2,259 research outputs found

    The ARAUCARIA project. Discovery of Cepheid Variables in NGC 300 from a Wide-Field Imaging Survey

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    Based on observations of NGC 300, obtained with the Wide-Field Camera at the 2.2 m ESO/MPI telescope during 29 nights spread over a 5.3 month interval, 117 Cepheids and 12 Cepheid candidates were found which cover the period range from 115 to 5.4 days. We present a catalog which provides equatorial coordinates, period, time of maximum brightness, and intensity mean B and V magnitudes for each variable, and we show phased B and V light curves for all the Cepheids found. We also present the individual B and V observations for each Cepheid in our catalog. We find very good agreement between our photometry and that obtained by Freedman et al. from ground-based CCD data for common stars. The Cepheids delineate the spiral arms of NGC 300, and a couple of them were detected very close to the center of the galaxy. From the color-magnitude diagram of NGC 300 constructed from our data, we expect that our Cepheid detection is near-complete for variables with periods larger than about 10 days. We present plots of the PL relations in the B and V bands obtained from our data, which clearly demonstrate the presence of a Malmquist bias for periods below about 10 days. A thorough discussion of the distance to NGC 300 will be presented in a forthcoming paper which will include the analysis of photometry in longer-wavelength bands.Comment: 26 pages, Latex. Astronomical Journal in pres

    The prevalence of dust on the exoplanet HD 189733b from Hubble and Spitzer observations

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    The hot Jupiter HD189733b is the most extensively observed exoplanet. Its atmosphere has been detected and characterised in transmission and eclipse spectroscopy, and its phase curve measured at several wavelengths. This paper brings together results of our campaign to obtain the complete transmission spectrum of the atmosphere of this planet from UV to IR with HST, using STIS, ACS and WFC3. We provide a new tabulation of the transmission spectrum across the entire visible and IR range. The radius ratio in each wavelength band was rederived to ensure a consistent treatment of the bulk transit parameters and stellar limb-darkening. Special care was taken to correct for, and derive realistic estimates of the uncertainties due to, both occulted and unocculted star spots. The combined spectrum is very different from the predictions of cloud-free models: it is dominated by Rayleigh scattering over the whole visible and near infrared range, the only detected features being narrow Na and K lines. We interpret this as the signature of a haze of condensate grains extending over at least 5 scale heights. We show that a dust-dominated atmosphere could also explain several puzzling features of the emission spectrum and phase curves, including the large amplitude of the phase curve at 3.6um, the small hot-spot longitude shift and the hot mid-infrared emission spectrum. We discuss possible compositions and derive some first-order estimates for the properties of the putative condensate haze/clouds. We finish by speculating that the dichotomy between the two observationally defined classes of hot Jupiter atmospheres, of which HD189733b and HD209458b are the prototypes, might not be whether they possess a temperature inversion, but whether they are clear or dusty. We also consider the possibility of a continuum of cloud properties between hot Jupiters, young Jupiters and L-type brown dwarfs.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 31 pages, 19 figures, 8 table

    A transiting planet among 23 new near-threshold candidates from the OGLE survey - OGLE-TR-182

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    By re-processing the data of the second season of the OGLE survey for planetary transits and adding new mesurements on the same fields gathered in subsequent years with the OGLE telescope, we have identified 23 new transit candidates, recorded as OGLE-TR-178 to OGLE-TR-200. We studied the nature of these objects with the FLAMES/UVES multi-fiber spectrograph on the VLT. One of the candidates, OGLE-TR-182, was confirmed as a transiting gas giant planet on a 4-day orbit. We characterised it with further observations using the FORS1 camera and UVES spectrograph on the VLT. OGLE-TR-182b is a typical ``hot Jupiter'' with an orbital period of 3.98 days, a mass of 1.01 +- 0.15 MJup and a radius of 1.13 (+0.24-0.08) RJup. Confirming this transiting planet required a large investment in telescope time with the best instruments available, and we comment on the difficulty of the confirmation process for transiting planets in the OGLE survey. We delienate the zone were confirmation is difficult or impossible, and discuss the implications for the Corot space mission in its quest for transiting telluric planets.Comment: 7 pages, submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Electrically induced tunable cohesion in granular systems

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    Experimental observations of confined granular materials in the presence of an electric field that induces cohesive forces are reported. The angle of repose is found to increase with the cohesive force. A theoretical model for the stability of a granular heap, including both the effect of the sidewalls and cohesion is proposed. A good agreement between this model and the experimental results is found. The steady-state flow angle is practically unaffected by the electric field except for high field strengths and low flow rates.Comment: accepted for publication in "Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment

    The White Dwarf Cooling Age of M67

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    A deep imaging survey covering the entire 23\arcmin diameter of the old open cluster M67 to V=25V = 25 has been carried out using the mosaic imager (UHCam) on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. The cluster color-magnitude diagram (CMD) can be traced from stars on its giant branch at MV=+1M_{V} = +1 down through main sequence stars at least as faint as MV=13.5M_{V} = 13.5. Stars this low in luminosity have masses below 0.15M0.15 M_{\odot}. A modest white dwarf (WD) cooling sequence is also observed commencing slightly fainter than MV=10M_V = 10 and, after correction for background galaxy and stellar field contamination, terminating near MV=14.6M_V = 14.6. The observed WDs follow quite closely a theoretical cooling sequence for 0.7M0.7 M_{\odot} pure carbon core WDs with hydrogen-rich atmospheres (DA WDs). The cooling time to an MVM_V of 14.6 for such WDs is 4.3 Gyr which we take as the WD cooling age of the cluster. A fit of a set of isochrones to the cluster CMD indicates a turnoff age of 4.0 Gyr. The excellent agreement between these results suggests that ages derived from white dwarf cooling should be considered as reliable as those from other dating techniques. The WDs currently contribute about 9% of the total cluster mass but the number seen appears to be somewhat low when compared with the number of giants observed in the cluster.Comment: 15 pages plus 3 diagrams, minor corrections, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, to be published September 10, 199

    Transit spectrophotometry of the exoplanet HD189733b. I. Searching for water but finding haze with HST NICMOS

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    We present Hubble Space Telescope near-infrared transit photometry of the nearby hot-Jupiter HD189733b. The observations were taken with the NICMOS instrument during five transits, with three transits executed with a narrowband filter at 1.87 microns and two performed with a narrowband filter at 1.66 microns. Our observing strategy using narrowband filters is insensitive to the usual HST intra-orbit and orbit-to-orbit measurement of systematic errors, allowing us to accurately and robustly measure the near-IR wavelength dependance of the planetary radius. Our measurements fail to reproduce the Swain et al. absorption signature of atmospheric water below 2 microns at a 5-sigma confidence level. We measure a planet-to-star radius contrast of 0.15498+/-0.00035 at 1.66 microns and a contrast of 0.15517+/-0.00019 at 1.87 microns. Both of our near-IR planetary radii values are in excellent agreement with the levels expected from Rayleigh scattering by sub-micron haze particles, observed at optical wavelengths, indicating that upper-atmospheric haze still dominates the near-IR transmission spectra over the absorption from gaseous molecular species at least below 2 microns.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    OGLE-TR-211 - a new transiting inflated hot Jupiter from the OGLE survey and ESO LP666 spectroscopic follow-up program

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    We present results of the photometric campaign for planetary and low-luminosity object transits conducted by the OGLE survey in 2005 season (Campaign #5). About twenty most promising candidates discovered in these data were subsequently verified spectroscopically with the VLT/FLAMES spectrograph. One of the candidates, OGLE-TR-211, reveals clear changes of radial velocity with small amplitude of 82 m/sec, varying in phase with photometric transit ephemeris. Thus, we confirm the planetary nature of the OGLE-TR-211 system. Follow-up precise photometry of OGLE-TR-211 with VLT/FORS together with radial velocity spectroscopy supplemented with high resolution, high S/N VLT/UVES spectra allowed us to derive parameters of the planet and host star. OGLE-TR-211b is a hot Jupiter orbiting a F7-8 spectral type dwarf star with the period of 3.68 days. The mass of the planet is equal to 1.03+/-0.20 M_Jup while its radius 1.36+0.18-0.09 R_Jup. The radius is about 20% larger than the typical radius of hot Jupiters of similar mass. OGLE-TR-211b is, then, another example of inflated hot Jupiters - a small group of seven exoplanets with large radii and unusually small densities - objects being a challenge to the current models of exoplanets.Comment: 6 pages. Submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Fluid interfaces with very sharp tips in viscous flow

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    When a fluid interface is subjected to a strong viscous flow, it tends to develop near-conical ends with pointed tips so sharp that their radius of curvature is undetectable. In microfluidic applications, tips can be made to eject fine jets, from which micrometer-sized drops can be produced. Here we show theoretically that the opening angle of the conical interface varies on a logarithmic scale as a function of the distance from the tip, owing to nonlocal coupling between the tip and the external flow. Using this insight we are able to show that the tip curvature grows like the exponential of the square of the strength of the external flow and to calculate the universal shape of the interface near the tip. Our experiments confirm the scaling of the tip curvature as well as of the interface’s universal shape. Our analytical technique, based on an integral over the surface, may also have far wider applications, for example treating problems with electric fields, such as electrosprays