77 research outputs found

    Design of tube insulation for chill distribution in Flídr Plast s.r.o. company.

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    Import 02/11/2016PANTŮČKOVÁ A. Návrh izolace potrubí pro rozvod chladu ve firmě Flídr plast s.r.o. Ostrava: katedra tepelné techniky, fakulta metalurgie a materiálového inženýrství, VŠB- Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2016. Bakalářská práce, vedoucí doc. Ing. Adéla Macháčková, Ph.D. Bakalářská práce obsahuje návrh izolace potrubí ve firmě Flídr plast s.r.o. V první části je popsána firma Flídr plast s.r.o., kde jsou popsány původní a nově navržené technologie. V další části se popisuje postup a princip výroby chladu a v poslední kapitole je vyřešena problematika, se kterou se potýká firma Flídr plast s.r.o. Jedná se o návrh izolace za účelem snížení ztrát.PANTŮČKOVÁ, A. Proposal insulation pipes for chilling in the Flidr‘sPlast company. Department of Thermal Engineering, Faculty of metallurgy and materials engineering, VŠB- Technical University of Ostrava, 2016. Thesis head: doc.Ing. Adéla Macháčková, Ph.D. This Baccalaureate work contains suggestions for the insulation of pipe lines in Flidr Plast L.t.d. The company profile of Flidr Plast L.t.d. is descibed in the first part, where you can find original and new designed technologies. In the next chapter we will have a look into the methods and fundamentals of production of cooling. In the last chapter resolves the issue in which Flidr l.t.d struggles the most, also describing how to prevent the company from any future loss of profits.635 - Katedra tepelné technikydobř

    Yeasts isolated from the blood of patients hospitalized in University Hospital, Hradec Králové.

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    Univerzita Karlova v Praze Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové Katedra biologických a lékařských věd Autor: Bc. Dagmar Pantůčková Vedoucí práce: doc. RNDr. Vladimír Buchta, CSc. Název diplomové práce: Nálezy kvasinek v krvi pacientů hospitalizovaných ve Fakultní nemocnici Hradec Králové Studijní obor: Odborný pracovník v laboratorních metodách Cíl práce: Cílem práce bylo získat informace o četnosti výskytu kvasinek v krvi pacientů Fakultní nemocnice v Hradci Králové v období 2005 až 2013 s ohledem na druhové spektrum, citlivost k antimykotikům, věk, pohlaví, diagnózu a kliniku, kde byli tito pacienti hospitalizováni. Metoda: Sběr, zpracování a vyhodnocení mikrobiologických dat ze záznamů laboratorního informačního systému mykologické laboratoře Ústavu klinické mikrobiologie Fakultní nemocnice Hradec Králové v letech 2005 až 2013. Výsledky: Celkem bylo vyhodnoceno 71 pacientů s 81 izoláty kvasinek z krve. Mezi pacienty bylo zastoupeno 39 mužů (54,9 %) a 32 žen (45,1 %). Nejvíce rizikovou skupinou pacientů byla věková kategorie 60 až 79 let s 32 nálezy (45,1 %). Nejčastějším onemocněním v souvislosti s izolací kvasinky v krvi byly nemoci trávicí soustavy (23,6 %) a malignity (20,8 %). Většina (78,9 %) pacientů byla hospitalizována na jednotce intenzivní péče (JIP). Dominantní postavení mezi...Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Biological and Medical Sciences Author: Bc. Dagmar Pantůčková Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Vladimír Buchta, M.S., Ph.D. Title of diploma thesis: Yeasts isolated from the blood of patients hospitalized in University Hospital Hradec Králové Field of study: Specialist in laboratory methods Background: The aim of the work was to obtain informations about the incidence of yeasts in the blood of patients University Hospital Hradec Králové in period of 2005 to 2013, with regard to species spectrum, susceptibility to antifungals, age, sex, diagnosis and clinic, where these patients were hospitalized. Method: Collection, processing and evaluation of microbiological data of the records of laboratory information system of mycological laboratory of the Department of Clinical Microbiology University Hospital Hradec Králové from 2005 to 2013. Results: 71 patients were evaluated with 81 yeast strains isolated from the blood. Of the patients 39 (54.9 %) were males and 32 (45.1 %) females. The subgroup at the highest risk of fungemia was age category 60 to 79 years with 32 (45.1 %) findings. The most common diseases in the context of isolation yeast from the blood were diseases of the digestive system (23.6 %) and malignacies (20.8 %)....Department of Biological and Medical SciencesKatedra biologických a lékařských vědFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci KrálovéFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králov

    Staff Stimulation of Construction Company

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    ABSTRAKT Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na identifikaci potřeb stimulace zaměstnanců stavební společnosti SKANSKA. Na základě zhodnocení stávající situace personální politiky ve stavební společnosti sleduje kritická místa ve firemní kultuře a posuzuje potřebu rozvoje a vzdělávání. Obsahuje návrh systémových změn v oblasti řízení rozvoje vzdělávání a navrhuje způsob jeho implementace se zpětnou vazbou, která by přispěla k efektivní profesionalizaci zaměstnanců společnosti .ABSTRACT The bachelor thesis is focused on identification of needs of employee stimulation of the construction company – SKANSKA. The thesis based on evaluation of current personnel political situation in the company monitors critical areas in corporate culture and also reviews the needs for personal development and education. This thesis contains suggestions of systemic changes in education development management and suggests methods of its implementation with feedback, which will efficiently help to professionalize employees.

