495 research outputs found

    Comparación de Resultados del electromiograma y de la saculorradiculografía en el Diagnóstico de las Hernias Discales

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    Los autores presentan un estudio comparativo de E.M.G. y Saculorradiculografía en relación con los hallazgos quirúrgicos de 100 Hernias Discales intervenidas. Para el E.M.G. se ha conseguido una exactitud global del 83% y para la saculorradiculografía del 79%. La saculorradiculografía ha demostrado mayor exactitud para la raiz S1 que paral a L5 (85,7% frente a 70,4%) y el E.M.G. mayor para la L5 que para la S1 (88,6% frente a 78,5%). El E.M.G. tiene una especial utilidad para el diagnóstico y despistaje de neuropatías y para la comprobación de recuperación post-quirúrgica de lesiones sin axonotmesis. La exactitud de los resultados en el E.M.G. están en relación directa con la habilidad del examinador a la hora de conseguir e interpretar los resultados.The authors made a comparative study between the Electromyography (EMG) and the radiculography with the surgical findings in 100 Herniated intervertebral disk (H.I.D.) operated on. With the E.M.G. they had obtained a correct diagnostic in 83% of case s and 79% with the radiculography. The radiculography showed the bigger accurancy in S1 than L5 (85'7% - 70'4%) and E.M.G. showed bigger accurancy B in L5 than S1 (88'6% - 78'5%). The E.M.G. had an special utility in the diagnosis of neuropathie s and the review and follow up after surgical procedure. It's very important the trainning of the E.M.G. examine r to obtain correct information

    Dipolar ordering in Fe8?

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    We show that the low-temperature physics of molecular nanomagnets, contrary to the prevailing one-molecule picture, must be determined by the long-range magnetic ordering due to many-body dipolar interactions. The calculations here performed, using Ewald's summation, suggest a ferromagnetic ground state with a Curie temperature of about 130 mK. The energy of this state is quite close to those of an antiferromagnetic state and to a glass of frozen spin chains. The latter may be realized at finite temperature due to its high entropy.Comment: 7 pages, no figures, submitted to EP

    Perfis de jogo dependentes das estatísticas de serviço do top tênis masculino

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    Resumen: Introducción: El objetivo de este trabajo será conocer las estadísticas de competición en saque del Top 25 masculino de tenis en el año 2019 establecer perfiles de juego entre los diferentes jugadores en función de sus estadísticas de saque. Objetivos: Establecer perfiles de juego según las estadísticas de saque. Métodos: Se analizaron las estadísticas de competición relacionadas con el saque de los 25 jugadores masculinos de tenis mejor clasificados en el año 2019. Las variables analizadas fueron: porcentaje de primer saque dentro, porcentaje de puntos ganados con el primer y el segundo saque, porcentaje de puntos de break salvados y porcentaje de juegos y puntos ganados al saque. Resultados y discusión: Los resultados mostraron que los jugadores Top25 masculinos de tenis ganan más de un 50% de puntos cuando juegan con segundo saque y más de un 75% de puntos cuando juegan con primer saque. Además, se han establecido dos perfiles de jugadores en función de las estadísticas de saque. Conclusiones: De este modo, el perfil con mejor saque, tienen un porcentaje significativamente mayor de puntos ganados con el segundo saque y puntos de break salvados y ganan un porcentaje significativamente mayor de puntos y juegos cuando se encuentran en situación de saque.Abstract: Introduction: The objective of this work will be to know the statistics of competition in serve of the Top 25 men's tennis in 2019 to establish game profiles among the different players based on their serve statistics. Aim: Set game profiles based on service statistics. Methods: Competition statistics related to the serve of the 25 best ranking male tennis players in the year 2019 were analyzed. The variables analyzed were: percentage of first serve inside, percentage of points won with the first and second serve, percentage of break points saved and percentage of games and points earned on serve. Results & discussion: The results showed that Top25 male tennis players earn more than 50% of points when they play with a second serve and more than 75% of points when they play with a first serve. In addition, two player profiles have been established based on the serve statistics. Conclusions: In this way, the profile with the best serve, have a significantly higher percentage of points won with the second serve and break points saved and earn a significantly higher percentage of points and games when they are in a service situation.Resumo: Introdução: O objetivo deste trabalho será conhecer as estatísticas da competição em saque do Top 25 de tênis masculino em 2019, para estabelecer perfis de jogo entre os diferentes jogadores com base em suas estatísticas de saque. Objectivos: Estabeleça perfis de jogos com base nas estatísticas de serviço. Métodos: Foram analisadas as estatísticas da competição relacionadas ao saque dos 25 tenistas mais bem classificados em 2019. As variáveis analisadas foram: porcentagem de primeiro saque dentro, porcentagem de pontos ganhos com o primeiro e o segundo saques, porcentagem de pontos de intervalo economizado e porcentagem de jogos e pontos ganhos em serviço. Resultados e discussão: Os resultados mostraram que os Top25 tenistas ganham mais de 50% de pontos quando jogam com o segundo saque e mais de 75% de pontos quando jogam com o primeiro saque. Além disso, dois perfis de jogadores foram estabelecidos com base nas estatísticas de saque. Conclusões: Dessa forma, o perfil com o melhor saque tem uma porcentagem significativamente maior de pontos ganhos com o segundo saque e os pontos de interrupção salvos, e eles ganham uma porcentagem significativamente maior de pontos e jogos quando estão em uma situação de serviço

