800 research outputs found

    Aptamers for respiratory syncytial virus detection.

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    The identification of the infectious agents is pivotal for appropriate care of patients with viral diseases. Current viral diagnostics rely on selective detection of viral nucleic acid or protein components. In general, detection of proteins rather than nucleic acids is technically more suitable for rapid tests. However, protein-based virus identification methods depend on antibodies limiting the practical applicability of these approaches. Aptamers rival antibodies in target selectivity and binding affinity, and excel in terms of robustness and cost of synthesis. Although aptamers have been generated for virus identification in laboratory settings, their introduction into routine virus diagnostics has not been realized, yet. Here, we demonstrate that the rationally designed SELEX protocol can be applied on whole virus to select aptamers, which can potentially be applied for viral diagnostics. This approach does not require purified virus protein or complicated virus purification. The presented data also illustrate that corroborating the functionality of aptamers with various approaches is essential to pinpoint the most appropriate aptamer amongst the panel of candidates obtained by the selection. Our protocol yielded aptamers capable of detecting respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), an important pathogen causing severe disease especially in young infants, at clinically relevant concentrations in complex matrices

    A novel causal mechanism for grey squirrel bark stripping: The Calcium Hypothesis

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    AbstractGrey squirrels, Sciurus carolinensis, damage trees in the UK by stripping bark and eating the underlying phloem; squirrel motivation for damage is, however, unknown. Damage can result in deterioration of timber quality and a significant economic toll on the forestry industry. Prediction of severe damage followed by targeted killing of squirrels is the current recommended management option. However, the use of warfarin (an anticoagulant poison) is now restricted in the UK and other more humane methods of killing are labour-intensive, so an alternative solution is needed. A better understanding of what motivates grey squirrels to strip bark may enable a preventive approach to be developed. Whilst the bark stripping literature has explored predictive factors affecting the likelihood of damage, causal understanding is lacking. The aim of this review is to introduce the Calcium Hypothesis as a possible explanation for bark stripping, with a view to informing the prevention of damage. The Calcium Hypothesis states that grey squirrels damage trees to ameliorate a calcium deficiency. The main predictive factors of bark stripping behaviour each inform and lend support to the Calcium Hypothesis. Calcium is stored in tree phloem, and damage increases with phloem width, providing squirrels with more calcium per unit area ingested. Calcium levels increase in trees as active growth resumes after winter dormancy, this occurs immediately prior to the main bark stripping season of May–July, and trees growing most vigorously are at increased risk of damage. It is likely grey squirrels also have a requirement for calcium during the bark stripping season. Adult females will be under post-parturition pressures such as lactation, and juveniles will be going through their main period of bone growth, both of which likely represent a requirement for calcium – which supports an observed positive correlation between juvenile abundance and bark stripping. A high autumnal seed crop increases juvenile recruitment the following spring, and could also induce a requirement for calcium to a population due to the high phosphorus to calcium ratio of seeds. To further investigate the hypothesis, the extent to which grey squirrels can utilise calcium oxalate, as calcium occurs in bark, should be determined, and also the extent to which grey squirrels undergo seasonal periods of calcium deficiency. Increasing our causal understanding of bark stripping could inform the future development of preventive measures to aid forest management

    Comparative analysis of IL6 and IL6 receptor gene polymorphisms in mastocytosis

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    Mastocytosis is a rare disease with reported high interleukin-6 (IL6) levels influencing disease severity. The present study investigated polymorphisms within the genes that encode IL6 and its receptor (IL6R) in relation to mastocytosis development in a case-control design. Analysis of the IL6R Asp358Ala polymorphism showed that carriers of the AA genotype had a 2.5-fold lower risk for mastocytosis than those with the AC or CC genotypes. No association with mastocytosis was found for the IL6-174G/C polymorphism, however, it may influence the effect of IL6R polymorphism. To the best of our knowledge this is the first study analysing IL6/IL6R polymorphisms in mastocytosis

    Blood biomarkers indicate mild neuroaxonal injury and increased amyloid production after transient hypoxia during breath-hold diving

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine whether transient hypoxia during breath-hold diving causes neuronal damage or dysfunction or alters amyloid metabolism as measured by certain blood biomarkers. DESIGN: Sixteen divers competing in the national Swedish championship in breath-hold diving and five age-matched healthy control subjects were included. Blood samples were collected at baseline and over a course of 3 days where the divers competed in static apnea (STA), dynamic apnea without fins (DYN1) and dynamic apnea with fins (DYN2). MAIN OUTCOMES: Biomarkers reflecting brain injury and amyloid metabolism were analysed in serum (S-100β, NFL) and plasma (T-tau, Aβ42) using immunochemical methods. RESULTS: Compared to divers’ baseline, Aβ42 increased after the first event of static apnea (p = 0.0006). T-tau increased (p = 0.001) in STA vs baseline and decreased after one of the dynamic events, DYN2 (p = 0.03). Further, T-tau correlated with the length of the apneic time during STA (ρ = 0.7226, p = 0.004) and during DYN1 (ρ = 0.66, p = 0.01). CONCLUSION: The findings suggest that transient hypoxia may acutely increase the levels of Aβ42 and T-tau in plasma of healthy adults, further supporting that general hypoxia may cause mild neuronal dysfunction or damage and stimulate Aβ production

