327 research outputs found

    Arguing in classroom: An analytical proposal

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    Se hace una propuesta de análisis con objeto de identificar y describir distintos modos de argumentación en el aula. Esta propuesta se sustenta en una visión retórico-argumentativa del pensamiento y en la defensa de la existencia de una heterogeneidad de estas formas de argumentar. Se presentará cuáles pueden ser algunos de los modos predominantes de argumentar de docentes y estudiantes, cómo se relacionan, qué dificultades tienen los estudiantes con determinados modos de argumentar, o los puentes que los docentes pueden trazar ante tales problemas. Se mostrarán algunos extractos de transcriptciones obtenidas durante observaciones etnográficas en un aula de educación de personas adultas. Se tratará de constatar que las distintas formas de argumentar no se distribuyen de igual manera entre la profesora y las alumnas.Our aim is to make an analytical proposal to identify and describe different ways to argue in classroom. This propsal is based on a rhetorical-argumentative perspective of thinking and it is based on the defence of heterogeneous forms of argumentation. It will show which are the ways of argumentation of teacher and students, how do they interact, what are the difficulties that students have, or which are the "bridges" that teachers "build" to give solutions to those problems. We will present examples of transcripts obtained during ethnographic observations of an adult education classroom. It will show that the use of the different ways of argumentation was not distributed equally between teacher and students

    Advances in the Development of Non-steroidal Mineralocorticoid-receptor Antagonists

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    The mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) belongs to the nuclear receptor superfamily and regulates body fluid and electrolyte balance. In the last years, much effort has been put into the development of non-steroidal MR antagonists that overcome the side effects of the marketed steroid drugs, and can be used for the treatment of hypertension and heart failure, among others. Initially, MR was identified in epithelial cells, however it also plays important roles in non-epithelial tissues. In this sense, it is of interest to discover ligands that might induce different MR conformational changes, leading to specific coregulator interactions, which could confer tissue-specific effects. Different series of non-steroidal ligands with diverse central scaffolds has been described, which shows antihypertensive and cardiorenal protective effects. This review covers a description of different non-steroidal MR antagonist families, with special focus on compounds under clinical development. The analysis of the three-dimensional (3D) structures of non-steroidal MR antagonists in complex with the MR ligand-binding domain (LBD), recently reported, highlights the interactions crucial for binding. The structure-activity relationships of known ligands, together with the insights provided by the 3D structures of ligand - LBD MR complexes, could help in the development of non-steroidal MR antagonists with improved properties

    Fear of becoming pregnant among female healthcare students in Spain

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    The inconsistent use of hormonal contraceptive methods can result, during the first year of use, in one in twelve women still having an undesired pregnancy. This may lead to women experiencing fear of becoming pregnant (FBP). We have only found one study examining the proportion of FBP among women who used hormonal contraceptives. To gather further scientific evidence we undertook an observational, cross-sectional study involving 472 women at a Spanish university in 2005–2009. The inclusion criteria were having had vaginal intercourse with a man in the previous three months and usual use for contraception of a male condom or hormonal contraceptives, or no method of contraception. The outcome was FBP. The secondary variables were contraceptive method used (oral contraceptives; condom; none), desire to increase the frequency of sexual relations, frequency of sexual intercourse with the partner, the sexual partner not always able to ejaculate, desire to increase the partner’s time before orgasm, age and being in a stable relationship. A multivariate logistic regression model was used to determine the associated factors. Of the 472 women, 171 experienced FBP (36.2%). Factors significantly associated (p < 0.05) with this FBP were method of contraception (condom and none), desire to increase the partner’s ability to delay orgasm and higher frequency of sexual intercourse with the partner. There was a high proportion of FBP, depending on the use of efficient contraceptive methods. A possible solution to this problem may reside in educational programmes. Qualitative studies would be useful to design these programmes

    Evaluación de diferentes métodos de desarrollo de matrices proteicas de soja con zinc incorporado para su uso en horticultura

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    En la actualidad existe una gran demanda de productos hortícolas, lo que se traduce en una alta tasa de producción que provoca una excesiva explotación de los suelos, causando en ellos un descenso en el nivel de nutrientes y energía, no pudiéndose obtener rendimientos óptimos en sus cultivos. Una posible solución a estos problemas podría ser el uso de matrices de base proteica que contienen los elementos esenciales que requiere el suelo, siendo, además, una materia prima renovable y biodegradable. El objetivo de este trabajo es la evaluación de diferentes métodos de introducción de un micronutriente seleccionado (zinc, Zn), en matrices de base proteica de soja. Los resultados confirman que se pueden incorporar grandes cantidades de micronutrientes en las matrices, siendo sus propiedades mecánicas, microestructura y nivel de carga dependientes del método usado. En todos los casos, los resultados muestran un gran potencial para el uso de matrices como fuente de suministro de micronutrientes en horticultura.Recently, there is a high demand for horticultural products, which translates into a raised production that causes an excessive exploitation of the soil, leaving them poor in nutrients and energy and to be able to have optimum yield in their crops. A possible solution to these problems could be the use of protein-based matrices, which can contain the essential elements required by the soil, being, in addition, a renewable and biodegradable raw material. The objective of this work is the evaluation of different methods of introducing a selected micronutrient (zinc, Zn) in soy protein-based matrices obtained. The results confirm that a high level of essential micronutrient can be incorporated in the matrices, being its mechanical properties, microstructure and load level dependent on the method used. In all cases, results show a great potential for the use of matrices as a source of supplying micronutrients for horticulture.MINECO/FEDER, EU CTQ2015- 71164-PBeca predoctoral FPU17/01718Beca predoctoral del VPPI-U

    Prone to supine surface-based registration for surgical planning in breast cancer treatment

