227 research outputs found

    Editorial: Rising stars in exercise physiology

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    [Extract] Physical exercise has been recognized as essential for human health and evolution for thousands of years, beginning with the ancient cultures. Hippocrates, Plato, Aristotle, and the Roman physician Galen were the earliest recorded and most well-known promoters of the beneficial effects of physical exercise. Since these times, several dedicated laboratories worldwide have been established, with many researchers conducting numerous investigations related to exercise physiology; nevertheless, a cornerstone of all laboratories is the development of new and novel researchers. These talented and emerging researchers have been necessary for our understanding of exercise physiology to have reached where we are today (and where we will be in the future). Given the evolution of exercise physiology, the field has incorporated a range of basic to applied scientific investigations and a range of end-users (e.g., researchers, athletes, coaches, physiologists, and clinical/public health professionals) who will benefit from these new advances in exercise physiology

    Simulation of cellular irradiation with the CENBG microbeam line using GEANT4

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    Light-ion microbeams provide a unique opportunity to irradiate biological samples at the cellular level and to investigate radiobiological effects at low doses of high LET ionising radiation. Since 1998 a single-ion irradiation facility has been developed on the focused horizontal microbeam line of the CENBG 3.5 MV Van de Graaff accelerator. This setup delivers in air single protons and alpha particles of a few MeV onto cultured cells, with a spatial resolution of a few microns, allowing subcellular targeting. In this paper, we present results from the use of the GEANT4 toolkit to simulate cellular irradiation with the CENBG microbeam line, from the entrance to the microprobe up to the cellular medium.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, presented at the 2003 IEEE-NSS conference, Portland, OR, USA, October 20-24, 200

    Equilibration, generalized equipartition, and diffusion in dynamical Lorentz gases

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    We prove approach to thermal equilibrium for the fully Hamiltonian dynamics of a dynamical Lorentz gas, by which we mean an ensemble of particles moving through a dd-dimensional array of fixed soft scatterers that each possess an internal harmonic or anharmonic degree of freedom to which moving particles locally couple. We establish that the momentum distribution of the moving particles approaches a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution at a certain temperature TT, provided that they are initially fast and the scatterers are in a sufficiently energetic but otherwise arbitrary stationary state of their free dynamics--they need not be in a state of thermal equilibrium. The temperature TT to which the particles equilibrate obeys a generalized equipartition relation, in which the associated thermal energy kBTk_{\mathrm B}T is equal to an appropriately defined average of the scatterers' kinetic energy. In the equilibrated state, particle motion is diffusive

    Classical motion in force fields with short range correlations

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    We study the long time motion of fast particles moving through time-dependent random force fields with correlations that decay rapidly in space, but not necessarily in time. The time dependence of the averaged kinetic energy and mean-squared displacement is shown to exhibit a large degree of universality; it depends only on whether the force is, or is not, a gradient vector field. When it is, p^{2}(t) ~ t^{2/5} independently of the details of the potential and of the space dimension. Motion is then superballistic in one dimension, with q^{2}(t) ~ t^{12/5}, and ballistic in higher dimensions, with q^{2}(t) ~ t^{2}. These predictions are supported by numerical results in one and two dimensions. For force fields not obtained from a potential field, the power laws are different: p^{2}(t) ~ t^{2/3} and q^{2}(t) ~ t^{8/3} in all dimensions d\geq 1


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    The possibility of producing secondary beams of radioactive nuclei is an interesting application of medium and high energy heavy ion beams. After a first attempt at CERN (1) , two experiments have been performed at GANIL, using 44 MeV/u 40Ar (2) and 65 MeV/u 180 projectiles. This paper recalls the results of the Ar experiment, and presents new data obtained with the 180 beam

    Surface photochemistry of the herbicide napropamide. The role of the media and environmental factors in directing the fates of intermediates

