38 research outputs found

    Structuration multimodale d'une vidéo de tennis par modÚles de Markov cachés

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    - Cet article prĂ©sente une mĂ©thode de structuration d'une vidĂ©o utilisant des indices sonores et visuels. Cette mĂ©thode repose sur un modĂšle statistique de l'entrelacement temporel des plans de la vidĂ©o. Le cadre gĂ©nĂ©ral de la modĂ©lisation est celui des modĂšles de Markov cachĂ©s. L'approche est validĂ©e dans le cadre de vidĂ©os de tennis tĂ©lĂ©diffusĂ©es. Les indices visuels sont utilisĂ©s pour caractĂ©riser le type des plans. Les indices audio dĂ©crivent les Ă©vĂ©nements sonores apparaissant durant un plan. La structure de la vidĂ©o est reprĂ©sentĂ©e par un modĂšle de Markov cachĂ©, intĂ©grant les informations a priori sur le contenu de la vidĂ©o, ainsi que sur les rĂšgles d'Ă©dition. En rĂ©sultat du dĂ©codage, des Ă©lĂ©ments structuraux caractĂ©ristiques du tennis sont identifiĂ©s: premier service ratĂ©, Ă©change, rediffusion ou temps mort. De plus, chaque plan de la vidĂ©o est assignĂ© Ă  un niveau de hiĂ©rarchie dĂ©crit en terme de point, jeu et set. Cette classification et segmentation simultanĂ©es peuvent ĂȘtre utilisĂ©es pour la crĂ©ation de rĂ©sumĂ©s vidĂ©o ou pour permettre une navigation non linĂ©aire dans le document vidĂ©o

    Consideraciones histĂłrico-lingĂŒĂ­sticas acerca del topĂłnimo KuĂ©lap

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    The toponym of Kuelap, the name of the largest archaeological complex associated with the Chachapoyas area, has been the subject of much speculation and interpretation from the rediscovery of the archaeological site down to the present day. In the first part of this article, we review the history of the toponym and identify the original referent of Kuelap as well as its earliest form, concluding that the archaeological site was indeed called Kuelap from the beginning. In the second part, we identify the elements that make up the toponym, the form kue and the ending -lap, as belonging to the naming system of the pre-Inca Chacha language, before presenting the results of fieldwork on both elements, where we find that the toponymic ending -lap seems to be equivalent to the Aymara and Quechua term pukara, while the data obtained for the element kue do not, at present, allow for substantiated hypotheses about its possible meaning.El topónimo de Kuélap, nombre del mayor complejo arqueológico asociado con el årea Chachapoyas, ha sido sujeto de muchas especulaciones e interpretaciones desde el redescubrimiento del monumento hasta la actualidad. En la primera parte del presente artículo, revisamos la historia del topónimo e identificamos el referente original de Kuélap así como su forma mås antigua, llegando a la conclusión de que el monumento arqueológico sí se llamaba Kuélap desde un inicio. En la segunda parte, identificamos los elementos que componen el topónimo, la forma kue y la terminación -lap, como pertenecientes al sistema de denominación de la lengua preinca chacha, antes de presentar los resultados del trabajo de campo sobre ambos elementos, donde hallamos que la terminación toponímica -lap parece equivaler al término aymara y quechua pukara, mientras que los datos obtenidos para el elemento kue, por ahora, no permiten hipótesis fundamentadas acerca de su posible significad

    EBI metagenomics - a new resource for the analysis and archiving of metagenomic data

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    Metagenomics is a relatively recently established but rapidly expanding field that uses high-throughput next-generation sequencing technologies to characterize the microbial communities inhabiting different ecosystems (including oceans, lakes, soil, tundra, plants and body sites). Metagenomics brings with it a number of challenges, including the management, analysis, storage and sharing of data. In response to these challenges, we have developed a new metagenomics resource (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/metagenomics/) that allows users to easily submit raw nucleotide reads for functional and taxonomic analysis by a state-of-the-art pipeline, and have them automatically stored (together with descriptive, standards-compliant metadata) in the European Nucleotide Archive