    Candidate gene association study in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia evaluated by Bayesian network based Bayesian multilevel analysis of relevance

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    Background: We carried out a candidate gene association study in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) to identify possible genetic risk factors in a Hungarian population. Methods: The results were evaluated with traditional statistical methods and with our newly developed Bayesian network based Bayesian multilevel analysis of relevance (BN-BMLA) method. We collected genomic DNA and clinical data from 543 children, who underwent chemotherapy due to ALL, and 529 healthy controls. Altogether 66 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 19 candidate genes were genotyped. Results: With logistic regression, we identified 6 SNPs in the ARID5B and IKZF1 genes associated with increased risk to B-cell ALL, and two SNPs in the STAT3 gene, which decreased the risk to hyperdiploid ALL. Because the associated SNPs were in linkage in each gene, these associations corresponded to one signal per gene. The odds ratio (OR) associated with the tag SNPs were: OR = 1.69, P = 2.22x10-7 for rs4132601 (IKZF1), OR = 1.53, P = 1.95x10-5 for rs10821936 (ARID5B) and OR = 0.64, P = 2.32x10-4 for rs12949918 (STAT3). With the BN-BMLA we confirmed the findings of the frequentist-based method and received additional information about the nature of the relations between the SNPs and the disease. E.g. the rs10821936 in ARID5B and rs17405722 in STAT3 showed a weak interaction, and in case of T-cell lineage sample group, the gender showed a weak interaction with three SNPs in three genes. In the hyperdiploid patient group the BN-BMLA detected a strong interaction among SNPs in the NOTCH1, STAT1, STAT3 and BCL2 genes. Evaluating the survival rate of the patients with ALL, the BN-BMLA showed that besides risk groups and subtypes, genetic variations in the BAX and CEBPA genes might also influence the probability of survival of the patients. Conclusions: In the present study we confirmed the roles of genetic variations in ARID5B and IKZF1 in the susceptibility to B-cell ALL. With the newly developed BN-BMLA method several gene-gene, gene-phenotype and phenotype-phenotype connections were revealed. We showed several advantageous features of the new method, and suggested that in gene association studies the BN-BMLA might be a useful supplementary to the traditional frequentist-based statistical method

    Particle identification studies with a full-size 4-GEM prototype for the ALICE TPC upgrade

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    A large Time Projection Chamber is the main device for tracking and charged-particle identification in the ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC. After the second long shutdown in 2019/20, the LHC will deliver Pb beams colliding at an interaction rate of about 50 kHz, which is about a factor of 50 above the present readout rate of the TPC. This will result in a significant improvement on the sensitivity to rare probes that are considered key observables to characterize the QCD matter created in such collisions. In order to make full use of this luminosity, the currently used gated Multi-Wire Proportional Chambers will be replaced. The upgrade relies on continuously operated readout detectors employing Gas Electron Multiplier technology to retain the performance in terms of particle identification via the measurement of the specific energy loss by ionization dEE/dxx. A full-size readout chamber prototype was assembled in 2014 featuring a stack of four GEM foils as an amplification stage. The performance of the prototype was evaluated in a test beam campaign at the CERN PS. The dEE/dxx resolution complies with both the performance of the currently operated MWPC-based readout chambers and the challenging requirements of the ALICE TPC upgrade program. Detailed simulations of the readout system are able to reproduce the data.Comment: Submitted to NIM

    Multivariate Analysis of Dopaminergic Gene Variants as Risk Factors of Heroin Dependence

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    BACKGROUND: Heroin dependence is a debilitating psychiatric disorder with complex inheritance. Since the dopaminergic system has a key role in rewarding mechanism of the brain, which is directly or indirectly targeted by most drugs of abuse, we focus on the effects and interactions among dopaminergic gene variants. OBJECTIVE: To study the potential association between allelic variants of dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2), ANKK1 (ankyrin repeat and kinase domain containing 1), dopamine D4 receptor (DRD4), catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT) and dopamine transporter (SLC6A3) genes and heroin dependence in Hungarian patients. METHODS: 303 heroin dependent subjects and 555 healthy controls were genotyped for 7 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) rs4680 of the COMT gene; rs1079597 and rs1800498 of the DRD2 gene; rs1800497 of the ANKK1 gene; rs1800955, rs936462 and rs747302 of the DRD4 gene. Four variable number of tandem repeats (VNTRs) were also genotyped: 120 bp duplication and 48 bp VNTR in exon 3 of DRD4 and 40 bp VNTR and intron 8 VNTR of SLC6A3. We also perform a multivariate analysis of associations using Bayesian networks in Bayesian multilevel analysis (BN-BMLA). FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS: In single marker analysis the TaqIA (rs1800497) and TaqIB (rs1079597) variants were associated with heroin dependence. Moreover, -521 C/T SNP (rs1800955) of the DRD4 gene showed nominal association with a possible protective effect of the C allele. After applying the Bonferroni correction TaqIB was still significant suggesting that the minor (A) allele of the TaqIB SNP is a risk component in the genetic background of heroin dependence. The findings of the additional multiple marker analysis are consistent with the results of the single marker analysis, but this method was able to reveal an indirect effect of a promoter polymorphism (rs936462) of the DRD4 gene and this effect is mediated through the -521 C/T (rs1800955) polymorphism in the promoter