279 research outputs found

    Invaded habitats

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    More than 65% (1040 species) of arthropod species alien to Europe are associated with human-made habitats, especially parks and gardens, human settlements and agricultural lands, whereas woodlands are yet colonized by less than 20% of the alien fauna, which still has a negligible representation in the other natural and semi-natural habitats. Large diff erences in habitat affi nity are observed between alien taxonomic groups. Phytophagous species are predominant among aliens, representing 47.2% of species alien to Europe

    Composição e propriedades de produtos adesivos de base solvente

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    Mestrado em Química Analítica e Controlo de QualidadeOs produtos adesivos de base solvente têm uma ampla diversidade de aplicações. Assim sendo, há que ter em consideração as matérias-primas mais indicadas para a obtenção de um produto adesivo com as características pretendidas para uma determinada aplicação. Para tal, são considerados os parâmetros de viscosidade, tempo aberto, densidade e teor de sólidos. Através da preparação de adesivos com diferentes composições, foi possível identificar os componentes que permitiam variar as propriedades do produto final, e nalguns casos qual a variação que produziam. A espectroscopia por infravermelho é uma ferramenta útil no controlo da qualidade. Esta técnica torna-se importante, na medida em que permite confirmar a identidade dos compostos de partida e ainda identificar os componentes existentes num produto adesivo, possibilitando diagnosticar falhas por ausência de algum produto, ou pela presença de algum resíduo inconveniente às características pretendidas no produto final. ABSTRACT: The adhesives with a solvent base have a very wide field of applications. Therefore, the composition in terms of raw materials and quantities must be tailored according to the desired characteristic in face of a specific application. Requirements in terms of viscosity, open time, density and solids contents must be fulfilled. Adhesives with different compositions have been prepared and the effect produced by the incorporations of resins and additives was evaluated. Nowadays, market is very demanding and quality control is more important than ever. The importance of this technique arises from its ability to identify raw materials as well as the components in the final product. Infrared allows to detect the absence of a component as well as the presence of an odd residue in the adhesive. The infrared spectroscopy can be a useful tool. The importance of this technique arise its ability in the measure where it is particularly useful in the chemical understanding of the existing components in an adhesive product, making possible to diagnosis imperfections for absence of some product, or the presence of some inconvenient residue to the characteristics intended in the end item


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    Sob a perspectiva da História da Educação, o objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar o processo de criação, organização e funcionamento do Centro de Estudos Supletivos (CES) de Niterói/RJ, em seu primeiro decênio (1976-1986), como modelo semipresencial, no ensino de 1º Grau, para pessoas acima de dezoito anos. Este projeto de âmbito nacional foi criação do Ministério da Educação e Cultura (MEC) em 1973. A metodologia para a construção do objeto de pesquisa foi a micro-história de Revel (2010), por ser considerada colaboradora para a captação da história por outro jogo de escala. Como fontes de pesquisa foi utilizado o acervo documental do CES de Niterói, a normatização e documentos oficiais e publicações do Jornal O Fluminense. O referencial teórico tem base em Cunha (1991), Patto (1990), Pinto (1993), Fausto (1994), Hobsbawm (1998), Bourdieu (2001), entre outros. Os resultados apontam a relevância desse espaço para o encaminhamento dos alunos naquele período, porém ressalta-se os problemas que impedem uma qualidade efetiva na educação

    Economic assessment of managing processionary moth in pine forests: a case study in Portugal

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    This paper assesses the private and social profitability of current strategies for managing processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) in Portuguese pine forests, looking at economic and environmental costs and benefits. Costs include the expenses for forest treatment and the social costs of threats to human health (dermatitis amongst others); benefits are assessed in terms of both revenue and social benefits such as carbon fixation and recreation. The evaluation was done using Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) as an analytical framework. While this tool is currently applied to forest and environmental assessment and specific applications to pest management strategies are to be found in agricultural economics, rather few attempts have been made in the field of forest pest management. In order to assess and comparewithewithout options, a case-study was analysed for the Setu´bal Peninsula, south of Lisbon, an area where extensive stands of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) grow. The exercise has shown that CBA can be a valuable tool for assessing the economic and social profitability of pest management. The results demonstrate that the loss of revenues in the no-management option is not sufficient to make pest management profitable for private forest owners in the shortterm. Conversely, a social profit is gained as pest management minimizes health risks for humans and avoids possible recreational losses

    Aplicación del modelo SCOR para incrementar la eficiencia de la cadena de suministro en la Compañía Arrocera del Pacifico S.R.L Lambayeque-2020