    Vector Disparity Sensor with Vergence Control for Active Vision Systems

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    This paper presents an architecture for computing vector disparity for active vision systems as used on robotics applications. The control of the vergence angle of a binocular system allows us to efficiently explore dynamic environments, but requires a generalization of the disparity computation with respect to a static camera setup, where the disparity is strictly 1-D after the image rectification. The interaction between vision and motor control allows us to develop an active sensor that achieves high accuracy of the disparity computation around the fixation point, and fast reaction time for the vergence control. In this contribution, we address the development of a real-time architecture for vector disparity computation using an FPGA device. We implement the disparity unit and the control module for vergence, version, and tilt to determine the fixation point. In addition, two on-chip different alternatives for the vector disparity engines are discussed based on the luminance (gradient-based) and phase information of the binocular images. The multiscale versions of these engines are able to estimate the vector disparity up to 32 fps on VGA resolution images with very good accuracy as shown using benchmark sequences with known ground-truth. The performances in terms of frame-rate, resource utilization, and accuracy of the presented approaches are discussed. On the basis of these results, our study indicates that the gradient-based approach leads to the best trade-off choice for the integration with the active vision system

    How to commentate a soccer match in Shipibo-Konibo (Pano)?

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    The present paper lists and illustrates eleven strategies that are systematically used by Shipibo-Konibo speakers in order to comment live soccer matches in the context of an indigenous soccer cup informally called “Mundialito Shipibo”. We argue that these lexical, morphosyntactic and discursive strategies can be classified into three types according to their function: iconic strategies, which attempt to present the information more vividly (onomatopoeic forms and ideophones, reduplications, parallel structures and hearsay-quotatives); emotional strategies, which are used by soccer commentators to express their emotions and their feelings (interjections, player-directed speech and diminutives); and proximity strategies, which bring the speech closer to the Shipibo-Konibo audience (lexical Shipibo-Konibo innovations, vocatives, evidential access configurations and code alternations). These various strategies are crucial for understanding the new social dynamics that the Shipibo-Konibo language is getting into as a consequence of becoming an urban language, and are clearly creating a new speech genre. The new social uses that the Shipibo-Konibo people are giving to their language and the features that the language is developing in this new social context are crucial to understand the future of Shipibo-Konibo and other minority languages in Peru

    Ancestral Regulatory Circuits Governing Ectoderm Patterning Downstream of Nodal and BMP2/4 Revealed by Gene Regulatory Network Analysis in an Echinoderm

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    Echinoderms, which are phylogenetically related to vertebrates and produce large numbers of transparent embryos that can be experimentally manipulated, offer many advantages for the analysis of the gene regulatory networks (GRN) regulating germ layer formation. During development of the sea urchin embryo, the ectoderm is the source of signals that pattern all three germ layers along the dorsal-ventral axis. How this signaling center controls patterning and morphogenesis of the embryo is not understood. Here, we report a large-scale analysis of the GRN deployed in response to the activity of this signaling center in the embryos of the Mediterranean sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus, in which studies with high spatial resolution are possible. By using a combination of in situ hybridization screening, overexpression of mRNA, recombinant ligand treatments, and morpholino-based loss-of-function studies, we identified a cohort of transcription factors and signaling molecules expressed in the ventral ectoderm, dorsal ectoderm, and interposed neurogenic ("ciliary band'') region in response to the known key signaling molecules Nodal and BMP2/4 and defined the epistatic relationships between the most important genes. The resultant GRN showed a number of striking features. First, Nodal was found to be essential for the expression of all ventral and dorsal marker genes, and BMP2/4 for all dorsal genes. Second, goosecoid was identified as a central player in a regulatory sub-circuit controlling mouth formation, while tbx2/3 emerged as a critical factor for differentiation of the dorsal ectoderm. Finally, and unexpectedly, a neurogenic ectoderm regulatory circuit characterized by expression of "ciliary band'' genes was triggered in the absence of TGF beta signaling. We propose a novel model for ectoderm regionalization, in which neural ectoderm is the default fate in the absence of TGF beta signaling, and suggest that the stomodeal and neural subcircuits that we uncovered may represent ancient regulatory pathways controlling embryonic patterning

