364 research outputs found

    Cell-free (RNA) and cell-associated (DNA) HIV-1 and postnatal transmission through breastfeeding

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    <p>Introduction - Transmission through breastfeeding remains important for mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) in resource-limited settings. We quantify the relationship between cell-free (RNA) and cell-associated (DNA) shedding of HIV-1 virus in breastmilk and the risk of postnatal HIV-1 transmission in the first 6 months postpartum.</p> <p>Materials and Methods - Thirty-six HIV-positive mothers who transmitted HIV-1 by breastfeeding were matched to 36 non-transmitting HIV-1 infected mothers in a case-control study nested in a cohort of HIV-infected women. RNA and DNA were quantified in the same breastmilk sample taken at 6 weeks and 6 months. Cox regression analysis assessed the association between cell-free and cell-associated virus levels and risk of postnatal HIV-1 transmission.</p> <p>Results - There were higher median levels of cell-free than cell-associated HIV-1 virus (per ml) in breastmilk at 6 weeks and 6 months. Multivariably, adjusting for antenatal CD4 count and maternal plasma viral load, at 6 weeks, each 10-fold increase in cell-free or cell-associated levels (per ml) was significantly associated with HIV-1 transmission but stronger for cell-associated than cell-free levels [2.47 (95% CI 1.33–4.59) vs. aHR 1.52 (95% CI, 1.17–1.96), respectively]. At 6 months, cell-free and cell-associated levels (per ml) in breastmilk remained significantly associated with HIV-1 transmission but was stronger for cell-free than cell-associated levels [aHR 2.53 (95% CI 1.64–3.92) vs. 1.73 (95% CI 0.94–3.19), respectively].</p> <p>Conclusions - The findings suggest that cell-associated virus level (per ml) is more important for early postpartum HIV-1 transmission (at 6 weeks) than cell-free virus. As cell-associated virus levels have been consistently detected in breastmilk despite antiretroviral therapy, this highlights a potential challenge for resource-limited settings to achieve the UNAIDS goal for 2015 of eliminating vertical transmission. More studies would further knowledge on mechanisms of HIV-1 transmission and help develop more effective drugs during lactation.</p&gt

    The PEP survey: clustering of infrared-selected galaxies and structure formation at z~2 in the GOODS South

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    ABRIDGED-This paper presents the first direct estimate of the 3D clustering properties of far-infrared sources up to z~3. This has been possible thanks to the Pacs Evolutionary Probe (PEP) survey of the GOODS South field performed with the PACS instrument onboard the Herschel Satellite. An analysis of the two-point correlation function over the whole redshift range spanned by the data reports for the correlation length, r_0~6.3 Mpc and r_0~6.7 Mpc, respectively at 100um and 160um, corresponding to dark matter halo masses M>~10^{12.4} M_sun. Objects at z~2 instead seem to be more strongly clustered, with r_0~19 Mpc and r_0~17 Mpc in the two considered PACS channels. This dramatic increase of the correlation length between z~1 and z~2 is connected with the presence of a wide, M>~10^{14} M_sun, filamentary structure which includes more than 50% of the sources detected at z~2. An investigation of the properties of such sources indicates the possibility for boosted star-forming activity in those which reside within the overdense environment with respect of more isolated galaxies found in the same redshift range. Lastly, we also present our results on the evolution of the relationship between luminous and dark matter in star-forming galaxies between z~1 and z~2. We find that the increase of (average) stellar mass in galaxies between z~1 and z~2 is about a factor 10 lower than that of the dark matter haloes hosting such objects ([z~1]/[z~2] ~ 0.4 vs M_{halo}[z~1]/M_{halo}[z~2] ~ 0.04). Our findings agree with the evolutionary picture of downsizing whereby massive galaxies at z~2 were more actively forming stars than their z~1 counterparts, while at the same time contained a lower fraction of their mass in the form of luminous matter.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, MNRAS accepte

    The first global physical activity and sedentary behavior guidelines for people living with disability

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    Background: The World Health Organization has released the first global public health guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behavior for people living with disability. This paper presents the guidelines, related processes, and evidence, and elaborates upon how the guidelines can support inclusive policy, practice, and research. Methods: Methods were consistent with the World Health Organization protocols for developing guidelines. Systematic reviews of the evidence on physical activity for health for people living with disability were appraised, along with a consideration of the evidence used to inform the general 2020 World Health Organization guidelines. Results: Evidence supported the development of recommendations for people living with disability, stressing that there are no major risks to engaging in physical activity appropriate to an individual's current activity level, health status, and physical function, and that the health benefits accrued generally outweigh the risks. They also emphasize the benefits of limiting sedentary behavior. Conclusions: The guidelines mark a positive step forward for disability inclusion, but considerable effort is needed to advance the agenda. This paper highlights key considerations for the implementation of the new recommendations for people living with disability, in line with the human rights agenda underpinning the Global Action Plan on Physical Activity 2018-2030 and allied policies

