934 research outputs found

    Entomologists’ Utilization of Electronic Information Resources at Makerere University, and National Agricultural Research Organization, Uganda

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    The concept of electronic resources had tremendously been adopted by most societies due to its associated value. Technology advancement has been a major driving force for this dynamic shift of access to information. Such a technology requirement may be in the form of hardware such as computers, tablets, and mobile phones, or software. These resources help researchers and scholars to access information conveniently at any time and from any location. Insects are a major component of the ecosystem. Some insects are very destructive such as giant looper, caterpillars and locusts, while others such as bees and grasshoppers are beneficial. While agriculturalists continue to experience losses due to pests, some solutions already exist and can be accessed online. It is therefore the role of experts like entomologists who should retrieve the technical information from various sources and provide meaningful solutions to the local farmers. This paper aims to address the gap in information services provided by institutions and information personnel, for improved utilization of electronic resources by teachers, researchers, and postgraduate students, of Entomology at Makerere University and National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO). The study employed a mixed-methods research paradigm. An Interview guide, questionnaire, and observation guide were used to collect data from Entomologists. Data was captured using Epidata (V. 3.1), analyzed using descriptive statistics in SPSS (V.21) to obtain the frequencies and relationships in response to the research questions. Data were presented in tables and graphs for appropriate interpretation. Results from the study indicated that Entomologists were aware of the availability of E-Resources at their institutions. It was also established that the internet was largely utilized in the search for information, and searches from Google Scholar and AGORA databases were more prominent. The majority of the Entomologists were found to prefer E-Resources to print resources and that they mainly depended on E-Resources under their institutional subscriptions. Entomologists were found to have a diversity of information needs, but they largely searched for information on the biology and physiology of insects. The major challenge encountered by Entomologists in the use of E-Resources was the slow internet speed resulting from limited bandwidth. This study practically and theoretically, contributes to Information services at institutions. It isolates Entomologists from other researchers and provides conclusive solutions to societal problems resulting from hindrances to information access

    Library Services and Linked Data at Makerere University: Prospects of a Research-Led University

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    Makerere University is the oldest and most prestigious university in East Africa. As one of the best universities on the African content, Makerere is aligned to three main activities; Teaching, Research, and Community Outreach, and these are inclined to 5 core values; allegiance to the institution, integrity, customer responsiveness, professionalism, and openness to diversity. Makerere University has a library system, hosting both electronic and print resources. The digitization of print resources has created a system, through which delicate material is conserved. The files and their metadata, using Dublin Core, are stored in the institutional repository and in the integrated library system (Virtua). The library system further generates library usage data which can be used in making acquisitions decisions. For most research output files, the data is available and would be archived alongside the digital files. Other than the National Biodiversity Data Bank which is transitioning to online, the rest of the data remains stored on authors’ personal computers and other storage tools. With support from the government and other development partners, Makerere university strives for a shift from a more academic-driven to a research-led university. This calls for more support from the university administration and other key units, to provide access points to linked data. This paper aimed at establishing the status of linked data at Makerere university, challenges encountered in data management, and prospect strategies. The researcher used an exploratory research methodology to generate key findings, from existing literature and personal experiences from experts. The findings reveal that Makerere university researchers archive their data in external repositories and that, while the Makerere Institutional Repository has the potential to host linked data, this service has not been exploited basically due to lack of skilled labor force, awareness, financial resources, and policy. However, this service, when incorporated in the institutional research agenda, can be implemented and also enhance data linking in the NBDB. It is anticipated that the results from this study will guide Makerere and other institutions in Uganda to embrace the value of linked data and therefore ignite its implementation

    Naming Would-Be Overthrowers of Men in the Novels of Michela Perrein

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    Buku ini merupakan buku pengantar kearsipan yang menjelaskan fungsi dan peran recod dalam organisasiix, 6.42 hlm.: ilus.; 21 c

    Technology related logistic trends and technology usage in humanitarian logistics

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    Onan, Kıvanç (Dogus Author)Humanitarian logistics (HL) is an emerging field of research since the frequency and severity of disasters and the number of people in need is continuously increasing. And because of this fact proper planning is getting more crucial. Efficiency is another important issue when it comes to disaster relief operations. Keeping these operations efficient is the key to successful implementation and therefore technology usage is essential. In this study, a framework is proposed to benefit from the technology and volunteers for HL. This study emphasizes the role of technology and people for more efficient humanitarian logistics

    Efficacy of contact lens solutions against bacteria ısolated from clinical specimens

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    Bu çalışmada, son yıllarda piyasada satışa sunulan iki adet çok amaçlı kontakt lens dezenfektan solüsyonunun klinik örneklerden izole edilen Staphylococcus aureus Rosenbach ve Pseudomonas aeruginosa Gessard bakterilerine karşı etkinliği araştırılmıştır. Çok amaçlı kontakt lens dezenfektan solüsyonlarının antibakteriyal etkinlikleri ISO 14729’da belirtilen kültüre dayalı mikrobiyolojik yöntem kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Üretici tarafından önerilen minimum dezenfeksiyon sürelerine ek olarak belirlenen örnekleme saatlerindeki bakteri sayıları tespit edilmiş ve ortalama log düşüşleri hesaplanmıştır. Çalışmada antibakteriyal etkinlikleri test edilen bu kontakt lens dezenfektan solüsyonlarının 3 farklı lotu kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar, her iki kontakt lens dezenfektan solüsyonunun üretici tarafından önerilen minimum dezenfeksiyon süresi sonunda denenen bakterilerin sayılarında en az 3 log düşüş sağladığını göstermiştir. Kontakt lens solüsyon endüstrisinde gelişen teknolojiler ve yapılan bilimsel çalışmalar ile yeni formülasyonlar geliştirilmektedir. Piyasada satışa sunulan bu yeni ürünlerin antibakteriyal aktivitelerinin tam olarak anlaşılabilmesi için farklı kaynaklardan izole edilen suşların kullanılacağı ileriki çalışmalara ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır.In this study, the efficacy of two recently marketed multipurpose contact lens disinfecting solutions against Staphylococcus aureus Rosenbach and Pseudomonas aeruginosa Gessard bacteria isolated from clinical specimens were investigated. The antibacterial activities of multipurpose contact lens disinfecting solutions were determined by microbiological culture method described in ISO 14729 guidelines. Bacterial counts were obtained for sampling intervals determined in addition to the manufacturer’s minimum recommended disinfection time and mean log reductions were calculated for each interval. Three different lots of each contact lens disinfecting solutions were used. The results showed that both contact lens disinfecting solutions provided at least 3 log reductions for all bacteria tested at the end of the manufacturer’s minimum recommended disinfection time. New formulations are being developed in contact lens disinfecting solution industry by new technologies and scientific researches. Further studies on strains isolated from different sources are needed in order to a complete understanding of these newly marketed contact lens solution

    Modular Human-in-the-loop Design Framework Based on Human Factors

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    Human-in-the-loop design framework introduced in this dissertation utilizes Digital Human Modeling (DHM) to incorporate Human Factors Engineering (HFE) design principles early in design process. It embodies scientific methods (e.g., mathematics) and artistic approaches (e.g., visualization) to assess human well-being and overall system performance. This framework focuses not only on ergonomics assessments but also actual design process including, but not limited to, concept development, structural integrity and digital prototyping. It addresses to three major limitations found in HFE literature and practices

    Climate Change Impacts on Maize and Dry Bean Yields of smallholder farmers in Honduras

