1,157 research outputs found

    Defining Life as a Non-Essentialist Natural Kind

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    The increasing number of proposals to define the concept of life in biology has led some authors to consider this task useless and without sense. All sceptics base their argument on the idea that life is a natural kind with a strong metaphysical commitment. Considering this, the aim of this paper is to explore the concept of life as a non-essentialist natural kind. It is intended to highlight that complex scientific concepts are better understood from points of view that are not constrained by the rigid frameworks of essentialism and the realism/conventionalism dichotomy.  Keywords: natural kind, definition of life, essentialism, operational definitions.

    Gentrification, transnational gentrification and touristification in Seville, Spain

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    Increased international tourism in large European cities has been a growing social and political issue over the last few years. As the number of urban tourists has rapidly grown, studies have often focused on its socio-spatial consequences, commonly referred to as touristification, and have linked this to gentrification. This connection makes sense within the framework of planetary gentrification theories because the social injustices it generates in cities have a global pattern. However, gentrification is a complex process that must be analytically differentiated from tourism strategies and their effects. Whereas gentrification means a lower income population replaced by one of a higher status, touristification consists of an increase in tourist activity that generally implies the loss of residents. Strategies to appropriate and marketise culture to sustain tourismled economies can also shape more attractive places for foreign wealthy newcomers, whose arrival has been theorised as transnational gentrification. Discussions on the relationship between gentrification, transnational gentrification and touristification are essential, especially regarding how they work in transforming an urban area’s social fabric, for which Seville, Spain’s fourth largest city with an economy specialised in cultural tourism, provides a starting point. The focus is set on the processes’ timelines and similar patterns, which are tested on three consecutive scales of analysis: the city, the historic district and the Alameda neighbourhood. Through the examination of these transformations, the article concludes that transnational gentrification and touristification are new urban strategies and practices to revalorise real estate and appropriate urban surplus in unique urban areas.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Analysis of the Evolution of Sea Water Quality in the Spanish Coast from Satellite Images before and during a Confinement Period

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    [EN] Satellite imaging, a form of remote sensing, can be used to analyse water quality, which must be monitored for proper and sustainable environmental management. This paper studies the effect of a sea traffic reduction in the Alboran Sea (Spain), analysing the changes in water quality before (from February 3rd, 2020) and during (until June 22nd, 2020) a confinement period. This was an unprecedented event in modern times and brought an interesting opportunity to study dynamics when the human impact is reduced. The study of these dynamics and the concentration levels with little human effect is important for environmental conservation purposes. We applied already existing indices using ArcGIS and ACOLITE to determine the following environmental parameters: colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), suspended particulate matter (SPM), chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), and harmful algal blooms (HABs). Prequarantine concentration levels can reach up to 4 a(CDOM)440 (CDOM), 18 g/m(3) (SPM), and 100 mu g/L (Chl-a). Most prequarantine days presented an increment in either concentration level or distribution from the day before. The effects a sudden human impact has on an ecosystem which experimented reduced human influence for months were shown. On the day before the said impact (June 12th), three of the parameters were barely detected with concentration levels of mostly 2 a(CDOM)440 (CDOM), 6 g/m(3) (SPM), and 25 mu g/L (Chl-a), and sparse distribution. Afterwards (June 22nd), their levels went up to 4 a(CDOM)440 (CDOM), 14 g/m(3) (SPM), and 1000 mu g/L (Chl-a) and were distributed near the ports. The results presented in this study show that the main drivers of change when human impact was reduced were climatologic events (such as storms). Nevertheless, the importance of the human facto can be seen through the CDOM, SPM, and Chl-a plume near port areas observed the day after port activity was reactivated, June 22nd.This research was funded by the European Union through the ERANETMED (Euromediterranean Cooperation through ERANET joint activities and beyond) project ERANETMED3-227 SMARTWATIR; by Conselleria de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte with the Subvenciones para la contratacion de personal investigador en fase postdoctoral, grant number APOSTD/2019/04; and by Universitat Politecnica de Valencia through Program PAID-01-20 and PAID-10-20.Parra-Boronat, M.; Parra, L.; Jimenez, JM.; Lloret, J. (2022). Analysis of the Evolution of Sea Water Quality in the Spanish Coast from Satellite Images before and during a Confinement Period. Journal of Sensors. 2022:1-20. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/9996626120202

