177 research outputs found

    Kenttävarustus- ja tietöiden suunnitteleminen ja johtaminen divisioonassa, huomioon ottaen nykyiset esikunnan vahvuudet ja työnjaon

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    Artikkelin lähteinä on käytetty kotimaisten lähteiden lisäksi saksalaisia ja ranskalaisia ohjesääntöjä ja muuta kirjallisuutta. Artikkelin johdannossa todetaan, että siinä pyritään käsittelemään kenttävarustus- ja tietöiden luonnetta ja suhdetta taistelutoimintaan sekä taistelujoukkojen käyttöä em. töihin. Lisäksi käsitellään pioneerijoukkojen yleisiä käyttöperiaatteita ja divisioonan esikunnan pioneeritoiminnallista työnjakoa. Toisessa osiossa käsitellään yleisellä tasolla kenttävarustus- ja tietöitä sekä niiden tekemisen taktista ja teknistä johtamista divisioonan esikunnassa. Taistelujoukkojen käyttöä käsittelevässä osassa todetaan, että pioneerijoukot eivät riitä, joten joukkojen on itse kyettävä toteuttamaan tärkeimmät kenttävarustus- ja tietyöt. Tässä mielessä korostetaan kaikkien joukkojen koulutuksen merkitystä. Luvun loppuosassa käsitellään pioneerijoukkojen yleisiä käyttöperiaatteita ja divisioonan esikunnan pioneeritoiminnallista johtamista. Toisessa luvussa käsitellään kenttävarustustöiden suunnittelemista ja johtamista. Luvussa käsitellään yksityiskohtaisesti linnoittamisen periaatteita liikuntasodassa, pitkäaikaisessa puolustuksessa ja asemasodassa. Kolmannessa luvussa käsitellään tietöiden suunnittelua toiminnan eri vaiheissa. Viimeisessä luvussa esitetään muutosehdotuksia perusteluineen

    Isotopic insights into the early Medieval (600-1100 CE) diet in the Luistari cemetery at Eura, Finland

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    In this article, we present the results of an isotopic study of diet for the early medieval (Merovingian, Viking, Early Christian) humans buried in the unique Luistari cemetery at Eura (ca. 600-1400 CE), southwestern Finland, the largest cemetery of the region. Isotope analysis was conducted on 37 humans for dentine and bone collagen (delta C-13, delta N-15, and delta S-34), and five of them were also studied using compound-specific nitrogen isotope analysis. Dental enamel and/or bone carbonate delta C-13 values were studied from altogether 65 humans, five cattle, and five sheep/goats. The bone and dentine collagen and carbonate data show that throughout the centuries, freshwater fish was a stable part of the diet for the population. Our results do not show systematic dietary differences between estimated males and females, but differences can be large on the individual level. We also discovered a possible temporal change in the enamel carbonate delta C-13 values that could be related to the increasing role of carbohydrates (e.g., crops) in the diet. Luistari burials are well comparable to contemporary Swedish Viking trading communities like Birka in their higher protein intake. But contrary to the wider Viking network, they do not show the same marine signal.Peer reviewe

    Structure discovery in Atomic Force Microscopy imaging of ice

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    The interaction of water with surfaces is crucially important in a wide range of natural and technological settings. In particular, at low temperatures, unveiling the atomistic structure of adsorbed water clusters would provide valuable data for understanding the ice nucleation process. Using high-resolution Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy, several studies have demonstrated the presence of water pentamers, hexamers, heptamers (and of their combinations) on a variety of metallic surfaces, as well the initial stages of 2D ice growth on an insulating surface. However, in all these cases, the observed structures were completely flat, providing a relatively straightforward path to interpretation. Here, we present high-resolution AFM measurements of several new water clusters on Au(111) and Cu(111), whose understanding presents significant challenges, due to both their highly 3D configuration and to their large size. For each of them, we use a combination of machine learning, atomistic modelling with neural network potentials and statistical sampling to propose an underlying atomic structure, finally comparing its AFM simulated images to the experimental ones. These results provide new insights into the early phases of ice formation, which is a ubiquitous phenomenon ranging from biology to astrophysics

    Automated structure discovery in atomic force microscopy

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    Atomic force microscopy (AFM) with molecule-functionalized tips has emerged as the primary experimental technique for probing the atomic structure of organic molecules on surfaces. Most experiments have been limited to nearly planar aromatic molecules due to difficulties with interpretation of highly distorted AFM images originating from nonplanar molecules. Here, we develop a deep learning infrastructure that matches a set of AFM images with a unique descriptor characterizing the molecular configuration, allowing us to predict the molecular structure directly. We apply this methodology to resolve several distinct adsorption configurations of 1S-camphor on Cu(111) based on low-temperature AFM measurements. This approach will open the door to applying high-resolution AFM to a large variety of systems, for which routine atomic and chemical structural resolution on the level of individual objects/molecules would be a major breakthrough