    Association of MAPT haplotype‐tagging polymorphisms with cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease: A preliminary study in a Croatian cohort

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    Introduction: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the world leading cause of dementia. Early detection of AD is essential for faster and more efficacious usage of therapeutics and preventive measures. Even though it is well known that one ε4 allele of apolipoprotein E gene increases the risk for sporadic AD five times, and that two ε4 alleles increase the risk 20 times, reliable genetic markers for AD are not yet available. Previous studies have shown that microtubule‐associated protein tau (MAPT) gene polymorphisms could be associated with increased risk for AD. Methods: The present study included 113 AD patients and 53 patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), as well as nine healthy controls (HC) and 53 patients with other primary causes of dementia. The study assessed whether six MAPT haplotype‐tagging polymorphisms (rs1467967, rs242557, rs3785883, rs2471738, del–In9, and rs7521) and MAPT haplotypes are associated with AD pathology, as measured by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) AD biomarkers amyloid β1–42 (Aβ1–42), total tau (t‐tau), tau phosphorylated at epitopes 181 (p‐tau181), 199 (p‐tau199), and 231 (p‐tau231), and visinin‐like protein 1 (VILIP‐1). Results: Significant increases in t‐tau and p‐tau CSF levels were found in patients with AG and AA MAPT rs1467967 genotype, CC MAPT rs2471738 genotype and in patients with H1H2 or H2H2 MAPT haplotype. Conclusions: These results indicate that MAPT haplotype‐tagging polymorphisms and MAPT haplotypes should be further tested as potential genetic biomarkers of AD

    The Magnitude and Kinetics of the Mucosal HIV-Specific CD8+ T Lymphocyte Response and Virus RNA Load in Breast Milk

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    BACKGROUND: The risk of postnatal HIV transmission is associated with the magnitude of the milk virus load. While HIV-specific cellular immune responses control systemic virus load and are detectable in milk, the contribution of these responses to the control of virus load in milk is unknown. METHODS: We assessed the magnitude of the immunodominant GagRY11 and subdominant EnvKY9-specific CD8+ T lymphocyte response in blood and milk of 10 A*3002+, HIV-infected Malawian women throughout the period of lactation and correlated this response to milk virus RNA load and markers of breast inflammation. RESULTS: The magnitude and kinetics of the HIV-specific CD8+ T lymphocyte responses were discordant in blood and milk of the right and left breast, indicating independent regulation of these responses in each breast. However, there was no correlation between the magnitude of the HIV-specific CD8+ T lymphocyte response and the milk virus RNA load. Further, there was no correlation between the magnitude of this response and markers of breast inflammation. CONCLUSIONS: The magnitude of the HIV-specific CD8+ T lymphocyte response in milk does not appear to be solely determined by the milk virus RNA load and is likely only one of the factors contributing to maintenance of low virus load in milk

    New global guidelines on sedentary behaviour and health for adults: broadening the behavioural targets.

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    Funder: PAL TechnologiesFunder: Public Health Agency of Canada; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100011094Funder: Government of NorwayBACKGROUND: In 2018, the World Health Organisation (WHO) commenced a program of work to update the 2010 Global Recommendations on Physical Activity for Health, for the first-time providing population-based guidelines on sedentary behaviour. This paper briefly summarizes and highlights the scientific evidence behind the new sedentary behaviour guidelines for all adults and discusses its strengths and limitations, including evidence gaps/research needs and potential implications for public health practice. METHODS: An overview of the scope and methods used to update the evidence is provided, along with quality assessment and grading methods for the eligible new systematic reviews. The literature search update was conducted for WHO by an external team and reviewers used the AMSTAR 2 (Assessment of Multiple Systematic Reviews) tool for critical appraisal of the systematic reviews under consideration for inclusion. The Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) method was used to rate the certainty (i.e. very low to high) of the evidence. RESULTS: The updated systematic review identified 22 new reviews published from 2017 up to August 2019, 14 of which were incorporated into the final evidence profiles. Overall, there was moderate certainty evidence that higher amounts of sedentary behaviour increase the risk for all-cause, cardiovascular disease (CVD) and cancer mortality, as well as incidence of CVD, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. However, evidence was deemed insufficient at present to set quantified (time-based) recommendations for sedentary time. Moderate certainty evidence also showed that associations between sedentary behaviour and all-cause, CVD and cancer mortality vary by level of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA), which underpinned additional guidance around MVPA in the context of high sedentary time. Finally, there was insufficient or low-certainty systematic review evidence on the type or domain of sedentary behaviour, or the frequency and/or duration of bouts or breaks in sedentary behaviour, to make specific recommendations for the health outcomes examined. CONCLUSIONS: The WHO 2020 guidelines are based on the latest evidence on sedentary behaviour and health, along with interactions between sedentary behaviour and MVPA, and support implementing public health programmes and policies aimed at increasing MVPA and limiting sedentary behaviour. Important evidence gaps and research opportunities are identified

