10 research outputs found

    Estrogens Determine Adherens Junction Organization and E-Cadherin Clustering in Breast Cancer Cells via Amphiregulin

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    Estrogens play an important role in the development and progression of human cancers, particularly in breast cancer. Breast cancer progression depends on the malignant destabilization of adherens junctions (AJs) and disruption of tissue integrity. We found that estrogen receptor alpha (ER alpha) inhibition led to a striking spatial reorganization of AJs and microclustering of E-Cadherin (E-Cad) in the cell membrane of breast cancer cells. This resulted in increased stability of AJs and cell stiffness and a reduction of cell motility. These effects were actomyosindependent and reversible by estrogens. Detailed investigations showed that the ERa target gene and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) ligand Amphiregulin (AREG) essentially regulates AJ reorganization and E-Cad microclustering. Our results not only describe a biological mechanism for the organization of AJs and the modulation of mechanical properties of cells but also provide a new perspective on how estrogens and anti-estrogens might influence the formation of breast tumors

    Biological and biochemical properties of two Xenopus laevis N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferases with contrasting roles in embryogenesis

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    AbstractThe biosynthesis of mucin-type O-linked glycans in animals is initiated by members of the large family of polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferases (GalNAc-Ts), which play important roles in embryogenesis, organogenesis, adult tissue homeostasis and carcinogenesis. Until now, the mammalian forms of these enzymes have been the best characterized. However, two N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferases (xGalNAc-T6 and xGalNAc-T16) from the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis), which are most homologous to those encoded by the human GALNT6 and GALNT16 (GALNTL1) genes, were shown to have contrasting roles in TGF-β/BMP signaling in embryogenesis. In this study we have examined these two enzymes further and show differences in their in vivo function during X. laevis embyrogenesis as evidenced by in situ hybridization and overexpression experiments. In terms of enzymatic activity, both enzymes were found to be active towards the EA2 peptide, but display differential activity towards a peptide based on the sequence of ActR-IIB, a receptor relevant to TGF-β/BMP signaling. In summary, these data demonstrate that these two enzymes from different branches of the N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase do not only display differential substrate specificities, but also specific and distinct expression pattern and biological activities in vivo

    Applicability of organ-on-chip systems in toxicology and pharmacology.

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    Organ-on-chip (OoC) systems are microfabricated cell culture devices designed to model functional units of human organs by harboring an in vitro generated organ surrogate. In the present study, we reviewed issues and opportunities related to the application of OoC in the safety and efficacy assessment of chemicals and pharmaceuticals, as well as the steps needed to achieve this goal. The relative complexity of OoC over simple in vitro assays provides advantages and disadvantages in the context of compound testing. The broader biological domain of OoC potentially enhances their predictive value, whereas their complexity present issues with throughput, standardization and transferability. Using OoCs for regulatory purposes requires detailed and standardized protocols, providing reproducible results in an interlaboratory setting. The extent to which interlaboratory standardization of OoC is feasible and necessary for regulatory application is a matter of debate. The focus of applying OoCs in safety assessment is currently directed to characterization (the biology represented in the test) and qualification (the performance of the test). To this aim, OoCs are evaluated on a limited scale, especially in the pharmaceutical industry, with restricted sets of reference substances. Given the low throughput of OoC, it is questionable whether formal validation, in which many reference substances are extensively tested in different laboratories, is feasible for OoCs. Rather, initiatives such as open technology platforms, and collaboration between OoC developers and risk assessors may prove an expedient strategy to build confidence in OoCs for application in safety and efficacy assessment

    Innovative tools and methods for toxicity testing within PARC work package 5 on hazard assessment

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    New approach methodologies (NAMs) have the potential to become a major component of regulatory risk assessment, however, their actual implementation is challenging. The European Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC) was designed to address many of the challenges that exist for the development and implementation of NAMs in modern chemical risk assessment. PARC's proximity to national and European regulatory agencies is envisioned to ensure that all the research and innovation projects that are initiated within PARC agree with actual regulatory needs. One of the main aims of PARC is to develop innovative methodologies that will directly aid chemical hazard identification, risk assessment, and regulation/policy. This will facilitate the development of NAMs for use in risk assessment, as well as the transition from an endpoint-based animal testing strategy to a more mechanistic-based NAMs testing strategy, as foreseen by the Tox21 and the EU Chemical's Strategy for Sustainability. This work falls under work package 5 (WP5) of the PARC initiative. There are three different tasks within WP5, and this paper is a general overview of the five main projects in the Task 5.2 'Innovative Tools and methods for Toxicity Testing,' with a focus on Human Health. This task will bridge essential regulatory data gaps pertaining to the assessment of toxicological prioritized endpoints such as non-genotoxic carcinogenicity, immunotoxicity, endocrine disruption (mainly thyroid), metabolic disruption, and (developmental and adult) neurotoxicity, thereby leveraging OECD's and PARC's AOP frameworks. This is intended to provide regulatory risk assessors and industry stakeholders with relevant, affordable and reliable assessment tools that will ultimately contribute to the application of next-generation risk assessment (NGRA) in Europe and worldwide

