35 research outputs found

    Becoming Intimate With Developmental Knowledge: Pedagogical Explorations with Collective Biography

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    In this article, we draw on postfoundational frameworks to make visible the subjectification processes by which practitioners simultaneously master and become mastered by developmental theories. We emphasize the implication of the entire minded-body in the processes of the developmental worker formation. We show these processes through empirical investigation with data gathered through collective biography in a child development graduate course in a child and youth care program. Often developmental psychology masks itself as “just natural” knowledge that informs our practice. However, the article shows that our relationship with developmental psychology is much more intricate and intimate than we might believe. This intimate relationship can provide new possibilities for resisting developmental knowledge in practice and training

    Las políticas de hibridez y mestizaje en la música popular de los latinos en los Estados Unidos

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    Theories of mestizaje have long been used to analyze and interpret the hybridity of Latin American cultures and identities, but mestizaje –as well as its critiques– do not map neatly onto the social, cultural and political landscape in which U.S. Latino communities and their musical productions are embedded. In addressing the deep fault lines at the intersections of Latin American concepts of mestizaje and the United States’ bipolar concepts of race and racial identity, this essay sheds light on the very concrete and material impacts these conceptual descrepancies have had on U.S. Latino communities and their musical practices.Por mucho tiempo, las teorías del mestizaje han sido utilizadas para analizar e interpretar la hibridez de las identidades y culturas latinoamericanas, pero el mestizaje –al igual que sus críticas– no es un concepto adecuado en el caso de los espacios sociales, culturales y políticos que ocupan en los Estados Unidos las comunidades latinas y sus producciones musicales. A través del análisis de las profundas líneas de falla que existen en la intersección de los conceptos latinoamericanos de mestizaje y los conceptos bipolares estadounidenses sobre raza e identidad racial, este ensayo dilucida el impacto concreto y material que estas discrepancias conceptuales tienen en las comunidades latinas estadounidenses y en sus prácticas musicales

    Systems and Methods for Diagnosis and Monitoring of Bacteria-Related Conditions

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    The presently-disclosed subject matter provides systems, methods, and kits for diagnosing and/or monitoring a bacteria-related condition of interest in a subject by providing a cell sensing system, each system containing a reporter molecule capable of detecting binding of a quorum sensing molecule and capable of generating a detectable signal

    The politics of hybridity and <i>mestizaje</i> in U.S. Latino popular music

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    Theories of mestizaje have long been used to analyze and interpret the hybridity of Latin American cultures and identities, but mestizaje –as well as its critiques– do not map neatly onto the social, cultural and political landscape in which U.S. Latino communities and their musical productions are embedded. In addressing the deep fault lines at the intersections of Latin American concepts of mestizaje and the United States’ bipolar concepts of race and racial identity, this essay sheds light on the very concrete and material impacts these conceptual descrepancies have had on U.S. Latino communities and their musical practices.<br><br>Por mucho tiempo, las teorías del <i>mestizaje</i> han sido utilizadas para analizar e interpretar la hibridez de las identidades y culturas latinoamericanas, pero el mestizaje –al igual que sus críticas– no es un concepto adecuado en el caso de los espacios sociales, culturales y políticos que ocupan en los Estados Unidos las comunidades latinas y sus producciones musicales. A través del análisis de las profundas líneas de falla que existen en la intersección de los conceptos latinoamericanos de mestizaje y los conceptos bipolares estadounidenses sobre raza e identidad racial, este ensayo dilucida el impacto concreto y material que estas discrepancias conceptuales tienen en las comunidades latinas estadounidenses y en sus prácticas musicales

    Relações entre o uso do solo e a distribuição das concentrações de nitrato no aquífero urbano do município de Bauru, SP

