465 research outputs found

    Aplicación del método indirecto para la obtención de una matriz insumo-producto año 2002 para VIII Región del Bío-Bío

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    El objetivo de este trabajo, es presentar una serie actualizada de matrices (12*12) 1996-2002 para la VIII región del Bío Bío y el diseño de algoritmo, desarrollado mediante MATLAB, para su aplicación directa a matrices regionales implementadas en planilla electrónica EXCEL.En esta perspectiva se identifican los modelos utilizados; así como,los requerimientos de información y supuestos teóricos necesarios para estimar la matriz inversa para la economía regional, mediante la utilización de las tablas input-output (12 x 12 sectores). Las conclusiones se derivan de la propuesta metodológica Chernery Watanabe, Rasmussen y Chi-cuadrado.Finalmente, se realiza un análisis comparativo (1996 -2002) del cambio estructural acontecido en los sectores productivos, reflejado en la matriz inversa de la economía de la VIII Región

    Impact in hospitalization costs of a cardiovascular risk management program in Colombia: a propensity score matching model

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of death and burden of disease in Colombia and globally. In 2017, CVD represented the 12% of total DALYs. CVD is a costly disease from patient, family and societal perspectives. Effective prevention and risk management programs reduces the incidence of CVD by as much as 80%. We aimed to estimate the impact of direct medical hospitalization costs related to adherence in a risk management program in Colombia, 2018. We retrospectively collected data from 6,243 patients with data of enrollment in a cardiovascular risk management program (DTC, in Spanish) of a subsidized insurer, who presented arterial hypertension (AH) or AH+ type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2). 1,065 were identified adherent to the program (treated) and 5.178 non adherent (controls). We designed a propensity score matching model adjusted with confounding variables to estimate the effect of treatment (program adherence) over hospitalization cost. Costs were calculated based on hospitalization invoices and expressed in Colombian pesos (COP) 2018. DTC has an average negative effect on cost of treated population. Being treated avoids hospitalization costs; these results were statistically significant at the 5% and 10% level (with 95%CI that goes through zero). Hence, being in the DTC program reduces hospital costs that ranges from COP-11,346,372to 11,346,372 to - 799,259 (95%CI) compared to the average cost. The overall impact on program costs is a significant saving of COP583,670 per event-year. If all members of the DTC program fulfilled its activities by more than 80%, the savings generated by the program would be close to COP$ 6.85 billion. DTC risk management program reduces direct hospitalization costs of events associated to CVD. Our results are important to design policies focused on the cost and risk management of patients with CVD in poor population

    Sequential Loading of Cohesin Subunits during the First Meiotic Prophase of Grasshoppers

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    A previous version of this article appeared as an Early Online Release on January 2, 2007 (doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.0030028.eor).The cohesin complexes play a key role in chromosome segregation during both mitosis and meiosis. They establish sister chromatid cohesion between duplicating DNA molecules during S-phase, but they also have an important role during postreplicative double-strand break repair in mitosis, as well as during recombination between homologous chromosomes in meiosis. An additional function in meiosis is related to the sister kinetochore cohesion, so they can be pulled by microtubules to the same pole at anaphase I. Data about the dynamics of cohesin subunits during meiosis are scarce; therefore, it is of great interest to characterize how the formation of the cohesin complexes is achieved in order to understand the roles of the different subunits within them. We have investigated the spatio-temporal distribution of three different cohesin subunits in prophase I grasshopper spermatocytes. We found that structural maintenance of chromosome protein 3 (SMC3) appears as early as preleptotene, and its localization resembles the location of the unsynapsed axial elements, whereas radiation-sensitive mutant 21 (RAD21) (sister chromatid cohesion protein 1, SCC1) and stromal antigen protein 1 (SA1) (sister chromatid cohesion protein 3, SCC3) are not visualized until zygotene, since they are located in the synapsed regions of the bivalents. During pachytene, the distribution of the three cohesin subunits is very similar and all appear along the trajectories of the lateral elements of the autosomal synaptonemal complexes. However, whereas SMC3 also appears over the single and unsynapsed X chromosome, RAD21 and SA1 do not. We conclude that the loading of SMC3 and the non-SMC subunits, RAD21 and SA1, occurs in different steps throughout prophase I grasshopper meiosis. These results strongly suggest the participation of SMC3 in the initial cohesin axis formation as early as preleptotene, thus contributing to sister chromatid cohesion, with a later association of both RAD21 and SA1 subunits at zygotene to reinforce and stabilize the bivalent structure. Therefore, we speculate that more than one cohesin complex participates in the sister chromatid cohesion at prophase I.This work was supported by grants BFU2005–05668-C03–01, BFU2006–06655, BFU2005–01266, BFU2005–02431, and BFU2006–04406 from Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, España, and grants 1001160016 and 11/BCB/013 from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Comunidad de Madrid. The Department of Immunology and Oncology was founded and is supported by the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC).Peer reviewe

    Sequential Loading of Cohesin Subunits during the First Meiotic Prophase of Grasshoppers

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    The cohesin complexes play a key role in chromosome segregation during both mitosis and meiosis. They establish sister chromatid cohesion between duplicating DNA molecules during S-phase, but they also have an important role during postreplicative double-strand break repair in mitosis, as well as during recombination between homologous chromosomes in meiosis. An additional function in meiosis is related to the sister kinetochore cohesion, so they can be pulled by microtubules to the same pole at anaphase I. Data about the dynamics of cohesin subunits during meiosis are scarce; therefore, it is of great interest to characterize how the formation of the cohesin complexes is achieved in order to understand the roles of the different subunits within them. We have investigated the spatio-temporal distribution of three different cohesin subunits in prophase I grasshopper spermatocytes. We found that structural maintenance of chromosome protein 3 (SMC3) appears as early as preleptotene, and its localization resembles the location of the unsynapsed axial elements, whereas radiation-sensitive mutant 21 (RAD21) (sister chromatid cohesion protein 1, SCC1) and stromal antigen protein 1 (SA1) (sister chromatid cohesion protein 3, SCC3) are not visualized until zygotene, since they are located in the synapsed regions of the bivalents. During pachytene, the distribution of the three cohesin subunits is very similar and all appear along the trajectories of the lateral elements of the autosomal synaptonemal complexes. However, whereas SMC3 also appears over the single and unsynapsed X chromosome, RAD21 and SA1 do not. We conclude that the loading of SMC3 and the non-SMC subunits, RAD21 and SA1, occurs in different steps throughout prophase I grasshopper meiosis. These results strongly suggest the participation of SMC3 in the initial cohesin axis formation as early as preleptotene, thus contributing to sister chromatid cohesion, with a later association of both RAD21 and SA1 subunits at zygotene to reinforce and stabilize the bivalent structure. Therefore, we speculate that more than one cohesin complex participates in the sister chromatid cohesion at prophase I

    Servicios de medicina del trabajo en colombia

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    Objetivo Caracterizar la calidad técnica de los servicios que en el área de medicina del trabajo ofertan las instituciones prestadoras de servicios de salud ocupacional (IPSSO) en las principales ciudades del país. Métodos Corresponde a un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal  (2009–2010) de cobertura nacional (15 ciudades) en el que mediante la aplicación de una encuesta diagnóstica se obtuvo información de 192 Instituciones Prestadoras de Servicios de Salud Ocupacional (IPSSO).Resultados El estudio evidenció que el 74,7 % de las IPSSO cuentan con licencia vigente para la prestación de servicios en el área de medicina del trabajo, que la oferta de servicios se realiza sobre la base de la subcontratación tanto de profesionales como de equipos y que el uso de las guías de atención integral en salud ocupacional basadas en la evidencia (GATISO), es muy incipiente.Conclusiones Se identificaron, entre otras, deficiencias técnicas, administrativas, de gestión, de infraestructura y de personal, que afectan la calidad de los servicios de medicina del trabajo ofertados por las IPSSO, las cuales no permiten asegurar que se estén estudiando a profundidad y con suficiencia los efectos de los factores de riesgo en la salud de los trabajadores

    From Raw Data to FAIR Data: The FAIRification Workflow for Health Research

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    BackgroundFAIR (findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability) guidingprinciples seek the reuse of data and other digital research input, output, and objects(algorithms, tools, and workflows that led to that data) making themfindable, accessible,interoperable, and reusable. GO FAIR - a bottom-up, stakeholder driven and self-governedinitiative-defined a seven-step FAIRificationprocessfocusingondata,butalsoindicatingtherequired work for metadata. This FAIRification process aims at addressing the translation ofraw datasets into FAIR datasets in a general way, without considering specific requirementsand challenges that may arise when dealing with some particular types of data.This work was performed in the scope of FAIR4Healthproject. FAIR4Health has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovationprogramme under grant agreement number 824666