    Major submissions tool developments at the European nucleotide archive

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    The European Nucleotide Archive (ENA; http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena), Europe's primary nucleotide sequence resource, captures and presents globally comprehensive nucleic acid sequence and associated information. Covering the spectrum from raw data to assembled and functionally annotated genomes, the ENA has witnessed a dramatic growth resulting from advances in sequencing technology and ever broadening application of the methodology. During 2011, we have continued to operate and extend the broad range of ENA services. In particular, we have released major new functionality in our interactive web submission system, Webin, through developments in template-based submissions for annotated sequences and support for raw next-generation sequence read submissions

    Morphosyntax and semantics of literary Tibetan auxiliaries and clause linking : diachronic and synchronic study

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    L’étude du systĂšme verbal du tibĂ©tain littĂ©raire prĂ©sente un intĂ©rĂȘt typologique Ă  plus d’un titre. D’une part, elle permet d’observer l’évolution du systĂšme verbal, notamment les constructions avec un auxiliaire et les connecteurs verbaux, sur une pĂ©riode de plus de mille ans. Cette langue classique a l’avantage d’avoir quasiment prĂ©servĂ© la mĂȘme orthographe au cours de cette trĂšs longue pĂ©riode. J’ai choisi de me concentrer sur la pĂ©riode du quinziĂšme siĂšcle en choisissant pour corpus principal une Ɠuvre trĂšs cĂ©lĂšbre : la biographie de MilarĂ©pa. J’ai ensuite comparĂ© le systĂšme verbal de cette pĂ©riode avec le tibĂ©tain littĂ©raire contemporain. La principale raison qui a motivĂ© cette Ă©tude, est l’émergence en tibĂ©tain moyen d’un systĂšme d’auxiliaires indiquant l’évidentialitĂ©, c'est-Ă -dire la grammaticalisation de la source Ă©pistĂ©mologique et de l’accĂšs Ă  l’information. Le tibĂ©tain est la seule langue littĂ©raire d’Asie ayant une grande anciennetĂ© qui ait dĂ©veloppĂ© un systĂšme verbal Ă©videntiel complexe. Outre l’étude de la sĂ©mantique grammaticale, la deuxiĂšme motivation Ă  l’origine de cette Ă©tude est la syntaxe des constructions avec un auxiliaire et des connecteurs du tibĂ©tain moyen et leur Ă©volution en tibĂ©tain littĂ©raire contemporain. Les donnĂ©es du tibĂ©tain littĂ©raire et les analyses synchronique et diachronique sont susceptibles d’apporter une contribution Ă  la typologie aussi bien en ce qui concerne l’évidentialitĂ© et les modalitĂ©s Ă©pistĂ©miques qu’en ce qui concerne la syntaxe des auxiliaires et des connecteurs.The analysis of the literary Tibetan verb system is an object of typological interest for several reasons. Firstly, it allows us to look at the evolution of the verb system notably auxiliary verb constructions and clause linking during a period of more than a thousand years. Classical Tibetan has the advantage of having preserved almost the same orthography during this very long period of time. I decided to focus on the fifteenth century by selecting a well-known book as a main corpus: the Life of Milarepa. I then compared the verb system of this period with contemporary literary Tibetan. The main reason for this study is to better understand the emergence of an auxiliary verb system in middle Tibetan which marks evidentiality, that is to say the grammaticalization of the epistemological source and the access to information. Literary Tibetan is the only language in Asia with an ancient history which has developed a complex evidential verb system. Apart from the analysis of grammatical semantics, the second reason for this study is my interest in the syntax of auxiliary verb constructions and of clause linking in middle Tibetan and their evolution in contemporary Tibe! tan. My data on literary Tibetan and my synchronic and diachronic analysis may make a significant contribution to the typological studies of evidentiality and epistemic modality as well as of the syntax of auxiliary verb constructions and clause linking

    Morphosyntaxe et sémantique des auxiliaires et des connecteurs du tibétain littéraire : étude diachronique et synchronique

