211 research outputs found

    Enfermedad mental y personas sin hogar en la ciudad de Valladolid

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    En este trabajo analizaremos el colectivo de personas sin hogar en la ciudad de Valladolid y las posibles enfermedades mentales que generalmente presentan. Para ello hemos realizado diferentes entrevistas a profesionales del colectivo para conocer los distintos tipos de enfermedades mentales que suelen presentar las personas de este colectivo, cuáles son sus consecuencias y de qué información se dispone en este ámbito, dentro del colectivo de personas sin hogar, puesto que en muchas ocasiones se carece de diagnóstico.Grado en Trabajo Socia

    ABP integral en histología (teoria i pràctiques), una experiència amb èxit a la Facultat de Medicina

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    A la nostra Unitat tenim la responsabilitat de dues assignatures de la Llicenciatura de Medicina: (1) Histologia Mèdica (HM), semestral, troncal de 1r curs de 4,5 crèdits (3 crèdits teòrics i 1,5 crèdits pràctics). Al curs 2006-07 es varen matricular 387 estudiants. (2) Estructura Microscòpica d'Aparells I Sistemes Humans (EMASH), anyal, troncal de 2n curs de 9 crèdits (4,5 crèdits teòrics i 4,5 crèdits pràctics. Al curs 2006-07 es varen matricular 298 estudiants.En els darrers anys el nostre objectiu ha sigut migrar des de un mètode docent tradicional de classes magistrals fins a un mètode tipus ABP (Aprenentatge Basat en Problemes) integral (teoria i pràctiques), que a més a més seguís les directius del Protocol de Bolònia per tal d'integrar aquestes assignatures a un nou programa docent de la Llicenciatura a l' EEES (Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior)

    The necessary synergies. Art Therapy and Fine Arts

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    El proyecto presentado es el resultado dinámico y creciente de una relación que se inicia en febrero de 2017. Se trata de crear un vínculo entre la Facultad de Bellas Artes de Granada y la Casa Familiar Dr. Juan Segura, dedicada a personas con discapacidad intelectual y problemas de conducta. La cercanía física entre ambas instituciones, y el interés de los/as estudiantes, han inspirado la posibilidad de crear un espacio de sinergia en el que, tanto los/as usuarios/as de la Casa Familiar como los/as estudiantes de Bellas Artes, pudieran compartir aprendizajes y experiencias en torno a la creación de un taller artístico basado en Arteterapia que no ha dejado de funcionar desde entonces. Con una demanda creciente por ambos lados, este primer taller ha abierto el camino a la investigación y las publicaciones, fomentando la trayectoria de los/as futuros/as arteterapeutas que, a partir de ahí, se forman en diversas universidades españolas y próximamente serán profesionales en activo. Además del beneficio directo y particular de los colectivos, esta iniciativa también contribuye a la visibilidad del Arteterapia en la Universidad de Granada y en la ciudad, ya que se ha traducido en el establecimiento de convenios con otras instituciones.The project presented is the dynamic and growing result of a relationship that began in February 2017. It is about creating a link between the Faculty of Fine Arts of Granada and the Dr. Juan Segura Family House, dedicated to people with intellectual disabilities and behavioral problems. The physical closeness between both institutions, and the interest of the students, inspired the possibility of creating a space of synergy in which, both users of the Family House and the students of Fine Arts, could share learnings and experiences around creations in an artistic workshop based on art therapy that has not ceased to work since then. With increasing demand on both sides, this first workshop has opened the way to research and publications, encouraging the trajectory of future art therapists who, from there, are trained in various Spanish universities and soon will be active professionals. Also to the direct and particular benefit of the groups, this initiative also contributes increasingly to the visibility of Art Therapy at the University of Granada and in the city, as it has resulted in the establishment of agreements with other institutions