    El género Impatientinum Mordvilko, 1914 (Hemiptera, Aphididae, Macrosiphini) en América, con la descripción de tres nuevas especies

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    The study of the specimens of genus Impatientinum Mordvilko, 1914 from the collection générale d’aphides del Muséum national d’Historie naturelle, Paris (France) and the Colección de Aphididae de México at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México has allowed to establish 3 species: I. chiriquense n. sp. (with the description of the apterous and alate females) from Panama, I. holmani n. sp. (with the description of the apterous and alate females and males) and I. oaxacense n. sp. (with the description of the apterae) from México. The viviparous alate females of I. americanum are described and knowledge of the apterous females of this species is improved. The generic position of the American species of Impatientinum is discussed. An identification key for the apterous females of the American species of Impatientinum is presented; this key can substitute the key by Blackman and Eastop for the World’s aphids on Cuphea P.Browne (Myrtales, Lythraceae).El estudio de los ejemplares del género Impatientinum Mordvilko, 1914 de la collection générale d’aphides del Muséum national d’Historie naturelle de París (Francia) y de la Colección de Aphididae de México en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México ha permitido establecer 3 especies: I. chiriquense n. sp. (con la descripción de hembras ápteras y aladas) de Panamá, I. holmani n. sp. (con la descripción de hembras ápteras, aladas y de machos) e I. oaxacense n. sp. (con la descripción de ápteras) de México. Se describen también las vivíparas aladas y se mejora el conocimiento de las vivíparas ápteras de I. americanum. Se discute la ubicación genérica de las especies del género presentes en América. Se facilita la clave para la identificación de las hembras vivíparas ápteras de las especies americanas del género, que puede sustituir a la clave de Blackman & Eastop para las especies de pulgones que viven sobre plantas del género Cuphea P.Browne (Myrtales, Lythraceae) en el mundo

    Analysis of the bearing capacity of unbound granular mixtures with rubber particles from scrap tyres when used as sub-ballast