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    La presente investigación se realizó en la compañía Arrocera del Pacifico S.R.L., esta se dedica al pilado de arroz, el problema principal por la que atraviesa dicha compañía es la baja eficiencia en la cadena de suministro, de lo cual se planteó como objetivo ¿La aplicación del modelo SCOR incrementará la eficiencia en la cadena de suministros en la compañía arrocera del Pacifico-Lambayeque 2020?, la hipotesis que se estableció fue : La aplicación del modelo SCOR si incrementa la eficiencia de la cadena de suministros en la compañía arrocera del pacifico S.R.L Lambayeque-2020 y el objetivo general fue incrementar la eficiencia en la cadena de suministros de la compañía Arrocera del Pacifico S.R.L Lambayeque-2020 mediante la aplicación del modelo SCOR, para lo cual se examinó las etapas de Planificación, Abastecimiento y Distribución, el método de investigación es descriptiva y el diseño no experimental, utilizándose las herramientas de cuestionarios y entrevista para la recolección de datos; las conclusiones que se llegaron fue que: Se logró analizar la cadena de suministro de la Compañía Arrocera del Pacífico SR.L., a través del modelo SCOR, en la cual se dio a conocer que varios de los procesos de la cadena de suministros no cumples con los estándares mínimos sugeridos por la Asociación de la cadena de suministros, y se obtuvo como resultado que después de haber evaluado el modelo SCOR, hubo un incremento en la eficiencia de abastecimiento del 12%, en el área de producción el incremento fue de 14.59% y un 21 % en el área de distribución.TesisInfraestructura, Tecnología y Medio Ambient

    N,N '-dimethyl-N,N '-dicyclohexylsuccinamide: A novel molecule for the separation and recovery of Pd(II) by liquid-liquid extraction

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    N,N'-dimethyl-N,N'-dicyclohexylsuccinamide (DMDCHSA) is investigated as a potential molecule for the liquid-liquid extraction of Pd(II) from chloride solutions for the first time. The effect of several parameters on Pd(II) extraction, such as the contact period between both phases, hydrochloric acid, extractant and hydrogen ion concentrations, is evaluated. Pd(II) extraction equilibrium is very fast (30 s) and the extraction percentage (%E) increases with the HCI concentration in the aqueous phases, being higher than 60% for [HCl] > 5 M. The loading capacity of DMDCHSA for Pd(II) is reasonable (molar ratio extractant/metal higher than 16). Several stripping agents (e.g. distilled water, 1 M HCl, seawater and 20 g/L chloride solution as NaCl) were successfully used to transfer Pd(II) to a new aqueous phase, and data obtained from five successive extraction-stripping cycles suggest a good DMDCHSA stability pattern. Attempts to replace 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCE) by commercial and more environmentally friendly diluents showed much worse %E for Pd(II). Selectivity tests with binary, ternary and more complex metal ion solutions were carried out to evaluate the performance of DMDCHSA towards Pd(II) recovery from 6 M HCl, when in presence of Pt(IV), Fe(III), Zn(II), Al(III) and Ce(III), metal ions usually present in solutions that may result from the hydrometallurgical treatment of spent automobile catalytic converters. It was generally observed that the additional metal ions do not affect the recovery of Pd(II) by DMDCHSA, although Fe(III) and Pt(IV) were co-extracted in a great extent. A solvent extraction (SX) scheme is proposed, based on a previous separation of Fe(III) with tributylphosphate (TBP) and on the selective and sequential stripping of Pt(IV) and Pd(II) from the loaded DMDCHSA with 0.01 M thiourea in 0.5 M HCI and seawater, respectively. The dependence of the Pd(II) distribution ratios on DMDCHSA and acidity, complemented with UV-Visible spectroscopy data, points out to DMDCHSA:Pd(II) extracted species with a 2:1 molar ratio and suggests the occurrence of an outer-sphere ion pair reaction, in which both [PdCl4](2-) and HCI are extracted

    Characterization of the volatile fraction emitted by phloems of four pinus species by solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry

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    Pine forests constitute some of the most important renewable resources supplying timber, paper and chemical industries, among other functions. Characterization of the volatiles emitted by different Pinus species has proven to be an important tool to decode the process of host tree selection by herbivore insects, some of which cause serious economic damage to pines. Variations in the relative composition of the bouquet of semiochemicals are responsible for the outcome of different biological processes, such as mate finding, egg-laying site recognition and host selection. The volatiles present in phloem samples of four pine species, P. halepensis, P. sylvestris, P. pinaster and P. pinea, were identified and characterized with the aim of finding possible host-plant attractants for native pests, such as the bark beetle Tomicus piniperda. The volatile compounds emitted by phloem samples of pines were extracted by headspace solid-phase micro extraction, using a 2 cm 50/30 mm divinylbenzene/carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane table flex solid-phase microextraction fiber and its contents analyzed by high-resolution gas chromatography, using flame ionization and a non polar and chiral column phases. The components of the volatile fraction emitted by the phloem samples were identified by mass spectrometry using time-of-flight and quadrupole mass analyzers. The estimated relative composition was used to perform a discriminant analysis among pine species, by means of cluster and principal component analysis. It can be concluded that it is possible to discriminate pine species based on the monoterpenes emissions of phloem samples


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    O conto “O Fantsama da Máqiuna” (2005), de Nelson de Oliveira, tem na figura-fantasma, que opera à semelhança de um vírus de computador, a responsável pela desestruturação da narrativa, desde a própria escrita em visível desordem. É nela que está o fundamento do ato narrativo que, em primeira instância, apresenta o envolvimento amoroso entre um narrador dramatizado e uma personagem feminina – Débora ou Deobra – em mutação constante entre a realidade de uma presença (a mulher) e a virtualidade de outra (a obra). Autor, narrador, personagem e texto estão em contínuo movimento de aparecimento-desaparecimento, revelando ao leitor um universo contaminado pela realidade virtual