    Proposal of water supply system within the administrative unit Mošnov

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    Import 05/08/2014Bakalářská práce obsahuje návrh zásobování obyvatel vodou v rámci územního celku Mošnov. Úvodní část je teoretická a popisuje postup návrhu a výstavby vodovodu. Praktická část pojednává o stávajícím stavu územní a následném řešení výstavby. Závěrem je zhodnocení celého návrhu a jeho proveditelnost. Výkresová část a tabulky výpočtů jsou v přílohách.This thesis contains of proposal of water supply system within the administrative unit Mošnov. The first part is theoretical and describes the design and construction of water supply . The practical part deals with the current state of planning and subsequent implementation of construction. Finally, the evaluation of this proposal. Desing documentation and calculations are attachment.Prezenční546 - Institut environmentálního inženýrstvívelmi dobř

    Contactless conductivity detection for analytical techniques Developments from 2014 to 2016

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    The development of capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection for the two-year period from mid-2014 to mid-2016 is covered in this review. This includes a survey of fundamental studies and further developments of the measuring technique reported as well as a discussion of new applications. These mostly concern capillary electrophoresis carried out in conventional capillaries as well as on microchip electrophoresis devices. The main focus is on the determination of small non-UV-absorbing organic ions and inorganic ions in different types of samples of clinical, nutritional or environmental interest. Outside of electrophoresis contactless conductivity detection is finding uses in detection in column chromatography, flow-injection analysis and industrial applications

    Compilation-based Approaches for Automated Planning

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    One of the possible approaches to automated planning is compilation to sat- isfiability or constraint satisfaction. Compilation enables to take advantage of the advancement of SAT or CSP solvers. In this thesis, we implement three of the encodings recently proposed for compilation of planning problems: the model TCPP, the R2 ∃-Step encoding and the Reinforced Encoding. All these approaches search for parallel plans; however, since they use different definitions of parallel step and different variables and constraints, we decided to compare their per- formance on standard benchmarks from international planning competitions. As the R2 ∃-Step encoding was not suitable for our implementation, we present a mod- ified version of this encoding with a reduced number of variables and constraints. We also demonstrate how different definitions of parallel step in the Reinforced Encoding affect the performance. Furthermore, we suggest redundant constraints extending these encodings. Although they did not prove to be beneficial in gen- eral, they could slightly improve the performance on some benchmarks, especially in the R2 ∃-Step encoding

    Role and motivation of volunteers in development projects: A case study of Czech volunteers

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    Motivation is a key factor influencing an individual to become a volunteer. This study examines the motivation Czech volunteers to work on development projects, based on data obtained from the survey and scientific articles. The survey was conducted on 80 Czech volunteers from various Czech NGOs, 40 out of 80 were volunteers working for Kintari organization in Indonesia. The main motivation for volunteering were divided into five sections according to orientation; altruism, culture, philanthropy, traveling and socializing. Differences were identified among respondents when Kintari volunteers chose culture and travel, which is closely related to their length of stay, while volunteers from other Czech NGOs selected altruism and philanthropy. Subsequently, based on the test of factor analysis (FA) was created a domains consisting of the items questionnaire. In the statistical measurements and indicators were using factor analysis which was deemed appropriate, and Cronbach's alpha coefficient, which verified the estimate of the level of internal consistency and Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measurement to determine the suitability of the selected data. The calculation used t-test for socio-demographic attributes excluded the thesis that females are more altruistically motivated than males. Respondents confirmed altruistic and egoistic gain experience from volunteering, including the development of communication skills, stress management, development of empathic skills, understanding of the local community, opportunities to participate in social events, work in a multicultural team and the ability to be part of social groups. Kintari volunteers cause on the project preferentially associate with opportunities to experience the culture and travel, while other volunteers from the Czech NGOs travelled mainly due to work and own education, which is closely related to the fact that they had more previous experience from other projects. The general rule confirmed that a shorter stay affects more altruism, socialization and desire to travel. As an area of weakness, Kintari volunteers market communication and cooperation with the management organization (missing feedback), and insufficient provision of educational aids

    Analysis of slope deformation from the Mužský hill, Příhrazská plošina plateau

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    This thesis is dealing with analysis of landslide on the eastern hillside of the Mužský hill, which lies on the Příhrazská plošina Plateau in Český ráj. Příhrazská plošina Plateau belongs to areas, where landslides occur very often and it is well known for a destructive landslide at Dneboh village in 1926. Landslide under the Mužský hill originated on hillside of a Tertiary volcano, which penetrated Cretaceous sandstones and claystones. That distinguishes it from other landslides in the area. Geophysical method of electrical resistivity tomography was used for finding landslides slip surface. Due to small resistivity contrast between landslide mass and underlying claystones, it was not able to identify slip surface with high certainty. The results show only some indications of it. The geophysical exploration however, proved that the landslide mass is overlaying originally exposed sandstone blocks in the accumulation part of the landslide. The whole area of the landslide was mapped into engineering geology map of slope stability at 1:2000 scale with the help of GPS. Slope map on the basis of digital model terrain acquired from LiDAR measurements was used, as a basis of new map. This slope map provided more information about older landslides around examined landslide. From results of the mapping was..