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    The photochemical behaviour of the herbicide napropamide is studied on cellulose and silica surfaces, using steady-state and laser-flash diffuse ectance techniques. The results are used to probe how the reaction sites of the host matrices influence the photo-reactive pathways. Napropamide undergoes reaction when irradiated with UV (lamps) or visible (sunlight) radiation on both solid supports. The nature of the intermediates and final products depend strongly on the presence or absence of molecular oxygen. The triplet state of napropamide adsorbed on cellulose is detected by both time-resolved luminescence and transient absorption spectroscopies. The triplet sate was not observed on silica, but transients which include the participation of molecular oxygen are detected during. ash photolysis studies. The keto intermediates of the photo-Claisen rearrangement products are observed on both solids. Substituted 1-naphthols from photo-Claisen reactions and 1-naphthol are among the main reaction products. 1,4-Naphthoquinone is a major photoproduct in the presence of molecular oxygen and is expected to be prevalent when napropamide undergoes photodegradation in the environment (i. e., after being applied to plants and fields)

    Comparison of low--energy resonances in 15N(alpha,gamma)19F and 15O(alpha,gamma)19Ne and related uncertainties

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    A disagreement between two determinations of Gamma_alpha of the astro- physically relevant level at E_x=4.378 MeV in 19F has been stated in two recent papers by Wilmes et al. and de Oliveira et al. In this work the uncertainties of both papers are discussed in detail, and we adopt the value Gamma_alpha=(1.5^{+1.5}_{-0.8})10^-9eV for the 4.378 MeV state. In addition, the validity and the uncertainties of the usual approximations for mirror nuclei Gamma_gamma(19F) approx Gamma_gamma(19Ne), theta^2_alpha(19F) approx theta^2_alpha(19Ne) are discussed, together with the resulting uncertainties on the resonance strengths in 19Ne and on the 15O(alpha,gamma)19Ne rate.Comment: 9 pages, Latex, To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Hydrogen Burning of 17-O in Classical Novae

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    We report on the observation of a previously unknown resonance at E=194.1+/-0.6 keV (lab) in the 17-O(p,alpha)14-N reaction, with a measured resonance strength omega_gamma(p,alpha)=1.6+/-0.2 meV. We studied in the same experiment the 17-O(p,gamma)18-F reaction by an activation method and the resonance-strength ratio was found to be omega_gamma(p,alpha)/omega_gamma(p,gamma)=470+/-50. The corresponding excitation energy in the 18-F compound nucleus was determined to be 5789.8+/-0.3 keV by gamma-ray measurements using the 14-N(alpha,gamma)18-F reaction. These new resonance properties have important consequences for 17-O nucleosynthesis and gamma-ray astronomy of classical novae.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Low energy measurement of the 7Be(p,gamma)8B cross section

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    We have measured the cross section of the 7Be(p,gamma)8B reaction for E_cm = 185.8 keV, 134.7 keV and 111.7 keV using a radioactive 7Be target (132 mCi). Single and coincidence spectra of beta^+ and alpha particles from 8B and 8Be^* decay, respectively, were measured using a large acceptance spectrometer. The zero energy S factor inferred from these data is 18.5 +/- 2.4 eV b and a weighted mean value of 18.8 +/- 1.7 eV b (theoretical uncertainty included) is deduced when combining this value with our previous results at higher energies.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    A compilation of charged-particle induced thermonuclear reaction rates

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    Low-energy cross section data for 86 charged-particle induced reactions involving light (1 less than or equal to Z less than or equal to 14), mostly stable, nuclei are compiled. The corresponding Maxwellian-averaged thermonuclear reaction rates of relevance in astrophysical plasmas at temperatures in the range from 10(6) K to 10(10) K are calculated. These evaluations assume either that the target nuclei are in their ground state, or that the target states are thermally populated following a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, except in some cases involving isomeric states. Adopted values complemented with lower and upper limits of the rates are presented in tabular form. Analytical approximations to the adopted rates, as well as to the inverse/direct rate ratios, are provided. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved