199 research outputs found

    The Cova del Cantal (Biar, Alicante)

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    La Cova del Cantal (Biar, Alicante) es, fundamentalmente, una cueva de enterramiento múltiple de un momento posiblemente avanzado del Calcolítico Pleno. Fue utilizada también en el Horizonte Campaniforme de Transición y en la Edad del Bronce, encontrando restos de ocupaciones posteriores. Parte de los materiales estudiados pertenece a dos colecciones privadas, siendo el resto de la excavación de urgencia por nosotros realizada. El ajuar está compuesto principalmente por formas cerámicas, puntas de flecha de sílex, hachas y azuelas pulimentadas y por un anillo, un puñal de lengüeta y cuatro punzones de metal. En ella se inhumaron al menos nueve individuos que corresponden en su mayoría al momento Calcolítico.The "Cova del Cantal" is a multiple burial cave from the late Calcolithic, although it was also visited during the Bell-Beaker Period, the Bronze Age and later. The studied materials belong to two prívate collections and to a rescue excavation made by the authors. They are principally varied pottery, silex arrowheads, pulimented axes and adzes, a ring, a tongue-dagger and four metallic punches. At least nine individuals were buried, most of them in the Calcolithic Period

    Simulation of atmospheric microbursts using a numerical mesoscale model at high spatiotemporal resolution

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    Atmospheric microbursts are low‐level meteorological events that can produce significant damage on the surface and pose a major risk to aircraft flying close to the ground. Studies and ad hoc numerical models have been developed to understand the origin and dynamics of the microburst; nevertheless, there are few researches of the phenomenon using global and mesoscale models. This is mainly due to the limitations in resolution, as microbursts normally span for less than 4 km and 20 min. In this paper, the Weather esearch and Forecasting model is used at resolutions of 400 m and 3 min to test if it can properly capture the variables and dynamics of high‐reflectivity microbursts. Several microphysics and planetary boundary layer parametrizations are tested to find the best model configuration for the simulation of this kind of episodes. General conditions are evaluated by using thermodynamic diagrams. Surface and vertical wind speed, reflectivity, precipitation, and other variables for each simulated event are compared with observations, and the model's sensitivity to the variables is assessed. The dynamics and evolution of the microburst is evaluated using different plots of a chosen event. The results show that the model is able to reproduce high‐reflectivity microbursts in accordance with observations, although there is a tendency to underestimate the intensity of variables, most markedly on the wind vertical velocity. Regarding the microphysics schemes, the Morrison parametrization performs better than the WRF single‐moment 6‐class scheme. No major differences are found between the Mellor‐Yamada‐Janjic and the Mellor‐Yamada‐Nakanishi‐Niino planetary boundary layer parametrizations.This work is supported by the Interdisciplinary Mathematics Institute of the Complutense University of Madrid and the following research projects: METEORISK (RTC‐2014‐1872‐5), PCIN‐2014‐013‐C07‐04, PCIN‐2016‐080 (UE ERANET Plus NEWA Project), ESP2013‐47816‐C4‐4‐P, CGL2010‐15930, CGL2016‐81828‐REDT, FEI‐EU‐17‐16, and SAFEFLIGHT GL2016‐78702‐C2‐1‐R and CGL2016‐78702‐C2‐2‐R). This research is founded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Enterprise under the framework of the SAFEFLIGHT research project (CGL2016‐78702‐C2‐1‐R and CGL2016‐78702‐C2‐2‐R)

    La investigación en comunicación en la academia en español y portugués : las revistas científicas presentes en los rankings WoS-JCR y Scimago-SJR (sección de comunicación). Un mapa del flujo de investigación en España y América Latina entre 2009 y 2019

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    En este artículo se realiza una evaluación de las revistas en español mejor indexadas en el área de la comunicación en el periodo comprendido entre 2009 y 2019 en España, Portugal y América Latina. Para ello, se analiza el estado de la cuestión de las revistas científicas en este ámbito tomando como referencia el índice SJR-Scimago-Scopus, situadas en los cuartiles uno y dos (ranking a fecha de 31 de diciembre de 2019). Se ha analizado una muestra compuesta por 4.098 artículos pertenecientes a ocho revistas de investigación en comunicación que han sido analizados a través de un libro de codificación en el que participaron cinco codificadores entrenados. Como parámetros de análisis se ha tomado en cuenta el género de los autores, del primer y segundo autor, su índice h, el número de autores por artículo, la internacionalización de los artículos, la financiación competitiva de los mismos, las regiones de publicación preponderantes de los autores y la tipología de artículos más frecuente. Tras desarrollar el análisis de las variables, se ha hallado una presencia significativa de autores e interés social en la investigación en esta área. Sin embargo, también se han detectado otras debilidades y amenazas, como escasez de financiación, una publicación muy focalizada en determinadas regiones españolas (Madrid, Cataluña, Andalucía) o la falta de revistas científicas en español y portugués, indexadas en los cuartiles 1 y 2 en los índices Scopus o JCR. Junto con estos datos, se han identificado numerosas oportunidades.En aquest article es fa una avaluació de les revistes en espanyol millor indexades en l'àrea de la comunicació en el període comprès entre 2009 i 2019 a Espanya, Portugal i l'Amèrica Llatina. Per dur-la a terme, s'analitza l'estat de la qüestió de les revistes científiques en aquest àmbit prenent com a referència l'índex SJR-Scimago-Scopus, situades en els quartils u i dos (rànquing amb data de 31 de desembre de 2019). S'ha analitzat una mostra composta per 4.098 articles pertanyents a vuit revistes de recerca en comunicació que han estat analitzats a través d'un llibre de codificació en el qual van participar cinc codificadors entrenats. Com a paràmetres d'anàlisi s'ha tingut en compte el gènere dels autors, del primer i segon autor, el seu índex h, el nombre d'autors per article, la internacionalització dels articles, el finançament competitiu d'aquests, les regions de publicació preponderants dels autors i la tipologia d'articles més freqüent. Després de desenvolupar l'anàlisi de les variables, s'ha trobat una presència significativa d'autors i interès social en la recerca en aquesta àrea. No obstant això, també s'han detectat altres febleses i amenaces, com ara escassetat de finançament, una publicació molt focalitzada en determinades regions espanyoles (Madrid, Catalunya, Andalusia) o la manca de revistes científiques en espanyol i portuguès, indexades en els quartils 1 i 2 en els índexs Scopus o JCR. Juntament amb aquestes dades, s'han identificat nombroses oportunitats.This article evaluates the highest-ranked journals in Spanish in the field of communication in Spain, Portugal and Latin America between 2009 and 2019. Using the SJR-Scimago-Scopus index, the current status of scientific journals in this field in the first and second quartiles (according to the rankings on 31 December 2019) is analysed. A sample consisting of 4098 articles from eight communication research journals was analysed, using a coding book developed by five qualified coders. Analysis parameters were: gender of the authors, first and second author, their h-index, the number of authors per article, the internationalisation of the articles, the competitive funding of the articles, the predominant publication regions of the authors, and the most frequent typology of articles. After running an analysis of the variables, we found a significant presence of authors and social interest in research in this area. However, other weaknesses and threats were also detected, such as a shortage of funding, publication very focused on certain Spanish regions (Madrid, Catalonia, Andalusia) and the lack of scientific journals in Spanish or Portuguese ranked in the first and second quartiles of the Scopus and/or JCR indexes. Along with these data, numerous opportunities were identified

    Improving Arctic weather and seasonal climate prediction: recommendations for future forecast systems evolution from the European project APPLICATE

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    The Arctic environment is changing, increasing the vulnerability of local communities and ecosystems, and impacting its socio-economic landscape. In this context, weather and climate prediction systems can be powerful tools to support strategic planning and decision-making at different time horizons. This article presents several success stories from the H2020 project APPLICATE on how to advance Arctic weather and seasonal climate prediction, synthesizing the key lessons learned throughout the project and providing recommendations for future model and forecast system development.The results discussed in this article were supported by the project APPLICATE (727862), funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. PO was additionally supported by the Spanish fellowship RYC-2017-22772.Peer ReviewedArticle signat per 29 autors/es: Pablo Ortega (1), Edward W. Blockley (2), Morten Køltzow (3), François Massonnet (4), Irina Sandu (5), Gunilla Svensson (6), Juan C. Acosta Navarro (1), Gabriele Arduini (5), Lauriane Batté (7), Eric Bazile (7), Matthieu Chevallier (8), Rubén Cruz-García (1), Jonathan J. Day (5), Thierry Fichefet (4), Daniela Flocco (9), Mukesh Gupta (4), Kerstin Hartung (6,10), Ed Hawkins (9), Claudia Hinrichs (11), Linus Magnusson (5), Eduardo Moreno-Chamarro (1), Sergio Pérez-Montero (1), Leandro Ponsoni (4), Tido Semmler (11), Doug Smith (2), Jean Sterlin (4), Michael Tjernström (6), Ilona Välisuo (7,12), and Thomas Jung (11,13) // (1) Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Barcelona, Spain | (2) Met Office, Exeter, UK | (3) Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Oslo, Norway | (4) Université catholique de Louvain, Earth and Life Institute, Georges Lemaître Centre for Earth and Climate Research, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium | (5) European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, Reading, UK | (6) Department of Meteorology, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden | (7) CNRM, Université de Toulouse, Météo-France, CNRS, Toulouse, France | (8) Météo-France, Toulouse, France | (9) National Centre for Atmospheric Science, Department of Meteorology, University of Reading, Reading, UK. | (10) Now at: Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany | (11) Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany | (12) Now at: Meteorology Unit, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland | (13) Department of Physics and Electrical Engineering, University of Bremen, Bremen, GermanyPostprint (published version