    Colombian consensus on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of candida Spp. disease in children and adults

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    La Candidiasis Invasora (CI) y la candidemia, como su manifestación más frecuente, se ha convertido en la principal causa de micosis oportunista a nivel hospitalario. Este manuscrito realizado por miembros de la Asociación Colombiana de Infectología (ACIN), tuvo como objetivo proporcionar un conjunto de recomendaciones para manejo, seguimiento y prevención de la CI/candidemia y de la infección candidiásica de mucosas, en población adulta, pediátrica y neonatal, en un entorno hospitalario, incluyendo las unidades hemato-oncológicas y unidades de cuidado crítico. Todos los datos obtenidos mediante una búsqueda exhaustiva, fueron revisados y analizados de manera amplia por todos los miembros del grupo, y las recomendaciones emitidas se elaboraron luego de la evaluación de la literatura científica disponible, y el consenso de todos los especialistas involucrados, reconociendo el problema de la emergencia de las infecciones por Candida Spp. y brindando una correcta orientación a los profesionales de la salud sobre el manejo de pacientes con enfermedad candidiásica, de una forma racional y práctica, enfatizando en la evaluación del paciente, estrategias de diagnóstico, profilaxis, tratamiento empírico, tratamiento dirigido y terapia preventiva.Invasive Candidiasis (IC) and candidemia (as its most frequent manifestation) have become the main cause of opportunistic mycosis at hospital settings. This study, made by members of the Colombian Association of Infectious Diseases (ACIN), was aimed at providing a set of recommendations for the management, follow-up and prevention of IC / candidemia and mucous membrane candida infection in adult, pediatric and neonatal patients in a hospital setting, including the hemato-oncological and critical care units. All the data obtained through an exhaustive search were reviewed and analyzed in a comprehensive manner by all the members of the group, and the recommendations issued are being made after a careful review of the scientific literature available and the consensus of all specialists involved; the emergence of Candida Spp. problem is highlighted and a correct orientation to health professionals regarding the management of patients with candidiasis is provided in a rational and practical way, emphasizing patient evaluation, diagnostic strategies, prophylaxis, empirical treatment, directed treatment and preventative therap

    Effectiveness of a cardiovascular risk management program in the incidence of cardiovascular events in a low-income population from the caribbean region of Colombia

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    Methods This was a retrospective cohort study. Patients with 20 to 76 years affiliated to insurer company and enrolled to the DTC program were considered as the study population. The data source was an administrative database of all 128,263 patients between Jan 2015 and Dec 2018. The main outcome was the reduction in the risk of a CVE (stroke, AMI or CHF) based in the time-person exposed to the intervention. Four different time thresholds were considered for stablishing exposure status: six months, one year, two years and four years. Propensity score-weighted Cox regression models were used to evaluate the association between exposure to the program and the incidence of CVE

    Safety of switching from intravenous to subcutaneous rituximab during first-line treatment of patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma: the Spanish population of the MabRella study

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    Rituximab is a standard treatment for non-Hodgkin diffuse large B-cell (DLBCL) and follicular (FL) lymphomas. A subcutaneous formulation was developed to improve the resource use of intravenous rituximab, with comparable efficacy and safety profiles except for increased administration-related reactions (ARRs). MabRella was a phase IIIb trial to assess the safety of switching from intravenous to subcutaneous administration of rituximab during first-line induction/maintenance for DLBCL or FL, focusing on ARRs. Efficacy, satisfaction and quality of life were also assessed. Patients received subcutaneous rituximab plus standard induction chemotherapy for DLBCL or FL for 4–7 cycles, and/or every 2 months maintenance monotherapy for FL for 6–12 cycles. The study included 140 patients: DLBCL, n = 29; FL, n = 111. Ninety-five percent of patients experienced adverse events, reaching grade ≥3 in 38 6% and were serious in 30 0%. AARs occurred in 48 6%, mostly (84 9%) at the injection site, with only 2 1% of patients reaching grade 3. The end-of-induction complete/unconfirmed complete response rate was 69 6%. After a median follow-up of 33 5 months, median disease-/event-/progression-free and overall survivals were not attained. The Rituximab Administration Satisfaction Questionnaire showed improvements in overall satisfaction and the EuroQoL-5D a good quality-of-life perception at induction/maintenance end. Therefore, switching to subcutaneous rituximab showed no new safety issues and maintained efficacy with improved satisfaction and quality of life

