27 research outputs found

    Ex post evaluation of the management and implementation of cohesion policy 2000-06 (ERDF)

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    This report has been drafted by the European Policies Research Centre (University of Strathclyde) as part of an ex post evaluation of the management and implementation systems for Cohesion policy, 2000-06, which has been commissioned by DG REGIO and which is being managed by EPRC and Metis (Vienna) under European Commission contract no: 2007.CE.16.0.AT.034. The report provides an overview of the main features of management and implementation systems across the EU25 in the 2000-06 period (2004-06 for the EU10) and has been drafted by Professor John Bachtler, Laura Polverari and Frederike Gross, with assistance from Dr Sara Davies and Ruth Downes. The research is based on studies of individual countries undertaken by EPRC together with national experts from each of the EU25 Member States. The authors are grateful for helpful comments from the DG REGIO Evaluation Unit and Geographical Units, in particular Anna Burylo, Veronica Gaffey and Kai Stryczynski. Any errors or omissions remain the responsibility of the authors


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    Abstract: Two ben1.oylphenyl urcas (diflubenzuron and triflumufon) were evaluated at different rates and times of application in a 3 year field study to detennine effectiveness in controlling natural populations of the nce water weevil, Lissorhoptnls ol)'Zophilus Kuschel. Application timing was based on the number of days beyond ca. 50% mean rice emergence from the water surface in a continuously flooded field (ca. 10 em depth). The chemicals were applied as single applications at 4, 5. and 7 days and as double applications at. 4 and 10 days, and 7 and 14 days post rice emergence respectively. Three ratcs were tested: 0.14, 0.28, and 0.42 kg (AI)/ha. Both compounds caused significant redudion in immature weevil populations when applied Ill. 0.28 kg (AIl/ha, 4 to 5 days following rice emergence in a continuously nooded field

    History of the International Organization for Biological Control Global Working Group on Mass Rearing and Quality Assurance

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    The International Organization for Biological Control Global Working Group on Mass Rearing and Quality Assurance (MRQA) was established in 1980 as the Working Group on Quality Control (WGQC) to assure success of insect mass rearing for pest management that was being developed in the 1950s and 1960s. Due mostly to the efforts of WGQC, quality control became institutionalized in several insect mass rearing facilities during the 1980s. After addressing autocidal control programs, the WGQC concentrated on entomophagous insects, especially testing the quality of commercial biological control products. Universal Implementation of Quality Control for Mass-Reared Arthropods was finally achieved in the 1990s, having encompassed all aspects from insect production to field application and evaluation. This increased scope prompted a name change from WGQC to Arthropod Mass Rearing and Quality Control (AMRQC). Subsequently, the scope of the Working Group was expanded again and it was renamed MRQA to include a range of applications for mass-reared beneficial invertebrates. The geographic range of MRQA recently was extended beyond North and South America and Europe to include India. This expansion continued as insects for food and feed, networking and instruction, and legal and ethical issues were added to the most recent workshop held in Mexico. Thus, the MRQA continues to evolve as additional invertebrate organisms are mass produced for both established and novel applications

    Bewegung als SchlĂŒssel zu mehr KreativitĂ€t in einer vom Smartphone geprĂ€gten Welt : von "RĂ€uber und Gendarm" zum "Smombie-Wahn"

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    In der vorliegenden Diplomarbeit geht es um die drei Begriffe ‚Bewegung‘, ‚Smartphones‘ und ‚KreativitĂ€t‘. KreativitĂ€t meint die Rekombination mehrerer Teilgebiete Ă€hnlich verhĂ€lt es sich in dieser Arbeit. Es wird im Theorie-Teil ein GrundverstĂ€ndnis fĂŒr die Begrifflichkeiten geschaffen, um anschließend darzustellen, wie die oben genannten Hauptwörter zusammenhĂ€ngen. In der heutigen, vom Internet geprĂ€gten und immer schnelllebigeren Zeit, in der Modewörter wie ‚Smombie‘, ‚Immernet‘ und ‚Fomo‘ die Medien und Zeitungen fĂŒllen, ist es dringend notwendig, ein geeignetes Mittelmaß aus Medienkonsum sowie Sport und Bewegung im Alltag zu finden. Wie Statistiken belegen, hat sich das Freizeitverhalten der Kinder und Jugendlichen aufgrund von vermehrtem Smartphone und Medienkonsums drastisch verĂ€ndert. Warum es wichtig ist, die Erwachsenen von morgen zu einem kreativeren und bewegungsreicheren Lebensstil zu erziehen, soll aufgeklĂ€rt werden.Es werden Studien vorgestellt welche nachweisen, dass durch Bewegung das divergente Denken gefördert wird. Die Wichtigkeit von Zeitfenstern ohne Medien und Smartphone zur Entfaltung der KreativitĂ€t wird diskutiert. Im praktischen Teil dieser Arbeit wird beschrieben, inwiefern Sport und Bewegung zur KreativitĂ€tsförderung beitragen und inwieweit die Schule als Institution, in der die Kinder und Jugendlichen die meiste Zeit ihres Alltags verbringen, darauf einwirken kann. Es werden Übungen fĂŒr den Sportunterricht als auch fĂŒr die Freizeit dargestellt und die mögliche Umsetzung einer kreativeren Unterrichtsgestaltung wird beschrieben.This diploma thesis deals with the three terms 'movement', 'smartphones' and 'creativity'. Creativity means the recombination of several sub-areas - the same is true in this thesis. The theoretical part will provide definitions and thus, create a basic understanding of the terminology in order to illustrate how the nouns mentioned befor are related. In a world dominated by fast-paced developments and where buzzwords like 'Smombie', 'Immernet' and 'Fomo' fill the media and newspapers, it is urgently necessary to find a suitable balance between media consumption and sports and exercise in our everyday life.According to statistics, the leisure time behavior of children and adolescents has changed dramatically due to increased smartphone usage and media consumption. It is important to clarify why it is important to educate tomorrow's adults towards a more creative and movement-rich lifestyle.Therefore, studies which demonstrate that movement encourages divergent thinking are presented and the importance of time windows without media and smartphone for the development of creativity is discussed. The practical part of this thesis describes how sports and movement contribute to the promotion of creativity and what schools, where children and young people spend most of their everyday lives, can do about that. For this purpose, exercises that can be used for the school subject ‘physical education or the students leisure time are presented and the possible implementation of a more creative 'lesson design' is described.vorgelegt von Marco Lukas Oraze, BScZusammenfassungen in Deutsch und EnglischAbweichender Titel laut Übersetzung des Verfassers/der VerfasserinKarl-Franzens-UniversitĂ€t Graz, Diplomarbeit, 2019(VLID)370373

    Bewegung als SchlĂŒssel zu mehr KreativitĂ€t in einer vom Smartphone geprĂ€gten Welt : von "RĂ€uber und Gendarm" zum "Smombie-Wahn"

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    In der vorliegenden Diplomarbeit geht es um die drei Begriffe ‚Bewegung‘, ‚Smartphones‘ und ‚KreativitĂ€t‘. KreativitĂ€t meint die Rekombination mehrerer Teilgebiete Ă€hnlich verhĂ€lt es sich in dieser Arbeit. Es wird im Theorie-Teil ein GrundverstĂ€ndnis fĂŒr die Begrifflichkeiten geschaffen, um anschließend darzustellen, wie die oben genannten Hauptwörter zusammenhĂ€ngen. In der heutigen, vom Internet geprĂ€gten und immer schnelllebigeren Zeit, in der Modewörter wie ‚Smombie‘, ‚Immernet‘ und ‚Fomo‘ die Medien und Zeitungen fĂŒllen, ist es dringend notwendig, ein geeignetes Mittelmaß aus Medienkonsum sowie Sport und Bewegung im Alltag zu finden. Wie Statistiken belegen, hat sich das Freizeitverhalten der Kinder und Jugendlichen aufgrund von vermehrtem Smartphone und Medienkonsums drastisch verĂ€ndert. Warum es wichtig ist, die Erwachsenen von morgen zu einem kreativeren und bewegungsreicheren Lebensstil zu erziehen, soll aufgeklĂ€rt werden.Es werden Studien vorgestellt welche nachweisen, dass durch Bewegung das divergente Denken gefördert wird. Die Wichtigkeit von Zeitfenstern ohne Medien und Smartphone zur Entfaltung der KreativitĂ€t wird diskutiert. Im praktischen Teil dieser Arbeit wird beschrieben, inwiefern Sport und Bewegung zur KreativitĂ€tsförderung beitragen und inwieweit die Schule als Institution, in der die Kinder und Jugendlichen die meiste Zeit ihres Alltags verbringen, darauf einwirken kann. Es werden Übungen fĂŒr den Sportunterricht als auch fĂŒr die Freizeit dargestellt und die mögliche Umsetzung einer kreativeren Unterrichtsgestaltung wird beschrieben.This diploma thesis deals with the three terms 'movement', 'smartphones' and 'creativity'. Creativity means the recombination of several sub-areas - the same is true in this thesis. The theoretical part will provide definitions and thus, create a basic understanding of the terminology in order to illustrate how the nouns mentioned befor are related. In a world dominated by fast-paced developments and where buzzwords like 'Smombie', 'Immernet' and 'Fomo' fill the media and newspapers, it is urgently necessary to find a suitable balance between media consumption and sports and exercise in our everyday life.According to statistics, the leisure time behavior of children and adolescents has changed dramatically due to increased smartphone usage and media consumption. It is important to clarify why it is important to educate tomorrow's adults towards a more creative and movement-rich lifestyle.Therefore, studies which demonstrate that movement encourages divergent thinking are presented and the importance of time windows without media and smartphone for the development of creativity is discussed. The practical part of this thesis describes how sports and movement contribute to the promotion of creativity and what schools, where children and young people spend most of their everyday lives, can do about that. For this purpose, exercises that can be used for the school subject ‘physical education or the students leisure time are presented and the possible implementation of a more creative 'lesson design' is described.vorgelegt von Marco Lukas Oraze, BScZusammenfassungen in Deutsch und EnglischAbweichender Titel laut Übersetzung des Verfassers/der VerfasserinKarl-Franzens-UniversitĂ€t Graz, Diplomarbeit, 2019(VLID)370373

    Population Ecology of Pardosa ramulosa (Araneae, Lycosidae) in Flooded Rice Fields of Northern California

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    Volume: 17Start Page: 163End Page: 17

    Spider Fauna of Flooded Rice Fields in Northern California

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    Volume: 16Start Page: 331End Page: 33