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    Este trabalho analisou a contaminação por nitrato no Sistema Aquífero Bauru (SAB) na área urbana do município homônimo, relacionando sua ocorrência com a urbanização. A metodologia utilizada incluiu: i) cadastro e tratamento de dados hidroquímicos de 634 poços tubulares; ii) levantamento da evolução do esgotamento sanitário desde 1976 a 2022; iii) análise do uso e ocupação do solo; e iv) avaliação da evolução das concentrações de nitrato entre 1999 e 2022. A análise das concentrações recentes de nitrato em 151 amostras de águas subterrâneas, provenientes de 76 poços selecionados, permitiu identificar concentrações de até 23 mg/L N-NO3-, que se distribuem,sobretudo, na região central da cidade, ocupada entre 1910 e 1980, com esgotamento sanitário mais antigo (anterior a 1976) e densidade de ocupação urbana de média a alta. Tendências de aumento nos valores das medianas (Md) das concentrações de nitrato foram observadas, de 0,20 a 3,29 mg/L N-NO3-. As análises estatísticas entre as concentrações de nitrato, idades da mancha urbana e da rede de esgoto, densidade de ocupação urbana e profundidade dos poços mostraram que a urbanização e o saneamento controlam a presença desse contaminante no aquífero

    The genetic architecture of the human cerebral cortex

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    The cerebral cortex underlies our complex cognitive capabilities, yet little is known about the specific genetic loci that influence human cortical structure. To identify genetic variants that affect cortical structure, we conducted a genome-wide association meta-analysis of brain magnetic resonance imaging data from 51,665 individuals. We analyzed the surface area and average thickness of the whole cortex and 34 regions with known functional specializations. We identified 199 significant loci and found significant enrichment for loci influencing total surface area within regulatory elements that are active during prenatal cortical development, supporting the radial unit hypothesis. Loci that affect regional surface area cluster near genes in Wnt signaling pathways, which influence progenitor expansion and areal identity. Variation in cortical structure is genetically correlated with cognitive function, Parkinson's disease, insomnia, depression, neuroticism, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

    Urban Bachata and Dominican Racial Identity in New York

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    Bachata is a guitar-centered style characterized by romantic lyrics and a highly emotional singing style that coalesced as a style in the Dominican Republic in the 1970s. Bachata’s fans and practitioners were primarily of African descent, but due to the Dominican Republic’s history of repudiating its African heritage, bachata was considered poor people’s music rather than a form of black music. Bachata’s social profile began to change when it was transplanted in New York City by Dominican immigrants in the 1980s and 1990s : in New York, bachata shed its low class identity as it became a powerful sonic symbol of the Dominican homeland. At the same time, young New York Dominicans also embraced the hip-hop and R&B dominating the city’s musical landscape, so when they began producing their own bachata, it was notably inflected with R&B and hip-hop aesthetics. The new style was distinguished from its island-based antecedents with the term “urban bachata”. This essay addresses the extent to which urban bachata’s R&B and hip-hop aesthetics reveal—or elide— racial and/or cultural affinities between New York Dominicans and African Americans. It also questions the degree to which Dominicans’ history of racial disavowal has influenced the development of a broader diasporic identity.La bachata est un style musical centré sur la guitare, caractérisé par ses paroles romantiques et ses chants aux fortes tonalités émotionnelles, qui s’est créé en République dominicaine dans les années 1970. Alors que les fans et les musiciens de bachata étaient initialement de descendance africaine, en raison de l’histoire de répudiation de l’origine africaine de la République dominicaine, la bachata fut considérée comme la musique des classes pauvres plutôt que comme une forme de musique noire. L’identification sociale de la bachata commença à se modifier dans les années 1980 et 1990, quand elle fut transplantée par les migrants dominicains dans la ville de New York où elle s’est débarrassée de son identité de classe pour devenir un puissant symbole sonore de la patrie dominicaine. Dans le même temps, les jeunes Dominicains de New York ont embrassé les musiques hip-hop et R&B qui dominaient le paysage musical urbain, et lorsqu’ils ont commencé à développer leur propre bachata, celle-ci a été influencée de manière notoire par les esthétiques R&B et hip-hop. Ce nouveau style a été distingué de ses antécédents sur l’île par le terme « urban bachata ».Cet article aborde la manière dont les esthétiques R&B et hip-hop de la bachata révèlent — ou éludent — des affinités raciales et/ou culturelles entre les Dominicains de New York et les Afro-Américains. Il interroge également l’influence qu’a exercé le désaveu de la question raciale dans l’histoire dominicaine sur le développement d’une plus large identité diasporique


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