30 research outputs found

    Latest developments in echocardiography

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    Ultrasound has been a diagnostic tool since the 1970s and has, in the meantime, become one of the most widely-adopted imaging techniques. In the last decade, significant technological developments have led to improvements in the quality of the images (from 2D systems to 3D, and recently even 4D ultrasound systems). In addition to the quality of images, improvements were also made in the ease of use: last year, a new ultrasound system was introduced which requires only a small transducer connected to a tablet or smartphone by USB. These, and other improvements, have consolidated ultrasound’s usefulness for many years to come. This course will present the most advanced techniques used in cardiac ultrasound for approximating the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), measuring cardiac tissue motion and strain (Speckle Tracking) and for quantifying the mitral valve.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Cardiomyopathy Detection from Electrocardiogram Features

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    Cardiomyopathy means heart (cardio) muscle (myo) disease (pathy) . Currently, cardiomyopathies are defined as myocardial disorders in which the heart muscle is structurally and/or functionally abnormal in the absence of a coronary artery disease, hypertension, valvular heart disease or congenital heart disease sufficient to cause the observed myocardial abnormalities. This book provides a comprehensive, state-of-the-art review of the current knowledge of cardiomyopathies. Instead of following the classic interdisciplinary division, the entire cardiovascular system is presented as a functional unity, and the contributors explore pathophysiological mechanisms from different perspectives, including genetics, molecular biology, electrophysiology, invasive and non-invasive cardiology, imaging methods and surgery. In order to provide a balanced medical view, this book was edited by a clinical cardiologist

    Classificiation of Atrial Fibrillation Prone Patients Using Electrocardiographic Parameters in Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling,

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    Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is a significant clinical problem and the complications of cardiovascular postoperative AF often lead to longer hospital stays and higher heath care costs. The literature showed that AF may be preceded by changes in electrocardiogram (ECG) characteristics such as premature atrial activity, heart rate variability (HRV), and P-wave morphology. We hypothesize that the limitations of statistics-based attempts to predict AF occurrence may be overcome using a hybrid neuro-fuzzy prediction model that is better capable of uncovering complex, non-linear interactions between ECG parameters. We created a neuro-fuzzy network that was able to classify the patients into the control and AF groups with the performances: 99.42% sensitivity, 99.89% specificity, and 99.74% accuracy for 30 minutes just before AF onset

    Comparative analysis of web-based machine learning models

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    This paper presents a comparative analysis of web-based machine learning models, specifically examining Google Vertex AI, Google Teachable Machine, Azure Machine Learning and Salesforce Einstein Vision. The objective is to assess their suitability for integration into a medical information system as a classification module for medical images. The comparative evaluation considers factors such as model accuracy, ease of integration and scalability. The findings aim to guide the selection of an optimal machine learning solution for enhancing the capabilities of medical image classification within a healthcare context

    Prediction of self-compacting concrete elastic modulus using two symbolic regression techniques

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    yesThis paper introduces a novel symbolic regression approach, namely biogeographical-based programming (BBP), for the prediction of elastic modulus of self-compacting concrete (SCC). The BBP model was constructed directly from a comprehensive dataset of experimental results of SCC available in the literature. For comparison purposes, another new symbolic regression model, namely artificial bee colony programming (ABCP), was also developed. Furthermore, several available formulas for predicting the elastic modulus of SCC were assessed using the collected database. The results show that the proposed BBP model provides slightly closer results to experiments than ABCP model and existing available formulas. A sensitivity analysis of BBP parameters also shows that the prediction by BBP model improves with the increase of habitat size, colony size and maximum tree depth. In addition, among all considered empirical and design code equations, Leemann and Hoffmann and ACI 318-08’s equations exhibit a reasonable performance but Persson and Felekoglu et al.’s equations are highly inaccurate for the prediction of SCC elastic modulus