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    Breast cancer is the most common invasive cancer in women worldwide. Many women with breast cancer have their malignant tumors detected before the lesions become clinically palpable. Occult lesions must be marked for the surgeon to ensure that they can be effectively resected. Image-guided wire localization (WGL) is the current standard of care for the excision of non-palpable carcinomas during breast conserving surgery. The integration of the information from multimodal imaging may be especially relevant in surgical planning as complement or an alternative to WGL. The combination of information from images in different positions is especially difficult due to large breast deformation. This work presents a system based on surface registration to localize the lesion in the operative position, starting from a prone MRI study and a surface of the patient in the supine positon. The pre-operative surface from the MRI is registered to the surface obtained in a supine position similar to the intraoperative setting. Triangular meshes have been used to model breast surface in both positions and surfaces are aligned using a Laplacian deformation with fiducials automatically obtained from 3 anatomical references. The evaluation of the methodology has been carried out in 13 cases in which a supine- CT was available achieving an average localization error of 6.7 m

    Aplicación de técnicas de reproducción asistida en ovejas de raza Assaf

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    P. 129-132Aplicación de técnicas de reproducción asistida en ovejas de raza AssafS

    Phosphomannomutase deficiency (PMM2-CDG): Ataxia and cerebellar assessment

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    Background: Phosphomannomutase deficiency (PMM2-CDG) is the most frequent congenital disorder of glycosylation. The cerebellum is nearly always affected in PMM2-CDG patients, a cerebellar atrophy progression is observed, and cerebellar dysfunction is their main daily functional limitation. Different therapeutic agents are under development, and clinical evaluation of drug candidates will require a standardized score of cerebellar dysfunction. We aim to assess the validity of the International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Scale (ICARS) in children and adolescents with genetically confirmed PMM2-CDG deficiency. We compare ICARS results with the Nijmegen Pediatric CDG Rating Scale (NPCRS), neuroimaging, intelligence quotient (IQ) and molecular data. Methods: Our observational study included 13 PMM2-CDG patients and 21 control subjects. Ethical permissions and informed consents were obtained. Three independent child neurologists rated PMM2-CDG patients and control subjects using the ICARS. A single clinician administered the NPCRS. All patients underwent brain MRI, and the relative diameter of the midsagittal vermis was measured. Psychometric evaluations were available in six patients. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare ICARS between patients and controls. To evaluate inter-observer agreement in patients' ICARS ratings, intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) were calculated. ICARS internal consistency was evaluated using Cronbach's alpha. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient test was used to correlate ICARS with NPCRS, midsagittal vermis relative diameter and IQ. Results: ICARS and ICARS subscores differed between patients and controls (p < 0.001). Interobserver agreement of ICARS was "almost perfect" (ICC = 0.99), with a "good" internal reliability (Cronbach's alpha = 0.72). ICARS was significantly correlated with the total NPCRS score (rs 0.90, p < 0.001). However, there was no agreement regarding categories of severity. Regarding neuroimaging, inverse correlations between ICARS and midsagittal vermis relative diameter (rs -0.85, p = 0.003) and IQ (rs -0.94, p = 0.005) were found. Patients bearing p.E93A, p.C241S or p.R162W mutations presented a milder phenotype. Conclusions: ICARS is a reliable instrument for assessment of PMM2-CDG patients, without significant inter-rater variability. Despite our limited sample size, the results show a good correlation between functional cerebellar assessment, IQ and neuroimagingFor the first a correlation between ICARS, neuroimaging and IQ in PMM2-CDG patients has been demonstratedThe work was supported by national grants PI14/00021, PI11/01096, PI11/01250, and PI10/00455 from the National Plan on I+D+I, cofinanced by ISC-III (Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fomento de la Investigación Sanitaria) and FEDER (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional) and IPT-2012- 0561-010000 from MINECO. Three research groups (U-746, U-737 and U703) from the Centre for Biomedical Research on Rare Diseases (CIBER-ER), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain, have worked together for the present stud

    Gestión de recursos electrónicos en el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias Andaluzas. Una experiencia de cooperación bibliotecaria en entornos digitales

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    En la actualidad es difícil encontrar bibliotecas digitales nacidas bajo este concepto. La denominación representa más bien la evolución de las bibliotecas tradicionales, sobre todo universitarias, hacia un entorno en que la proliferación de recursos electrónicos en lo últimos años ha cambiado no sólo el concepto de biblioteca sino el mismo concepto de investigación, de estudio y por tanto de trabajo. Bajo esta premisa, en que señalamos recursos electrónicos como origen de bibliotecas digitales, son los consorcios bibliotecarios los que han contribuido de forma extraordinaria y definitiva a su desarrollo. La vieja idea de cooperación se ha materializado en ellos no sólo en la disposición de recursos propios sino que ha encontrado su máxima expresión en el entorno consorciado en que la adquisición y gestión compartidas han sido necesarias para dar respuesta a las necesidades que impone la proliferación de recursos electrónicos en las nuevas bibliotecas digitales. Claro ejemplo de esta afirmación, de estas nuevas formas de organización lo constituye el recientemente creado Grupo de Trabajo de Recursos Electrónicos del Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias Andaluzas (CBUA), cuyo proyecto de cooperación y gestión contribuye a facilitar el acceso a la colección digital en el ámbito universitario andaluz. Se presenta el trabajo realizado hasta la fecha por el Grupo, así como las perspectivas de futuro. Se exponen la metodología de trabajo empleada, las líneas de actuación, las acciones realizadas, las herramientas utilizadas para optimizar la calidad en el acceso y difusión de los recursos de los que disponemos. Palabras clave: bibliotecas universitarias, bibliotecas digitales, gestión de recursos electrónicos, consorcios de bibliotecas, cooperación bibliotecaria