234 research outputs found

    The METCRAX II Field Experiment: A Study of Downslope Windstorm-Type Flows in Arizona\u2019s Meteor Crater

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    The second Meteor Crater Experiment (METCRAX II) was conducted in October 2013 at Arizona\u2019s Meteor Crater. The experiment was designed to investigate nighttime downslope windstorm 12type flows that form regularly above the inner southwest sidewall of the 1.2-km diameter crater as a southwesterly mesoscale katabatic flow cascades over the crater rim. The objective of METCRAX II is to determine the causes of these strong, intermittent, and turbulent inflows that bring warm-air intrusions into the southwest part of the crater. This article provides an overview of the scientific goals of the experiment; summarizes the measurements, the crater topography, and the synoptic meteorology of the study period; and presents initial analysis results

    Observational and Modeling Analysis of Land–Atmopshere Coupling over Adjacent Irrigated and Rainfed Cropland during the GRAINEX Field Campaign

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    The Great Plains Irrigation Experiment (GRAINEX) was conducted in the spring and summer of 2018 to investigate Land-Atmosphere (L-A) coupling just prior to and through the growing season across adjacent, but distinctly unique, soil moisture regimes (contrasting irrigated and rainfed fields). GRAINEX was uniquely designed for the development and analysis of an extensive observational dataset for comprehensive process studies of L-A coupling, by focusing on irrigated and rainfed croplands in a ~100 x 100 km domain in southeastern Nebraska. Observation platforms included multiple NCAR EOL Integrated Surface Flux Systems and Integrated Sounding Systems, NCAR CSWR Doppler Radar on Wheels, 1200 radiosonde balloon launches from 5 sites, the NASA GREX airborne L-Band radiometer, and 75 University of Alabama-Huntsville Environmental Monitoring Economic Monitoring Sensor Hubs (EMESH mesonet stations). An integrated observational and modeling approach to advance knowledge of L-A coupling processes and precipitation impacts in regions of heterogeneous soil moisture will be presented. Specifically, through observation of land surface states, surface fluxes, near surface meteorology, and properties of the atmospheric column, an examination of the diurnal planetary boundary layer evolving characteristics will be presented. Results from a hierarchy of modeling platforms (e.g. single column, large-eddy, and mesoscale simulations) will also be presented to complement the observational findings. The modeling effort will generate high spatiotemporal resolution datasets to: 1) generate a multi-physics ensemble to test the robustness and potentially advance physical parameterizations in high resolution weather and climate models, 2) comparison of prescribed forcing from observations and those from offline land surface model simulations and high resolution operational analyses, 3) determine the ability of model simulations to reproduce observed boundary layer evolution, with particular attention to the processes that compose the L-A coupling chain and metrics (e.g. mixing ratio diagrams), and 4) in combination with observations, isolate the impacts of soil moisture heterogeneity on planetary boundary layer characteristics, cloud development, precipitation, mesoscale circulation patters and boundary layer development. Initial results from the observational and modeling analysis will be presented

    Solar Site Survey for the Advanced Technology Solar Telecope. I. Analysis of the Seeing Data

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    The site survey for the Advanced Technology Solar Telescope concluded recently after more than two years of data gathering and analysis. Six locations, including lake, island and continental sites, were thoroughly probed for image quality and sky brightness. The present paper describes the analysis methodology employed to determine the height stratification of the atmospheric turbulence. This information is crucial because day-time seeing is often very different between the actual telescope aperture (~30 m) and the ground. Two independent inversion codes have been developed to analyze simultaneously data from a scintillometer array and a solar differential image monitor. We show here the results of applying them to a sample subset of data from May 2003, which was used for testing. Both codes retrieve a similar seeing stratification through the height range of interest. A quantitative comparison between our analysis procedure and actual in situ measurements confirms the validity of the inversions. The sample data presented in this paper reveal a qualitatively different behavior for the lake sites (dominated by high-altitude seeing) and the rest (dominated by near-ground turbulence).Comment: To appear in the Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (PASP). Note: Figures are low resolution versions due to file size limitation