    New approach methods to improve human health risk assessment of thyroid hormone system disruption-a PARC project.

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    Current test strategies to identify thyroid hormone (TH) system disruptors are inadequate for conducting robust chemical risk assessment required for regulation. The tests rely heavily on histopathological changes in rodent thyroid glands or measuring changes in systemic TH levels, but they lack specific new approach methodologies (NAMs) that can adequately detect TH-mediated effects. Such alternative test methods are needed to infer a causal relationship between molecular initiating events and adverse outcomes such as perturbed brain development. Although some NAMs that are relevant for TH system disruption are available-and are currently in the process of regulatory validation-there is still a need to develop more extensive alternative test batteries to cover the range of potential key events along the causal pathway between initial chemical disruption and adverse outcomes in humans. This project, funded under the Partnership for the Assessment of Risk from Chemicals (PARC) initiative, aims to facilitate the development of NAMs that are specific for TH system disruption by characterizing in vivo mechanisms of action that can be targeted by in embryo/in vitro/in silico/in chemico testing strategies. We will develop and improve human-relevant in vitro test systems to capture effects on important areas of the TH system. Furthermore, we will elaborate on important species differences in TH system disruption by incorporating non-mammalian vertebrate test species alongside classical laboratory rat species and human-derived in vitro assays

    Nucleolin, a Novel Partner for the Myb Transcription Factor Family That Regulates Their Activity

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    To unravel the mechanisms of action of transcriptional regulation by the Myb family of transcription factors, we have set out to isolate their protein partners. We identify nucleolin as one of the nuclear polypeptides that interact specifically with the A-Myb and c-Myb, but not B-Myb DNA-binding domains. We show unambiguously that this interaction is direct and takes place in vivo, as demonstrated by co-immunoprecipitation of the endogenously and exogenously expressed proteins. The minimal DNA-binding domain containing only the R2R3 c-Myb repeats is sufficient for nucleolin binding. Computer analysis of the R2R3 three-dimensional structure, as well as extensive mutational analysis within this region, reveals that the Arg(161) residue, present in c-Myb and A-Myb, but not B-Myb, is crucial for this interaction. We show that the interaction of nucleolin with Myb is functional because co-transfection of nucleolin down-regulates Myb transcriptional activity. Nucleolin is a multifunctional phosphoprotein present in both nucleoplasm and more abundantly in the nucleolus and shows helicase and chromatin decondensing activities. This is the first demonstration of nucleolin binding to a transcription factor

    New approach methods to improve human health risk assessment of thyroid hormone system disruption–a PARC project

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    Current test strategies to identify thyroid hormone (TH) system disruptors are inadequate for conducting robust chemical risk assessment required for regulation. The tests rely heavily on histopathological changes in rodent thyroid glands or measuring changes in systemic TH levels, but they lack specific new approach methodologies (NAMs) that can adequately detect TH-mediated effects. Such alternative test methods are needed to infer a causal relationship between molecular initiating events and adverse outcomes such as perturbed brain development. Although some NAMs that are relevant for TH system disruption are available–and are currently in the process of regulatory validation–there is still a need to develop more extensive alternative test batteries to cover the range of potential key events along the causal pathway between initial chemical disruption and adverse outcomes in humans. This project, funded under the Partnership for the Assessment of Risk from Chemicals (PARC) initiative, aims to facilitate the development of NAMs that are specific for TH system disruption by characterizing in vivo mechanisms of action that can be targeted by in embryo/in vitro/in silico/in chemico testing strategies. We will develop and improve human-relevant in vitro test systems to capture effects on important areas of the TH system. Furthermore, we will elaborate on important species differences in TH system disruption by incorporating non-mammalian vertebrate test species alongside classical laboratory rat species and human-derived in vitro assays