Carbon, celebrada en Dresden (Alemania) del 12 al 17 de julio de 2015.Carbon nanotubes and graphene have been extensively applied as proactive supports to generate heterogeneous catalysts. Both exhibit a carbon structure composed by carbon atoms with sp2 hybridization and both are used in similar applications, as in catalysis. However, the role of each particular substrate, determined by its structural peculiarities, can be differentvshould be studied for each particular catalytic reaction and in their structure.The aim of this work is to study the differences between oxidized carbon nanotubes (CNT) and graphene oxides (GO) as proactive supports of iridium Nheterocyclic carbene (NHC) catalyst. The effect of their inherent structure in the catalytic activity in hydrogen transfer reactions was studied in detail.The authors thank MINECO/MECD (Projects CONSOLIDER INGENIO 2010 CSD2009-00050, CTQ 2010-15221, Ramón y Cajal contract of P. Alvarez and fellowship of M. Blanco) and the Diputación General de Aragón (E07) for their financial support.Peer Reviewe

    Perfil escritor y conocimiento metacognitivo de las tareas académicas en los estudiantes universitarios

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    p. 243-270Esta investigación se centra en conocer el desarrollo de la conciencia metacognitiva y el perfil escritor de los universitarios en relación con las tareas de síntesis, altamente demandadas en la Educación Superior, pero ineficazmente abordadas por muchos estudiantes. La muestra ha estado formada por 82 universitarios, divididos en dos condiciones en las que recibieron instrucción en tareas de síntesis: enseñanza explícita y modelado con pensamiento en voz alta; respondieron a los cuestionarios i) Conocimiento metacognitivo sobre tareas de síntesis y ii) Estilos escritores. Los resultados permiten concluir que el autoconocimiento de los estudiantes acerca de las síntesis no es adecuado, aunque es mejorable con modelado o enseñanza explícita, y que los estudiantes con un perfil escritor, predominantemente revisor o planificador, son los que muestran mejor desarrollo metacognitivoN

    Lectura de contexto y abordaje psicosocial desde los enfoques narrativos Curumaní, El Banco, Plato, La Guajira.

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    Los ciudadanos de Colombia desde hace más de síes décadas ha tenido la desfortuna de convivir con la sombra de violencia, los protagonistas de esta incesable guerra son los mismos habitantes de la nación. Estos hechos han traído diferentes problemáticas sociales como es el desplazamiento masivo de pobladores y comunidades de diferentes zonas de la región, haciendo más énfasis en las zonas apartadas o rurales, también la tortura, asesinato y desaparición de muchas personas que estaban vinculadas directamente en la guerra, pero también muchas personas inocentes. Estos traumas que aún se siguen viviendo en Colombia han generado en muchos individuos trastornos psíquicos y de comportamientos. En este trabajo se muestra una visión detallada de varios casos de víctimas que han sufrido el terror del conflicto armado del país, unos desde la posición generadora de violencia y otros desde los receptores de esa violencia. El cual el estudiante analizara cada evento psicosocial traumatizante desde una mirada psicológica, posteriormente argumentara la postura de cada caso traumático desde un enfoque narrativo. Además el estudiante desarrollara habilidades a través de la herramienta de como preguntar, el cual concibe destrezas en los tipos de preguntas de pensamiento lineales (lineales, estratégicas) y circulares (circulares, reflexivas) que sirven para realizar una entrevista semiestructural y llevar a conectarse con la historia del individuo y poder reconstruir alternativas en la historia de manera positiva la misma genera en el individuo conciencia de sus significado propendiendo a reconocer sus destrezas y habilidades. Conectarse con la historia de la persona, con sus emociones y con el cuerpo. Cómo podemos cambiar la esperanza en esperanza estas historias que sucedieron en el pasado cargado de guerras, y convertirlas en historias esperanzadoras partiendo desde las ganas que cada persona pueda y quiera recuperar una nueva vida. Partiendo el modelo sistémico, el enfoque narrativo.The citizens of Colombia for more than decades has had the misfortune to live with the shadow of violence, the protagonists of this ceaseless war are the same inhabitants of the nation. These facts have brought different social problems such as the massive displacement of people and communities from different areas of the region, placing more emphasis on remote or rural areas, as well as the torture, murder and disappearance of many people who were directly linked to the war, but also many innocent people. These traumas that are still living in Colombia have generated in many individuals psychic and behavioral disorders. This paper shows a detailed view of several cases of victims who have suffered the terror of the country's armed conflict, some from the position generating violence and others from the recipients of that violence. The student will analyze each traumatizing psychosocial event from a psychological perspective, then argue the position of each traumatic case from a narrative approach. In addition, the student will develop skills through the questioning tool, which devises skills in the types of linear (linear, strategic) and circular (circular, reflexive) thinking questions that serve to conduct a semi-structural interview and lead to connect with the history of the individual and being able to reconstruct alternatives in history in a positive way generates in the individual an awareness of their meaning, tending to recognize their skills and abilities. Connect with the story of the person, with their emotions and with the body. How we can change the hope in hope these stories that happened in the past loaded with wars, and turn them into hopeful stories starting from the desire that each person can and want to recover a new life. Starting the systemic model, the narrative approach

