80 research outputs found

    Quasifree Knockout Of Deuterons In The ⁶Li(α,αd)⁴He Reaction At 23.6 MeV

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    α−d correlations in quasi-elastic scattering of 23.6-MeV α particles on the deuteron cluster of the ⁶Li target were measured in and off the principal reaction plane. Despite the low c.m. energy of 14.2 MeV, the impulse approximation provides a reasonable description of the quasifree process. Computations were based on the asymptotic α−d S-state wave function and on the cluster-model wave function of ⁶Li. Insensitivity of the fits to the details of the ⁶Li cluster-model wave function indicates an extreme surface reaction mechanism. The full width at half-maximum of the spectator momentum distribution was found to be 48±6 MeV/c. By comparing the experimental cross section for the quasifree process at the maximum of the angular correlation ((d2σ/dΩddΩ)=68±9 mb/sr² at θ=25°,θ(d)=45°) with the corresponding cross section for the free process, the probability of finding ⁶Li as an α−d cluster was evaluated

    Polarization Asymmetry In The Photodisintegration Of The Deuteron

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    The reaction ²(γ,p)n has been studied using a monochromatic and polarized gamma ray beam at energies E(γ)=19.8, 29.0, 38.6, and 60.8 MeV. The beam of an intensity ∼4×10⁵ γ/sec was obtained by Compton back scattering of mode-locked laser light off electron bunches in the Adone storage ring. Photoneutron yields were measured at nine neutron angles thetan≃15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 135, 150, and 165 deg in the center of mass (c.m.) for E(γ)=19.8, 29.0, and 38.6 MeV, and at thetan≃30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 deg c.m. for E(γ)=60.8 MeV. The polarization independent component Iₒ(theta) of the differential cross section and the polarization dependent component PI₁(theta) were deduced and the angular distribution of the azimuthal asymmetry factor Σ(theta)=I₁(theta)/Iₒ(theta) was obtained. An extensive comparison with theory has been carried out and the inclusion of corrections due to meson exchange currents and to Δ-isobar configurations have been shown to be mandatory at energies E(γ)≳40 MeV. Theoretical and experimental implications of intermediate energy deuteron photo- disintegration studies are discussed in some detail

    Reaction ⁶Li(p, Δ⁺⁺)⁶He At 1.04 GeV And The Δ−N Interaction

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    The reaction ⁶Li(p, Δ⁺⁺)⁶He has been studied at 1.04 GeV for transferred momenta ranging from 0.11 to 0.35 (GeV/c)2. An exponential decrease of the cross section is observed. A Glauber-type calculation is presented. The possibility of extracting information on σ(ΔN) and α(ΔN) is discussed


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    The content of total protein and its spectrum in the blood were studied when rats were fed metal complexes (ME; Fe+2/+3-, Zn+2-, Cu+2 - and Mn+2-) as part of a polymer transporter (MEmLPEG400) and a diet deficient in nutrients. It was found that when fed a complete diet, the content of total protein in the blood plasma of rats is 107.5±3.0 g/l and is 15.6 - 17.8% higher in the experimental groups. At the same time, in the blood plasma of animals of the experimental groups, the content of γ-globulins is 2.3 - 2.9 times (р < 0.05 - 0.001) higher than in rats fed a complete diet, while the content of albumin, on the contrary, is reduced. The content of β-globulins is maximum (18.6±1.42%) in control animals and is 6.8 - 11.6% (p < 0.05 - 0.001) lower than when fed wheat groats and metals in mLPEG400. With the addition of Cu+2-mLPEG400 to the diet, the content of α-globulins in the blood plasma of rats increases by 10.8% (p < 0.01), and with Zn+2-mLPEG400 the content of prealbumin increases on 1.1 - 1.3% (p < 0.01), compared to the control and when feeding wheat groats. In the spectrum of lipoprotein fractions, the content of chylomicrons is lower by 10.3% (р < 0.05) after feeding wheat groats, however, with the addition of Mn+2-mLPEG400, on the contrary, the value is 13.6% (р < 0.05) higher, compared to the control. In the blood plasma of rats fed wheat groats and Cu+2- and Zn+2-mLPEG400, the content of very low-density lipoproteins, as well as low-density lipoproteins (p < 0.01 - 0.001), increased with the addition of Cu+2-mLPEG400, compared to animals for feeding a complete diet. In contrast, the content of high-density lipoproteins is 3.6% (р < 0.05) lower after feeding wheat groats and after adding metals in mLPEG400: Cu+2 – by 4.1% (р < 0.05), Fe +2/+3 – 4.2% (p < 0.05), Zn+2 – 3.2% (p < 0.05). The content of fatty acids adsorbed on albumin in the blood plasma of animals of the control group and when fed wheat groats does not differ (21.1 - 23.9%) and decreases by 7.1 – 12.7% (р < 0.05 - 0 .01) in rats that received metals in the composition of the polymer.Досліджували вміст загального протеїну та спектр його в крові, за згодовування щурам комплексів металів (МЕ; Fe+2/+3-, Zn+2-, Cu+2- і Mn+2-) у складі полімерного транспортера (МЕmLПЕГ400) і дефіцитного за поживними речовинами раціону. Встановлено, що за згодовування повноцінного раціону вміст загального протеїну в плазмі крові щурів становить 107,5±3,0 г/л і на 15,6 – 17,8 % вищий у дослідних груп. При цьому, у плазмі крові тварин дослідних груп у 2,3 – 2,9 раза (р < 0,05 – 0,001) вищий вміст γ-глобулінів, ніж у щурів за згодовування повноцінного раціону, а вміст альбуміну, навпаки, понижений. Вміст β-глобулінів максимальний (18,6±1,42 %) у тварин контролю і на 6,8 – 11,6 % (p < 0,05 – 0,001) нижчий за згодовування крупи пшеничної і металів у складі mLПЕГ400. За додавання до раціону Cu+2-mLПЕГ400 на 10,8 % (p < 0,01) в плазмі крові щурів зростає вміст α-глобулінів, а за Zn+2-mLПЕГ400 на 1,1 - 1,3 % (p < 0,01) підвищується вміст преальбумінів, порівняно з контролем і за згодовування крупи пшеничної. У спектрі фракцій ліпопротеїнів на 10,3 % (р < 0,05) нижчий вміст хіломікрон за згодовування крупи пшеничної, однак, за додавання Mn+2-mLПЕГ400, навпаки, величина значення на 13,6 % (р < 0,05) вища, порівняно з контролем. В плазмі крові щурів за згодовування крупи пшеничної та Cu+2- і Zn+2-mLПЕГ400 підвищений вміст ліпопротеїнів дуже низької щільності, як і ліпопротеїнів низької щільності (p < 0,01 – 0,001) за додавання Cu+2-mLПЕГ400, порівняно з тваринами за згодовування повноцінного раціону. На противагу, вміст ліпопротеїнів високої щільності на 3,6 % (р < 0,05) нижчий за згодовування крупи пшениці і за додавання металів у складі mLПЕГ400: Cu+2 – на 4,1 % (р < 0,05), Fe+2/+3 – на 4,2 % (р < 0,05), Zn+2 – на 3,2 % (р < 0,05). Вміст жирних кислот, адсорбованих на альбуміні, у плазмі крові тварин контрольної групи та за згодовування крупи пшеничної не відрізняється (21,1 – 23,9 %) і знижується на 7,1 – 12,7 % (р < 0,05 – 0,01) у щурів, які отримували метали у складі полімеру

    EB Ford revisited: assessing the long-term stability of wing-spot patterns and population genetic structure of the meadow brown butterfly on the Isles of Scilly

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Data files of wing spot sizes and AFLP genotypes available from the Dryad Digital Repository: http://dx.doi.org/10.5061/dryad.j7v42.Understanding selection in the wild remains a major aim of evolutionary ecology and work by Ford and colleagues on the meadow brown butterfly Maniola jurtina did much to ignite this agenda. A great deal of their work was conducted during the 1950s on the Isles of Scilly. They documented island-specific wing-spot patterns that remained consistent over about a decade, but patterns on some islands changed after environmental perturbation. It was suggested that these wing-spot patterns reflected island-specific selection and that there was little migration between islands. However, genetic studies to test the underlying assumption of restricted migration are lacking and it is also unknown whether the originally described wing-spot patterns have persisted over time. We therefore collected female butterflies from five of Ford's original study locations, including three large islands (St Mary's, St Martin's and Tresco) and two small islands (Tean and St Helen's). Wing-spot patterns had not changed appreciably over time on three of the islands (two large and one small), but were significantly different on the other two. Furthermore, analysis of 176 amplified fragment length polymorphisms revealed significant genome-wide differentiation among the five islands. Our findings are consistent with Ford's conclusions that despite the close proximity of these islands, there is restricted gene flow among them.Heredity advance online publication, 2 November 2016; doi:10.1038/hdy.2016.94.We thank the Genetics Society for a fieldwork grant (to DJH) that funded the collection trip and DJH thanks Mike Johnson for sparking interest in this area. SWB is supported by the Australian Research Council and a Ramsay Fellowship, NW by a Royal Society Wolfson Fellowship and NERC and DJH by the Leverhulme Trust

    Revisiting the Iberian honey bee (Apis mellifera iberiensis) contact zone: maternal and genome-wide nuclear variations provide support for secondary contact from historical refugia

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    Dissecting diversity patterns of organisms endemic to Iberia has been truly challenging for a variety of taxa, and the Iberian honey bee is no exception. Surveys of genetic variation in the Iberian honey bee are among the most extensive for any honey bee subspecies. From these, differential and complex patterns of diversity have emerged, which have yet to be fully resolved. Here, we used a genome-wide data set of 309 neutrally tested single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), scattered across the 16 honey bee chromosomes, which were genotyped in 711 haploid males. These SNPs were analysed along with an intergenic locus of the mtDNA, to reveal historical patterns of population structure across the entire range of the Iberian honey bee. Overall, patterns of population structure inferred from nuclear loci by multiple clustering approaches and geographic cline analysis were consistent with two major clusters forming a well-defined cline that bisects Iberia along a northeastern-southwestern axis, a pattern that remarkably parallels that of the mtDNA. While a mechanism of primary intergradation or isolation by distance could explain the observed clinal variation, our results are more consistent with an alternative model of secondary contact between divergent populations previously isolated in glacial refugia, as proposed for a growing list of other Iberian taxa. Despite current intense honey bee management, human-mediated processes have seemingly played a minor role in shaping Iberian honey bee genetic structure. This study highlights the complexity of the Iberian honey bee patterns and reinforces the importance of Iberia as a reservoir of Apis mellifera diversity