111 research outputs found

    Breeding Quality Protein Maize (QPM): Protocols for Developing QPM Cultivars

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    This manual is intended for maize breeders who would like to start developing quality protein maize (QPM) cultivars. It is a compilation and consolidation of several breeding protocols successfully used at CIMMYT over two decades of QPM development and breeding. A brief background and the basic theory of QPM genetics are explained, leading up to detailed methods and procedures of QPM development.Zea mays, Plant breeding, Breeding methods, Genetic resources, Protein quality, Protein content, Application methods, Lysine, Tryptophan, Food composition, Crop Production/Industries, F30, Q04,

    High-throughput measurement methodologies for developing nutrient-dense crops

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    With the development of nutrient-dense crops comes the need for analytical methodologies to enable rapid and accurate analysis of the micronutrients of interest. The analysis of provitamin A carotenoids (pVACs) and the minerals iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) are the focus of this chapter with the considerations and commonly employed methods discussed. When analyzing samples there are various considerations to minimise analyte degradation (in the case of provitamin A) and reduce possible contamination from external sources (for Fe and Zn). Spectroscopic and chromatographic analyses are the most common analysis approaches utilised when screening for carotenoids. Spectroscopic analyses including near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and iCheck are rapid and require minimal samples preparation and provide fast analysis times. The carotenoids present in the sample is dependent on the crop analyzed and resulting number and concentration of carotenoids present will impact the final decision on suitable analysis techniques. For example, in crops with high concentrations of non-pVACs, chromatographic analysis is necessary in order to accurately quantify the micronutrients. This process is able to accurately identify and quantify individual carotenoids, but requires extensive sample preparation and often long chromatographic separation analysis. When analyzing the minerals Fe and Zn, these same techniques are not suitable, but it is still important to ensure careful sample preparation to deliver accurate analytical results. Degradation of these micronutrients is not a concern, however, possible contamination from soil/ dust/ insects can lead to inaccurate results. Commonly employed analysis such as atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry ICP-OES or Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) require sample digestion prior to analysis and highly pure reagents and gases. These techniques are able to analyze multiple elements and have high accuracy and sensitivity but require specialised facilities and highly trained staff. The use of high-throughput analyses to complement these high-accuracy methods include colorimetric and X-ray flourescence (XRF) technologies. These approaches enable much higher throughput with simple sample preparation and enable screening for micronutrient concentration without the need for specialised facilities.Keywords: Screening, Analysis, Carotenoid, Provitamin A, Iron, Zinc, Micronutrient analysi

    Mejoramiento de ma�z con calidad de prote�na (QPM): Protocolos para generar variedades QPM

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    Zea mays, fitomejoramiento, m�todos fitot�cnicos, recursos gen�ticos, calidad de prote�na, contenido de prote�na, m�todos de aplicaci�n, lisina, tript�fano, componentes de los alimentos, Crop Production/Industries, F30, Q04,

    Sociodemographic Factors Associated with the Satisfaction Level of Peruvian Dental Students with Virtual Classes During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Prospective Bicentric Study

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    Ericka Albornoz-Palacios,1 Marysela Ladera-Castañeda,2 Gissela Briceño-Vergel,1 Nancy Córdova-Limaylla,1 Rosa Aroste-Andía,3 Emily Hernández-Huamaní,3 Percy Gavilán-Chávez,3 Miriam Castro-Rojas,2 Luis Cervantes-Ganoza,4 César Cayo-Rojas1 1School of Stomatology, Universidad Privada San Juan Bautista, Lima, Peru; 2Faculty of Dentistry and Postgraduate School, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Lima, Peru; 3School of Stomatology, Universidad Privada San Juan Bautista, Ica, Peru; 4Faculty of Stomatology, Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, Lima, PeruCorrespondence: César Cayo-Rojas, Av. Jose Antonio Lavalle Avenue 302-304, (Ex Hacienda Villa), Chorrillos, Lima, Peru, Email [email protected]: The pandemic caused by Covid-19 impacted all areas of social, economic and educational activity. When there is a high risk of spreading highly infectious diseases, education is usually the first service to be suspended. The objective was to evaluate the sociodemographic factors associated with the satisfaction level of Peruvian dental students with virtual classes during the Covid-19 pandemic.Methods: This observational, cross-sectional, analytical study evaluated 237 dental students from the capital city and one Peruvian province using a validated 13-item questionnaire to measure the level of satisfaction with virtual classes. Pearson’s chi-square test and a logit model were used to evaluate the associated factors such as age group, sex, marital status, monthly family income, area of residence, place of origin, occupation and computer use, considering a significance level of p< 0.05.Results: Of all students, 50.6%, 40.1% and 9.3% presented a good, average and poor level of satisfaction, respectively, with the virtual classes received. In addition, those with a monthly family income of less than 500 US dollars were 3.15 times more likely to have poor satisfaction compared to those with a monthly family income of more than 1000 US dollars (AOR = 3.15; 95% CI: 1.23– 8.05). The rest of the variables evaluated were not considered influential factors in the levels of satisfaction with the virtual classes received.Conclusión: Of all students, 50.6% and 9.3% reported good and poor satisfaction with virtual classes during the COVID-19 pandemic, respectively. Monthly family income of less than 500 US dollars was an influential factor. In addition, the variables age group, sex, marital status, area of residence, place of origin, occupation and computer use were not found to be influential factors.Keywords: e-learning, online learning, sociodemographic factors, satisfaction level, virtual classrooms, dentistry, Covid − 1

    Identification of superior doubled haploid maize (Zea mays) inbred lines derived from high oil content subtropical populations

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    High oil maize (HOM) hybrids, adapted to subtropical regions are needed to meet existing requirements forindustrial and livestock purposes. Recently, the doubled haploid (DH) breeding technology is applied to reduceconsiderably the time to generate homozygous maize lines, however, information of heterotic response, per seproductivity, stress, disease reaction, and adaptation to different environments are not known. In this work, fieldevaluations of per se and testcross high oil content DH lines adapted for subtropical environments were studiedto identify superior DH lines with good heterotic response and agronomic characteristics. White and yellow kerneltest crosses were formed using the different heterotic population as testers from which DH lines were derived.Test crosses were evaluated at three locations in Mexico. Superior DH lines from each tester presented highGCA effects through test crosses, with a range of grain yield across locations of 12.8 to 10.4 Mg ha-1 and 11.1to 9.1 Mg ha-1 respectively. Per se DH lines were observed and screened for adaptation, productivity, diseasereaction and other agronomic traits in five locations/year environments. Per se DH lines screening process acrossenvironments was able to obtain information for adaptation, productivity, and healthiness. Also of DH lines withhigh response of GCA, information regarding heterotic groups, and DH lines oil content determination was usedto identify outstanding DH lines for developing HOM high-yielding hybrids adapted for subtropical regions, withfewer costs and time. This research demonstrated that it was feasible to identify subtropical elite DH lines withhigh oil content

    Molecular breeding for nutritionally enriched maize: status and prospects

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 21 Feb 2020Maize is a major source of food security and economic development in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), Latin America, and the Caribbean, and is among the top three cereal crops in Asia. Yet, maize is deficient in certain essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. Biofortified maize cultivars enriched with essential minerals and vitamins could be particularly impactful in rural areas with limited access to diversified diet, dietary supplements, and fortified foods. Significant progress has been made in developing, testing, and deploying maize cultivars biofortified with quality protein maize (QPM), provitamin A, and kernel zinc. In this review, we outline the status and prospects of developing nutritionally enriched maize by successfully harnessing conventional and molecular marker-assisted breeding, highlighting the need for intensification of efforts to create greater impacts on malnutrition in maize-consuming populations, especially in the low- and middle-income countries. Molecular marker-assisted selection methods are particularly useful for improving nutritional traits since conventional breeding methods are relatively constrained by the cost and throughput of nutritional trait phenotyping

    Postsynaptic dysfunction is associated with spatial and object recognition memory loss in a natural model of Alzheimer's disease