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    The rotation maize and dry bean provides the main food supply of smallholder farmers in Honduras. Crop model assessment of climate change impacts (2070?2099 compared to a 1961?1990 baseline) on a maize?dry bean rotation for several sites across a range of climatic zones and elevations in Honduras. Low productivity systems, together with an uncertain future climate, pose a high level of risk for food security. The cropping systems simulation dynamic model CropSyst was calibrated and validated upon field trail site at Zamorano, then run with baseline and future climate scenarios based upon general circulation models (GCM) and the ClimGen synthetic daily weather generator. Results indicate large uncertainty in crop production from various GCM simulations and future emissions scenarios, but generally reduced yields at low elevations by 0 % to 22 % in suitable areas for crop production and increased yield at the cooler, on the hillsides, where farming needs to reduce soil erosion with conservation techniques. Further studies are needed to investigate strategies to reduce impacts and to explore adaptation tactics

    Village Library Empowerment in an Effort to Increase Reading Interest in Children in Aman Damai Village, Sirapit District Langkat Regency

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    The low interest in children to read books is a problem that must be overcome by village apparatus in Aman Damai Village of Sirapit District.  In addition, the management of the library is still very simple so that it is not able to attract the community, especially children to come, besides the lack of facilities and infrastructure. The purpose of providing solutions offered is to improve the administration and management system of village libraries in an effort to increase reading interest in children. This community service is addressed to the village apparatus as library manager and children. Methods used in achieving these goals include socialization to children and parents about the importance of reading interest in children and training in improving village apparatus skills in managing village libraries, providing books of various types such as textbooks to comic books for children. This community service is also done to train village apparatus in managing library through the provision of codes and numbers on books, drafting, to the lending system that can be done by children. The conclusion of this community service is that nowadays children visit the library more often because the available books can attract children’s interest to read. Moreover, the management and administration of library has become more organized than before


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    Pelecehan seksual merupakan perilaku yang bersifat seksual yang tidak diinginkan dan tidak dikehendaki oleh penerima atau korbannya dan berakibat mengganggu diri penerima pelecehan. Perilakunya yang dapat digolongkan sebagai tindakan pelecehan seksual seperti pemaksaan melakukan kegiatan seksual, pernyataan merendahkan yang berorientasi seksual atau seksualitas, lelucon yang berorientasi seksual, permintaan melakukan tindakan seksual yang disukai pelaku dan juga ucapan atau perilaku yang berkonotasi seksual, tindakan-tindakan tersebut dapat disampaikan secara langsung maupun tidak langsung (implicit), N.K. Endah Triwijati (2017). Orang tua dan masyarakat secara umum, termasuk juga anak, perlu diberikan informasi tentang pelecehan seksual pada anak dan upaya pencegahannya, salah satu cara melalui layanan informasi. Metode penelitian ini adalah pustaka (library research) dengan mengunakan analisis isi buku(content analyses), Suharsimi Arikunto (2010:16)Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu; Fungsi pemahaman yang diberikan dalam layanan informasi berupa pengetahuan dan informasi mengenai pelecehan seksual pada anak yang dapat menghasilkan pemahaman kepada individu yang bersangkutan. Pemahaman tersebut juga dapat meliputi pemahaman tentang diri, pemahaman lingkungan (keluarga, sekolah, dan masyarakat), dan pemahaman terhadap cara-cara penyesuaian dan pengembangan diri secara optimal sesuai dengan potensi yang dimiliki anak. Fungsi pencegahan yang dapat dilakukan dengan layanan informasi yaitu dengan memberikan pendidikan seks pada anak dimulai sejak anak usia dini dengan menjelaskan fungsi alami seks sebagai bagian diri mereka, serta konsekuensinya jika salah dipergunakan. Demikian anak dapat mengetahui perilaku mana saja yang tergolong pada pelecehan seksual, sehingga anak dapat tercegah terhindar terhindar dari pelecehan seksual yang dapat mengakibatkan permasalahan yang mungkin timbul dan dapat mengganggu, menghambat, atau menimbulkan kesulitan, kerugian-kerugian tersebut dalam proses perkembangannya