4,407 research outputs found

    Lagune de Biétri: bathymétrie, courants et taux de renouvellement des eaux

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    An estimation of the currents in the Biétri bay is given (tidal currents and currents due to the wind). They are lower than 10 cm.s-1 in the whole lagoon, and near of 5 cm.s-1 in the eastern part. The measures of salinity and tidal observations give the average rate of water renewal, respectively 0.20 and 0.14 d-1 in the central and eastern areas

    Hidromedusas profundas del Mediterráneo: Un estudio que incluye la descripción de dos nuevas especies recolectadas en cañones submarinos del Mediterráneo Occidental

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    Two new species of hydromedusae (Foersteria antoniae and Cunina simplex) are described from plankton collected in sediment traps placed in the Lacaze-Duthiers Submarine Canyon and along Banyuls-sur-Mer coast (northwestern Mediterranean). The Mediterranean hydromedusan deep-water fauna contains 41 species which represent 45.5 % of the world-wide deep-sea hydromedusae fauna (90) and 20% of the total number of Mediterranean hydromedusae (204). The Mediterranean deep-water hydromedusan fauna is characterised by a large percentage of holoplanktonic species (61%), mainly Trachymedusae. Nevertheless, contrary to the general opinion, the percentage of meroplanktonic species is equally high. The most original features of this fauna lies however in the importance of the number of endemic species (22%) and in the fact that the majority of them are meroplanktonic Leptomedusae with a supposed bathybenthic stage. Some of the endemic species could still represent relics of the primitive Tethys fauna having survived to the Messinian crisis. The origin of the Mediterranean deep-water hydromedusan fauna is discussed and a general hypothesis is proposed.Se describen dos especies nuevas a partir de ejemplares recolectados mediante trampas de sedimento del cañón submarino de Lacaze-Duthiers situado en frente de la costa de Banyuls-sur-Mer (Mediterráneo noroccidental). La fauna profunda de hydromedusas en el Mediterráneo contiene 41 especies que representan 45.5 % de la fauna mundial del grupo y el 20% de la fauna de hydromedusas del Mediterráneo. La fauna Mediterránea de hydromedusas profundas se caracteriza por un gran porcentaje de especies holoplanctónicas (61%), fundamentalmente Trachymedusas, sin embargo, contrario a la opinión generalizada, el porcentaje de especies meroplanctónicas es igualmente importante (39%). La característica más interesante de esta fauna es el número de especies endémicas (22%) y el hecho de que la mayoría de estas especies son meroplanctónicas (Leptomedusas) con una supuesta fase bentónica. Algunas de estas especies endémicas, podrían ser especies relictas (endémica insular) de la fauna primitiva del Tetis que sobrevivieron a la crisis Mesiniana. Se discute el origen de la fauna de hydromedusas profundas en el Mediterráneo y se presenta una nueva hipótesis

    A framework for dissecting affinities of multidrug efflux transporter AcrB to fluoroquinolones

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    Sufficient concentration of antibiotics close to their target is key for antimicrobial action. Among the tools exploited by bacteria to reduce the internal concentration of antibiotics, multidrug efflux pumps stand out for their ability to capture and expel many unrelated compounds out of the cell. Determining the specificities and efflux efficiency of these pumps towards their substrates would provide quantitative insights into the development of antibacterial strategies. In this light, we developed a competition efflux assay on whole cells, that allows measuring the efficacy of extrusion of clinically used quinolones in populations and individual bacteria. Experiments reveal the efficient competitive action of some quinolones that restore an active concentration of other fluoroquinolones. Computational methods show how quinolones interact with the multidrug efflux transporter AcrB. Combining experiments and computations unveils a key molecular mechanism acting in vivo to detoxify bacterial cells. The developed assay can be generalized to the study of other efflux pumps

    Tumour invasiveness, the local and systemic environment and the basis of staging systems in colorectal cancer

