10 research outputs found

    Precipitation Type Specific Radar Reflectivity-Rain Rate Relationships for Warsaw, Poland

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan penguasaan konsep dan kemampuan literasi sains siswa dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran kontekstual berbantuan multimedia. Metode dan desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi experiment dengan pretest-posttest control group design. Subjek penelitiannya adalah kelas XI di kabupaten Subang, Jawa-Barat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Model Pembelajaran Kontekstual berbantuan multimedia secara signifikan mampu meningkatkan penguasaan konsep dan kemampuan literasi sains siswa. Peningkatan penguasaan konsep siswa dengan nilai N-Gain 0.50 (kategori sedang) untuk kelas eksperimen dan 0,30 (kategori sedang) untuk kelas kontrol. Peningkatan kemampuan literasi sains siswa dengan nilai N-Gain 0.45 (kategori sedang) untuk kelas eksperimen dan 0,30 (kategori sedang) untuk kelas kontrol. This study aims to determine the concepts mastery and skills increase scientific literacy of students by using multimedia-assisted contextual learning model. The method used quasi experiment with pretest-posttest control group design. Subjects of study are class XI in Subang districts, West-Java. The result of study showed that contextual model’s aided by multimedia significantly enhance student’s concepts mastery and skills scientific literacy. The enhancement of student’s concepts mastery with N-Gain value is 0.50 (medium category) for experiment class and 0,30 (medium category) for control class. The enhancement of student's skills scientific literacy with N-Gain value is 0.45 (medium category) for experiment class and 0,30 (medium category) for control class

    A numerical method to generate high temporal resolution precipitation time series by combining weather radar measurements with a nowcast model

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    The topic of this paper is temporal interpolation of precipitation observed by weather radars. Precipitation measurements with high spatial and temporal resolution are, in general, desired for urban drainage applications. An advection-based interpolation method is developed which uses methods for vector field estimation already known from short-term weather radar nowcasting. However, instead of forecasting the weather radar rainfall, the proposed interpolation method exploits the advection of the rainfall in the interpolation. The interpolated rainfall fields are validated by measurements at ground level from laser disdrometers. The proposed interpolation method performs better when compared to traditional interpolation of weather radar rainfall where the radar observation is considered constant in time between measurements. It is demonstrated that the advection-based interpolation method reconstructs a significant part of the temporal variations of the rainfall. Moreover, the interpolated precipitation fields estimate accumulated rain depths more accurately