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    The analysis of the literary Tibetan verb system is an object of typological interest for several reasons. Firstly, it allows us to look at the evolution of the verb system notably auxiliary verb constructions and clause linking during a period of more than a thousand years. Classical Tibetan has the advantage of having preserved almost the same orthography during this very long period of time. I decided to focus on the fifteenth century by selecting a well-known book as a main corpus: the Life of Milarepa. I then compared the verb system of this period with contemporary literary Tibetan. The main reason for this study is to better understand the emergence of an auxiliary verb system in middle Tibetan which marks evidentiality, that is to say the grammaticalization of the epistemological source and the access to information. Literary Tibetan is the only language in Asia with an ancient history which has developed a complex evidential verb system. Apart from the analysis of grammatical semantics, the second reason for this study is my interest in the syntax of auxiliary verb constructions and of clause linking in middle Tibetan and their evolution in contemporary Tibe! tan. My data on literary Tibetan and my synchronic and diachronic analysis may make a significant contribution to the typological studies of evidentiality and epistemic modality as well as of the syntax of auxiliary verb constructions and clause linking.L’étude du systĂšme verbal du tibĂ©tain littĂ©raire prĂ©sente un intĂ©rĂȘt typologique Ă  plus d’un titre. D’une part, elle permet d’observer l’évolution du systĂšme verbal, notamment les constructions avec un auxiliaire et les connecteurs verbaux, sur une pĂ©riode de plus de mille ans. Cette langue classique a l’avantage d’avoir quasiment prĂ©servĂ© la mĂȘme orthographe au cours de cette trĂšs longue pĂ©riode. J’ai choisi de me concentrer sur la pĂ©riode du quinziĂšme siĂšcle en choisissant pour corpus principal une Ɠuvre trĂšs cĂ©lĂšbre : la biographie de MilarĂ©pa. J’ai ensuite comparĂ© le systĂšme verbal de cette pĂ©riode avec le tibĂ©tain littĂ©raire contemporain. La principale raison qui a motivĂ© cette Ă©tude, est l’émergence en tibĂ©tain moyen d’un systĂšme d’auxiliaires indiquant l’évidentialitĂ©, c'est-Ă -dire la grammaticalisation de la source Ă©pistĂ©mologique et de l’accĂšs Ă  l’information. Le tibĂ©tain est la seule langue littĂ©raire d’Asie ayant une grande anciennetĂ© qui ait dĂ©veloppĂ© un systĂšme verbal Ă©videntiel complexe. Outre l’étude de la sĂ©mantique grammaticale, la deuxiĂšme motivation Ă  l’origine de cette Ă©tude est la syntaxe des constructions avec un auxiliaire et des connecteurs du tibĂ©tain moyen et leur Ă©volution en tibĂ©tain littĂ©raire contemporain. Les donnĂ©es du tibĂ©tain littĂ©raire et les analyses synchronique et diachronique sont susceptibles d’apporter une contribution Ă  la typologie aussi bien en ce qui concerne l’évidentialitĂ© et les modalitĂ©s Ă©pistĂ©miques qu’en ce qui concerne la syntaxe des auxiliaires et des connecteurs

    Re-evaluation of the evidential system of Lhasa Tibetan and its atypical functions

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    This paper describes the specific contexts in which evidentials may be used in Lhasa Tibetan. I first give a brief presentation of the notion of evidentiality in interaction with pragmatics, which has been mainly used for describing Lhasa Tibetan. Then I re-evaluate the analysis of the evidential verb system in Lhasa Tibetan. I show there are indeed eight evidentials. I only focus on the six first evidentials: egophoric, sensorial, factual, inferential, mnemic and self-corrective with controllable verbs. The two other evidentials are the quotative and the hearsay particles.Then, I focus on the specific functions of the evidentials with controllable verbs. I present the use of the intentional egophoric with the non-SAP and controllable verbs when the speaker refers to personal knowledge and I also discuss some of its restrictions. Then, I present the specific uses of the sensorial, factual and inferential evidentials