    Molerområdets geologi – sedimenter, fossiler, askelag og glaicaltektonik

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    Abstract in Danish I den vestlige del af Limfjorden findes en række kystklinter, hvor eocæne lag er blottet. Moler er en ca. 55-56 millioner år gammel diatomit, som indeholder lag af uforvitret vulkansk aske samt et stort antal velbevarede marine og terrestriske fossiler. Stolleklint Leret og Fur Formationen har et usædvanligt fossilselskab med mange repræsentanter for insekter, fisk, fugle og skildpadder men meget få kalkskallede, hvirvelløse dyr. De vulkanske askelag afspejler et stort antal gigantiske, eksplosive udbrud inden for en kort periode, hvor lavatilstrømningen var stor, samtidig med at udbruddene skete på lavt vand i den nydannede oceanbund. For ca. 25.000 år siden dannede fremrykkende iskapper folder og overskydninger i moler, askelag og glaciale sedimenter. Molerområdets geologi kan sammenfattes i følgende citat: ”…talrige tynde lag af sort vulkansk Aske...træde selv på lang Afstand tydelig frem i det hvide Moler …[Da de] ofte danner store Bugter og Folder, vil man forstaa, at de høje lyse Molerklinter i Solskin frembyde et malerisk og ejendommeligt Skue.” (N. V. Ussing i ’Danmarks Geologi’ 1904, s.143)

    Sodium lauryl ether sulfate (SLES) degradation by nitrate-reducing bacteria

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    The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00253-017-8212-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.The surfactant sodium lauryl ether sulfate (SLES) is widely used in the composition of detergents and frequently ends up in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). While aerobic SLES degradation is well studied, little is known about the fate of this compound in anoxic environments, such as denitrification tanks of WWTPs, nor about the bacteria involved in the anoxic biodegradation. Here, we used SLES as sole carbon and energy source, at concentrations ranging from 50 to 1000 mg L1, to enrich and isolate nitrate-reducing bacteria from activated sludge of a WWTP with the anaerobic-anoxic-oxic (A2/O) concept. In the 50 mg L1 enrichment, Comamonas (50%), Pseudomonas (24%), and Alicycliphilus (12%) were present at higher relative abundance, while Pseudomonas (53%) became dominant in the 1000 mg L1 enrichment. Aeromonas hydrophila strain S7, Pseudomonas stutzeri strain S8, and Pseudomonas nitroreducens strain S11 were isolated from the enriched cultures. Under denitrifying conditions, strains S8 and S11 degraded 500 mg L1 SLES in less than 1 day, while strain S7 required more than 6 days. Strains S8 and S11 also showed a remarkable resistance to SLES, being able to grow and reduce nitrate with SLES concentrations up to 40 g L1. Strain S11 turned out to be the best anoxic SLES degrader, degrading up to 41% of 500 mg L1. The comparison between SLES anoxic and oxic degradation by strain S11 revealed differences in SLES cleavage, degradation, and sulfate accumulation; both ester and ether cleavage were probably employed in SLES anoxic degradation by strain S11.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (contract project CTQ2007-64324 and 447 CONSOLIDER-CSD 2007-00055). The Regional Government of Castilla y Leon (Ref. GR76) is also gratefully acknowledged. MRD is supported by the WIMEK graduate school (project BAdaptive capacity and functionality of multi-trophic aquatic ecosystems^). AJMS is supported by the Gravitation grant (project 024.002.002) of the Netherlands Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and the Netherlands Science Foundation (NWO). AJMS and AJC are supported by an European ResearchCouncil (ERC) Grant (Project 323009).Thisstudywassupported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit and COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006684) and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. This study was alsosupportedbythePortugueseFoundationforScienceandTechnology (FCT) under the scope of the Project RECI/BBB-EBI/0179/2012 (FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-027462). Joana Alves from University of Minho (Portugal) is acknowledged for support with the molecular techniques.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio