528 research outputs found

    Efecto diurético de algunas hormonas

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    Introducing an Open-Source Software for the Enterprise Resource Planning in the Business Management Degree

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    An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a program that integrates all the departments and functions of the entire organization in a single IT system [1]. Nowadays, it is possible to differentiate between two types of ERP systems: proprietary systems and open-source systems. In order to profit from the advantages of open-source systems and overcome the drawbacks of free software, lecturers of the subject Introduction to Firms Information Systems at Universitat Jaume introduced Odoo software in the practical sessions of the course. Using active methodologies, lecturers involve students in the design and implementation of an Odoo ERP for the management of a real business. In order to know the previous background, engagement, motivation, and overall satisfaction with this educational innovation, we carried out an online survey of students. The results of this survey will be presented and suggest future avenues for carrying out actions that contribute to the knowledge of the management of these ERP management systems. In addition, the main implications for business management education will be presented

    Lateral impact sensor for measuring firmness of fruits in an experimental packing line.

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    Different parameters are used to quantify the maturity of fruits at or near harvest (shape, color, flesh texture and internal composition). Flesh firmness is a critical handling parameter for fruits such as peach, pear and apple. Results of previous studies conducted by different researchers have shown that impact techniques can be used to evaluate firmness of fruits. A prototype impact system for firmness sorting of fruits was developed by Chen and Ruiz-Altisent (Chen et al, 1996). This sensor was mounted and tested successfully on a 3 m section of a commercial conveyor belt (Chen et al, 1998). This is a further development of the on-line impact system for firmness sorting of fruits. The design of the sensor has been improved and it has been mounted on a experimental fruit packing line (Ortiz-Cañavate et al 1999)

    Recommendations from the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology Psoriasis Working Group on the Management of Patients with Cancer and Psoriasis

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    [spa] Diversos estudios sugieren que los pacientes con psoriasis tienen un mayor riesgo de aparición de neoplasias, especialmente cutáneas, lo que podría estar asociado al uso de terapias para tratar la enfermedad. Además, la evidencia disponible sobre la seguridad de algunos tratamientos en este contexto y el manejo de estos pacientes es escasa. Así, las guías de práctica clínica con recomendaciones para el manejo de la psoriasis en el paciente oncológico son ambiguas. En el presente trabajo se recogen recomendaciones para el manejo y el uso de las terapias disponibles para estos pacientes. Estas recomendaciones han sido consensuadas por 45 dermatólogos del Grupo de Psoriasis de la Academia Española de Dermatología y Venereología utilizando el método Delphi, y tienen por objetivo ayudar a los especialistas en la toma de decisiones en la práctica clínica.[eng] Several studies suggest that patients with psoriasis have a higher incidence of neoplasms, especially of the skin, which could be associated with the use of therapies to treat psoriasis. Furthermore, the evidence available on the safety profile of some treatments in this context, and the management of these patients is scarce, which is why clinical practice guidelines with recommendations on the management of psoriasis in cancer patients are ambiguous. This study provides recommendations on the management and use of the therapies currently available for these patients. They are the result of a Delphi consensus reached by 45 dermatologists of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology Psoriasis Working Group, and their goal is to help specialists in the field in their decision -making processes

    New insight into the SSC8 genetic determination of fatty acid composition in pigs

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    [EN] Background:Fat content and fatty acid composition in swine are becoming increasingly studied because of their effect on sensory and nutritional quality of meat. A QTL (quantitative trait locus) for fatty acid composition in backfat was previously detected on porcine chromosome 8 (SSC8) in an Iberian x Landrace F-2 intercross. More recently, a genome-wide association study detected the same genomic region for muscle fatty acid composition in an Iberian x Landrace backcross population. ELOVL6, a strong positional candidate gene for this QTL, contains a polymorphism in its promoter region (ELOVL6:c.-533C < T), which is associated with percentage of palmitic and palmitoleic acids in muscle and adipose tissues. Here, a combination of single-marker association and the haplotype-based approach was used to analyze backfat fatty acid composition in 470 animals of an Iberian x Landrace F2 intercross genotyped with 144 SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) distributed along SSC8. Results:Two trait-associated SNP regions were identified at 93 Mb and 119 Mb on SSC8. The strongest statistical signals of both regions were observed for palmitoleic acid (C16:1(n-7)) content and C18:0/C16:0 and C18:1(n-7)/C16:1 (n-7) elongation ratios. MAML3 and SETD7 are positional candidate genes in the 93 Mb region and two novel microsatellites in MAML3 and nine SNPs in SETD7 were identified. No significant association for the MAML3 microsatellite genotypes was detected. The SETD7:c. 700G > T SNP, although statistically significant, was not the strongest signal in this region. In addition, the expression of MAML3 and SETD7 in liver and adipose tissue varied among animals, but no association was detected with the polymorphisms in these genes. In the 119 Mb region, the ELOVL6:c.-533C > T polymorphism showed a strong association with percentage of palmitic and palmitoleic fatty acids and elongation ratios in backfat. Conclusions:Our results suggest that the polymorphisms studied in MAML3 and SETD7 are not the causal mutations for the QTL in the 93 Mb region. However, the results for ELOVL6 support the hypothesis that the ELOVL6:c.-533C > T polymorphism has a pleiotropic effect on backfat and intramuscular fatty acid composition and that it has a role in the determination of the QTL in the 119 Mb region.This work was funded by MICINN AGL2008-04818-C03/GAN and MINECO AGL2011-29821-C02 and the Innovation Programme Consolider-Ingenio 2010 (CSD2007-00036). M. Revilla is a Master's student of Animal Breeding and Biotechnology of Reproduction (Polytechnical University of Valencia and Autonomous University of Barcelona). Y. Ramayo-Caldas was funded by a FPU grant (AP2008-01450), J. Corominas by a FPI scholarship from the Ministry of Education (BES-2009-018223) and A. Puig-Oliveras by a PIF scholarship (458-01-1/2011). This manuscript has been proofread by Chuck Simons, a native English speaking university instructor in English.Revilla, M.; Ramayo-Caldas, Y.; Castelló, A.; Corominas, J.; Puig-Oliveras, A.; Ibañez Escriche, N.; Muñoz, M.... (2014). New insight into the SSC8 genetic determination of fatty acid composition in pigs. Genetics Selection Evolution. 46. https://doi.org/10.1186/1297-9686-46-28S46Clarke, R., Frost, C., Collins, R., Appleby, P., & Peto, R. (1997). Dietary lipids and blood cholesterol: quantitative meta-analysis of metabolic ward studies. BMJ, 314(7074), 112-112. doi:10.1136/bmj.314.7074.112Mensink, R. P., & Katan, M. B. (1992). Effect of dietary fatty acids on serum lipids and lipoproteins. A meta-analysis of 27 trials. Arteriosclerosis and Thrombosis: A Journal of Vascular Biology, 12(8), 911-919. doi:10.1161/01.atv.12.8.911Hunter, J. E., Zhang, J., & Kris-Etherton, P. M. (2009). Cardiovascular disease risk of dietary stearic acid compared with trans, other saturated, and unsaturated fatty acids: a systematic review. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 91(1), 46-63. doi:10.3945/ajcn.2009.27661Astrup, A., Dyerberg, J., Elwood, P., Hermansen, K., Hu, F. B., Jakobsen, M. U., … Willett, W. C. (2011). The role of reducing intakes of saturated fat in the prevention of cardiovascular disease: where does the evidence stand in 2010? The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 93(4), 684-688. doi:10.3945/ajcn.110.004622Harris, W. S., Poston, W. C., & Haddock, C. K. (2007). Tissue n−3 and n−6 fatty acids and risk for coronary heart disease events. Atherosclerosis, 193(1), 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2007.03.018Lopez-Huertas, E. (2010). Health effects of oleic acid and long chain omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) enriched milks. A review of intervention studies. Pharmacological Research, 61(3), 200-207. doi:10.1016/j.phrs.2009.10.007Guo, T., Ren, J., Yang, K., Ma, J., Zhang, Z., & Huang, L. (2009). Quantitative trait loci for fatty acid composition in longissimus dorsi and abdominal fat: results from a White Duroc × Erhualian intercross F2population. Animal Genetics, 40(2), 185-191. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2052.2008.01819.xUemoto, Y., Soma, Y., Sato, S., Ishida, M., Shibata, T., Kadowaki, H., … Suzuki, K. (2011). Genome-wide mapping for fatty acid composition and melting point of fat in a purebred Duroc pig population. Animal Genetics, 43(1), 27-34. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2052.2011.02218.xClop, A., Ovilo, C., Perez-Enciso, M., Cercos, A., Tomas, A., Fernandez, A., … Noguera, J. L. (2003). Detection of QTL affecting fatty acid composition in the pig. Mammalian Genome, 14(9), 650-656. doi:10.1007/s00335-002-2210-7Ramayo-Caldas, Y., Mercadé, A., Castelló, A., Yang, B., Rodríguez, C., Alves, E., … Folch, J. M. (2012). Genome-wide association study for intramuscular fatty acid composition in an Iberian × Landrace cross1. Journal of Animal Science, 90(9), 2883-2893. doi:10.2527/jas.2011-4900Muñoz, M., Rodríguez, M. C., Alves, E., Folch, J. M., Ibañez-Escriche, N., Silió, L., & Fernández, A. I. (2013). Genome-wide analysis of porcine backfat and intramuscular fat fatty acid composition using high-density genotyping and expression data. BMC Genomics, 14(1), 845. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-845Ramos, A. M., Crooijmans, R. P. M. A., Affara, N. A., Amaral, A. J., Archibald, A. L., Beever, J. E., … Groenen, M. A. M. (2009). Design of a High Density SNP Genotyping Assay in the Pig Using SNPs Identified and Characterized by Next Generation Sequencing Technology. PLoS ONE, 4(8), e6524. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0006524Estellé, J., Mercadé, A., Pérez-Enciso, M., Pena, R. N., Silió, L., Sánchez, A., & Folch, J. M. (2009). Evaluation ofFABP2as candidate gene for a fatty acid composition QTL in porcine chromosome 8. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 126(1), 52-58. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0388.2008.00754.xEstellé, J., Fernández, A. I., Pérez-Enciso, M., Fernández, A., Rodríguez, C., Sánchez, A., … Folch, J. M. (2009). A non-synonymous mutation in a conserved site of theMTTPgene is strongly associated with protein activity and fatty acid profile in pigs. Animal Genetics, 40(6), 813-820. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2052.2009.01922.xPurcell, S., Neale, B., Todd-Brown, K., Thomas, L., Ferreira, M. A. R., Bender, D., … Sham, P. C. (2007). PLINK: A Tool Set for Whole-Genome Association and Population-Based Linkage Analyses. The American Journal of Human Genetics, 81(3), 559-575. doi:10.1086/519795Pérez-Enciso, M., & Misztal, I. (2011). Qxpak.5: Old mixed model solutions for new genomics problems. BMC Bioinformatics, 12(1). doi:10.1186/1471-2105-12-202Storey, J. D., & Tibshirani, R. (2003). Statistical significance for genomewide studies. 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Nature Genetics, 43(5), 405-413. doi:10.1038/ng.814Oyama, T., Harigaya, K., Sasaki, N., Okamura, Y., Kokubo, H., Saga, Y., … Kitagawa, M. (2011). Mastermind-like 1 (MamL1) and mastermind-like 3 (MamL3) are essential for Notch signaling in vivo. Development, 138(23), 5235-5246. doi:10.1242/dev.062802Pajvani, U. B., Qiang, L., Kangsamaksin, T., Kitajewski, J., Ginsberg, H. N., & Accili, D. (2013). Inhibition of Notch uncouples Akt activation from hepatic lipid accumulation by decreasing mTorc1 stability. Nature Medicine, 19(8), 1054-1060. doi:10.1038/nm.3259Syreeni, A., El-Osta, A., Forsblom, C., Sandholm, N., Parkkonen, M., … Tarnow, L. (2011). Genetic Examination of SETD7 and SUV39H1/H2 Methyltransferases and the Risk of Diabetes Complications in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes, 60(11), 3073-3080. doi:10.2337/db11-0073Chakrabarti, S. K., Francis, J., Ziesmann, S. M., Garmey, J. C., & Mirmira, R. G. (2003). Covalent Histone Modifications Underlie the Developmental Regulation of Insulin Gene Transcription in Pancreatic β Cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278(26), 23617-23623. doi:10.1074/jbc.m303423200Ramayo-Caldas, Y., Mach, N., Esteve-Codina, A., Corominas, J., Castelló, A., Ballester, M., … Folch, J. M. (2012). Liver transcriptome profile in pigs with extreme phenotypes of intramuscular fatty acid composition. BMC Genomics, 13(1), 547. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-13-547Corominas, J., Ramayo-Caldas, Y., Puig-Oliveras, A., Pérez-Montarelo, D., Noguera, J. L., Folch, J. M., & Ballester, M. (2013). Polymorphism in the ELOVL6 Gene Is Associated with a Major QTL Effect on Fatty Acid Composition in Pigs. PLoS ONE, 8(1), e53687. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.005368

    From secondary school to university: associations between sport participation and total and domain-specific sedentary behaviours in Spanish students

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    Effective ways to reduce sedentary behaviour in adolescents are needed to mitigate the risk of chronic disease and poor mental health. Organised sport participation is the most practiced physical activity during adolescence. However, the influence sport participation has on sedentary behaviours remains unclear. This study investigated the associations between sport participation, total and domain-specific sedentary behaviour and physical activity during the transition from secondary school to university. A 3-year longitudinal survey followed Spanish secondary school students (n = 113) to their first year of university. Generalized linear models, adjusted by gender and year, assessed the relationships between sport participation, total and domain-specific sedentary behaviour and physical activity. Compared with non-sport participants, teenagers who played individual sports from baseline during secondary school spent significantly less total time sitting (− 110.5 min/day at weekends), watching television (− 18.7 min/day at weekends) or using the computer for leisure (− 37.4 min/day weekdays). Those who played team sports from baseline at secondary school spent less time sitting (− 126.4 min/day at weekends) or socialising (− 37 min/day at weekends). Conclusion: From secondary school to university, sport participation–based interventions might be an effective strategy to reduce sitting time spent on some domain-specific behaviours. Promoting sports could reduce the rise of sedentary behaviour during adolescence, a stage where sedentary behaviour evolves

    Effect of Maraviroc Intensification on HIV-1-Specific T Cell Immunity in Recently HIV-1-Infected Individuals

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    Background The effect of maraviroc on the maintenance and the function of HIV-1-specific T cell responses remains unknown. Methods Subjects recently infected with HIV-1 were randomized to receive anti-retroviral treatment with or without maraviroc intensification for 48 weeks, and were monitored up to week 60. PBMC and in vitro-expanded T cells were tested for responses to the entire HIV proteome by ELISpot analyses. Intracellular cytokine staining assays were conducted to monitor the (poly)-functionality of HIV-1-specific T cells. Analyses were performed at baseline and week 24 after treatment start, and at week 60 (3 months after maraviroc discontinuation). Results Maraviroc intensification was associated with a slower decay of virus-specific T cell responses over time compared to the non-intensified regimen in both direct ex-vivo as well as in in-vitro expanded cells. The effector function profiles of virus-specific CD8+ T cells were indistinguishable between the two arms and did not change over time between the groups. Conclusions Maraviroc did not negatively impact any of the measured parameters, but was rather associated with a prolonged maintenance of HIV-1-specific T cell responses. Maraviroc, in addition to its original effect as viral entry inhibitor, may provide an additional benefit on the maintenance of virus-specific T cells which may be especially important for future viral eradication strategies