550 research outputs found

    ICF flokkunarkerfið og áhrif þess á sjúkraþjálfun

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenKröfur um árangur og sannanir fyrir gagnsemi meðferðar innan heilbrigðiskerfisins hafa aukist mjög síðustu ár en mælikvarða á árangur hefur vantað tilfinnanlega. Því er ekki að undra að á nokkrum undanförnum árum hefur áhugi á ICF-flokkunarkerfinu farið vaxandi meðal fagfólks og stjórnenda í endurhæfingu hér á landi sem erlendis

    Eldgos og heilsa

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/Open Allur texti - Full textBrýnt er að rannsaka áhrif eldgossins á loftgæði vegna öskufallsins og áframhaldandi svifryks af völdum þess en slíkt getur varað svo mánuðum eða jafnvel árum skiptir. Fylgjast þarf með magni og samsetningu svifagna og hvernig þær veðrast með tímanum til að greina hugsanleg langtímaáhrif á öndunarfæri. Alþjóðlegt og þverfræðilegt teymi sérfræðinga hefur þegar birt frumniðurstöður um samsetningu og gerð ösku sem féll til jarðar á svæðinu undir Eyjafjöllum, sem sýna að þótt askan sé mikil og töluverður hluti hennar sé mjög fíngerður (2­13 hundraðshlutar rúmmáls (h.r.) minni en 4 µm, og 4­26 h.r. minni en 10 µm) er nánast engar kísilnálar að finna í henni. Það er vísbending um að askan sé ekki líkleg til að valda lungnaskaða til skamms tíma. Um langtímaáhrif er hins vegar of snemmt að segj

    Price setting in turbulent times

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    This price setting survey among Icelandic firms aims to make two contributions to the literature. First, it studies price setting in an advanced economy within a more turbulent macroeconomic environment than has previously been done. The results indicate that price adjustments are to a larger extent driven by exchange rate fluctuations than in most other advanced countries. The median Icelandic firm reviews its prices every four months and changes them every six months. The main sources of price rigidity and the most commonly used price setting methods are the same as in most other countries. A second contribution to the literature is our analysis of the nexus between price setting and exchange rate movements, a topic that has attracted surprisingly limited attention in this survey-based literature. A novel aspect of our approach is to base our analysis on a categorisation of firms in the domestic market by their direct exposure to exchange rate movements captured by imported input costs as a share of total production costs. More exposed firms are found to be more likely to use state-dependent pricing, to adjust their prices in response to exchange rate changes, and to rely on increasing prices rather than decreasing costs to restore profit margins after an exchange rate depreciation. They also review their prices more often but nevertheless, surprisingly, have the same price change frequency as the median firm. On the other hand, price review frequency declines and time-dependent pricing increases as domestic labour costs rise relative to total production costs. The results provide important insight into inflation dynamics due to an interaction between high and asymmetric exchange rate pass-through and price indexation. This interaction causes an exchange rate depreciation to spread to sectors less exposed to such changes through the use of price indexation. Exchange rate pass-through, price indexation and backward-looking behaviour in price setting therefore pose challenges for monetary policy in Iceland.


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    In the last decades, socio-spatial fragmentation has become a growing problem in the urban environment. This thesis aims to offer knowledge on how a child-centered spatial approach, termed Childifying, can help overcome socio-spatial fragmentation. Childifying is formulated by making a strategy and site-specific design for urban open space transformation in the neighborhood of Southern Friedrichstadt in Berlin. The term Childifying means to make the urban environment more child friendly and less fragmented. Methods used for building knowledge and developing the approach were literature study and site reading. The landscape research method traveling transect was the methodological framework for the site reading and included on site interviews, on site exploration and literature and archive studies. Planning and policy scenarios promoting safer mobility, play, exercise and outdoor education are recommended. The site-specific design scenarios propose connecting the neighborhood schools to inside and outside areas of opportunities that can be temporary classrooms for the children. There, children from different schools meet and get to know each other, making the schools and the community more connected. Scenarios also propose safer routes for children by making car-free and shared streets, implementing a children's boulevard and a web of play and exercise stations. Different types of child-centered events for the neighborhood are also proposed. To Childify Southern Friedrichstadt is a transferable planning and design approach that can be adapted to other urban sites dealing with socio-spatial fragmentation. *childifying means making urban environment more child friendly in the same way as densifying means more dense. And through that less socio-spatial fragmented

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    Integration of health and social services: An Integrative review

