125 research outputs found

    Classification of complications of epilepsy surgery and invasive diagnostic procedures: A proposed protocol and feasibility study

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    Objective: In epilepsy surgery, which aims to treat seizures and thereby to improve the lives of persons with drug-resistant epilepsy, the chances of attaining seizure relief must be carefully weighed against the risks of complications and expected adverse events. The interpretation of data regarding complications of epilepsy surgery and invasive diagnostic procedures is hampered by a lack of uniform definitions and method of data collection. Methods: Based on a review of previous definitions and classifications of complications, we developed a proposal for a new classification. This proposal was then subject to revisions after expert opinion within E-pilepsy, an EU-funded European pilot network of reference centers in refractory epilepsy and epilepsy surgery, later incorporated into the ERN (European Reference Network) EpiCARE. This version was discussed with recognized experts, and a final protocol was agreed to after further revision. The final protocol was evaluated in practical use over 1 year in three of the participating centers. One hundred seventy-four consecutive procedures were included with 35 reported complications. Results: This report presents a multidimensional classification of complications in epilepsy surgery and invasive diagnostic procedures, where complications are characterized in terms of their immediate effects, resulting permanent symptoms, and consequences on activities of daily living. Significance: We propose that the protocol will be helpful in the work to promote safety in epilepsy surgery and for future studies designed to identify risk factors for complications. Further work is needed to address the reporting of outcomes as regards neuropsychological function, activities of daily living, and quality of life

    Alternative splicing controls teneurin-3 compact dimer formation for neuronal recognition

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    Neuronal network formation is facilitated by recognition between synaptic cell adhesion molecules at the cell surface. Alternative splicing of cell adhesion molecules provides additional specificity in forming neuronal connections. For the teneurin family of cell adhesion molecules, alternative splicing of the EGF-repeats and NHL domain controls synaptic protein-protein interactions. Here we present cryo-EM structures of the compact dimeric ectodomain of two teneurin-3 isoforms that harbour the splice insert in the EGF-repeats. This dimer is stabilised by an EGF8-ABD contact between subunits. Cryo-EM reconstructions of all four splice variants, together with SAXS and negative stain EM, reveal compacted dimers for each, with variant-specific dimeric arrangements. This results in specific trans-cellular interactions, as tested in cell clustering and stripe assays. The compact conformations provide a structural basis for teneurin homo- and heterophilic interactions. Altogether, our findings demonstrate how alternative splicing results in rearrangements of the dimeric subunits, influencing neuronal recognition and likely circuit wiring.</p

    Mediterranean circulation perturbations over the last five centuries: Relevance to past Eastern Mediterranean Transient-type events

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    The Eastern Mediterranean Transient (EMT) occurred in the Aegean Sea from 1988 to 1995 and is the most significant intermediate-to-deep Mediterranean overturning perturbation reported by instrumental records. The EMT was likely caused by accumulation of high salinity waters in the Levantine and enhanced heat loss in the Aegean Sea, coupled with surface water freshening in the Sicily Channel. It is still unknown whether similar transients occurred in the past and, if so, what their forcing processes were. In this study, sediments from the Sicily Channel document surface water freshening (SCFR) at 1910 ± 12, 1812 ± 18, 1725 ± 25 and 1580 ± 30 CE. A regional ocean hindcast links SCFR to enhanced deep-water production and in turn to strengthened Mediterranean thermohaline circulation. Independent evidence collected in the Aegean Sea supports this reconstruction, showing that enhanced bottom water ventilation in the Eastern Mediterranean was associated with each SCFR event. Comparison between the records and multi-decadal atmospheric circulation patterns and climatic external forcings indicates that Mediterranean circulation destabilisation occurs during positive North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and negative Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) phases, reduced solar activity and strong tropical volcanic eruptions. They may have recurrently produced favourable deep-water formation conditions, both increasing salinity and reducing temperature on multi-decadal time scales

    Realising consilience: How better communication between archaeologists, historians and natural scientists can transform the study of past climate change in the Mediterranean

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    This paper reviews the methodological and practical issues relevant to the ways in which natural scientists, historians and archaeologists may collaborate in the study of past climatic changes in the Mediterranean basin. We begin by discussing the methodologies of these three disciplines in the context of the consilience debate, that is, attempts to unify different research methodologies that address similar problems. We demonstrate that there are a number of similarities in the fundamental methodology between history, archaeology, and the natural sciences that deal with the past ("palaeoenvironmental sciences"), due to their common interest in studying societal and environmental phenomena that no longer exist. The three research traditions, for instance, employ specific narrative structures as a means of communicating research results. We thus present and compare the narratives characteristic of each discipline; in order to engage in fruitful interdisciplinary exchange, we must first understand how each deals with the societal impacts of climatic change. In the second part of the paper, we focus our discussion on the four major practical issues that hinder communication between the three disciplines. These include terminological misunderstandings, problems relevant to project design, divergences in publication cultures, and differing views on the impact of research. Among other recommendations, we suggest that scholars from the three disciplines should aim to create a joint publication culture, which should also appeal to a wider public, both inside and outside of academia

    Rapid Detection of Carbapenem Resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii Using Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry

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    Rapid detection of carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii strains is critical and will benefit patient care by optimizing antibiotic therapies and preventing outbreaks. Herein we describe the development and successful application of a mass spectrometry profile generated by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) that utilized the imipenem antibiotic for the detection of carbapenem resistance in a large series of A. baumannii clinical isolates from France and Algeria. A total of 106 A. baumannii strains including 63 well-characterized carbapenemase-producing and 43 non-carbapenemase-producing strains, as well as 43 control strains (7 carbapenem-resistant and 36 carbapenem-sensitive strains) were studied. After an incubation of bacteria with imipenem for up to 4 h, the mixture was centrifuged and the supernatant analyzed by MALDI-TOF MS. The presence and absence of peaks representing imipenem and its natural metabolite was analyzed. The result was interpreted as positive for carbapenemase production if the specific peak for imipenem at 300.0 m/z disappeared during the incubation time and if the peak of the natural metabolite at 254.0 m/z increased as measured by the area under the curves leading to a ratio between the peak for imipenem and its metabolite being <0.5. This assay, which was applied to the large series of A. baumannii clinical isolates, showed a sensitivity of 100.0% and a specificity of 100.0%. Our study is the first to demonstrate that this quick and simple assay can be used as a routine tool as a point-of-care method for the identification of A. baumannii carbapenemase-producers in an effort to prevent outbreaks and the spread of uncontrollable superbugs

    Structural insights into the contactin 1 - neurofascin 155 adhesion complex

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    Cell-surface expressed contactin 1 and neurofascin 155 control wiring of the nervous system and interact across cells to form and maintain paranodal myelin-axon junctions. The molecular mechanism of contactin 1 - neurofascin 155 adhesion complex formation is unresolved. Crystallographic structures of complexed and individual contactin 1 and neurofascin 155 binding regions presented here, provide a rich picture of how competing and complementary interfaces, post-translational glycosylation, splice differences and structural plasticity enable formation of diverse adhesion sites. Structural, biophysical, and cell-clustering analysis reveal how conserved Ig1-2 interfaces form competing heterophilic contactin 1 - neurofascin 155 and homophilic neurofascin 155 complexes whereas contactin 1 forms low-affinity clusters through interfaces on Ig3-6. The structures explain how the heterophilic Ig1-Ig4 horseshoe's in the contactin 1 - neurofascin 155 complex define the 7.4 nm paranodal spacing and how the remaining six domains enable bridging of distinct intercellular distances

    Towards sustainability in cold chains: Development of a quality, energy and environmental assessment tool (QEEAT)

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    Quantification of the impact of refrigeration technologies in terms of the quality of refrigerated food, energy usage, and environmental impact is essential to assess cold chain sustainability. In this paper, we present a software tool QEEAT (Quality, Energy and Environmental Assessment Tool) for evaluating refrigeration technologies. As a starting point, a reference product was chosen for the different main food categories in the European cold chain. Software code to predict the products temperature, based on validated heat and mass transfer models, were written in Matlab (The Mathworks Inc., Natick, USA). Also, based on validated kinetic models for the different quality indicators of the reference products, (including fruit, meat, fish, vegetables and dairy products) a software code was written to calculate the quality and safety evolutions of the food product, using the predicted product temperature as input. Finally, software code to calculate the energy usage and Total Equivalent Warming Impact (TEWI) value of different refrigeration technologies was also written in Matlab. All three software codes were integrated, and a graphical user interface was developed. Using the QEEAT, a user can tailor a cold chain scenario by adding cold chain blocks (different steps of a cold chain) and simulating the quality evolution, energy use and emission throughout the chain. Also, the user can modify properties of a cold chain block, by selecting different technologies, or changing set point values. Defaults are provided for input values, and are based on the current practice, and obtained by extensive literature studies and consultation with different experts of the cold chain. Furthermore, the user can build and simulate several chains simultaneously, allowing him/her to compare different chains with respect to quality, energy and emission

    Mediterranean circulation perturbations over the last five centuries : relevance to past Eastern Mediterranean Transient-type events

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552The Eastern Mediterranean Transient (EMT) occurred in the Aegean Sea from 1988 to 1995 and is the most significant intermediate-to-deep Mediterranean overturning perturbation reported by instrumental records. The EMT was likely caused by accumulation of high salinity waters in the Levantine and enhanced heat loss in the Aegean Sea, coupled with surface water freshening in the Sicily Channel. It is still unknown whether similar transients occurred in the past and, if so, what their forcing processes were. In this study, sediments from the Sicily Channel document surface water freshening (SCFR) at 1910 ± 12, 1812 ± 18, 1725 ± 25 and 1580 ± 30 CE. A regional ocean hindcast links SCFR to enhanced deep-water production and in turn to strengthened Mediterranean thermohaline circulation. Independent evidence collected in the Aegean Sea supports this reconstruction, showing that enhanced bottom water ventilation in the Eastern Mediterranean was associated with each SCFR event. Comparison between the records and multi-decadal atmospheric circulation patterns and climatic external forcings indicates that Mediterranean circulation destabilisation occurs during positive North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and negative Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) phases, reduced solar activity and strong tropical volcanic eruptions. They may have recurrently produced favourable deep-water formation conditions, both increasing salinity and reducing temperature on multi-decadal time scales
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