    Innovaciones virtuales para la enseñanza de posgrado en tiempos de pandemia

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    Background: The pandemic that has hit the world has caused unexpected changes in all areas of human life. Teaching has had to adapt to this new situation, moving to virtual teaching due to confinement. The new teaching scenarios have shown us that we must be prepared to adapt the form of teaching to the new virtual media and techniques, based on ICTs and that in recent years have shown to be excellent teaching aids. For this reason, it is It is so important to find or create audiovisual tools to be used from the computer platforms available in an interactive way (Sánchez-Anguita et al, 2016). Objectives: Explore and incorporate new teaching tools and resources to facilitate adaptation to virtual training using new virtual training channels and new methods adapted to the audiovisual format. Sample: A pilot test was carried out with postgraduate participants to assess the usefulness of tools. Method: The research has been carried out by developing or adapting materials to expand possibilities of resources that facilitate virtual teaching. With the use of improved or innovative virtual channels and tools such as: forums, practices, questionnaires, webinars, audiovisual pills, videos, videoconferences, virtual tutorials, web links, etc. Results: The results indicate that the new methodologies can be adapted to the new formats according to the EHEA to achieve a panel of didactic resources adapted to the new technology (Sánchez-Anguita et al., 2017), both the improvement of the platforms such as Studium of the University of Salamanca and the communication channels. They have made it easier for us to improve or adapt tools and resources to the new virtuality scenario. Conclusion: Positive assessment of the various audiovisual resources by the participants, for the improvement of the teaching / learning process, promoting the acquisition of transversal skills facilitated by the advancement in ICTs, a more dynamic teaching, and new forms of communication.Antecedentes: La pandemia que ha azotado el mundo ha provocado cambios insospechados en todos los ámbitos de la vida humana. La enseñanza ha debido adaptarse a esta nueva situación, pasando a una docencia virtual por el confinamiento. Los nuevos escenarios docentes nos muestran que tenemos que debemos estar preparados para adaptar la forma de enseñar a los nuevos medios y técnicas virtuales, basados en las TICs y que en los últimos años indican ser excelentes auxiliares de la enseñanz.. Por ello, es tan importante buscar o crear herramientas de carácter audiovisual para ser usadas desde las plataformas informáticas disponibles de forma interactiva (Sánchez-Anguita et al, 2016). Objetivos: Explorar e incorporar nuevas herramientas y recursos docentes para facilitar la adaptación a la formación virtual usando nuevos canales de formación virtual y nuevos métodos adaptados al formato audiovisual. Muestra: Se realizó prueba piloto con participantes en posgrado para valoración de utilidad de herramientas. Método: La investigación se ha realizado elaborando o adaptando materiales para ampliar posibilidades de recursos que facilitaran la docencia virtual. Con uso de canales virtuales perfeccionados o novedosos y herramientas como: foros, prácticas, cuestionarios, webinar, píldoras audiovisuales, videos, videoconferencias, tutorías virtuales, enlaces web, etc. Resultados: Los resultados indican que se pueden adaptar las nuevas metodologías a los nuevos formatos según el EEES para conseguir un panel de recursos didácticos adaptados a las nuevas tecnologías (Sánchez-Anguita et al.,2017). Tanto la mejora de las plataformas como Studium de la Universidad de Salamanca como los canales de comunicación han facilitado que podamos mejorar o adaptar herramientas y recursos al nuevo escenario de virtualidad. Conclusión: Valoración positiva de los diversos recursos audiovisuales por parte de los participantes, para la mejora del proceso enseñanza/aprendizaje, potenciando la adquisición de competencias transversales facilitado por el avance en TICs, una docencia más dinámica, y nuevas formas de comunicación

    Encuentro de cuentos: reflexiones en torno a una experiencia de trabajo por proyectos en secundaria

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    This paper presents the reflections of five teachers during a project-based learning implementation. It is an action research experience what stimulates reflections about teaching practice. The main focus is the production of a short stories anthology written by the students after the reading and analysis of several models texts. The implementation allowed checking the large advantages of this method. Another strength is the collaborative work between two high school�s students, because teachers can think about the teaching practice before, during and after of the project writing, at the same time they could compare the finds and suggest improvements to adapt to classroom needs.Este artículo presenta las reflexiones de cinco profesoras durante la puesta en marcha de una secuencia didáctica. Se trata de una experiencia investigación-acción que facilita la reflexión sobre la práctica docente y cuyo objetivo es la elaboración de una antología de relatos creada por el propio alumnado tras la lectura y análisis de una serie de cuentos. El desarrollo de la secuencia permitió comprobar las numerosas ventajas del trabajo por proyectos. El otro punto fuerte de esta experiencia, la colaboración entre dos centros de Educación Secundaria, permite al profesorado reflexionar sobre la práctica docente antes, durante y después de la elaboración del proyecto, contrastando hallazgos y proponiendo mejoras adaptadas a las necesidades del aula

    Mediastinal paraganglioma detected by 111in-Pentetreotide scintigraphy and SPECT/TC. A case report

