85 research outputs found

    Increase of mitochondrial DNA content and transcripts in early bovine embryogenesis associated with upregulation of mtTFA and NRF1 transcription factors

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    BACKGROUND: Recent work has shown that mitochondrial biogenesis and mitochondrial functions are critical determinants of embryonic development. However, the expression of the factors controlling mitochondrial biogenesis in early embryogenesis has received little attention so far. METHODS: We used real-time quantitative PCR to quantify mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in bovine oocytes and in various stages of in vitro produced embryos. To investigate the molecular mechanisms responsible for the replication and the transcriptional activation of mtDNA, we quantified the mRNA corresponding to the mtDNA-encoded cytochrome oxidase 1 (COX1), and two nuclear-encoded factors, i.e. the Nuclear Respiratory Factor 1 (NRF1), and the nuclear-encoded Mitochondrial Transcription Factor A (mtTFA). RESULTS: Unlike findings reported in mouse embryos, the mtDNA content was not constant during early bovine embryogenesis. We found a sharp, 60% decrease in mtDNA content between the 2-cell and the 4/8-cell stages. COX1 mRNA was constant until the morula stage after which it increased dramatically. mtTFA mRNA was undetectable in oocytes and remained so until the 8/16-cell stage; it began to appear only at the morula stage, suggesting de novo synthesis. In contrast, NRF1 mRNA was detectable in oocytes and the quantity remained constant until the morula stage. CONCLUSION: Our results revealed a reduction of mtDNA content in early bovine embryos suggesting an active process of mitochondrial DNA degradation. In addition, de novo mtTFA expression associated with mitochondrial biogenesis activation and high levels of NRF1 mRNA from the oocyte stage onwards argue for the essential function of these factors during the first steps of bovine embryogenesis

    A922 Sequential measurement of 1 hour creatinine clearance (1-CRCL) in critically ill patients at risk of acute kidney injury (AKI)

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    Etude des liens entre les systÚmes visuel et proprioceptif : approche électrophysiologique et comportementale chez le sujet sain et le patient amputé du membre supérieur

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    Le codage de la position et des mouvements des diffĂ©rents segments corporels implique l'intervention coordonnĂ©e des systĂšmes perceptifs visuel et proprioceptif. L'objectif de ce travail de thĂšse Ă©tait de caractĂ©riser la nature de ces interactions dans le contrĂŽle moteur. Notre dĂ©marche, basĂ©e sur une investigation par les potentiels Ă©voquĂ©s consistait Ă  mesurer l'activitĂ© Ă©lectrique du cortex moteur primaire lors d'une activitĂ© visuomotrice. Nous avons pu montrer que la simple vue d'un effecteur (e.g., main) suffit pour provoquer une planification motrice dans le cortex moteur correspondant, qu il s'agisse effectivement de l'effecteur ou qu il s'agisse d'une image reconstituĂ©e artificiellement, par le biais d'un miroir reflĂ©tant la main opposĂ©e, par exemple. Ces rĂ©sultats attestent de l'influence de la vision sur les processus de planification du mouvement et fournissent une mesure objective des effets de la vision sur le cortex moteur. Dans un second temps, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© l'influence du feedback visuel lorsque le membre est absent, avec des patients amputĂ©s du membre supĂ©rieur. Cette approche nous a permis d'Ă©valuer l'impact de l'expĂ©rience perceptive en comparant les donnĂ©es d'amputĂ©s traumatiques avec celles de personnes agĂ©nĂ©siques, dont l'origine de l'absence du membre est congĂ©nitale. Ainsi nous montrons que l'activation motrice corticale peut ĂȘtre gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©e par un feedback visuel du membre absent seulement si le systĂšme moteur est (sujets sans dĂ©ficit sensorimoteur) ou a Ă©tĂ© fonctionnel (amputĂ©s traumatiques). De plus, nous montrons que cette activitĂ© corticale reflĂšte une programmation motrice en cohĂ©rence avec le mouvement Ă  effectuer. En effet, les performances motrices dans une tĂąche de dessin en miroir sont meilleures chez ces sujets lorsqu ils ont un feedback sagittal de leur main active (i.e. donnant l'impression de voir leur main absente). Nous proposons que le feedback visuel provoque la rĂ©activation de programmes moteurs existants, en lien avec la main vue et la tĂąche Ă  rĂ©aliser. Ces rĂ©sultats fournissent une preuve directe de la persistance fonctionnelle des rĂ©gions dĂ©nervĂ©es suite Ă  l'amputation traumatique d'un membre.Pas de rĂ©sum