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    Efst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinnÁ Íslandi sem og í hinum vestræna heimi mun öldruðum fjölga hlutfallslega á komandi áratugum. Stefna stjórnvalda er að aldraðir geti búið sem lengst á heimilum sínum með viðeigandi aðstoð. Hér hefur ábyrgðin á opinberri þjónustu við þá skipst milli félagsþjónustu, sem er starfrækt af sveitarfélögunum, og heilbrigðisþjónustu, meðal annars heimahjúkrunar, sem er á vegum ríkisins. Það er yfirlýst stefna stjórnvalda að samþætta þessa þjónustu undir sameiginlegri stjórn sveitarfélaganna. Tilgangur þessarar greinar er að varpa ljósi á það hvernig samþættingu heilbrigðis og félagsþjónustu fyrir aldraða er best fyrir komið. Gerð var ítarleg leit að umfjöllun um skilgreiningar á samþættingu, markmiðum hennar og rannsóknum á árangri samþættingarverkefna í gagnasöfnunum PubMed, Scopus, Cinahl og Gegni. Leitin afmarkaðist við greinar frá löndum Evrópu og Norður Ameríku skrifaðar á ensku frá árunum 2000 til 2010. Lýsingar á samþættingu þjónustueininga innan heilbrigðiskerfisins voru útilokaðar. Stuðst var við aðgreiningu Leutz á stigum samþættingar við flokkun greina. Tekið var mið af 49 ritverkum við greiningu á skilgreiningum og markmiðum samþættingar. Umfjöllun um árangur samþættingar byggðist á greiningu á 7 stórum verkefnum sem höfðu öll verið metin í rannsóknum. Fram kom að skilningur á samþættingu er breytilegur eftir löndum en lýsingar á markmiðum þessara verkefna voru samhljóða, þ.e. að aldraðir séu betur komnir heima en á stofnunum. Þeir séu misleitur hópur með fjölþættar þjónustuþarfir sem sinnt er af mörgum faghópum sem nauðsynlegt er að samhæfa svo ekki verði tvíverknaður eða göt í þjónustunni. Það sem einkennir árangursrík samþættingarverkefni er þjónustustjórnun og þjónustustjóri, ein þjónustugátt, gerð er áætlun um þjónustu sem allir sameinast um, matstæki og upplýsingaforrit eða skráning eru sameigin leg, teymisvinna er ástunduð og húsnæði er sameiginlegt. Hér á landi er vinna við samþættingu heilbrigðis og félagsþjónustu komin einna lengst í Reykjavík þar sem hluti hennar er á þriðja stigi samkvæmt skilgreiningu Leutz. Niðurstöður samantektarinnar eru hjálplegar við mat á styrk og veikleikum samþættingarverkefna.------------------------------------------------------------It is forecasted that the number of elderly in Iceland, as in other western societies, will increase proportionally in the coming years. Icelandic policy reflects the authorities’ commitment to help older people remain living in their own homes for as long as possible, with the appropriate services. Responsibility for providing such services has been divided between the municipalities, providing social services, and the state taking care of health services, but current policy reflects the aim to integrate these services at the municipal level. The purpose of this paper was to explore how such integration has been developed. A literature search was undertaken in PubMed, Scopus, Chinal and Gegnir, focusing on the way in which integration is defined, its aims and studies of results of integration projects. The search was limited to studies written in English, focusing on the situation in Europe and North America from 2000 to 2010. Studies addressing integration between services within the health care system were excluded. Categorization of studies was based on Leutz’s levels of integration. Analysis of definitions and aims of integration was based on 49 documents, but analysis of successful integration was based on 7 projects that have been evaluated through research. Considerable variation was observed in how integration was defined between countries, but the aims were universally identified as supporting the elderly to live at home rather than moving to an institution. They are described as a heterogeneous group with diverse needs which demands services from different professional groups which calls for coordination to prevent duplication and gaps in services. Successful integration projects use service management and case management, single entry point, individualized service plans, collective assessment instruments, teamwork and united documentation system and all services are located in the same place. In Iceland integration has been initiated in a number of municipalities and in Reykjavik part of the services are already at Leutz’s third level. This study provides helpful guidance in evaluating the barriers and facilitators of integratio

    „Whose interest matter prevail?“: The lived experience of managers and specialists of the effect of published application lists on applicants in governmental hiring