    ‘Costa da Morte’ ataxia is spinocerebellar ataxia 36: clinical and genetic characterization

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    Spinocerebellar ataxia 36 has been recently described in Japanese families as a new type of spinocerebellar ataxia with motor neuron signs. It is caused by a GGCCTG repeat expansion in intron 1 of NOP56. Family interview and document research allowed us to reconstruct two extensive, multigenerational kindreds stemming from the same village (Costa da Morte in Galicia, Spain), in the 17th century. We found the presence of the spinocerebellar ataxia 36 mutation co-segregating with disease in these families in whom we had previously identified an ∼0.8 Mb linkage region to chromosome 20 p. Subsequent screening revealed the NOP56 expansion in eight additional Galician ataxia kindreds. While normal alleles contain 5–14 hexanucleotide repeats, expanded alleles range from ∼650 to 2500 repeats, within a shared haplotype. Further expansion of repeat size was frequent, especially upon paternal transmission, while instances of allele contraction were observed in maternal transmissions. We found a total of 63 individuals carrying the mutation, 44 of whom were confirmed to be clinically affected; over 400 people are at risk. We describe here the detailed clinical picture, consisting of a late-onset, slowly progressive cerebellar syndrome with variable eye movement abnormalities and sensorineural hearing loss. There were signs of denervation in the tongue, as well as mild pyramidal signs, but otherwise no signs of classical amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Magnetic resonance imaging findings were consistent with the clinical course, showing atrophy of the cerebellar vermis in initial stages, later evolving to a pattern of olivo-ponto-cerebellar atrophy. We estimated the origin of the founder mutation in Galicia to have occurred ∼1275 years ago. Out of 160 Galician families with spinocerebellar ataxia, 10 (6.3%) were found to have spinocerebellar ataxia 36, while 15 (9.4%) showed other of the routinely tested dominant spinocerebellar ataxia types. Spinocerebellar ataxia 36 is thus, so far, the most frequent dominant spinocerebellar ataxia in this region, which may have implications for American countries associated with traditional Spanish emigration

    [Compendio general de fichas de desarrollo de productos artesanales y bocetos de ilustración].

