189 research outputs found

    Big wil hetzelfde brokje als zijn moeder

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    In de praktijk wordt veel geëxperimenteerd met geurige en lichtverteerbare biggenvoeders, aantrekkelijke voerbakjes en de inrichting van het kraamhok. Alles om de jonge big maar vlot aan het vreten te krijgen, zodat het dier het spenen straks goed doorstaat. Recent onderzoek van de Leerstoelgroep Adaptatiefysiologie van Wageningen UR toont aan dat de jonge big niet zit te wachten op een leuk bakje met een uitgekiende 'jongelingenmix'. De big wil gewoon hetzelfde brokje als zijn moeder. Hier kan handig gebruik van worden gemaakt om biggen te leren eten

    Vertrouwde geur geeft minder stress bij spenen

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    Varkens hechten zeer aan geur: de aroma’s die de ongeboren biggen al in de baarmoeder ‘opsnuiven’, hebben lange tijd een gunstig e…ffect op het dier. Bijvoorbeeld na het spenen. Biggen die dan de vertrouwde aroma’s kunnen ruiken, hebben daardoor minder stress. Dit blijkt uit onderzoek van Marije Oostindjer en Liesbeth Bolhuis, onderzoekers van de Leerstoelgroep Adaptatiefysiologie van Wageningen UR

    Perinatal Flavour Learning and Adaptation to Being Weaned: All the Pig Needs Is Smell

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    Perinatal flavour learning through the maternal diet is known to enhance flavour preference and acceptance of flavoured food in many species, yet still little is known about the mechanism underlying perinatal flavour learning. Previously we found positive effects of perinatal flavour learning on food intake, growth and behaviour of piglets postweaning, but no increased preference for the flavour. This suggests that flavour learning in pigs works through a reduction of weaning stress by the presence of the familiar flavour instead. The aim of this study was to investigate whether perinatal flavour learning reduces stress at weaning, and whether the effect is stronger when the familiar flavour is present in the food. Sows were offered an anethol-flavoured diet (Flavour treatment) or control diet (Control treatment) during late gestation and lactation. Flavour and Control piglets were provided with anethol either in their food (Food treatment) or in the air (Air treatment) after weaning. Preweaning and postweaning treatments did not affect food intake, preference or growth in the first two weeks postweaning but flavour treatment reduced the latency to eat (24 versus 35 hours, P = 0.02) and within-pen variation in growth (SD within-pen: 0.7 versus 1.2 kg, P<0.001). Salivary cortisol levels tended to be lower four and seven hours postweaning for Flavour piglets compared to Control piglets (4 hours: 2.5 versus 3.0 ng/ml, P = 0.05, 7 hours: 3.1 versus 3.4 ng/ml, P = 0.08). Flavour piglets played more and showed less damaging behaviours than Control piglets, indicating that the familiar flavour reduced stress around weaning. Few interaction effects were found between preweaning and postweaning treatment, and no effects of postweaning treatment. We conclude that in the newly weaned pig, perinatal flavour learning results in a reduction of stress when the familiar flavour is present, regardless of providing the flavour in the food or in the air

    Long-term exposure to sensory feed additives during the gestational and postnatal periods impacts sows’ colostrum and milk sensory profiles, piglets’ growth and feed intake

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    This study investigated the effect of feed supplementation in sows and/or their progeny with two sensory feed additives (FA1: limonene and cinnamaldehyde; FA2: menthol, carvone and anethole) on sows’ feed intake, body weight, fat deposition, and colostrum/milk composition, as well as piglets’ feed intake growth and feed efficiency from birth to slaughter at postnatal day 160 (PND160). During the last third of gestation and the whole of lactation, sows were subjected to a control diet (C) or the same diet containing FA1 or FA2 at 0.1% of complete feed content. Colostrum/milk samples were taken at day 1, 14, and 28 of lactation for gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analyses. After weaning, the progeny was subjected to a control diet (C) or experimental diets with a sweetener (0.015%) but no other additive (S), or to diets with a sweetener and the additive FA1 (FA1S) or FA2 (FA2S). There was no effect of dietary treatment on sows’ feed intake, body weight, or adiposity (P > 0.15 for all), but the sensory characteristics of their colostrum/milk were modified by the diet and diet*time interaction. Limonene concentrations were higher in FA1 samples from PND1 to PND28, whereas carvone and anethole concentrations were higher in FA2 samples from PND1 to PND28. The concentration of these three compounds increased with time in the respective groups where they were mostly detected. Menthol concentrations were higher in FA2 samples at PND14 and PND28, but there was no time effect. Overall, cinnamaldehyde was always below the detection range. Piglets born from FA1 and FA2 sows had higher body weight (P = 0.034 at PND160), average daily gain (ADG P = 0.036 for PND0-160), and average daily feed intake (ADFI P = 0.006 for PND28-160) than piglets born from C sows. Overall, piglets that were never exposed to FA or only after weaning had lower ADG (P = 0.030 for PND0-160) and ADFI (P = 0.016 for PND28-160) than piglets that were exposed to FA only via the maternal diet, the condition combining both pre- and post-natal exposure being intermediary. In conclusion, FA1 and FA2 provided to gestating and lactating sows increased the progeny’s feed intake and growth, suggesting nutritional programming and/or sensory conditioning during the perinatal period. Addition of FA only in the progeny’s diet was not beneficial

    Consumer-Related Food Waste: Causes and Potential for Action

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    In the past decade, food waste has received increased attention on both academic and societal levels. As a cause of negative economic, environmental and social effects, food waste is considered to be one of the sustainability issues that needs to be addressed. In developed countries, consumers are one of the biggest sources of food waste. To successfully reduce consumer-related food waste, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the factors influencing food waste-related consumer perceptions and behaviors. The present paper presents the results of a literature review and expert interviews on factors causing consumer-related food waste in households and supply chains. Results show that consumers’ motivation to avoid food waste, their management skills of food provisioning and food handling and their trade-offs between priorities have an extensive influence on their food waste behaviors. We identify actions that governments, societal stakeholders and retailers can undertake to reduce consumer-related food waste, highlighting that synergistic actions between all parties are most promising. Further research should focus on exploring specific food waste contexts and interactions more in-depth. Experiments and interventions in particular can contribute to a shift from analysis to solutions

    Are school meals a viable and sustainable tool to improve the healthiness and sustainability of children´s diet and food consumption? A cross-national comparative perspective

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    There is little agreement among governments, institutions, scientists and food activists as to how to best tackle the challenging issues of health and sustainability in the food sector. This essay discusses the potential of school meals as a platform to promote healthy and sustainable food behavior. School meal programs are of particular interest for improving public diet because they reach children at a population scale across socio-economic classes and for over a decade of their lives, and because food habits of children are more malleable than those of adults. Current research on the history and health implications of school meal programs is reviewed in a cross-national comparative framework, and arguments explored that speak for the need of a new developmental phase of school meals as an integrative learning platform for healthy and sustainable food behavior. Nutritional, social, practical, educational, economical, political, and cultural perspectives and challenges linked to the implementation of healthy and sustainable school meals are discussed. Finally, the need for long-term interventions and evaluations is highlighted and new research directions are proposed

    Comparing the diagnostic considerations between general practitioners with a special interest in cardiovascular disease and those without in patients with symptoms suggestive of heart failure: a vignette study

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    Background: General practitioners (GPs) specialized in cardiovascular disease (GPSI-CVD) may suspect heart failure (HF) more easily than GPs not specialized in CVD. We assessed whether GPSI-CVD consider investigations aimed at detecting HF more often than other GPs in two clinical scenarios of an older male person with respiratory and suggestive HF symptoms. Methods: In this vignette study, Dutch GPs evaluated two vignettes. The first involved a 72-year-old man with hypertension and a 30 pack-year smoking history who presented himself with symptoms of a common cold, but also shortness of breath, reduced exercise tolerance, and signs of fluid overload. The second vignette was similar but now the 72-year-old man was known with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). GPs could select diagnostic tests from a multiple-choice list with answer options targeted at HF, COPD or exacerbation of COPD, or lower respiratory tract infection. With Pearson Chi-square or Fisher’s exact test differences between the two GP groups were assessed regarding the chosen diagnostic tests. Results: Of the 148 participating GPs, 25 were GPSI-CVD and 123 were other GPs. In the first vignette, GPSI-CVD more often considered performing electrocardiography (ECG) than other GPs (64.0% vs. 32.5%, p = 0.003). In the second vignette, GPSI-CVD were more inclined to perform both ECG (36.0% vs. 12.2%, p = 0.003) and natriuretic peptide testing (56.0% vs. 32.5%, p = 0.006). Conclusions: Most GPs seemed to consider multiple diagnoses, including HF, with GPSI-CVD more likely performing ECG and natriuretic peptide testing in an older male person with both respiratory and suggestive HF symptoms