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    Birting umsækjendalista í opinberum ráðningum er umræðuefni sem heitar umræður skapast oft um. Grein þessi byggist á niðurstöðum úr rannsókn þar sem skoðuð var reynsla og upplifun stjórnenda og sérfræðinga á áhrifum birtingar lista yfir umsækjendur í opinberum ráðningum. Samkvæmt niðurstöðum rannsóknarinnar er ákveðinn fælingarmáttur fólginn í birtingunni. Tekin voru viðtöl við stjórnendur og sérfræðinga sem hafa reynslu af ráðningum og þekkingu á áhrifum birtingar umsækjendalista á umsækjendur í opinberum ráðningum. Leitast var við að öðlast frekari skilning á ferli opinberra ráðninga og hvort þessir sérfræðingar teldu að birtingin hefði fælingarmátt. Rannsóknargögnin voru túlkuð og greind samkvæmt fyrirbærafræðilegri aðferðafræði. Niðurstöður sýna fram á að þeir stjórnendur og sérfræðingar sem leitað var til í þessari rannsókn telja að fælingarmáttur í birtingu á umsækjendalistum í opinberum ráðningum sé afar mikill. Talið er að um 10-35% umsækjenda dragi umsókn sína til baka. Þetta getur haft mjög neikvæð áhrif á ráðningarferlið í heild. Nafnbirting getur því leitt til þess að hæfasti umsækjandinn sækir ekki um starfið. Í lokin gefa niðurstöður rannsóknarinnar einnig til kynna að kerfisbundin birting á listum yfir umsækjendur þarfnist endurskoðunar. Þannig má auka líkur á því að sá hæfasti verði ráðinn og að fagmennska ráði för í umsóknar- og ráðningarferli í opinberum ráðningum.In this study the researchers set out to gain insight into the experience and attitude of managers and specialists concerning display of applicant lists in governmental hiring. The study focused on whether publication of application lists would have repellent effect on applicants and consequently if public employees had the appropriate qualifications. Information was gathered with semi-structured interviews with managers in organizations, ministries, municipals and experts in recruitment and their experience on publication of applicant lists probed. The data were analyzed and interpreted according to phenomenological methodology. Highlights of the study are that publication of applicants have repellent effects and it is estimated that about 10-35% of applicants withdraw their application when it is clear that a disclosure will occur. The results indicate that the managers and specialists in this study believe that published application list in governmental hiring is very repellent for prospective applicants and that the publications cause them to withdraw their application. As the names of the applicants will be published, the applicants withdraw and as a result of that, the most qualified candidate for the job will not be hired. Therefore the employer will not get the most qualified applicant for the job. Finally, the results of this study indicate that systematic publication of the application lists need to be re-examined in order to increase the possibility that the best and most qualified candidate will be hired and professionalism will prevail in the application and hiring process in governmental hiring.Peer Reviewe

    Aðgengi í íbúðarhúsnæði fyrir 50 ára og eldri

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    Neðst á síðunni er að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenÞótt aðgengismál hafi í auknum mæli verið í brennidepli síðastliðin ár, hefur lítið verið rætt um aðgengi í húsnæði aldraðra og sárafáar rannsóknir hafa farið fram á því hér á landi. Iðjuþjálfarnir Anne G. Hansen og A. Emma Pétursdóttir gerðu rannsókn á aðgengi í íbúðum sem auglýstar eru fyrir 50 ára og eldri vorið 2005. Staðlað matstæki var notað til að meta aðgengi í íbúðarhúsnæðinu hlutlægt og spá fyrir um aðgengisvandamál sem gætu hugsanlega skapast. Niðurstöður bentu til þess að fólk með skerta líkamlega færni myndi rekast á aðgengisvandamál í öllum íbúðunum fimm sem metnar voru

    Taide kotouttaa: taiteen opetus kotouttamisvaiheessa olevien maahanmuuttajien kolmannen sektorin opetuksessa

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    Tämä on laadullinen ja empiirinen pro gradu -tutkielma taiteen hyödyistä maahanmuuttajien kotoutumiseen eli suomalaiseen kulttuuriin integroitumiseen. Tutkielmassa selvitetään, miksi taiteen opetusta tulisi lisätä kotouttamisvaiheessa olevien maahanmuuttajien opetukseen ja minkälaista taiteen opetusta heidän tulisi saada. Tutkielman tavoitteena on taiteen opetuksen kehittäminen ja lisääminen kotouttamisvaiheessa olevien maahanmuuttajien kolmannen sektorin opetuksessa. Tutkielman aineistonkeruu oli kaksivaiheinen ja siinä on piirteitä sekä toiminta- että tapaustutkimuksesta. Aineistonkeruumenetelminä käytettiin kahden kotouttamisvaiheessa olevien maahanmuuttajien ohjaajan haastattelua sekä tutkimuspäiväkirjaa, joka pohjautui kolmipäiväiseen kotouttamisvaiheessa oleville maahanmuuttajille järjestettyyn taideopetuskokonaisuuteen ja sen havainnointiin. Haastattelut olivat tutkielman pääaineistona. Tutkielman hypoteesina oli, että taiteellinen ja luova työskentely edesauttavat maahanmuuttajien kotoutumista ja siksi taiteen opetusta tulisi lisätä maahanmuuttajien opetukseen. Tutkimustulosten mukaan taide kotouttaa, maahanmuuttajien taiteen opetus on monimuotoista ja vuorovaikutteista työpajatoimintaa ja että kulttuurisen kontekstin huomioon ottaminen on tärkeää kotouttamisvaiheessa olevien maahanmuuttajien opetuksessa.This qualitative and empiric master's thesis aims to examine the benefits of art education with regards to the integration of immigrants in the Finnish society. This study examines firstly why art education should be a part of the education of immigrants during the integration phase and secondly which kind of art education they should receive. The objective of this study is to develop and add art education in the teaching of immigrants during the integration phase within the third sector. The data of this study was collected in two stages and it features both action research and case study. The data collection methods include interview and a research diary. Two art instructors for immigrants in the integration phase were interviewed and a research diary was formed based on observations of three days of teaching immigrants in the integration phase. The interviews are the main data in this study. The hypothesis for this study was that artistic and creative activities contribute to the integration of immigrants in society, and for that reason art should be a part of the teaching of immigrants. The research results indicate the following: art supports social integration; art education for immigrants is diverse in methods and techniques as well as interactive; and lastly it is important to take into consideration cultural context in teaching immigrants during the integration phase