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    6 volúmenes : ilustraciones, fotografías.Compendio de fichas técnicas de producto complementadas con algunos bocetos y/o fotografías de prototipos; muestran los procesos de construcción de las propuestas de diseño de productos de innovación, adelantados en el contexto del componente de diseño del proyecto de fomento de la artesanía del departamento de Cundinamarca. Las fichas corresponde a las propuestas formuladas para cada uno de los municipios artesanales o iniciados en la actividad.TejeduríaMarroquineríaCesteríaBisuteríaGrabadoCarpinterí

    Issues Year 4. Number 8. Journal of the Center for Research in Social Sciences, Education and Arts

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    Esta colección de Editorial UNAB presenta reflexiones sobre asuntos de actualidad dentro de la comunicación social, escritos por profesores de la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga e invitados especiales a la institución, como aporte al debate sobre este campo del conocimiento, el oficio y la profesión.Presentación. - 5 Los núcleos integradores. - 7 La interpretación de una experiencia formativa de la Facultad de Educación de la UNAB: los núcleos integradores. - 15 Experiencia significativa de investigación de las Escuelas Normales Superiores. - 25 Desarrollo de la inteligencia y creatividad. - 31 "Cuando me aburras morirás". - 45 El sentido de las prácticas y la relación amestro-aprendiz en el presente. - 59 El papel de la pedagogía y la construcción del sujeto social. - 75 Subjetividades críticas, ciudadanías activas. - 79 ¿Cómo están representados los indígeneas y su cultura en los libros escolares suecos en comparación con sus equivalencias colombianos? . 85 Estado, clientelismo y sociedad: una mirada desde la función política de la Educación. - 91 Presentación de la obra Manolo Díaz. - 110This collection of Editorial UNAB presents reflections on current issues within social communication, written by professors from the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga and special guests at the institution, as a contribution to the debate on this field of knowledge, trade and profession

    Distribution and genotype-phenotype correlation of GDAP1 mutations in Spain

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    Mutations in the GDAP1 gene can cause Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. These mutations are quite rare in most Western countries but not so in certain regions of Spain or other Mediterranean countries. This cross-sectional retrospective multicenter study analyzed the clinical and genetic characteristics of patients with GDAP1 mutations across Spain. 99 patients were identified, which were distributed across most of Spain, but especially in the Northwest and Mediterranean regions. The most common genotypes were p.R120W (in 81% of patients with autosomal dominant inheritance) and p.Q163X (in 73% of autosomal recessive patients). Patients with recessively inherited mutations had a more severe phenotype, and certain clinical features, like dysphonia or respiratory dysfunction, were exclusively detected in this group. Dominantly inherited mutations had prominent clinical variability regarding severity, including 29% of patients who were asymptomatic. There were minor clinical differences between patients harboring specific mutations but not when grouped according to localization or type of mutation. This is the largest clinical series to date of patients with GDAP1 mutations, and it contributes to define the genetic distribution and genotype-phenotype correlation in this rare form of CMT

    Changes in humoral immune response after SARS-CoV-2 infection in liver transplant recipients compared to immunocompetent patients

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    The protective capacity and duration of humoral immunity after SARS-CoV-2 infection are not yet understood in solid organ transplant recipients. A prospective multicenter study was performed to evaluate the persistence of anti-nucleocapsid IgG antibodies in liver transplant recipients 6 months after coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) resolution. A total of 71 liver transplant recipients were matched with 71 immunocompetent controls by a propensity score including variables with a well-known prognostic impact in COVID-19. Paired case-control serological data were also available in 62 liver transplant patients and 62 controls at month 3 after COVID-19. Liver transplant recipients showed a lower incidence of anti-nucleocapsid IgG antibodies at 3 months (77.4% vs. 100%, p <.001) and at 6 months (63.4% vs. 90.1%, p <.001). Lower levels of antibodies were also observed in liver transplant patients at 3 (p =.001) and 6 months (p <.001) after COVID-19. In transplant patients, female gender (OR = 13.49, 95% CI: 2.17-83.8), a longer interval since transplantation (OR = 1.19, 95% CI: 1.03-1.36), and therapy with renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors (OR = 7.11, 95% CI: 1.47-34.50) were independently associated with persistence of antibodies beyond 6 months after COVID-19. Therefore, as compared with immunocompetent patients, liver transplant recipients show a lower prevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and more pronounced antibody levels decline