    Petrografía, geocronología y geoquímica de las ignimbritas de la Formación Popayán, en el contexto del vulcanismo del suroccidente de Colombia

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    Desde 1.932 se está discutiendo acerca de la estratigrafía y la composición de los depósitos y rocas que constituyen la Formación Popayán, surgiendo varias propuestas estratigráficas que se han venido actualizando de acuerdo a la evolución de los conceptos que, con el transcurrir del tiempo, ha tenido la vulcanología -- A partir de la caracterización de los depósitos de la Formación Popayán se plantea que está constituida primordialmente por depósitos de flujos de ignimbritas y por espesos depósitos de flujos de ceniza y bloques de hasta 200 m de espesor que rellenaron un paleorelieve, construido sobre rocas del Paleozoico al Paleoceno, conformando la Meseta de Popayán -- Se propone que la sección estratigráfica tipo de la Formación Popayán sea la levantada en la quebrada Sombrerillo, localizada al norte de la Meseta de Popayán en el Municipio de Morales, de muy fácil acceso, y donde está perfectamente representada ésta formación -- Las columnas estratigráficas levantadas en la Chorrera del Club Campestre del municipio de Popayán y en la quebrada La Chorrera- río Hondo, al sur de la meseta, en el municipio de El Tambo, se consideran secciones estratigráficas de referencia. En la sección estratigráfica de la quebrada Sombrerillo se observa la base de la Formación Popayán conformada por depósitos de flujos de ignimbritas con un espesor máximo observado de 100 m; estas ignimbritas están suprayacidas por una serie de depósitos de flujos piroclásticos y depósitos vulcano sedimentarios, con un espesor máximo observado de 100 m, sobre los que se desarrolló un paleosuelo de color rojo que se propone constituye el techo de la Formación de Popayán -- Los análisis geoquímicos ubican las ignimbritas de la Formación Popayán en las series magmáticas calcoalcalinas, siendo su composición riolítica alta en potasio -- Estas características las comparten con las ignimbritas de la Formación Guacacallo ubicadas en el valle geográfico del río Magdalena en el departamento del Huila; las dos formaciones tienen, igualmente, características cartográficas, geomorfológicas y estratigráficas comparables y esto permite su correlación -- De acuerdo con los estudios petrográficos realizados, los depósitos de flujos de ceniza y bloques estratigráficamente localizados hacia el techo de las ignimbritas son de composición andesitica -- Los volúmenes estimados para las ignimbritas de las formaciones de Popayán y Guacacallo son de aproximadamente 250 Km3, sin considerar los volúmenes de las cenizas acompañantes o co-ignimbritícas, cuyos cálculos pueden ser iguales a los de las ignimbritas propiamente dichas -- Estos volúmenes son indicadores de la gran significancia que tiene el vulcanismo riolítico en el segmento volcánico central de la Cordillera Central de Colombia -- Así mismo, su volumen y el alto contenido en potasio permite suponer que la génesis de los magmas que generaron los mantos ignimbríticos de las Formaciones de Popayán y Guacacallo está relacionada con la corteza continental -- Las ignimbritas denominadas en este trabajo de Pisojé Alto, ubicadas en el piedemonte occidental de la Cordillera Central y que bordean la Meseta de Popayán, de acuerdo con su información geoquímica, son de composición traquiandesitíca-andesitica, altas en potasio y hacen parte de las series calcoalcalinas -- Estas ignimbritas, de composición andesitica, no son correlacionables con las de la Formación Popayán y se propone que hacen parte de la Formación Coconuco -- De acuerdo a las dataciones de las ignimbritas del suroccidente de Colombia existentes en la literatura, y a las dataciones de 40Ar/Ar39 realizadas en esta investigación, consideradas referentes estratigráficos debido al alto contenido de argón atmosférico, el vulcanismo riolítico alto en potasio, del suroccidente de Colombia, se extiende desde hace 7.1±0.3 M.a hasta 2.1±0.4 M.a y sobre él se está construyendo el vulcanismo recient