    Cambios que producen cambios

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    Benjamín es un personaje extraño dentro de las teorías del desarrollo, nació viejo y murió recién nacido. Iba al revés del camino habitual de los relo- jes: cada vez se hacía más pequeño; contradecía los conceptos de crecimiento, maduración, progreso, al frente y hacía arriba. Francis Scott Fitzgerald pública en 1922 el cuento de cción El curioso caso de Benjamín Button, en el que cuenta la dramática historia de alguien que recorrió su vida en la vía contraria al desarrollo: nació viejo y cansa- do y poco a poco se desarrolló hacía la niñez

    Vulnerabilidad social

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    Una de las grandes tensiones pedagógicas que se vive escolarmente es que las metas de la enseñanza del maestro y la maestra no son los motivos del aprendizaje del estudiante. Hay una gran distancia entre los fines educativos y el sentido que le otorgan a la vida los niños y los jóvenes. Los profesores gastan considerable cantidad de energía y tiempo tratando de compatibilizar lo que les importa a ellos enseñar y lo que los estudiantes quieren hacer y aprender. Los contextos familiar y social de los estudiantes hacen que se genere una considerable distancia entre las expectativas que tienen los estudiantes con respecto a sus vidas y lo que se espera educativamente de ellos. A veces se encuentran modos de motivar a los estudiantes temporalmente con algunas actividades escolares pero es complicado desarrollar intereses cognoscitivos a largo plazo, especialmente, cuando sus vidas cotidianas están repletas de conflictos sociales y económicos. La ausencia de motivos, se convierte en una dificultad para el logro de aprendizajes. A esta falta de motivos se le une una vulnerabilidad protegida con hostilidad

    Presencia y estado de conservación de Jasione corymbosa Poir. ex Schult. (Campanulaceae) en la Península Ibérica.

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    Presence and conservation status of Jasione corymbosa Poir. ex Schult. (Campanulaceae) in the Iberian PeninsulaPalabras clave. UICN, especie extinta, población remanente, Mediterráneo, flora amenazada.Key words. IUCN, extinct species, extant population, Mediterranean, threatened flora

    Registro de variables de proceso de una línea ensambladora de motocicletas empleando PLC e interfaz HMI

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    La automatización en una definición básica, es un sistema en el cual se transfieren tareas de producción, realizadas generalmente por operadores o máquinas de bajos recursos hacia un conjunto más complejo de elementos tecnológicos; para de esta manera, facilitar las tareas que día a día se van presentando en un determinado ambiente y/o empresa [1]. Actualmente, las grandes empresas industriales intentan conseguir que sus compañías se basen más en sistemas de control y de tecnología para así reducir la intervención humana en cada uno de los procesos que son desarrollados en estas; pero al implementar estos sistemas, se encuentran un inconveniente y es el gran costo que genera establecer dicha automatización. Los problemas mencionados se inician en los requerimientos de varios dispositivos entre los cuales se hallan sensores de distinto tipo, elementos electrónicos y la implementación de líneas de programación para procesos secuenciales que se desarrollan en la compañía. Ahora bien, como todos los procesos industriales van cambiando muy rápidamente y se van convirtiendo cada vez en más exigentes, se crea la necesidad de controlarlos de forma más rápida y precisa [2]. Actualmente en las compañías de motocicletas de la región, específicamente en sus líneas de ensamblaje, se cuentan con métodos manuales de registro de información en ámbitos de la empresa que deberían ser más precisos o exactos, como lo son por ejemplo: la cantidad de paros de línea, el tiempo real de paradas, la velocidad actual de la línea, etc

    Comparison of Online Platforms for the Review Process of Conference Paper

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    [EN] Organizing conferences requires the consideration of several aspects, such as the choice of the most appropriate platform to manage the received papers or the conference location, among others. To this goal, we are going to compare some of the most important review platforms, which allow us to host our conferences. In recent years,new systems based on software applications have emerged. This software can be downloaded from the developer websites. These give us more options to choose from. Keeping in mind some of the most important review platforms, we are going to compare the services that each one offers, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. In addition, we are going to show several statistics about the use of these platforms during recent years. This work can help the conference organizers choose the most appropriate platform to manage their conference.Parra, L.; Sendra, S.; Ficarelli, S.; Lloret, J. (2013). Comparison of Online Platforms for the Review Process of Conference Paper. IARIA XPS Press. 16-22. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/191354162