    Beta-decay in odd-A and even-even proton-rich Kr isotopes

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    Beta-decay properties of proton-rich odd-A and even-even Krypton isotopes are studied in the framework of a deformed selfconsistent Hartree-Fock calculation with density-dependent Skyrme forces, including pairing correlations between like nucleons in BCS approximation. Residual spin-isospin interactions are consistently included in the particle-hole and particle-particle channels and treated in Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation. The similarities and differences in the treatment of even-even and odd-A nuclei are stressed. Comparison to available experimental information is done for Gamow-Teller strength distributions, summed strengths, and half-lives. The dependence of these observables on deformation is particularly emphasized in a search for signatures of the shape of the parent nucleus.Comment: 29 pages, 16 figure

    Q-value of the superallowed beta decay of Ga-62

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    Masses of the radioactive isotopes 62Ga, 62Zn and 62Cu have been measured at the JYFLTRAP facility with a relative precision of better than 18 ppb. A Q_EC value of (9181.07 +- 0.54) keV for the superallowed decay of 62Ga is obtained from the measured cyclotron frequency ratios of 62Ga-62Zn, 62Ga-62Ni and 62Zn-62Ni ions. The resulting Ft-value supports the validity of the conserved vector current hypothesis (CVC). The mass excess values measured were (-51986.5 +-1.0) keV for 62Ga, (-61167.9 +- 0.9) keV for 62Zn and (-62787.2 +- 0.9) keV for 62Cu.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, submitted to Phys. Lett. B. v2: added acknowledgement

    A Single-Year Cosmic Ray Event at 5410 BCE Registered in C-14 of Tree Rings

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    The annual C-14 data in tree rings is an outstanding proxy for uncovering extreme solar energetic particle (SEP) events in the past. Signatures of extreme SEP events have been reported in 774/775 CE, 992/993 CE, and similar to 660 BCE. Here, we report another rapid increase of C-14 concentration in tree rings from California, Switzerland, and Finland around 5410 BCE. These C-14 data series show a significant increase of similar to 6 parts per thousand in 5411-5410 BCE. The signature of C-14 variation is very similar to the confirmed three SEP events and points to an extreme short-term flux of cosmic ray radiation into the atmosphere. The rapid C-14 increase in 5411/5410 BCE rings occurred during a period of high solar activity and 60 years after a grand C-14 excursion during 5481-5471 BCE. The similarity of our C-14 data to previous events suggests that the origin of the 5410 BCE event is an extreme SEP event.Peer reviewe

    A new isomer in 125^{125}La

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    Levels in 125^{125}La have been studied via β+\beta ^+/EC decay of on-line mass-separated 125^{125}Ce using the HIGISOL technique. A new (390 ±\pm 40) ms isomer is definitely attributed to 125^{125}La by conversion electron measurements of the 107 keV E3 isomeric transition


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    Introduction. The territory of the Northern Caspian region plays an important role in the study of the Neolithic of Eastern Europe. The main criterion of this period is clay pottery. One of the difficult issues is the time of the ceramic technology appearance. Methods and materials. The study of the pottery technology of the Neolithic population of the Northern Caspian region is carried out in the framework of the historical and cultural approach to the study of ceramics, according to the method of A. Bobrinsky. The technique is based on binocular microscopy, tracology and experiment in the form of physical modeling. The basis for identifying technological traces on ceramics is the comparative analysis of the vessels under study with the base of standards. It is made by means of physical modeling in field and laboratory conditions. The age of the Neolithic monuments was determined using traditional methods in radiocarbon laboratories in Russia and Ukraine, as well as using AMS at universities in Sweden and Finland. Analysis. Over the past 10 years, more than 68 radiocarbon dates on different materials such as charcoal, bones, organics from ceramics, charred crusts, humus have been obtained. They give the possibility to determine the time of appearance and spread of the earliest pottery in the Northern Caspian region. This is the middle 7th millennium BC. The chronological framework for the development of the Neolithic in the Northern Caspian region is ca. 6600-5500 BC. The paper establishes the main and specific features of ceramic traditions. Results. The technical and technological analysis allows to reveal the genesis, the features of dynamics and further development of pottery in this region. The complex of results obtained allows to attribute the Neolithic sites of the Caspian region to the earliest pottery areal in Eastern Europe.Peer reviewe

    β\beta-decay half-life of 70^{70}Kr: a bridge nuclide for the rp-process beyond A = 70

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    The β\beta-decay half-life of 70^{70}Kr has been measured for the first time at the ISOLDE PSB Facility at CERN. Mass separated 70^{70}Kr ions were produced by 1 GeV proton induced spallation reactions in a Nb foil. The measured half-life is 57(21) ms. This value is consistent with the half-life calculated assuming a pure Fermi decay, but is clearly lower than the value used in a recent rp-process reaction flow calculation. The result shows that the reaction flow via two-proton-capture of 68^{68}Se is 2.5 times faster than previously calculated assuming an astrophysical temperature of 1.5 GK and a density of 106^{6}g/cm3^{3}