    Assessment of maturity of Loire Valley wine grapes by mid-infrared spectroscopy

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    Aim: The objective of the present study was to assess the ripening of grapes collected at different stages of maturation between the “vĂ©raison” and harvest periods from mid-infrared spectroscopy (MIRS) analysis. Methods and results: Grape berries of Cabernet Franc collected in two locations of the Loire Valley region (Touraine and Anjou), from 28 vine plots and during two vintages (2005 and 2006) were analysed. With principal component analysis (PCA) of spectral data of grape musts, different levels of ripening were described during the three to four weeks before harvest. A separation according to origin (Touraine or Anjou) was also observed and confirmed by the results of partial least squares (PLS) discriminant analysis (88 % of correct classification). Similar evolutions and geographical discriminations were obtained for specific physicochemical parameters. By PLS regression, good predictions of titratable acidity and sugar concentration from berry spectral data were obtained, with root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) of 0.53 g/L for titratable acidity (expressed in H2SO4) and 8 g/L for sugar concentration. Moreover, when the data from only one of the regions were considered, the predictions of titratable acidity and sugar concentration were improved and those of real acidity (pH) and maturity index were then satisfactory. The RMSEP values for samples from Touraine and Anjou were reduced, respectively, to 0.05 and 0.02 units for pH, 0.4 and 0.12 g/L for titratable acidity (expressed in H2SO4), 6.6 and 3.2 g/L for sugar concentration, and 5 and 2.2 units for maturity index. Conclusion: Spectroscopic and classic chemical analyses of grape berries yielded highly similar results. The evolution of berries from “vĂ©raison” to harvest can be characterized according to both time course and region. The samples showed similar PCA results for chemical and IR spectra parameters. PLS regression between chemical and spectral data showed that Fourier transform IR is a good method to predict acidity and sugar concentration throughout ripening. And the results for these parameters, as well as for pH, maturity index and anthocyanin concentration, are improved if the regressions are calculated from sample sets restricted to a single growing region. Consequently, a calibration model is required for each grape geographical origin. Significance and impact of the study: The potential of MIRS was demonstrated for the quantification of the main indicators of maturity during berry ripening. Furthermore, these spectra can be used to estimate grape maturity in particular in reference to a spectral database established over several years of study. The association infrared spectroscopy, chemometric methods and database will help to monitor ripening and to determine the optimum harvest date

    Mitochondries et reproduction

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    Les mitochondries jouent un rĂŽle central dans le mĂ©tabolisme Ă©nergĂ©tique cellulaire. Une de leurs particularitĂ©s est de possĂ©der leur propre gĂ©nome, dont la transmission est exclusivement maternelle. Leur implication dans la reproduction humaine est une notion relativement rĂ©cente qui suscite un intĂ©rĂȘt scientifique et mĂ©dical croissant. Elles peuvent influencer la qualitĂ© des ovocytes et des spermatozoĂŻdes, mais aussi la fĂ©condation et le dĂ©veloppement embryonnaire. De nouvelles techniques thĂ©rapeutiques telles que le transfert de cytoplasme ovocytaire compromettent fortement la transmission uniparentale de l’ADN mitochondrial et soulĂšvent d’importantes questions Ă©thiques. Cet article tente de faire le point sur les acquisitions rĂ©centes concernant le rĂŽle des mitochondries dans la fertilitĂ© et la reproduction humaines.Mitochondria play a primary role in cellular energetic metabolism. They possess their own DNA, which is exclusively maternally transmitted. The relatively recent idea that mitochondria may be directly involved in human reproduction is arousing increasing interest in the scientific and medical community. It has been shown that the functional status of mitochondria contributes to the quality of oocytes and spermatozoa, and plays a part in the process of fertilisation and embryo development. Moreover, new techniques, such as ooplasm transfer, compromise the uniquely maternal inheritance of mitochondrial DNA, raising important ethical questions. This review discusses recent information about mitochondria in the field of human fertility and reproduction

    A new model of pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukemia chemically induced in rats.

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    OBJECTIVE: Although B acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) is the most common leukemia among children, no chemically inducible model of this leukemia has yet been described in vivo. METHODS: Leukemia was chemically induced in male WKAH/Hkm rats by a nitrosourea derivative, N-butylnitrosourea (BNU), an alkylating agent, administered orally 5 days a week for 24 weeks. Development of leukemia was monitored by clinical observation, follow-up of blood parameters, and appearance of blast cells in peripheral blood samples. The phenotype of the leukemia was determined by cytological examination, cytochemical reactions, and by immunophenotyping of bone marrow cells using various markers. The feasibility of leukemia transplantation was investigated. Clonality and karyotype analyses were also performed. RESULTS: We observed the appearance of acute leukemia in 60% of the rats treated with BNU. Of these, 65% developed pre-B-ALL, which was serially transplantable to healthy WKAH/Hkm male rats. Karyotype analysis did not reveal clonal abnormalities. Clonality determined by immunoglobulin gene rearrangement sequencing disclosed that the pre-B-ALL were mostly oligoclonal. CONCLUSION: This new in vivo model of inducible pre-B-ALL might be useful for investigating the effects of co-initiating or promoting agents suspected to be involved in leukemia development, and for disclosing new molecular events leading to leukemogenic processes