    Connecting Land–Atmosphere Interactions to Surface Heterogeneity in CHEESEHEAD19

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    The Chequamegon Heterogeneous Ecosystem Energy-Balance Study Enabled by a High-Density Extensive Array of Detectors 2019 (CHEESEHEAD19) is an ongoing National Science Foundation project based on an intensive field campaign that occurred from June to October 2019. The purpose of the study is to examine how the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) responds to spatial heterogeneity in surface energy fluxes. One of the main objectives is to test whether lack of energy balance closure measured by eddy covariance (EC) towers is related to mesoscale atmospheric processes. Finally, the project evaluates data-driven methods for scaling surface energy fluxes, with the aim to improve model–data comparison and integration. To address these questions, an extensive suite of ground, tower, profiling, and airborne instrumentation was deployed over a 10 km × 10 km domain of a heterogeneous forest ecosystem in the Chequamegon–Nicolet National Forest in northern Wisconsin, United States, centered on an existing 447-m tower that anchors an AmeriFlux/NOAA supersite (US-PFa/WLEF). The project deployed one of the world’s highest-density networks of above-canopy EC measurements of surface energy fluxes. This tower EC network was coupled with spatial measurements of EC fluxes from aircraft; maps of leaf and canopy properties derived from airborne spectroscopy, ground-based measurements of plant productivity, phenology, and physiology; and atmospheric profiles of wind, water vapor, and temperature using radar, sodar, lidar, microwave radiometers, infrared interferometers, and radiosondes. These observations are being used with large-eddy simulation and scaling experiments to better understand submesoscale processes and improve formulations of subgrid-scale processes in numerical weather and climate models

    Hydrodynamic modelling of protein conformation in solution: ELLIPS and HYDRO

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    The last three decades has seen some important advances in our ability to represent the conformation of proteins in solution on the basis of hydrodynamic measurements. Advances in theoretical modeling capabilities have been matched by commensurate advances in the precision of hydrodynamic measurements. We consider the advances in whole-body (simple ellipsoid-based) modeling—still useful for providing an overall idea of molecular shape, particularly for those systems where only a limited amount of data is available—and outline the ELLIPS suite of algorithms which facilitates the use of this approach. We then focus on bead modeling strategies, particularly the surface or shell–bead approaches and the HYDRO suite of algorithms. We demonstrate how these are providing great insights into complex issues such as the conformation of immunoglobulins and other multi-domain complexes

    Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy on Human Blood

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    Dielectric spectra of human blood reveal a rich variety of dynamic processes. Achieving a better characterization and understanding of these processes not only is of academic interest but also of high relevance for medical applications as, e.g., the determination of absorption rates of electromagnetic radiation by the human body. The dielectric properties of human blood are studied using broadband dielectric spectroscopy, systematically investigating the dependence on temperature and hematocrit value. By covering a frequency range from 1 Hz to 40 GHz, information on all the typical dispersion regions of biological matter is obtained. We find no evidence for a low-frequency relaxation (alpha-relaxation) caused, e.g., by counterion diffusion effects as reported for some types of biological matter. The analysis of a strong Maxwell-Wagner relaxation arising from the polarization of the cell membranes in the 1-100 MHz region (beta-relaxation) allows for the test of model predictions and the determination of various intrinsic cell properties. In the microwave region beyond 1 GHz, the reorientational motion of water molecules in the blood plasma leads to another relaxation feature (gamma-relaxation). Between beta- and gamma-relaxation, significant dispersion is observed, which, however, can be explained by a superposition of these relaxation processes and is not due to an additional delta-relaxation often found in biological matter. Our measurements provide dielectric data on human blood of so far unsurpassed precision for a broad parameter range. All data are provided in electronic form to serve as basis for the calculation of the absorption rate of electromagnetic radiation and other medical purposes. Moreover, by investigating an exceptionally broad frequency range, valuable new information on the dynamic processes in blood is obtained.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure
