208 research outputs found

    To Leave or to Stay: Faculty Mobility in the Middle East

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    Existing research on faculty mobility generally investigates the issue in the context of Western postsecondary institutions. This study adds to the body of knowledge through studying higher education faculty in six Middle Eastern countries. Participants of the study were higher education faculty members in Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Out of 600 faculty members initially invited, 139 completed the electronic survey, whichwas administered in the 2017–2018 academic year. The findings show that factors both internal and external to an institution contributed to a faculty member’s decision to stay or leave. It also shows that gender and experience in the GCC Universities had no significant effect on faculty members’ intentions to leave or to stay

    Comparative Analysis of Nuclear Transfer Embryo Derived Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells. Part I: Cellular characterization

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    Embryonic stem cells derived from nuclear transfer embryos (ntESCs) are particularly valuable for regenerative medicine, as they are a patient-specific and histocompatible cell source for the treatment of varying diseases. However, currently, little is known about their cellular and molecular profile. In the present study, in a mouse model different donor cell-derived ntESCs from various genetic backgrounds were compared with reference ESCs and analyzed comprehensively at the cellular level. A number of pluripotency marker genes were compared by flow cytometry and immunocytochemistry analysis. Significant differences at the protein level were observed for POU5F1, SOX2, FGF4, NANOG, and SSEA-1. However, such differences had no effect on in vitro cell differentiation and cell fate: derivatives of the three germ layers were detected in all ntESC lines. The neural and cardiac in vitro differentiation revealed minor differences between the cell lines, both at the mRNA and protein level. Karyotype analyses and cell growth studies did not reveal any significant variations. Despite some differences observed, the present study revealed that ntESC lines had similar differentiation competences compared to other ESCs. The results indicate that the observed differences may be related to the genotype rather than to the nuclear transfer technology

    The Impact of School-Connected Behavioral and Emotional Health Interventions on Student Academic Performance

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    This annotated bibliography provides a systematic review of current literature published between 2001 and 2013 and summarizes findings on the relationship between prevention-focused behavioral health interventions, such as social and emotional (SEL) learning programs, and their impact on academic outcomes

    Diagnosis and treatment evolution of the impacted canines

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    Rezumat. Introducere: Scopul acestei lucrări este de a determina poziţia cât mai precisă a dintelui inclus și a gradului său de mobilitate pentru alinierea lui pe arcada dentară cu un minim impact asupra dintelui tracţionat și a dinţilor adiacenţi. Materiale și metode: Acest studiu s-a bazat pe examinarea pacienţilor cu malocluzii, asociate cu incluzii dentare. A fost selectat un lot de 35 de pacienţi cu malocluzii, dintre care 22 de pacienţi cu incluzie de canin. Din acești pacienţi, 15 prezintă incluzia unui singur canin; 4 -prezintă incluzia a 2 canini și 2 — incluzii multiple asociate cu hipodonţie. Din numărul de pacienţi cu un singur canin inclus, 40 % prezintă incluzia dintelui 13, 47 % prezintă incluzia dintelui 23 și 13% prezintă incluzia dintelui 33. Toţi pacienţi au fost supuși unui examen clinic și paraclinic complex urmat de tratament, în perioada anilor 2013—2016. Pe parcursul intervenţiilor chirgicale s-au înregistrat indici importanţi de mobilitate a dintelui inclus cu ajutorul periotestului. Acești indici ne-au ajutat să alegem cea mai corectă metodă de tracţiune a dintelui pe arcada dentară și să stabilim forţa de tracţiune necesară care trebuie aplicată pentru a evita suprasolicitarea structurilor adiacente și a obţine rezultatul dorit. Rezultate: În baza protocolului de tratament și metodelor paraclinice de rX-imagistică a fost stabilită metoda de ancorare a dintelui fie prin implanuri ortodontice, a arcurilor NITI sau a arcurilor Kilroy și s-a obţinut deplasarea dintelui spre arcada dentară. Pentru deplasarea caninului inclus și alinierea dinţilor pe arcada dentară, pacienţilor li s-au aplicat aparatele ortodontice fixe. Putem afirma că in majoritatea cazurilor, dinţii incluși pot fi aliniaţi pe arcadă prin diagnosticarea timpurie a unghiului de înclinaţie a axului longitudinal și prin aplicarea tratamentului ortodontic-chirurgical, ceea ce ne permite restabilirea funcţiei și a echilibrului ocluzal. Concluzii: Cu ajutorul metodelor paraclinice și în special a periotestului, am reușit să obţinem informaţii despre gradul de mobilitate a dintelui și ce forţă trebuie să aplicăm asupra lui pentru a-l readuce în cavitatea bucală și a-l alinia pe arcada dentară. În urma acestui studiu, am demonstrat importanţa metodelor paraclinice de diagnostic a dintelui inclus punând accent pe metoda periotestul, ea fiind una suficient de obiectivă pentru tracţiunea caninului.Summary. Introduction: Research purpose is to determine the most accurate position of the impacted tooth for obtaining a good alignment of the teeth in the dental arcade with less impact on canines and adjacent teeth at the end of treatment. Material and methods: This study was based on the examination of the patients with malocclusions, associated with dental impaction. It was selected a group of 35 orthodontic patients, from which 22 were patients with canine impactions. From these 15 -had just one impacted canine; 4 had two impacted canines and just 2 had multiple impactions associated with hypodontia. From patients that had just one impacted canine 40 % had 13 tooth impacted; 47% had 23 tooth impacted and 13% had 33 tooth impacted. All patients passed a complex clinical and preclinical examination followed by treatment. During the surgical treatment, were registered important indexes of impacted tooth mobility with the help of periotest. These indexes have priority in choosing the most correct way for tooth’s traction on dental arch and for establishing the necessary force that must be applied, as not to damage the adjacent structures and to obtain the desired result. Discussion results: Based on treatment protocol and preclinical methods as X-rays we have selected the type of anchorage of the tooth either with the help of orthodontic implants, NITI arches or Kilroy arches for shifting the tooth to the dental arch. For moving, straightening and placing the tooth on dental arcade, patients have had to wear fixed orthodontic appliances. We can surely say that in majority of cases, impacted teeth can be aligned on arch by having an early diagnosis of the inclination angle of the longitudinal axis of the tooth and by having a mixed treatment both surgical and orthodontic. This options will establish a good functional situation and an ocluzal equilibrium. Conclusions: With the help of preclinical methods of examination and especially with the help of periotest, we managed to obtain sufficient information about the mobility degree of the tooth and to decide what type of force must we apply to the impacted tooth as to bring and align it in dental arcade. In this study I was trying to prove the importance of preclinical diagnosis of impacted tooth, making a significant accent on periotest method, this one being very objective for tooth traction

