91 research outputs found

    Wittgenstein y la superación del cientificismo

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    En el siguiente trabajo, discutiremos la crítica del filósofo austriaco Ludwig Wittgenstein a los supuestos científicos del mundo moderno y contemporáneo. Dada la complejidad de esta tarea, la tesis se dividirá en varias partes con el fin de examinar el objeto de análisis desde el mayor número de ángulos posible. De hecho, en primer lugar, se trata de definir los términos en los que se enmarcará el concepto de cientificismo, y qué tipo de relación guarda con este la filosofía de Wittgenstein. En segundo lugar, el objeto se desplazará hacia la crítica sutil y aguda que hace Wittgenstein al progreso, un ideal generalizado y paradigmático de la época en la que vivió el filósofo. En tercer lugar, veremos la respuesta de Wittgenstein a la base científica del escepticismo de Descartes, así como su respuesta a Moore y al escepticismo. Finalmente, el análisis de este interesante tema terminará con la profunda crítica de Wittgenstein al cientificismo de la antropología de Frazer, así intentando arrojar luz sobre la tarea de la filosofía y las ciencias sociales, que deben distanciarse de los objetivos científicos.In the following work, we will discuss Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein’s critique of the scientific assumptions of the modern and contemporary world. Given the complexity of this task, the dissertation will be divided into several parts in order to examine the object of analysis from as many angles as possible. In fact, first of all, it is a question of defining the terms in which the concept of scientism will be framed, and what kind of relationship it has with Wittgenstein. Secondly, the topic will move towards Wittgenstein’s subtle and acute critique of progress, a generalized and paradigmatic ideal of that epoch in which the philosopher lived. Third, we will see Wittgenstein’s response to the scientific basis of Descartes’ scepticism, as well as the response to Moore and scepticism. Finally, the analysis of this interesting subject will end with Wittgenstein’s profound critique of Frazer’s anthropological scientism, thus attempting to shed light on the task of philosophy and the social sciences, which must distance themselves from scientific objectives.Universidad de Sevilla. Doble Máster Universitario en Filosofía y Cultura Moderna y Profesorado de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas

    Exploring institutional arrangements for local fish product labelling in Tuscany (Italy): a convention theory perspective

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    Abstract Increasing fish consumption along with rising competition in the global seafood market has brought fisheries and aquaculture producers to adopt several differentiation and marketing strategies. Labelling schemes were thus introduced to respond to a growing demand for traceable and sustainable products. However, the proliferation of quality labels brought to general confusion, calling for collective and public fish labels to ease decision-making. In our case study region (Tuscany, Italy), a number of policy-driven efforts were deployed for establishing regional labelling schemes for fisheries products with no observable impact on the market. Meanwhile, local companies have implemented a number of successful private and regional labels. The purpose of this research is to contribute to potential options for collective regional labelling schemes of fisheries and aquaculture products, through a case study analysis, building on agro-food value-chain and management approaches. Our empirical results highlight key issues and perspectives on labelling policies for local fisheries and aquaculture products

    A Fast Transient Absorption Study of Co(AcAc)3

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    The study of transition metal coordination complexes has played a key role in establishing quantum chemistry concepts such as that of ligand field theory. Furthermore, the study of the dynamics of their excited states is of primary importance in determining the de-excitation path of electrons to tailor the electronic properties required for important technological applications. This work focuses on femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy of Cobalt tris(acetylacetonate) (Co(AcAc)3) in solution. The fast transient absorption spectroscopy has been employed to study the excited state dynamics after optical excitation. Density functional theory coupled with the polarizable continuum model has been used to characterize the geometries and the electronic states of the solvated ion. The excited states have been calculated using the time dependent density functional theory formalism. The time resolved dynamics of the ligand to metal charge transfer excitation revealed a biphasic behavior with an ultrafast rise time of 0.07 ± 0.04 ps and a decay time of 1.5 ± 0.3 ps, while the ligand field excitations dynamics is characterized by a rise time of 0.07 ± 0.04 ps and a decay time of 1.8 ± 0.3 ps. Time dependent density functional theory calculations of the spin-orbit coupling suggest that the ultrafast rise time can be related to the intersystem crossing from the originally photoexcited state. The picosecond decay is faster than that of similar cobalt coordination complexes and is mainly assigned to internal conversion within the triplet state manifold. The lack of detectable long living states (>5 ps) suggests that non-radiative decay plays an important role in the dynamics of these molecules

    Pinch Technique: Theory and Applications

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    We review the theoretical foundations and most important physical applications of the Pinch Technique (PT). This method allows the construction of off-shell Green's functions in non-Abelian gauge theories that are independent of the gauge-fixing parameter and satisfy ghost-free Ward identities. We first present the diagrammatic formulation of the technique in QCD, deriving at one loop the gauge independent gluon self-energy, quark-gluon vertex, and three-gluon vertex, together with their Abelian Ward identities. The generalization to theories with spontaneous symmetry breaking is carried out in detail, and the connection with the optical theorem and the dispersion relations are explained within the electroweak sector of the Standard Model. The equivalence between the PT and the Feynman gauge of the Background Field Method (BFM) is elaborated, and the crucial differences between the two methods are critically scrutinized. The Batalin-Vilkovisky quantization method and the general formalism of algebraic renormalization are introduced, and the all-order generalization of the PT is thoroughly examined. The extension of the PT to the non-perturbative domain of the QCD Schwinger-Dyson equations is presented systematically, and the main advantages of the resulting self-consistent truncation scheme are discussed. A plethora of physical applications relying on the PT are reviewed, such as the definition of gauge-independent off-shell form-factors, the construction of non-Abelian effective charges, the gauge-invariant treatment of resonant transition amplitudes and unstable particles, and the dynamical generation of an effective gluon mass.Comment: 245 pages, 92 figure

    Conceptual Design of a Soft X‐ray SASE‐FEL Source

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    FELs based on SASE are believed to be powerful tools to explore the frontiers of basic sciences, from physics to chemistry to biology. Intense R&D programs have started in the USA and Europe in order to understand the SASE physics and to prove the feasibility of these sources. The allocation of considerable resources in the Italian National Research Plan (PNR) brought about the formation of a CNR‐ENEA‐INFN‐University of Roma "Tor Vergata" study group. A conceptual design study has been developed and possible schemes for linac sources have been investigated, bringing to the SPARX proposal. We report in this paper the results of a preliminary start to end simulation concerning one option we are considering based on an S‐band normal conducting linac with high brightness photoinjector integrated in a RF compressor