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    Introduction: Mediastinal paragangliomas are low incidence tumors that arise from neural crest. Its diferential diagnosis include several malignant diseases, so its correct characterization is mandatory for an adecuate therapeutic management. 111In-Pentetreotide scintigraphy/SPECT-CT can detect paraganglioma, mainly in those cases of atypical or unsuspected location, and may have a significant role in follow-up of those patients diagnosed with multifocal and familiar paraganglioma. Case: Here we report a case of an extremely rare middle mediastinal paraganglioma, detected by scintigraphy and SPECT-CT with 111In-Pentetreotide in a patient diagnosed of multifocal and family history of paraganglioma. Surgery was carried out by median sternotomy and extracorporeal circulation. The pathological examination of the surgical specimen showed a para-aortic low-grade tumor, positive for chromogranin and synaptophysin, cytokeratin AE1-AE3 negative and Ki67 lower than 5%, compatible with paraganglioma. Currently, the patient is tumor free, under clinical monitoring. Conclusions: 111In- Pentetreotide scan proved to be a helpful diagnostic method because of its potential to explore full body, so It allows us to locate unsuspected and atypical location paragangliomas. This finding suggests that patients diagnosed with multifocal head and neck paraganglioma should undergo periodical follow-up with 111In-Pentetreotide scan to detect unsuspected paraganglioma.Introducción: Los paragangliomas mediastínicos son tumores de baja incidencia que surgen de la cresta neural. Su diagnóstico diferencial incluye varias enfermedades malignas, por lo que su correcta caracterización es obligatoria para un adecuado tratamiento. La gammagrafía SPECT-CT con 111In-pentetreótida puede detectar paragangliomas, principalmente en aquellos casos de localización atípica o no sospechada, y puede tener un papel significativo en el seguimiento de los pacientes diagnosticados con paraganglioma multifocal y familiar. Caso clínico: Se presenta un caso de un paraganglioma mediastínico medio extremadamente raro, detectado por gammagrafía y SPECT-CT con 111In-pentetreótida en un paciente diagnosticado de historia multifocal y familiar de paraganglioma. La cirugía se realizó mediante esternotomía media y circulación extracorpórea. El examen patológico de la muestra quirúrgica mostró un tumor paraórtico de bajo grado, positivo para cromogranina y sinaptofisina, citoqueratina AE1-AE3 negativo y Ki67 menor de 5%, compatible con paraganglioma. Actualmente, el paciente está libre de tumores, bajo supervisión clínica. Conclusiones: La exploración con 111In-pentetreótida demostró ser un método de diagnóstico útil debido a su potencial para explorar todo el cuerpo, por lo que permite localizar paragangliomas insospechados y de localización atípica. Este hallazgo sugiere que los pacientes diagnosticados con paraganglioma multifocal de cabeza y cuello deben someterse a un seguimiento periódico con 111In-pentetreótida para detectar paraganglioma no sospechado

    Neuroprotection from NMDA excitotoxic lesion by Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase gene delivery to the postnatal rat brain by a modular protein vector

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    Background: Superoxide mediated oxidative stress is a key neuropathologic mechanism in acute central nervous system injuries. We have analyzed the neuroprotective efficacy of the transient overexpression of antioxidant enzyme Cu/Zn Superoxide dismutase (SOD) after excitotoxic injury to the immature rat brain by using a recently constructed modular protein vector for non-viral gene delivery termed NLSCt. For this purpose, animals were injected with the NLSCt vector carrying the Cu/Zn SOD or the control GFP transgenes 2 hours after intracortical N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) administration, and daily functional evaluation was performed. Moreover, 3 days after, lesion volume, neuronal degeneration and nitrotyrosine immunoreactivity were evaluated. Results: Overexpression of Cu/Zn SOD transgene after NMDA administration showed improved functional outcome and a reduced lesion volume at 3 days post lesion. In secondary degenerative areas, increased neuronal survival as well as decreased numbers of degenerating neurons and nitrotyrosine immunoreactivity was seen. Interestingly, injection of the NLSCt vector carrying the control GFP transgene also displayed a significant neuroprotective effect but less pronounced. Conclusion: When the appropriate levels of Cu/Zn SOD are expressed transiently after injury using the non-viral modular protein vector NLSCt a neuroprotective effect is seen. Thus recombinant modular protein vectors may be suitable for in vivo gene therapy, and Cu/Zn SOD should be considered as an interesting therapeutic transgene

    Herschel Far-IR counterparts of SDSS galaxies: Analysis of commonly used Star Formation Rate estimates