    Regulation of young-adult neurogenesis and neuronal differentiation by neural cell adhesion molecule 2 (NCAM2)

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    Adult neurogenesis persists in mammals in the neurogenic zones, where newborn neurons are incorporated into preexisting circuits to preserve and improve learning and memory tasks. Relevant structural elements of the neurogenic niches include the family of cell adhesion molecules (CAMs), which participate in signal transduction and regulate the survival, division, and differentiation of radial glial progenitors (RGPs). Here we analyzed the functions of neural cell adhesion molecule 2 (NCAM2) in the regulation of RGPs in adult neurogenesis and during corticogenesis. We characterized the presence of NCAM2 across the main cell types of the neurogenic process in the dentate gyrus, revealing different levels of NCAM2 amid the progression of RGPs and the formation of neurons. We showed that Ncam2 overexpression in adult mice arrested progenitors in an RGP-like state, affecting the normal course of young-adult neurogenesis. Furthermore, changes in Ncam2 levels during corticogenesis led to transient migratory deficits but did not affect the survival and proliferation of RGPs, suggesting a differential role of NCAM2 in adult and embryonic stages. Our data reinforce the relevance of CAMs in the neurogenic process by revealing a significant role of Ncam2 levels in the regulation of RGPs during young-adult neurogenesis in the hippocampus

    Potential Polyunsaturated Aldehydes in the Strait of Gibraltar under Two Tidal Regimes

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    Diatoms, a major component of the large-sized phytoplankton, are able to produce and release polyunsaturated aldehydes after cell disruption (potential PUAs or pPUA). These organisms are dominant in the large phytoplankton fraction (>10 μm) in the Strait of Gibraltar, the only connection between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. In this area, the hydrodynamics exerts a strong control on the composition and physiological state of the phytoplankton. This environment offers a great opportunity to analyze and compare the little known distribution of larger sized PUA producers in nature and, moreover, to study how environmental variables could affect the ranges and potential distribution of these compounds. Our results showed that, at both tidal regimes studied (Spring and Neap tides), diatoms in the Strait of Gibraltar are able to produce three aldehydes: Heptadienal, Octadienal and Decadienal, with a significant dominance of Decadienal production. The PUA released by mechanical cell disruption of large-sized collected cells (pPUA) ranged from 0.01 to 12.3 pmol from cells in 1 L, and from 0.1 to 9.8 fmol cell−1. Tidal regime affected the abundance, distribution and the level of physiological stress of diatoms in the Strait. During Spring tides, diatoms were more abundant, usually grouped nearer the coastal basin and showed less physiological stress than during Neap tides. Our results suggest a significant general increase in the pPUA productivity with increasing physiological stress for the cell also significantly associated to low nitrate availability

    Mountain waves analysis in the vicinity of the Madrid-Barajas Airport using the WRF model