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    [EN] Scrap tyres are a problematic waste material. As a method for recycling large quantities of rubber from scrap tyres, this paper analyses the use of unbound granular mixtures with varying percentages of rubber particles as sub-ballast in railway lines. Bearing capacity for such mixtures is studied in laboratory and field tests using static and dynamic plate load tests, as well as cyclic triaxial tests. It is found that adding rubber increases permanent and resilient strain and that none of the mixtures suffer plastic creep after 2.5 million cycles. Considering the usual bearing capacity requirements, the optimum rubber content is 2.5% (by weight). This percentage increases resistance to degradation while ensuring sufficient bearing capacity.Hidalgo Signes, C.; Martínez Fernández, P.; Garzón-Roca, J.; Insa Franco, R. (2016). Analysis of the bearing capacity of unbound granular mixtures with rubber particles from scrap tyres when used as sub-ballast. Materiales de Construcción. 66(324):1-15. doi:10.3989/mc.2016.11515S11566324Humphrey, D., & Blumenthal, M. (2010). The Use of Tire-Derived Aggregate in Road Construction Applications. Green Streets and Highways 2010. doi:10.1061/41148(389)25Wolfe, S. L., Humphrey, D. N., & Wetzel, E. A. (2004). Development of Tire Shred Underlayment to Reduce Groundborne Vibration from LRT Track. Geotechnical Engineering for Transportation Projects. doi:10.1061/40744(154)62Salgado, R., Yoon, S., & Siddiki, N. (2003). Construction of Tire Shreds Test Embankment. doi:10.5703/1288284313165Yoon, S., Prezzi, M., Siddiki, N. Z., & Kim, B. (2006). Construction of a test embankment using a sand–tire shred mixture as fill material. Waste Management, 26(9), 1033-1044. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2005.10.009Sol-Sánchez, M., Thom, N. H., Moreno-Navarro, F., Rubio-Gámez, M. C., & Airey, G. D. (2015). A study into the use of crumb rubber in railway ballast. Construction and Building Materials, 75, 19-24. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2014.10.045Hidalgo Signes, C., Martínez Fernández, P., Medel Perallón, E., & Insa Franco, R. (2014). Characterisation of an unbound granular mixture with waste tyre rubber for subballast layers. Materials and Structures, 48(12), 3847-3861. doi:10.1617/s11527-014-0443-z8. PF-7 (2006) Pliego de Prescripciones Técnicas Generales de Materiales Ferroviarios PF-7: Subbalasto (General Technical Specifications for Railway Materials PF-7: Sub-ballast). Spanish Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Madrid. (In Spanish).10. Panadero, C.; Sanz, J.L. (2010) Análisis de las propiedades del sub-balasto: Contradicciones y procesos que afectan a su función (Analysis of sub-ballast properties: Contradictions and processes that affect their performance). Revista Ingeopres 196, 14–21. (In Spanish).12. Santiago, E.; García, J.L.; González, P. (2010) Comparación de diferentes métodos de control de compactación del subbalasto (Comparison of different sub-ballast compaction control methods). CEDEX Geotechnical Laboratory, Madrid. (In Spanish).Tompai, Z. (2008). Conversion between static and dynamic load bearing capacity moduli and introduction of dynamic target values. Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 52(2), 97. doi:10.3311/pp.ci.2008-2.0617. Melis, M. (2006). Terraplenes y Balasto en Alta Velocidad Ferroviaria (Embankment and ballast in high speed railways). Revista de Obras Públicas 3464, 7–36. (In Spanish).Werkmeister, S., Dawson, A. R., & Wellner, F. (2005). Permanent Deformation Behaviour of Granular Materials. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 6(1), 31-51. doi:10.1080/14680629.2005.9689998Cerni, G., Cardone, F., Virgili, A., & Camilli, S. (2012). Characterisation of permanent deformation behaviour of unbound granular materials under repeated triaxial loading. Construction and Building Materials, 28(1), 79-87. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2011.07.066Speir, R., & Witczak, M. (1996). Use of Shredded Rubber in Unbound Granular Flexible Pavement Layers. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1547, 96-106. doi:10.3141/1547-1424. Santamarina, J.C.; Klein, K.A.; Fam, M.A. (2001) Soils and Waves. Particulate Materials. Behavior, Characterization and Process Monitoring. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Baffins Lane, Chichester.25. Pe-a, M. (2003) Tramos de ensayo de vía en placa en la línea del corredor del Mediterráneo para su explotación a alta velocidad (Slab track test sites in the Mediterranean Corridor for high speed use). Revista de Obras Públicas 3431, 57–68. (In Spanish).Cecich, V., Gonzales, L., Hoisaeter, A., Williams, J., & Reddy, K. (1996). Use of Shredded Tires as Lightweight Backfill Material for Retaining Structures. Waste Management & Research, 14(5), 433-451. doi:10.1177/0734242x960140050

    Comparative Cytotoxic Activity of Hydroxytyrosol and Its Semisynthetic Lipophilic Derivatives in Prostate Cancer Cells