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an age-related neurodegenerative disorder associated with progressive memory loss, severe dementia, and hallmark neuropathological markers, such as deposition of amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides in senile plaques and accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau proteins in neurofibrillary tangles. Recent evidence obtained from transgenic mouse models suggests that soluble, nonfibrillar Aβ oligomers may induce synaptic failure early in AD. Despite their undoubted value, these transgenic models rely on genetic manipulations that represent the inherited and familial, but not the most abundant, sporadic form of AD. A nontransgenic animal model that still develops hallmarks of AD would be an important step toward understanding how sporadic AD is initiated. Here we show that starting between 12 and 36 mo of age, the rodent Octodon degus naturally develops neuropathological signs of AD, such as accumulation of Aβ oligomers and phosphorylated tau proteins. Moreover, age-related changes in Aβ oligomers and tau phosphorylation levels are correlated with decreases in spatial and object recognition memory, postsynaptic function, and synaptic plasticity. These findings validate O. degus as a suitable natural model for studying how sporadic AD may be initiated

    RavN is a member of a previously unrecognized group of Legionella pneumophila E3 ubiquitin ligases

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    The eukaryotic ubiquitylation machinery catalyzes the covalent attachment of the small protein modifier ubiquitin to cellular target proteins in order to alter their fate. Microbial pathogens exploit this post-translational modification process by encoding molecular mimics of E3 ubiquitin ligases, eukaryotic enzymes that catalyze the final step in the ubiquitylation cascade. Here, we show that the Legionella pneumophila effector protein RavN belongs to a growing class of bacterial proteins that mimic host cell E3 ligases to exploit the ubiquitylation pathway. The E3 ligase activity of RavN was located within its N-terminal region and was dependent upon interaction with a defined subset of E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes. The crystal structure of the N-terminal region of RavN revealed a U-box-like motif that was only remotely similar to other U-box domains, indicating that RavN is an E3 ligase relic that has undergone significant evolutionary alteration. Substitution of residues within the predicted E2 binding interface rendered RavN inactive, indicating that, despite significant structural changes, the mode of E2 recognition has remained conserved. Using hidden Markov model-based secondary structure analyses, we identified and experimentally validated four additional L. pneumophila effectors that were not previously recognized to possess E3 ligase activity, including Lpg2452/SdcB, a new paralog of SidC. Our study provides strong evidence that L. pneumophila is dedicating a considerable fraction of its effector arsenal to the manipulation of the host ubiquitylation pathway.Funding: This work was funded by the Intramural Research Program of the National Institutes of Health (to MPM)(Project Number: 1ZIAHD008893-07) and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Grant (to AH)(BFU2014-59759-R) and the Severo Ochoa Excellence Accreditation (to AH)(SEV-2016-0644). This study made use of the Diamond Light Source beamline I04 (Oxfordshire, UK) and ALBA synchrotron beamline BL13-XALOC, funded in part by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union, iNEXT (H2020 Grant # 653706). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Impact of common cardio-metabolic risk factors on fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular disease in Latin America and the Caribbean: an individual-level pooled analysis of 31 cohort studies

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    Background: Estimates of the burden of cardio-metabolic risk factors in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) rely on relative risks (RRs) from non-LAC countries. Whether these RRs apply to LAC remains un- known. Methods: We pooled LAC cohorts. We estimated RRs per unit of exposure to body mass index (BMI), systolic blood pressure (SBP), fasting plasma glucose (FPG), total cholesterol (TC) and non-HDL cholesterol on fatal (31 cohorts, n = 168,287) and non-fatal (13 cohorts, n = 27,554) cardiovascular diseases, adjusting for regression dilution bias. We used these RRs and national data on mean risk factor levels to estimate the number of cardiovascular deaths attributable to non-optimal levels of each risk factor. Results: Our RRs for SBP, FPG and TC were like those observed in cohorts conducted in high-income countries; however, for BMI, our RRs were consistently smaller in people below 75 years of age. Across risk factors, we observed smaller RRs among older ages. Non-optimal SBP was responsible for the largest number of attributable cardiovascular deaths ranging from 38 per 10 0,0 0 0 women and 54 men in Peru, to 261 (Dominica, women) and 282 (Guyana, men). For non-HDL cholesterol, the lowest attributable rate was for women in Peru (21) and men in Guatemala (25), and the largest in men (158) and women (142) from Guyana. Interpretation: RRs for BMI from studies conducted in high-income countries may overestimate disease burden metrics in LAC; conversely, RRs for SBP, FPG and TC from LAC cohorts are similar to those esti- mated from cohorts in high-income countries
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