483 research outputs found

    Un elogio de los sentidos: la manifestación del cuerpo en la antigua lírica popular hispánica

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    This paper aims to study the manifestations of the body in a representative corpus of old Spanish popular lyrical poetry. The person who reads a text decodes it from their own experiences; that is, the question is reading as a deductive exercise intended to understand the development of the senses over the centuries. The latter require the accumulation of one’s own sensations in order to enrich the act of reading in a common area: the text. I propose in this article that the reader addressed in the text, remember or imagine, through its senses, that which is part of our world.Este trabajo se propone estudiar las manifestaciones del cuerpo en un corpus representativo de la antigua lírica popular hispánica. Quien lee decodifica el texto a partir de sus propias experiencias, es decir, se trata de leer como ejercicio deductivo para comprender el desarrollo de los sentidos a través de los siglos y que exigen del cúmulo de propias sensaciones para enriquecer la lectura en un ámbito común: el texto. Se propone, pues, que en los textos aquí retomados se interpela al lector para que recuerde o imagine, a través de sus propios sentidos aquello que forma parte de nuestro mundo

    Caso de estudio: estimación de la Curva de Phillips Neokeynesiana para Perú y Chile durante el periodo 2004 – 2018

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    Este estudio de caso tiene la finalidad de analizar la relación entre la inflación y la actividad económica mediante la estimación de una Curva de Phillips para Perú y Chile durante el periodo 2004 – 2018. La relación entre la inflación y la actividad económica o crecimiento económico ha sido analizada mediante un modelo econométrico utilizando la metodología de Mínimos Cuadrados Ordinarios (MCO) de la Curva de Phillips Neokeynesiana (CPNK) sobre una base de datos de variación mensual interanual para el periodo de 2004m1 – 2018m12. Según la teoría de la CPNK, la inflación está determinada por la inflación pasada, las expectativas de inflación y la brecha del producto. El análisis demuestra que hay una relación significativa entre la inflación, las expectativas de inflación y la actividad económica con diferentes rezagos para cada país. El modelo presenta incluso un mejor ajuste cuando se incluyen variables dummy para los periodos de inflación alta. Por último, se demuestra que nuestro mejor modelo seleccionado tiene la capacidad y simplicidad de predecir la inflación general de los precios, de acuerdo con la literatura previa, y que no difiere significativamente de los pronósticos de los respectivos bancos centrales de cada economía analizada

    Taludes rochosos. Metodologias de inspecção e de avalialição de segurança. Caso de estudo das vertentes rochosas de S. Simão

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    A instabilização de taludes rochosos, com consequências mais ou menos gravosas, repete-se com frequência no território nacional. Os enquadramentos destes incidentes são diversos, sendo mais comum e mais visível a sua ocorrência em taludes adjacentes a vias de comunicação. No entanto, o fenómeno repete-se também em vertentes naturais, geralmente em alturas de pluviosidade mais prolongada e intensa. No presente trabalho reveem-se conceitos associados a maciços rochosos, nomeadamente as principais classificações geotécnicas e as diferentes tipologias de instabilidade em taludes rochosos. Desenvolve-se um caso de estudo de uma vertente localizada em S. Simão, concelho de Amarante. Percorrem-se as sucessivas fases de estudo, incluindo a realização da fotografia aérea com recurso a um veículo não tripulado, a geração de um modelo 3D de elevada precisão da vertente e a caracterização e a classificação dos diferentes afloramentos rochosos. Desenvolve-se uma metodologia de inspeção com a criação de dois conjuntos de fichas e propõe-se o agravamento da classificação das anomalias perante a simultaneidade de ocorrência de anomalias de idêntica gravidade e a hierarquização dos blocos potencialmente instáveis, de acordo com os respetivos níveis de gravidade (NGB). Recorre-se ao programa de modelação da queda de blocos, “Rocfall (4.0”, da “Rocscience”, a partir de trajetórias definidas no modelo 3D gerado e propõem-se soluções de reforço e de proteção da vertente.The instability of rock slopes, with more or less severe consequences, it is frequently repeated throughout the national territory. The framing of this incidents it is quite diverse, it occurs most commonly and notoriously in the adjacent slopes of roads. However, this phenomenon repeats itself in natural ways, usually during prolonged and intense rainfalls. The present work reveals concepts associated to rock masses, namely the main geomechanical ratings and different types of rock slopes’s instability. A case study was developed about a slope located in S. Simao in the county of Amarante. The successive stages of study where perceived, including conducting the aerial photography using an unmanned vehicle, the generation of a 3D model, with high accuracy of the slope and the rating and characterization of the different rock outcrops. An inspection methodology was developed by creating two sets of records and the hierarchization of the potentially instable blocks was proposed, accordingly to the NGB, severity level’s ranking. The author resorted to modeling software to mimic the rock fall, namely Rocscience’s Rocfall 4.0, through the defined trajectories by the 3D generated model and then, reinforcement and safety solutions of the slope are proposed

    Gestión tecnológica en el sector de la producción de panela

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    Framework 3D OpenWorld Maker