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    We study a hundred of galaxies from the spectroscopic Sloan Digital Sky Survey with individual detections in the Far-Infrared Herschel PACS bands (100 or 160 μ\mum) and in the GALEX Far-UltraViolet band up to z\sim0.4 in the COSMOS and Lockman Hole fields. The galaxies are divided into 4 spectral and 4 morphological types. For the star forming and unclassifiable galaxies we calculate dust extinctions from the UV slope, the Hα\alpha/Hβ\beta ratio and the LIR/LUVL_{\rm IR}/L_{\rm UV} ratio. There is a tight correlation between the dust extinction and both LIRL_{\rm IR} and metallicity. We calculate SFRtotal_{total} and compare it with other SFR estimates (Hα\alpha, UV, SDSS) finding a very good agreement between them with smaller dispersions than typical SFR uncertainties. We study the effect of mass and metallicity, finding that it is only significant at high masses for SFRHα_{H\alpha}. For the AGN and composite galaxies we find a tight correlation between SFR and LIR_{IR} (σ\sigma\sim0.29), while the dispersion in the SFR - LUV_{UV} relation is larger (σ\sigma\sim0.57). The galaxies follow the prescriptions of the Fundamental Plane in the M-Z-SFR space.Comment: 24 pages, 23 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Determining the optimal features in freezing of gait detection through a single waist accelerometer in home environments

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    Freezing of gait (FoG) is one of the most disturbing and incapacitating symptoms in Parkinson's disease. It is defined as a sudden block in effective stepping, provoking anxiety, stress and falls. FoG is usually evaluated by means of different questionnaires; however, this method has shown to be not reliable, since it is subjective due to its dependence on patients’ and caregivers’ judgment. Several authors have analyzed the usage of MEMS inertial systems to detect FoG with the aim of objectively evaluating it. So far, specific methods based on accelerometer's frequency response has been employed in many works; nonetheless, since they have been developed and tested in laboratory conditions, their performance is commonly poor when being used at patients’ home. Therefore, this work proposes a new set of features that aims to detect FoG in real environments by using accelerometers. This set of features is compared with three previously reported approaches to detect FoG. The different feature sets are trained by means of several machine learning classifiers; furthermore, different window sizes are also evaluated. In addition, a greedy subset selection process is performed to reduce the computational load of the method and to enable a real-time implementation. Results show that the proposed method detects FoG at patients’ home with 91.7% and 87.4% of sensitivity and specificity, respectively, enhancing the results of former methods between a 5% and 11% and providing a more balanced rate of true positives and true negatives.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Effects of Caffeine Ingestion on Physical Performance in Elite Women Handball Players: A Randomized, Controlled Study.

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    Purpose: To investigate the effects of acute caffeine (CAFF) intake on physical performance in elite women handball players. Methods: A total of 15 elite women handball players participated in a randomized, double-blind study. In 2 different trials, participants ingested either a placebo (cellulose) or 3 mg of CAFF per kilogram of body mass (mg/kg bm) before undergoing a battery of neuromuscular tests consisting of handball throws, an isometric handgrip strength test, a countermovement jump, a 30-m sprint test (SV) and a modified version of the agility T test. Then, participants performed a simulated handball game (2 × 20 min), and movement patterns were recorded with a local positioning system. Results: Compared with the placebo, CAFF increased ball velocity in all ball throws (P = .021–.044; effect size [ES] = 0.39–0.49), strength in isometric handgrip strength test (350.8 [41.2] vs 361.6 [46.1] N, P = .034; ES = 0.35), and countermovement-jump height (28.5 [5.5] vs 29.8 [5.5] cm; P = .006; ES = 0.22). In addition, CAFF decreased running time in the SV (4.9 [0.2] vs 4.8 [0.3] s; P = .042; ES = −0.34). In the simulated game, CAFF increased the frequency of accelerations (18.1 [1.2] vs 18.8 [1.0] number/min; P = .044; ES = 0.54), decelerations (18.0 [1.2] vs 18.7 [1.0] number/min; P = .032; ES = 0.56), and body impacts (20 [8] vs 22 [10] impacts/min; P = .032; ES = 0.30). However, postexercise surveys about self-reported feelings of performance indicate that players did not feel increased performance with CAFF. Conclusion: Preexercise ingestion of 3 mg/kg bm of CAFF improved ball-throwing velocity, jump, and sprint performance and the frequency of in-game accelerations and decelerations in elite women handball players.pre-print676 K