20 research outputs found

    The Development of Three Long Universal Nuclear Protein-Coding Locus Markers and Their Application to Osteichthyan Phylogenetics with Nested PCR

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    BACKGROUND: Universal nuclear protein-coding locus (NPCL) markers that are applicable across diverse taxa and show good phylogenetic discrimination have broad applications in molecular phylogenetic studies. For example, RAG1, a representative NPCL marker, has been successfully used to make phylogenetic inferences within all major osteichthyan groups. However, such markers with broad working range and high phylogenetic performance are still scarce. It is necessary to develop more universal NPCL markers comparable to RAG1 for osteichthyan phylogenetics. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We developed three long universal NPCL markers (>1.6 kb each) based on single-copy nuclear genes (KIAA1239, SACS and TTN) that possess large exons and exhibit the appropriate evolutionary rates. We then compared their phylogenetic utilities with that of the reference marker RAG1 in 47 jawed vertebrate species. In comparison with RAG1, each of the three long universal markers yielded similar topologies and branch supports, all in congruence with the currently accepted osteichthyan phylogeny. To compare their phylogenetic performance visually, we also estimated the phylogenetic informativeness (PI) profile for each of the four long universal NPCL markers. The PI curves indicated that SACS performed best over the whole timescale, while RAG1, KIAA1239 and TTN exhibited similar phylogenetic performances. In addition, we compared the success of nested PCR and standard PCR when amplifying NPCL marker fragments. The amplification success rate and efficiency of the nested PCR were overwhelmingly higher than those of standard PCR. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our work clearly demonstrates the superiority of nested PCR over the conventional PCR in phylogenetic studies and develops three long universal NPCL markers (KIAA1239, SACS and TTN) with the nested PCR strategy. The three markers exhibit high phylogenetic utilities in osteichthyan phylogenetics and can be widely used as pilot genes for phylogenetic questions of osteichthyans at different taxonomic levels

    Search for long-lived, massive particles in events with a displaced vertex and a muon with large impact parameter in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    A search for long-lived particles decaying into hadrons and at least one muon is presented. The analysis selects events that pass a muon or missing-transverse-momentum trigger and contain a displaced muon track and a displaced vertex. The analyzed dataset of proton-proton collisions at √ s = 13 TeV was collected with the ATLAS detector and corresponds to 136 fb − 1. The search employs dedicated reconstruction techniques that significantly increase the sensitivity to long-lived particle decays that occur in the ATLAS inner detector. Background estimates for Standard Model processes and instrumental effects are extracted from data. The observed event yields are compatible with those expected from background processes. The results are presented as limits at 95% confidence level on model-independent cross sections for processes beyond the Standard Model, and interpreted as exclusion limits in scenarios with pair production of long-lived top squarks that decay via a small R -parity-violating coupling into a quark and a muon. Top squarks with masses up to 1.7 TeV are excluded for a lifetime of 0.1 ns, and masses below 1.3 TeV are excluded for lifetimes between 0.01 ns and 30 ns

    Medium-Induced Modification of Z-Tagged Charged Particle Yields in Pb+Pb Collisions at 5.02 TeV with the ATLAS Detector

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    The yield of charged particles opposite to a Z boson with large transverse momentum ( p T ) is measured in 260     pb − 1 of p p and 1.7     nb − 1 of Pb + Pb collision data at 5.02 TeV per nucleon pair recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The Z boson tag is used to select hard-scattered partons with specific kinematics, and to observe how their showers are modified as they propagate through the quark-gluon plasma created in Pb + Pb collisions. Compared with p p collisions, charged-particle yields in Pb + Pb collisions show significant modifications as a function of charged-particle p T in a way that depends on event centrality and Z boson p T . The data are compared with a variety of theoretical calculations and provide new information about the medium-induced energy loss of partons in a p T regime difficult to measure through other channels

    Combination of searches for heavy resonances decaying into bosonic and leptonic final states using 36 fb−1 of proton-proton collision data at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    Searches for new heavy resonances decaying into different pairings of W,Z, or Higgs bosons, as well as directly into leptons, are presented using a data sample corresponding to 36.1 fb−1 of pp collisions at √s=13 TeV collected during 2015 and 2016 with the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. Analyses selecting bosonic decay modes in the qqqq, ννqq, ℓνqq, ℓℓqq, ℓνℓν, ℓℓνν, ℓνℓℓ, ℓℓℓℓ, qqbb, ννbb, ℓνbb, and ℓℓbb final states are combined, searching for a narrow-width resonance. Likewise, analyses selecting the leptonic ℓν and ℓℓ final states are also combined. These two sets of analyses are then further combined. No significant deviation from the Standard Model predictions is observed. Three benchmark models are tested: a model predicting the existence of a new heavy scalar singlet, a simplified model predicting a heavy vector-boson triplet, and a bulk Randall-Sundrum model with a heavy spin-2 Kaluza-Klein excitation of the graviton. Cross section limits are set at the 95% confidence level using an asymptotic approximation and are compared with predictions for the benchmark models. These limits are also expressed in terms of constraints on couplings of the heavy vector-boson triplet to quarks, leptons, and the Higgs boson. The data exclude a heavy vector-boson triplet with mass below 5.5 TeV in a weakly coupled scenario and 4.5 TeV in a strongly coupled scenario, as well as a Kaluza-Klein graviton with mass below 2.3 TeV