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    A high adherence to a Mediterranean diet has been related to numerous beneficial effects in human health, including a lower incidence and mortality of prostate cancer (PCa). Olive oil is an important source of phenolic bioactive compounds, mainly hydroxytyrosol (HT), of this diet. Because of the growing interest of this compound and its derivatives as a cancer chemopreventive agent, we aimed to compare the in vitro effect of HT isolated from olive mill wastewaters and five semisynthetic alkyl ether, ester, and nitro-derivatives against prostate cancer (PCa) cell lines. The effect in cell proliferation was determined in RWPE-1, LNCaP, 22Rv1, and PC-3 cells by resazurin assay, the effect in cell migration by wound healing assay, and tumorsphere and colony formation were evaluated. The changes in key signaling pathways involved in carcinogenesis were assessed by using a phosphorylation pathway profiling array and by Western blotting. Antiproliferative effects of HT and two lipophilic derivatives [hydroxytyrosyl acetate (HT-Ac)/ethyl hydroxytyrosyl ether (HT-Et)] were significantly higher in cancerous PC-3 and 22Rv1 cells than in non-malignant RWPE-1 cells. HT/HT-Ac/HT-Et significantly reduced migration capacity in RWPE-1 and PC-3 and prostatosphere size and colony formation in 22Rv1, whereas only HT-Ac and HT-Et reduced these functional parameters in PC-3. The cytotoxic effect in 22Rv1 cells was correlated with modifications in the phosphorylation pattern of key proteins, including ERK1/2 and AKT. Consistently, HT-Ac and HT-Et decreased p-AKT levels in PC-3. In sum, our results suggest that HT and its lipophilic derivatives could be considered as potential therapeutic tools in PCa

    Unleashing the Diagnostic, Prognostic and Therapeutic Potential of the Neuronostatin/GPR107 System in Prostate Cancer

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    Certain components of the somatostatin-system play relevant roles in Prostate Cancer (PCa), whose most aggressive phenotype (Castration-Resistant-PCa (CRPC)) remains lethal nowadays. However, neuronostatin and the G protein-coupled receptor 107 (GPR107), two novel members of the somatostatin-system, have not been explored yet in PCa. Consequently, we investigated the pathophysiological role of NST/GPR107-system in PCa. GPR107 expression was analyzed in well-characterized PCa patient′s cohorts, and functional/mechanistic assays were performed in response to GPR107-silencing and NST-treatment in PCa cells (androgen-dependent (AD: LNCaP) and androgen-independent (AI: 22Rv1/PC-3), which are cell models of hormone-sensitive and CRPC, respectively), and normal prostate cells (RWPE-1 cell-line). GPR107 was overexpressed in PCa and associated with key clinical parameters (e.g., advance stage of PCa, presence of vascular invasion and metastasis). Furthermore, GPR107-silencing inhibited proliferation/migration rates in AI-PCa-cells and altered key genes and oncogenic signaling-pathways involved in PCa aggressiveness (i.e., KI67/CDKN2D/MMP9/PRPF40A, SST5TMD4/AR-v7/In1-ghrelin/EZH2 splicing-variants and AKT-signaling). Interestingly, NST treatment inhibited proliferation/migration only in AI-PCa cells and evoked an identical molecular response than GPR107-silencing. Finally, NST decreased GPR107 expression exclusively in AI-PCa-cells, suggesting that part of the specific antitumor effects of NST could be mediated through a GPR107-downregulation. Altogether, NST/GPR107-system could represent a valuable diagnostic and prognostic tool and a promising novel therapeutic target for PCa and CRPC

    The VMC survey - VIII : First results for anomalous Cepheids

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    The VISTA near-infrared YJKs survey of the Magellanic Clouds System (VMC, PI M.-R. L. Cioni) is collecting deep Ks-band time-series photometry of the pulsating variable stars hosted in the system formed by the two Magellanic Clouds and the Bridge connecting them. In this paper, we present for the first time Ks-band light curves for anomalous Cepheid (AC) variables. In particular, we have analysed a sample of 48 Large Magellanic Cloud ACs, for which identification and optical magnitudes were obtained from the OGLE III and IV catalogues. The VMC Ks-band light curves for ACs are well sampled, with the number of epochs ranging from 8 to 16, and allowing us to obtain very precise mean Ks magnitudes with errors on average of the order of 0.01 mag. The values were used to build the first period-luminosity and period-Wesenheit relations in the near-infrared for fundamental mode and first overtone ACs. At the same time we exploited the optical (V, I) OGLE data to build accurate period-luminosity, period-luminosity-colour and period-Wesenheit relations both for fundamental mode and first overtone ACs. For the first time, these relations were derived from a sample of pulsators which uniformly cover the whole AC instability strip. The application of the optical period-Wesenheit relation to a sample of dwarf galaxies hosting a significant population of ACs revealed that this relation is a valuable tool for deriving distances within the Local Group. Due to its lower dispersion, we expect the Ks period-Wesenheit relations first derived in this paper to represent a valuable tool for measuring accurate distances to galaxies hosting ACs when more data in near-infrared filters become available.Peer reviewe