    Antecedents and outcomes of consumer environmentally friendly attitudes and behaviour

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    With the intensification of problems relating to the environment, a growing number of consumers are becoming more ecologically conscious in their preferences and purchases of goods. This paper presents the results of a study conducted among 500 Cypriot consumers, focusing on the factors that shape consumer environmental attitudes and behaviour, as well as on the resulting outcomes. The findings confirmed that both the inward and outward environmental attitudes of a consumer are positively influenced by his/her degree of collectivism, long-term orientation, political involvement, deontology, and law obedience, but have no connection with liberalism. The adoption of an inward environmental attitude was also found to be conducive to green purchasing behaviour that ultimately leads to high product satisfaction. On the other hand, an outward environmental attitude facilitates the adoption of a general environmental behaviour, which is responsible for greater satisfaction with life. The findings of the study have important implications for shaping effective company offerings to consumers in target markets, as well as formulating appropriate policies at the governmental level to enhance environmental sensitivity among citizens

    Support through patient internet-communities: Lived experience of Russian in vitro fertilization patients

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    The article is concerned with the life experiences of infertile women going through infertility treatment and their need for social and psychological support, which they try to find in their immediate social environment. The Internet has become one place where everyone can find “people like oneself.” The best support is received from these people who are in the same life situation and are able and willing to share their lived experiences with each other. Communication via the Internet and the formation of a virtual community of patients has both positive and negative aspects, all of which are examined in the article. On the one hand, it creates a psychologically favorable atmosphere and might potentially increase the success rate of IVF treatment. On the other, this leads to the seclusion of patients within the circle of “similar people” and sometimes to negative attitudes towards people outside the circle. The article is based on the author's “netnography” research of a virtual community of Russian In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)1 patients

    Supporting an Innovation Agenda for the Western Balkans - Tools and Methodologies

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    The Western Balkan region has significantly improved in terms of innovation performance in the last ten years. However, in catching up with other European regions, the focus of innovation efforts should be enhanced. Exports are still far more focused on medium- and low-technology products. Innovative efforts mostly accommodate traditionally strong sectors, which do not necessarily reflect the ideal competitiveness paths for economies in the region. Although some Western Balkan economies record increases in patent activity, patent intensity in the region is still low, while, on the other hand, scientific publication production displays a stable growth trend. While Western Balkan economies are at different stages in the formation of research and innovation (R&I) policy governance systems, national research and innovation policy frameworks are continuously being improved. The enhancement of governance in the area of R&I came as the result of increased capacity building activities in the region, as well as of the real needs emerging as a result of social and economic transformation. On the other hand, R&I systems in the Western Balkan economies need to continue shifting their focus towards businesses to provide better balance between public and private sector orientation. The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission is committed to supporting the shift in innovation policies and improvement of R&I efforts and governance in the Western Balkan economies through a number of tools and activities, allowing policy instruments to be matched with the specific needs of the economy. This approach seeks efficient governance mechanisms for R&I policy by reaching out to the business sector and other important actors of the innovation ecosystem. It determines sustainable development directions for economies and ensures the continuity of policy monitoring and evaluation cycles. This ambitious challenge is translated into four specific lines of activity: (i) the application of the smart specialisation methodology to design and implement innovation strategies; (ii) capacity-building activities for technology transfer, in particular through specialised workshops, tools and instruments specifically designed to assist the academic institutions in the regional economies; (iii) support to transnational collaboration and linkages in the context of EU macro-regional strategies; and (iv) data quality enhancement. The analysis of the development potential of the Western Balkan region in terms of economic, innovative and scientific capabilities in this report is supported with the good practices addressing specific challenges in the region.JRC.B.3-Territorial Developmen

    A synthetic biological quantum optical system

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    In strong plasmon–exciton coupling, a surface plasmon mode is coupled to an array of localized emitters to yield new hybrid light–matter states (plexcitons), whose properties may in principle be controlled via modification of the arrangement of emitters. We show that plasmon modes are strongly coupled to synthetic light-harvesting maquette proteins, and that the coupling can be controlled via alteration of the protein structure. For maquettes with a single chlorin binding site, the exciton energy (2.06 ± 0.07 eV) is close to the expected energy of the Qy transition. However, for maquettes containing two chlorin binding sites that are collinear in the field direction, an exciton energy of 2.20 ± 0.01 eV is obtained, intermediate between the energies of the Qx and Qy transitions of the chlorin. This observation is attributed to strong coupling of the LSPR to an H-dimer state not observed under weak coupling