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    Com a evolução das tecnologias de informação e das tendências no processo de desenvolvimento de software, torna-se necessário procurar novas soluções para aumentar a produtividade e diminuir custos na produção de vídeos jogos, mesmo utilizando games engines com uma experiência vasta sobre o mercado de vídeos jogos. Sendo assim, tornou-se necessário o desenvolvimento de uma framework escalável, onde seja possível a reutilização das suas funcionalidades de um jogo para outro jogo, assim como um servidor de autenticação/master server. Esta framework para a criação de jogos online utiliza uma framework Dapper responsável por mapear as classes de negócio com as tabelas da base de dados, ou seja, um micro Object Relationship Mapper (ORM) que é usado no servidor de login para guardar os dados dos utilizadores. A framework Unreal engine é usada para a criação de vídeos jogos com gráficos realistas e com funcionalidades únicas para a rápida produção dos mesmos. Além disso, a seleção do game engine, passou por uma extensiva análise de game engines com capacidade de criar jogos online (como por exemplo, Unity 3D, CryEngine, Unreal Engine e Amazon Lumberyard). Esta dissertação tem como propósito elaborar uma framework denominada 3D OpenWorld Maker para a criação de vídeo jogos online de uma forma rápida, simples e com baixos custos de produção, devido a ser possível reutilizar algumas funcionalidades entre jogos do mesmo género.Considering the evolution of information technology and the trends in the process of software development, it has become necessary to look for new solutions to increase productivity and lower the costs of videogame production even in those game engines broadly used in the videogame scene. That said, it has become necessary to develop a scalable framework, capable of comprising an authentication server/master server and use it to reutilize a game’s functionalities in another game. This framework- created for the making of online games- uses a Dapper framework responsible for mapping the business classes with the database tables. In other words, it uses a micro Object Relationship Mapper (ORM) that is used in the login server to save the users’ data. The framework is created with the intent of creating videogames with realistic graphics and having unique functionalities for the quick production of those games. Part of the process of selecting a game engine was an extensive analysis of the different game engines with the functionality to create online games (e.g.: Unity 3D, CryEngine, Unreal Engine and Amazon Lumberyard). The objective of this dissertation is to formulate a framework named 3D OpenWorld Maker designed for the fast, low budget and simple creation of online videogames through its ability to reutilize some functionalities between games of the same genre

    Magnetoabsorption spectra of intraexcitonic transitions in GaAs-(Ga,Al)As semiconductor quantum wells

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    ABSTRACT: We present a theoretical study, within the effective-mass approximation, of the magnetoabsorption spectra of intraexcitonic terahertz transitions of light-hole and heavy-hole confined magnetoexcitons in GaAs-~Ga,Al!As quantum wells. The semiconductor quantum wells are studied under magnetic fields applied in the growth direction of the semiconductor heterostructure. The various magnetoexciton states are obtained in the effective-mass approximation by an expansion of the exciton-envelope wave functions in terms of products of hole and electron quantum-well states with appropriate Gaussian functions for the various excitonic states. Intramagnetoexciton transitions are theoretically studied by exciting the allowed excitonic transitions with s1 ~or s2! far-infrared radiation circularly polarized in the plane of the GaAs-~Ga,Al!As quantum well. Theoretical results are obtained for the intramagnetoexciton transition energies and magneto-absorption spectra associated with excitations from 1s-like to 2p6 , and 3p6-like magnetoexciton states, and found in overall agreement with optically detected resonance measurements

    Agrobiodiversidad: Validación E Identificacion De Flora En La Comunidad Piñancay, Parroquia Capsol, Chunchi-Ecuador

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    Ecuador is considered as a country with great biodiversity, in spite of its small territory. This is due to multiple factors including geographic location, geological, topographical and climatic factors, precipitation, temperature, and location in the tropical belt of the planet. On the equinoctial line, with territories located both in the northern hemisphere and in the southern hemisphere, all this forces us to maintain a constant responsibility towards our flora and fauna for its conservation and wealth. Piñancay is one of the six (6) communities of the Capsol parish, which belongs to the Chunchi canton. It has a cold, humid, and cloudy climate that allows the development of agricultural activities on a wide range. It however serves as a form of income to the inhabitants of the sector. Thus, based on the validation and identification of the flora inventory of the Piñancay community and in addition to the morphological and taxonomic identification of the plants, a study was carried out on the current agrobiodiversity of the Piñancay community

    Diversity in somatic DNA repair efficiencies between commercial inbred maize lines and native Central American purple landraces

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    Maize is a staple food all over the world. Models for climate change suggest that, in the future, cloud formation might be reduced in the tropics increasing the exposure to Ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation, a DNA-damaging agent. UV-B (290 to 320 nm) has been shown to affect yield in maize. In this project we have determined the differences in DNA repair efficiencies between U.S. inbred lines B73 and Mo17, and Central American purple landraces from Guatemala and Costa Rica. Our results from single cell electrophoresis experiments (Comet Assay) suggest that the landrace Pujagua Santa Cruz (P1, Costa Rican) was resistant to damage caused by the radiomimetic agent zeocin (24h/100 micrograms per mL), while landrace Pujagua La Cruz (P2, Costa Rican) was able to repair DNA damage after one hour. On the other hand, line Mo17 (Missouri, USA) was unable to repair the damage, while B73 (Iowa, USA) and the landraces Jocopilas (Guatemalan), Orotina Congo (Costa Rican) and Talamanca (Costa Rican) were partially able to repair DNA damage. High Resolution Melting (HRM) curve analysis of putative homologous DNA repair gene ZeaATM1 showed that both P1 and P2 had differences in the melting temperatures for this gene compared to B73 and Mo17, while P1 showed additional differences in ZeaSOG1, ZeaRAD51 and ZeaBRCA1, suggesting that in this landrace the presence of polymorphisms may be common among key genes for this pathway. Taken together our results suggest that key adaptive differences in DNA repair efficiencies exist between inbred lines and landraces of maize and that some Central America landraces could be used as a valuable pool of alleles for plant breeding aiming to increase tolerance to radiation.Universidad de Costa Rica/[736-B6-602]/UCR/Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Estación Experimental Agrícola Fabio Baudrit Moreno (EEAFBM)UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Facultad de Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Escuela de AgronomíaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Jardín Botánico Lankester (JBL