    FaMYB123 interacts with FabHLH3 to regulate the late steps of anthocyanin and flavonol biosynthesis during ripening.

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    In this work, we identified and functionally characterized the strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) R2R3 MYB transcription factor FaMYB123. As in most genes associated with organoleptic properties of ripe fruit, FaMYB123 expression is ripening-related, receptacle-specific, and antagonistically regulated by ABA and auxin. Knockdown of FaMYB123 expression by RNAi in ripe strawberry fruit receptacles downregulated the expression of enzymes involved in the late steps of anthocyanin/flavonoid biosynthesis. Transgenic fruits showed a parallel decrease in the contents of total anthocyanin and flavonoid, especially malonyl derivatives of pelargonidin and cyanidins. The decrease was concomitant with accumulation of proanthocyanin, propelargonidins, and other condensed tannins associated mainly with green receptacles. Potential coregulation between FaMYB123 and FaMYB10, which may act on different sets of genes for the enzymes involved in anthocyanin production, was explored. FaMYB123 and FabHLH3 were found to interact and to be involved in the transcriptional activation of FaMT1, a gene responsible for the malonylation of anthocyanin components during ripening. Taken together, these results demonstrate that FaMYB123 regulates the late steps of the flavonoid pathway in a specific manner. In this study, a new function for an R2R3 MYB transcription factor, regulating the expression of a gene that encodes a malonyltransferase, has been elucidated.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (AGL2014-55784-C2-2-R and AGL2017-86531-C2-2-R). FJMR is supported by a ‘Margarita Salas’ post-doctoral fellowship (UCOR02MS) from the University of Cordoba (Requalification of the Spanish university system) from the Ministry of Universities financed by the European Union (NexGenerationEU). FJMH is supported by a ‘Juan de la Cierva-Incorporacion’ fellowship (IJC2020- 045526-I), funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the European Union ‘NextGenerationEU’/PRTR. AR-F and SA are on the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program, Project PlantaSYST (SGA-CSA No. 739582 under FPA No. 664620). The authors thank Dr. Gema Garc ıa from the Microscopy Unit of UCAIB-IMIBIC for technical help with the microscope. Funding for open access charge: University of Cordoba/CBUA.S

    Diet and SIRT1 Genotype Interact to Modulate Aging-Related Processes in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease: From the CORDIOPREV Study

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    We investigated whether long-term consumption of two healthy diets (low-fat (LF) or Mediterranean (Med)) interacts with SIRT1 genotypes to modulate aging-related processes such as leucocyte telomere length (LTL), oxidative stress (OxS) and inflammation in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD). LTL, inflammation, OxS markers (at baseline and after 4 years of follow-up) and SIRT1-Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) (rs7069102 and rs1885472) were determined in patients from the CORDIOPREV study. We analyzed the genotype-marker interactions and the effect of diet on these interactions. Regardless of the diet, we observed LTL maintenance in GG-carriers for the rs7069102, in contrast to carriers of the minor C allele, where it decreased after follow-up (p = 0.001). The GG-carriers showed an increase in reduced/oxidized glutathione (GSH/GSSG) ratio (p = 0.003), lower lipid peroxidation products (LPO) levels (p < 0.001) and a greater decrease in tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) levels (p < 0.001) after follow-up. After the LF diet intervention, the GG-carriers showed stabilization in LTL which was significant compared to the C allele subjects (p = 0.037), although the protective effects found for inflammation and OxS markers remained significant after follow-up with the two diets. Patients who are homozygous for the SIRT1-SNP rs7069102 (the most common genotype) may benefit from healthy diets, as suggested by improvements in OxS and inflammation in patients with CHD, which may indicate the slowing-down of the aging process and its related diseases