    Nuorten päihteiden käyttö ja vanhempien saama tuki

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    Nuorten päihteiden käyttö on lisääntynyt viime vuosina. Nuoret eivät yleensä ole päihteistä riippuvaisia, mutta satunnainenkin kokeilu ja käyttö ovat haitallisia. Päihteiden käyttö voi olla yksittäinen ongelma, mutta myös osa suurempaa ongelmakokonaisuutta. Tämän vuoksi nuoren tilannetta tulee tarkastella kokonaisvaltaisesti. Päihteiden käyttöä ei aina huomata, ja sen ilmeneminen voi olla sokki läheisille. Päihteiden käyttö on ongelma käyttäjälle, mutta voi sairastuttaa myös läheiset. Läheiset, usein nuorten vanhemmat, tarvitsevat myös tukea ja neuvoa tilanteessa. Vanhempien oma asenne ja päihdekäyttäytyminen sekä nuoren asioista perillä oleminen ovat tärkeitä ehkäiseviä tekijöitä nuoren päihteiden käytölle. Myös nuoren oma asenne päihteisiin sekä sosiaaliset suhteet ja onnistumisen kokemukset ovat päihteiltä suojaavia tekijöitä. Tämä opinnäytetyö on tehty kokoamalla kattavasti teoriatietoa päihteistä, niiden käytöstä ja haitoista. Etelä-Karjalan sosiaali- ja terveyspiirin (Eksoten) internet-sivuilta selvitettiin, mistä ja miten voi hakea apua ja neuvoja läheisen päihteiden käytön ongelmiin. Lisäksi tehtiin kysely päihdenuorten vanhemmille. Kyselyllä selvitettiin päihdenuorten vanhempien omaa kokemusta saamastaan tuesta sosiaali- ja terveysalan ammattilaisilta. Tulokset analysoitiin empiirisesti. Tulosten mukaan osa vanhemmista on tyyty-väisiä saamaansa tukeen, osa taas kokee, ettei ole saanut tarpeeksi tukea ja tietoa. Päihdepalvelujen parempi ja määrällisesti laajempi saatavuus on kyse-lyyn vastanneiden vanhempien toiveissa. Tästä voidaan päätellä, että päih-denuorten vanhemmat otetaan huomioon ja tukea on tarjolla, mutta kaikkia tuki ei tavoita. Jatkotutkimuksessa voisi selvittää millaiseksi päihdenuoret kokevat saamansa hoidon. Lisäksi voisi selvittää miten sosiaali- ja terveysalan ammattilaiset koke-vat voivansa vaikuttaa nuorten päihdekäyttäytymiseen ja miten sosiaali- ja ter-veysalan ammattilaiset voisivat ottaa päihdenuorten vanhemmat paremmin huomioon. Kirjallisen nuorten päihdeasioita käsittelevän oppaan tekeminen ja jakaminen vanhemmille voisi olla hyödyllinen.Intoxicant use and abuse in young people has increased in recent years. Young people are generally not dependent on intoxicants, but occasional experimentation and use are harmful. Intoxicant use can be a single problem or part of a larger set of problems. Because of this, the situation of the young people should be considered from a broad perspective. Intoxicant use is not always noticed and its appearance may be a shock to those close to the user. Intoxicant use is a problem in the user, but can cause problems for families and friends, as well. Closely related, commonly parents, also need support and counsel in these situations. Parent's own attitudes and customs to use intoxicants, and knowing well issues about young people are important preventive factors for young people's intoxicant use. Also young people's attitude to intoxicant use and social affairs and experience of success are protective factors for intoxicant use. This thesis has been done by collecting comprehensive information on theory of intoxicant consumption and drawbacks of them. With the help of South Karelia District of Social and Health Service's websites, information about where and how to get help and advice for those close to young people with problems was found. In addition to this has been done an inquiry to parents of young people who use intoxicants. By the inquiry, the parents own experiences of having support from professionals in social and health care were examined. The results were analyzed empirically. According to the results, a proportion of parents are satisfied for support they have got, whereas part of parents find that they have not had enough support and information. The parents hope for better and wider availability of services for intoxicant users. Parents of young intoxicant abusers were taken into ac-count, and support services are available, but they do not reach all who need them. For further study, the opinions of the young people, and also of the health professionals about care of intoxicant abusers would be of interest