    Simplification précise du maillage 3D

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    Complex 3D digital objects are used in many domains such as animation films, scientific visualization, medical imaging and computer vision. These objects are usually represented by triangular meshes with many triangles. The simplification of those objects in order to keep them as close as possible to the original has received a lot of attention in the recent years. In this context, we propose a simplification algorithm which is focused on the accuracy of the simplifications. The mesh simplification uses edges collapses with vertex relocation by minimizing an error metric. Accuracy is obtained with the two error metrics we use: the Accurate Measure of Quadratic Error (AMQE) and the Symmetric Measure of Quadratic Error (SMQE). AMQE is computed as the weighted sum of squared distances between the simplified mesh and the original one. Accuracy of the measure of the geometric deviation introduced in the mesh by an edge collapse is given by the distances between surfaces. The distances are computed in between sample points of the simplified mesh and the faces of the original one. SMQE is similar to the AMQE method but computed in the both, direct and reverse directions, i.e. simplified to original and original to simplified meshes. The SMQE approach is computationnaly more expensive than the AMQE but the advantage of computing the AMQE in a reverse fashion results in the preservation of boundaries, sharp features and isolated regions of the mesh. For both measures we obtain better results than methods proposed in the literature.Les objets numériques 3D sont utilisés dans de nombreux domaines, les films d'animations, la visualisation scientifique, l'imagerie médicale, la vision par ordinateur.... Ces objets sont généralement représentés par des maillages à faces triangulaires avec un nombre énorme de triangles. La simplification de ces objets, avec préservation de la géométrie originale, a fait l'objet de nombreux travaux durant ces dernières années. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons un algorithme de simplification qui permet l'obtention d'objets simplifiés de grande précision. Nous utilisons des fusions de couples de sommets avec une relocalisation du sommet résultant qui minimise une métrique d'erreur. Nous utilisons deux types de mesures quadratiques de l'erreur : l'une uniquement entre l'objet simplifié et l'objet original (Accurate Measure of Quadratic Error (AMQE) ) et l'autre prend aussi en compte l'erreur entre l'objet original et l'objet simplifié ((Symmetric Measure of Quadratic Error (SMQE)) . Le coût calculatoire est plus important pour la seconde mesure mais elle permet une préservation des arêtes vives et des régions isolées de l'objet original par l'algorithme de simplification. Les deux mesures conduisent à des objets simplifiés plus fidèles aux originaux que les méthodes actuelles de la littérature

    Biogeography-based optimization of neuro-fuzzy system parameters for diagnosis of cardiac disease

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    Cardiomyopathy refers to diseases of the heart muscle that becomes enlarged, thick, or rigid. These changes affect the electrical stability of the myocardial cells, which in turn predisposes the heart to failure or arrhythmias. Cardiomyopathy in its two common forms, dilated and hypertrophic, implies enlargement of the atria; therefore, we investigate its diagnosis through P wave features. In particular, we design a neuro-fuzzy network trained with a new evolutionary algorithm called biogeography-based optimization (BBO). The neuro-fuzzy network recognizes and classifies P wave features for the diagnosis of cardiomyopathy. In addition, we incorporate opposition-based learning in the BBO algorithm for improved training. First we develop a neuro-fuzzy model structure to diagnose cardiomyopathy using P wave features. Next we train the network using BBO and a clinical database of ECG signals. Preliminary results indicate that cardiomyopathy can be reliably diagnosed with these techniques

    Simplification précise du maillage 3D

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    Les objets numériques 3D sont utilisés dans de nombreux domaines, les films d'animations, la visualisation scientifique, l'imagerie médicale, la vision par ordinateur.... Ces objets sont généralement représentés par des maillages à faces triangulaires avec un nombre énorme de triangles. La simplification de ces objets, avec préservation de la géométrie originale, a fait l'objet de nombreux travaux durant ces dernières années. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons un algorithme de simplification qui permet l'obtention d'objets simplifiés de grande précision. Nous utilisons des fusions de couples de sommets avec une relocalisation du sommet résultant qui minimise une métrique d'erreur. Nous utilisons deux types de mesures quadratiques de l'erreur : l'une uniquement entre l'objet simplifié et l'objet original (Accurate Measure of Quadratic Error (AMQE) ) et l'autre prend aussi en compte l'erreur entre l'objet original et l'objet simplifié ((Symmetric Measure of Quadratic Error (SMQE)) . Le coût calculatoire est plus important pour la seconde mesure mais elle permet une préservation des arêtes vives et des régions isolées de l'objet original par l'algorithme de simplification. Les deux mesures conduisent à des objets simplifiés plus fidèles aux originaux que les méthodes actuelles de la littérature.Complex 3D digital objects are used in many domains such as animation films, scientific visualization, medical imaging and computer vision. These objects are usually represented by triangular meshes with many triangles. The simplification of those objects in order to keep them as close as possible to the original has received a lot of attention in the recent years. In this context, we propose a simplification algorithm which is focused on the accuracy of the simplifications. The mesh simplification uses edges collapses with vertex relocation by minimizing an error metric. Accuracy is obtained with the two error metrics we use: the Accurate Measure of Quadratic Error (AMQE) and the Symmetric Measure of Quadratic Error (SMQE). AMQE is computed as the weighted sum of squared distances between the simplified mesh and the original one. Accuracy of the measure of the geometric deviation introduced in the mesh by an edge collapse is given by the distances between surfaces. The distances are computed in between sample points of the simplified mesh and the faces of the original one. SMQE is similar to the AMQE method but computed in the both, direct and reverse directions, i.e. simplified to original and original to simplified meshes. The SMQE approach is computationnaly more expensive than the AMQE but the advantage of computing the AMQE in a reverse fashion results in the preservation of boundaries, sharp features and isolated regions of the mesh. For both measures we obtain better results than methods proposed in the literature.VILLEURBANNE-DOC'INSA-Bib. elec. (692669901) / SudocSudocFranceF