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    Turbulence and aircraft icing associated with mountain waves are weather phenomena potentially affecting aviation safety. In this paper, these weather phenomena are analysed in the vicinity of the Adolfo Su´arez Madrid-Barajas Airport (Spain). Mountain waves are formed in this area due to the proximity of the Guadarrama mountain range. Twenty different weather research and forecasting (WRF) model configurations are evaluated in an initial analysis. .is shows the incompetence of some experiments to capture the phenomenon. .e two experiments showing the best results are used to simulate thirteen episodes with observed mountain waves. Simulated pseudosatellite images are validated using satellite observations, and an analysis is performed through several skill scores applied to brightness temperature. Few differences are found among the different skill scores. Nevertheless, the .ompson microphysics scheme combined with the Yonsei university PBL scheme shows the best results. .e simulations produced by this scheme are used to evaluate the characteristic variables of the mountain wave episodes at windward and leeward and over the mountain. .e results show that north-northwest wind directions, moderate wind velocities, and neutral or slightly stable conditions are the main features for the episodes evaluated. In addition, a case study is analysed to evidence the WRF ability to properly detect turbulence and icing associated with mountain waves, even when there is no visual evidence available..is work was partially supported by the following research projects: PID2019-105306RB-I00, PCIN-2014-013-C07-04, and PCIN2016-080 (UE ERA-NET Plus NEWA Project), CGL2016-78702-C2-1-R and CGL2016-78702-C2-2-R (SAFEFLIGHT Project), FEI-EU-17-16 and SPESMARTand SPESVALE (ECMWF Special Projects)

    Diplomado Supply Chain Management y Logística empresa “Agmo Nubes Inversiones S.A.S”

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    Con el desarrollo del presente trabajo se dará a conocer la importancia del Supply Chain dentro del proceso Logístico de la empresa Agmo Nubes e Inversiones SAS, y analizar cada una de las etapas desde la planificación hasta la ejecución y control de cada una de las operaciones intervinientes en la red de suministroThe development of this work translates into the importance of the Supply Chain, in the Logistics process of the company Agmo Nubes e Inversiones SAS , and all stages are analyzed from planning to execution and control of each of the intervening operations in the supply networ

    Aircraft icing: in‐cloud measurements and sensitivity to physical parameterizations

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    The prediction of supercooled cloud drops in the atmosphere is a basic tool for aviation safety, owing to their contact with and instant freezing on sensitive locations of the aircraft. One of the main disadvantages for predicting atmospheric icing conditions is the acquisition of observational data. In this study, we used in‐cloud microphysics measurements taken during 10 flights of a C‐212 research aircraft under winter conditions, during which we encountered 37 regions containing supercooled liquid water. To investigate the capability of the Weather Research and Forecasting model to detect regions containing supercooled cloud drops, we propose a multiphysics ensemble approach. We used four microphysics and two planetary boundary layer schemes. The Morrison parameterization yielded superior results, whereas the planetary boundary layer schemes were essential in evaluating the presence of liquid water content. The Goddard microphysics scheme best detected the presence of ice water content but tended to underestimate liquid water content.This research was carried out in the framework of the SAFEFLIGHT project, financed by MINECO (CGL2016‐78702) and LE240P18 project (Junta de Castilla y León)

    An Overview of the IberSpeech-RTVE 2022 Challenges on Speech Technologies

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    Evaluation campaigns provide a common framework with which the progress of speech technologies can be effectively measured. The aim of this paper is to present a detailed overview of the IberSpeech-RTVE 2022 Challenges, which were organized as part of the IberSpeech 2022 conference under the ongoing series of Albayzin evaluation campaigns. In the 2022 edition, four challenges were launched: (1) speech-to-text transcription; (2) speaker diarization and identity assignment; (3) text and speech alignment; and (4) search on speech. Different databases that cover different domains (e.g., broadcast news, conference talks, parliament sessions) were released for those challenges. The submitted systems also cover a wide range of speech processing methods, which include hidden Markov model-based approaches, end-to-end neural network-based methods, hybrid approaches, etc. This paper describes the databases, the tasks and the performance metrics used in the four challenges. It also provides the most relevant features of the submitted systems and briefly presents and discusses the obtained results. Despite employing state-of-the-art technology, the relatively poor performance attained in some of the challenges reveals that there is still room for improvement. This encourages us to carry on with the Albayzin evaluation campaigns in the coming years.This work was partially supported by Radio Televisión Española through the RTVE Chair at the University of Zaragoza, and Red Temática en Tecnologías del Habla (RED2022-134270-T), funded by AEI (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación); It was also partially funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant 101007666; in part by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union “NextGenerationEU”/ PRTR under Grants PDC2021-120846C41 PID2021-126061OB-C44, and in part by the Government of Aragon (Grant Group T3623R); it was also partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (OPEN-SPEECH project, PID2019-106424RB-I00) and by the Basque Government under the general support program to research groups (IT-1704-22), and by projects RTI2018-098091-B-I00 and PID2021-125943OB-I00 (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and ERDF) as well