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    background: The present study aimed to examine the relationship between tumour invasiveness (T stage), the local and systemic environment and cancer-specific survival (CSS) of patients with primary operable colorectal cancer. methods: The tumour microenvironment was examined using measures of the inflammatory infiltrate (Klintrup-Makinen (KM) grade and Immunoscore), tumour stroma percentage (TSP) and tumour budding. The systemic inflammatory environment was examined using modified Glasgow Prognostic Score (mGPS) and neutrophil:lymphocyte ratio (NLR). A 5-year CSS was examined. results: A total of 331 patients were included. Increasing T stage was associated with colonic primary, N stage, poor differentiation, margin involvement and venous invasion (P<0.05). T stage was significantly associated with KM grade (P=0.001), Immunoscore (P=0.016), TSP (P=0.006), tumour budding (P<0.001), and elevated mGPS and NLR (both P<0.05). In patients with T3 cancer, N stage stratified survival from 88 to 64%, whereas Immunoscore and budding stratified survival from 100 to 70% and from 91 to 56%, respectively. The Glasgow Microenvironment Score, a score based on KM grade and TSP, stratified survival from 93 to 58%. conclusions: Although associated with increasing T stage, local and systemic tumour environment characteristics, and in particular Immunoscore, budding, TSP and mGPS, are stage-independent determinants of survival and may be utilised in the staging of patients with primary operable colorectal cancer

    Non-destructive analysis of museum objects by fibre-optic Raman spectroscopy

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    Raman spectroscopy is a versatile technique that has frequently been applied for the investigation of art objects. By using mobile Raman instrumentation it is possible to investigate the artworks without the need for sampling. This work evaluates the use of a dedicated mobile spectrometer for the investigation of a range of museum objects in museums in Scotland, including antique Egyptian sarcophagi, a panel painting, painted surfaces on paper and textile, and the painted lid and soundboard of an early keyboard instrument. The investigations of these artefacts illustrate some analytical challenges that arise when analysing museum objects, including fluorescing varnish layers, ambient sunlight, large dimensions of artefacts and the need to handle fragile objects with care. Analysis of the musical instrument (the Mar virginals) was undertaken in the exhibition gallery, while on display, which meant that interaction with the public and health and safety issues had to be taken into account. [Figure: see text

    The prognostic impact of anti-cancer immune response: a novel classification of cancer patients

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    Until now, the anatomic extent of tumor (TNM classification) has been, by far, the most important factor to predict the prognosis of colorectal cancer patients. However, in recent years, data collected from large cohorts of human cancers demonstrated that the immune contexture of the primary tumors is an essential prognostic factor for patients' disease-free and overall survival. Global analysis of tumor microenvironment showed that the nature, the functional orientation, the density, and the location of adaptive immune cells within distinct tumor regions influence the risk of relapse events. An immune classification of the patients was proposed based on the density and the immune cell location within the tumor. The immune classification has a prognostic value that is superior to the TNM classification, and tumor invasion is statistically dependent on the host immune reaction. Tumor and immunological markers predicted by systems biology methods are involved in the shaping of an efficient immune reaction and can serve as targets for novel therapeutic approaches. Thus, the strength of the immune reaction could advance our understanding of cancer evolution and have important consequences in clinical practice

    Assessment of C, N and Si isotopes as tracers of past ocean nutrient and carbon cycling

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    Biological productivity in the ocean directly influences the partitioning of carbon between the atmosphere and ocean interior. Through this carbon cycle feedback, changing ocean productivity has long been hypothesized as a key pathway for modulating past atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and hence global climate. Because phytoplankton preferentially assimilate the light isotopes of carbon and the major nutrients nitrate and silicic acid, stable isotopes of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and silicon (Si) in seawater and marine sediments can inform on ocean carbon and nutrient cycling, and by extension the relationship with biological productivity and global climate. Here, we compile water column C, N, and Si stable isotopes from GEOTRACES-era data in four key ocean regions to review geochemical proxies of oceanic carbon and nutrient cycling based on the C, N, and Si isotopic composition of marine sediments. External sources and sinks as well as internal cycling (including assimilation, particulate matter export, and regeneration) are discussed as likely drivers of observed C, N, and Si isotope distributions in the ocean. The potential for C, N, and Si isotope measurements in sedimentary archives to record aspects of past ocean C and nutrient cycling is evaluated, along with key uncertainties and limitations associated with each proxy. Constraints on ocean C and nutrient cycling during late Quaternary glacial-interglacial cycles and over the Cenozoic are examined. This review highlights opportunities for future research using multielement stable isotope proxy applications and emphasizes the importance of such applications to reconstructing past changes in the oceans and climate system